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Just can't get into EoD like I did the other xpacs.....

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18 hours ago, TheAgedGnome.7520 said:


  • Story was pretty good.  Beyond the overworked Aurene deus ex machina role, the big negative for me is the proliferation of half-assed technobabble, in true Star Trek:TNG style, to explain situations and resolve them.  This has been true of many story episodes in the past; I had hoped this time would be different.


I fully sympathise with your technobabble comment and it's been irking me since Taimi got introduced into the game. Pact Commander ofter seems to only be the right hand of Taimi with her warpcore-subspace-emitter-antenna-configuration-plasma-module stuff. So it's not 'deus ex machina' airlines cruising over Tyria, it's 'Taimi ex machina' airlines.

And yeah, I truly hate that character. It's like one of Bob From Marketing's ideas about "oh, we should have a cheeky, smartalec childish puppy with big eyes and ears to make manga fans buy the game.

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4 hours ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

I fully sympathise with your technobabble comment and it's been irking me since Taimi got introduced into the game. Pact Commander ofter seems to only be the right hand of Taimi with her warpcore-subspace-emitter-antenna-configuration-plasma-module stuff. So it's not 'deus ex machina' airlines cruising over Tyria, it's 'Taimi ex machina' airlines.

And yeah, I truly hate that character. It's like one of Bob From Marketing's ideas about "oh, we should have a cheeky, smartalec childish puppy with big eyes and ears to make manga fans buy the game.

Also it is like anet forgot that she was dying.. I hoped she was dead at the beginning of eod, but noooo...

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4 hours ago, Hollowhisper.1093 said:

I fully sympathise with your technobabble comment and it's been irking me since Taimi got introduced into the game. Pact Commander ofter seems to only be the right hand of Taimi with her warpcore-subspace-emitter-antenna-configuration-plasma-module stuff. So it's not 'deus ex machina' airlines cruising over Tyria, it's 'Taimi ex machina' airlines.

And yeah, I truly hate that character. It's like one of Bob From Marketing's ideas about "oh, we should have a cheeky, smartalec childish puppy with big eyes and ears to make manga fans buy the game.

Before going into EoD I watched a couple of reviews mentioning that a major character will die in the story and I was sincerely hoping it was Taimi. I really cannot stand that character ...


As for EoD overall, I think it is probably the worst expansion of them (I don't hate it though). The story is pretty solid and I really like the new maps except for New Kaineng, that one is just absolutely terrible. I hate traversing it even with Skyscale. I don't even want to imagine what it's like without Skyscale. And then everything looks so dead in that giant city, it's just weird. Also whats with the awkward placement of waypoints. All the EoD maps feel kind of empty though when it comes to events and other players. I'm not sure if it's because they are so big but something weird is going on here.


The Jadebot also doesn't feel nearly as impactful as the glider and especially the mounts. In the old maps you get an enhanced rezz and a custom waypoint but both of these have so much cooldown that they barely matter, in the new maps you get temporary stat buffs/zip lining but the former is pretty neglible and the latter is kind of obsolete if you have Skyscale. The skiff is pretty cool but outside of fishing it's pretty useless since we have the Skimmer.


And then there is the issue of the elite specs that are all over the place ...

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I think it needed more time in the oven, on many levels.

Characters get introduced and dropped too fast. There was no build up to getting the forces in the Dragon's End meta into working together the same way there was in befriending the natives in HoT or playing cloak and daggers/politics in Path of Fire.

The storyline feel like it was axed, paradoxally to the previous point, it's a very character driven storyline, meaning little is spent on the culture of such a culture rich environement that would normally be found in a closed off country. More to the point, because the story is character driven, and characters are named and dropped immediately, the story feels shallow.

Many of the item sets are doubled simply by having a recolor, something which thus far they had never done : Saltspray, Jade Tech and Flame Serpent sets all have a duplicate recolored version. To their credit, the non set weapons (and armors) are pretty well made.

The masteries introduced are hit and miss. Fishing is a welcome distraction, but if you think about it, we haven't been on a major water map, in spite of the skiff, fishing and turtle mastery to be based on water (or significantly related for the turtle). I believe we should have been able to visit submerged Kaineng City.

I feel like more was planned but was cut due to budget/time constraints. My main hope is that we get to see what was cut in Living World episodes.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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EoD has left me looking elsewhere to spend my free time.  The combination of game bugs, poorly tuned events and lack of repeatable content was a real disappointment. 

Which is a shame because I think the Zones were executed very well from a thematic and world building standpoint.  Yet even then, New Kaineng is a giant waste of space that is being underutilized.  There could be so much more using the upper levels of the city that feels like a missed opportunity and compounds the empty feeling that some players have noted. 

