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Stunlocks everywhere

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PvP is filled with CCs and aegises. Willbenders and Harbringers dominate and fill all roles at the same time.


I mean I knew state of PvP unspeakably bad, but this is just straight kitten you to whoever clicks on that "play" button.


It reminds me of WoD expanion of WoW where entire teams revolved around CC stunlocks and who has more of them.

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4 hours ago, ManaPotato.3279 said:

PvP is filled with CCs and aegises. Willbenders and Harbringers dominate and fill all roles at the same time.


I mean I knew state of PvP unspeakably bad, but this is just straight kitten you to whoever clicks on that "play" button.


It reminds me of WoD expanion of WoW where entire teams revolved around CC stunlocks and who has more of them.

Ah yes, those willbender healers, those harbringer tanks really mess the meta up.

Way to discredit valid complaints by pairing them up with something obviously false.

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11 minutes ago, Morwath.9817 said:


I mean... Willbender? Seriously?

Wanna be Revenant without a Legend swap.

I'm also shocked but also don't think you're safe. Wars had dozens of people whining about endure pain and Revenant had their Infuse Light fiasco, wait until people find out you can F3 - > Renewed Focus - > F3 for 10 seconds of undownable by any means.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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6 hours ago, ManaPotato.3279 said:

PvP is filled with CCs and aegises. Willbenders


Are you playing the game dude? At all? Did you forget your password or something? 
Heres the tutorial link to reset it so you can come play the game the rest of us are.

You managed to pair the spec specifically designed to remove aegis with a complaint about it being overabundant.

Let that sink in.

Edited by Gwaihir.1745
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6 hours ago, ManaPotato.3279 said:


Not funny. I hate being chain-CCed. Whats so fun in CCing people till death?

If you get stunlocked and killed in a 1v1, you probably got outplayed. CC alone will not kill you, it doesn’t do any damage. Well timed combos and boon stacking into a landed stun will kill you. You aren’t being CC’d to death, rather, you are dying when CCd. 

Some solutions to your in-game struggles; dodge the CC, put in stab to stop the CC, use another mitigation to stop the CC (blind, block, aegis, invulnerable, evade skill), use a stun break. 

If you find yourself; out of dodges, out of stun breaks, out of CC, out of blinds, out of blocks, or out of panic buttons, and you get CC’d then killed, you were almost certainly outplayed. 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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9 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

TBH I read the thread title and that it was "Stunbreaks Everywhere" and thought it was going to be a fun troll thread about there being too many stunbreaks for CC to do it's job properly. Man was I disappointed...

What? No, no. Just a typo, i'm sure. 

There are indeed too many stunbreaks. 🔨 😈


Good luck using them a second time at those Cooldowns tho 

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take a look at Rangers stunbreaks and Stabi.....(WvW-split) Protectme: 24 seconds, quickdraw 24 aswell, Flipping DOLYAKSTANCE THAT GIVES 6 Seconds of stabi AAAAND Stunbreaks:30 seconds... Now add the fact that you can actually dodge the CC skills and dont get hit by them everytime, because there is blind/Aegis aswell and add a littlebit of Stability on top from The Elite, and now add that CC skills literally dont hurt and it suddenly becomes apparent that in the battle of CC vs. Stunbreaks & stabi. The Stunbreaks and stabi win by a mile!


CC is imo pretty underwhelming atm. If you have stabi for example and use a CC skill on someone... NOTHING HAPPENS. They dont even receive damage. Sometimes you cant wait out a stabi and you literally have to cc someone twice to stop the enemy. But you essentially blew 2 HighCD skills to do 0 damage and knock the enemy down for 1 second.... WHAT IS THAT!?!? He just used a stunbreak and.... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENDE!!!! BLASPHEMY! I thought CC is overpowered! 😧


Edited by Sahne.6950
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It sure can get annoying if you have a cc incoming every few seconds. But usually I think it is a necro chaining 2-3 fears. And a single enemy is not a problem - because after chaining they will have all of them a bit on a CD for a few more seconds. (Usually not tooo long though. CC has low cooldown and stunbreaks have higher cooldown.) 2 enemies (especially if it is 2 vs 1) chaining their CC are more annoying then. Feels like one always has a CC skill available that is no ton CD.

But I guess it also depends on the class/profession and build and the team/setting. If you take a lot of stunbreak skills ... you can't use other stuff that might be better. If you take a lof of CC skills ... same. I just try to avoid 1 vs. 2 if I notice there are 2 people always running together and both of them spamming CC.

Perma stability on the other hand (or even a good stunbreak that also gives a decent amount of stability) ... is a different thing. Really strong - I agree.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Here is a tip, don't stun break unless absolutely you have to. This means you can soak up 2-3 stuns before you break them.

Sometimes when I fight and become stunned I notice I'm taking 0 damage so I can just wait out the stun. Same with immobilize, most people don't capitalize on their stun anyway unless they group up so just break them when you need to move.

Edited by Mell.4873
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I feel attacked lol I've been playing core warrior with Hammer and mace/mace with almost as much CC as I can fit and it can literally hold people in place for more than 15 seconds if they can't break.

With the buffs to hammer, it can really hurt despite my hardest hitting CC skill being mace 3 at a whopping 300 damage. 

Edited by CutesySylveon.8290
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