Also, why don't we have Bounties like PoF or other events that run opposite the Meta events?  At this point, why would I be going to an EoD zone if not for one of the Metas?

Jade Bots are, interesting, but really don't add much to the table in regards to engaging content.  Losing the buffs when swapping maps or zones is a reminder that you have to waste time getting batteries and buffs before you actually play the game.  The modules are fine but, really unimpactful and boring mostly due to the passive nature of it all.  I really thought the Jade Bot was going to provide more interaction on a regular basis when they were announced, not this nonsense.

Fishing is, well, why would I bother with this mini game that received so much attention.  Grinding for RNG is a terrible way to play a game.  Yet we have how many Achievements dedicated to this useless mode?  Skiffs are fine, but, again, why am I logging into a game to play a 3 button mini game that is all Grind and RNG?  Without Fishing, Skiffs are relatively useless compared to Skimmer.

Turtles?  Being 'fun' isn't a reason for them to exist, and the handful of world events that can benefit from them doesn't give them any additional value.  Seeing these used as the new Bobblehead/Aviator annoyance where players are parking Turtles on top of Banners, Food and Chests at world events.  Or just adding to the impossible to see clutter during boss fights where yahoos on Turtles run in circles, blocking vision and impeding the ability to select a target easily.

As it stands, I have little reason to go to EoD zones, and the other major talking points from the EoD are pretty poor and/or negatively impacting my enjoyment.  I want to play this game but, the content just isn't that good right now.  Maybe the Season 1 re-releases will change that up a bit.

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16 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

EoD has left me looking elsewhere to spend my free time.  The combination of game bugs, poorly tuned events and lack of repeatable content was a real disappointment. 

This makes me feel like we have played two completely different expacs. 

-there have been a notorious small amount of bugs in this expac. This was such a smooth launch I would almost call a miracle. 


-poorly tuned events? Maybe dragons end? But there it is mostly a case of a few overall small mistakes. 


-repeatability, strikes were added immidiatly with the expac, on top of the Metas and fishing. Now you can dislike these aspects, but they are repeatable content to different degrees. 

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5 minutes ago, yann.1946 said:

This makes me feel like we have played two completely different expacs. 

-there have been a notorious small amount of bugs in this expac. This was such a smooth launch I would almost call a miracle. 


-poorly tuned events? Maybe dragons end? But there it is mostly a case of a few overall small mistakes. 


-repeatability, strikes were added immidiatly with the expac, on top of the Metas and fishing. Now you can dislike these aspects, but they are repeatable content to different degrees. 

If you look at the Patch Notes you can see the many different updates that the Meta events required, from fixing bugs, tweaking playability and increasing rewards.  How many times did the Seitung Province meta bug out in the 2 weeks before it was fixed?  Or New Kaineng?  I don't even need to address Dragon's End, that has been a well documented mess that may or may not still require more tweaks.

Even the smaller events, many required tweaks and fixes to make them work, or even start properly.  The story as well having it's share of issues that blocked progress.

eSpecs even, being added to the game without any real balance coming until June/July?  I feel for the Elementalist/Catalyst community who waited a month to have a playable eSpec.

My take away of the EoD launch was that almost every time I logged in I was going to encounter a bug or issue that would prevent me from actually doing what I had set out to do.  This expansion launch felt more like a Public Beta than a real release.

While it has gotten better, this experience has turned me off the game in general.  I don't have time to waste playing a game that is broken or buggy, and I wasted a lot of time doing just that in March.

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1 hour ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

If you look at the Patch Notes you can see the many different updates that the Meta events required, from fixing bugs, tweaking playability and increasing rewards.  How many times did the Seitung Province meta bug out in the 2 weeks before it was fixed?  Or New Kaineng?  I don't even need to address Dragon's End, that has been a well documented mess that may or may not still require more tweaks.

Even the smaller events, many required tweaks and fixes to make them work, or even start properly.  The story as well having it's share of issues that blocked progress.

Have you compared this to other expac launches? Because even with all those its still on of the smoothest expac launches ive seen.


eSpecs even, being added to the game without any real balance coming until June/July?  I feel for the Elementalist/Catalyst community who waited a month to have a playable eSpec.

Ironicly the meta has a whole (at least in pve i cant speak for pvp) has been in one oif the healthiest positions it has been in a while. Most specs are playable.


My take away of the EoD launch was that almost every time I logged in I was going to encounter a bug or issue that would prevent me from actually doing what I had set out to do.  This expansion launch felt more like a Public Beta than a real release.

While it has gotten better, this experience has turned me off the game in general.  I don't have time to waste playing a game that is broken or buggy, and I wasted a lot of time doing just that in March.

Then your perception might just not match the reality of the game. Remember that you have to compare this to previous expacs.


Edit: This is not me saying you should find the expac fun or anything btw, i just wanted to point out that the things you complained about where way more prelevant in the previous expacs and the reason you suddenly find them more problematic atm might have some diiferent reasen.

Edited by yann.1946
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2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

Have you compared this to other expac launches? Because even with all those its still on of the smoothest expac launches ive seen.

Not for GW2, I started a few weeks after HoT, and was not around for PoF.  If those were worse than EoD then I feel fortunate to have missed those releases as they happened.  Yet I never recall any of the HoT Meta's simply failing to progress the way Seitung and New Kainang had, maybe I missed that moment in time though.

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Don't get me wrong, I love this game and it's my favorite game of all time. There are some things which I think the expac did well but a lot of others that really missed the mark for me. Overall, I can't say I like the direction that EoD went in. All these are purely my opinion and based on my own perspective so take it as you will. 


Let's start with the actual masteries.


Siege turtle - Love that you can WP with a friend within the same map which is a nice QoL addition and significantly reduces the need for TP to friends. 

Jade Bots - Vitality boost is great. I recommended for an open world buffing system long ago to help certain classes that can't provide independent buffing in open world gameplay so I'm really pleased with the Offensive and Defensive protocols. Rescue protocol + personal WP are also nice in a pinch.  



Fishing - More a hobby than something I actually need to do. All I know is that you do them for some collections and stuff and I really have no reason to do them. 

Skiff - Not sure what the point of these are other than to provide an accessory to the fishing mechanic. 

Arborstone - Are these masteries really necessary? I mean what's the point? It's essentially another EotN. 




HPs - Easy to get so I can easily spec another character once I have my portal scroll.

Map Comp - Extremely easy to do with a skyscale.

Metas - Always appreciate a new meta because it's something else to do. 



MPs - Too easy to get. I put almost no effort into anything and still got to max mastery level. 

Underutilized space - Maps are huge but there's a general feeling that there's really nothing there at all to do despite all that space. Mai Trin has an apartment in New Kaineng. Could have been a great way to introduce something that is available even in mobile MMOs instead of some of the other stuff. For the record, I have my own GH that I use primarily for this purpose.

Metas - Some of these really take too kitten long. Rewards are really underwhelming for the time investment and therefore, almost pointless.


Elite Specs


Build Diversity - New classes usable in different roles. I especially like that new supports are viable while some of the old stuff still remains relevant. 



Class design - I could go on about this for hours. I absolutely hate some of the stuff they've done. Stuff like Cata and WB  for example, absolutely need to get optimal hits on a target to be useful which makes things unnecessarily difficult and clunky. The DPS variant on the latter NEEDS to greed and doesn't really offer anything else when the structure of party play demands some contribution for certain things. It's a condi class that plays like a power which sounds good but really isn't especially given the laughable burst.  Even a heal variant on Cata plays like a DPS relying on hits which makes things unnecessarily clunky due to bosses moving around more frequently than before. Energy management should be reworked IMO because these just don't make sense on certain builds. The AI on the Mech's bot is just annoying and the UI doesn't help. It's absolute aids to play on certain fights because you can't get it to follow you properly. Both these classes can give a number of boons and vuln which is great. Haven't really touched specter but the consensus from some friend is that it suffers from a lack of utility. HB or Ren remain better picks in most situations due to having better utilities, Stab, Blocks and CC especially. Why use Cata instead of Cqb? The latter is much easier to play and offers significantly better utility. You NEED certain things for the game to feel smooth and having a proper support who can protect you from certains mechanics is 1 of them. They literally have a trait that could allow you to aurashare stab which would put HB in serious jeopardy, but this comes at the cost of you not coming anywhere close to capping boons which is kind of the whole point. Even DPS classes like Virt or Specter struggle with cleave which is essential for most gameplay formats. In most pug groups, you could do top DPS with a Mechanist just spamming 1 and 2 or bomb kit because the other classes are so convoluted that the average player can't play them well.  Where exactly is the tradeoff for the increased difficulty in gameplay? A marginal DPS increase? Sorry but you have to do a lot better than that. Other classes can still do stuff better and still feel much smoother to play.


Exposed (Con)

Like seriously just do away with this buff. Other than stopping a boss mechanic, there's no reason for the CC bar to exist anymore. It's absolute crap now and makes stuff like fractals feel unnecessarily long. Pug fractals especially are really not fun to do now. Instead make Offensive and Defensive protocols available everywhere along with the Soo-Won style event buff being applicable for a couple hours everywhere after you've done certain Metas or some kitten.


Strike Missions 


Mechanics - New strikes have a bunch of mechanics that are raid-like. 



Time - These are absurdly long in unorganized or casual groups and DO NOT prepare casual players for raid-like content. You can literally heal and revive your way through the entire thing if you wanted without a DPS check. Enrage timer or some other mechanic should be introduced into these. What makes IBS strikes popular is that they're easy to do without taking too long and players feel rewarded after doing them. This is also why dungeons were popular for so long. These new strikes are just timegated behind large health bars, mechanics and interruptions to the fight which are really not smooth gameplay at all and not in line with the rest of the game.  


Content - There are only 4 of these and the rewards aren't really all that good. By the time the CMs come out, I would have completely lost interest in doing these. From my perspective, killing other game modes like dungeons or fracs doesn't do the game any favours when the replacement content is nowhere near enough to compensate for this loss.  You have 20 fractals or more which are rotated on a daily basis so it doesn't become stale. There are 7 raid wings with at least 3 bosses in each one along with some other events. This is the same 4 that you literally have no reason to do after doing them once in a week? Even then it's questionable if it's even worth the time. The way these strikes are designed is not going to carry the game forward because there just aren't enough of them nor are there incentives to keep you occupied on a daily basis.  I'm not sure what they're going to do with WvW but I can tell you now with some certainty that I wouldn't do it any more than I do now which is just the dailies because I just don't like it that much, nor do I enjoy being forced to play stuff that I don't want to. For the record, I do have the WvW legendary ring after farming casually for a very long time.


Story fights - These are literally the same things you do in the story pretty much. They could have designed it like FF14 where the actual strike was part of the story instead of being a separate entity. Now it just feels like the story that's being dragged out for no reason.



Personally loved core story and the way your character could make decisions. I really don't like how MY character is being portrayed in a way that I would never play it or behave in certain situations. Don't like how long those take either especially given that most of it is unskippable RP. I understand a lot of work has gone into this but it's work I just can't appreciate when the game has something that was there before that I think was much better. 



The rewards from doing certain things are garbage. There's no other way to put it. Nerfing other stuff to try to compensate for this just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. There's a lot in this game that are perfectly enjoyable endgame content if they are kept relevant alongside this new stuff.  The game doesn't really work if this is the only thing they're trying to push. There really isn't enough there.


Let me put things into perspective. I have all the legendary weapons from gen 1 and 2 and spent years doing it. I am aware that I represent a minority in this regard. I have no reason to farm the new ones other than aesthetics.  There's not really anything much for me to do now other than get HPs and do metas in EoD just to kill time.


I understand that a lot of work has gone into this and I do think they got certain things right, but I just can't bring myself to appreciate this expac and overall, I just feel underwhelmed. In order for me it's Fracs -> Dungeons -> Raids -> Metas -> Core content (including map comp)-> LS -> HoT -> IBS -> PoF -> EoD -> WvW -> Collections  and anything after HoT, I didn't really enjoy.



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I love doing metas in this game, so I was initially excited when I saw each map had a meta, spread half an hour apart from one another.  Turns out they each take at least 35 minutes, with the first half filled with pure tedium (especially Kaineng and Echovald).


I do like the jade bots though, nice new resource sink for the community.

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On 4/7/2022 at 12:07 PM, decease.3215 said:

When they announced EOD.  I really get my hope up..hoping skiff would be useful.. Under water combat is coming back...sadly some of the new spec don't even work under water...I guess pof really set the bar of expectation high..



Take the mounts out of PoF and it's a wasted expansion to me. I could care less about bounties.  The metas are okay but not great and certainly not rewarding.  The creatures have an aggro range that's just too high.  Without mounts, I thought that both HoT and EOD are better than POF.  POF has the least replayability of any of the metas, though mounts of course, bring it up to standard.

The question becomes, now that we have mounts already and we have gliding what could you add that will really change the game that much.  I think people expect each expansion to change the game as much as the last, but it's not really realistic.

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17 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The question becomes, now that we have mounts already and we have gliding what could you add that will really change the game that much.  I think people expect each expansion to change the game as much as the last, but it's not really realistic.

After HoT added gliding (and all the other new and fun ways of map travel) I could not imagine what else could change the game this much, again. Even some people said before PoF, it's not realistic to expect the next expansion to change the game as much as the last.

And then Anet explored the topic of map travel again and added mounts to the game with PoF. But not just mounts, but mounts that are (as a lot of people say) the best mounts in the MMO industry.

With HoT and PoF not all masteries had the same impact. But they all shared a common concept. With EoD it seems like random, leftover masteries ideas are put together without a clear common concept. With EoD, probably no one will say that GW2 has the best fishing, multiplayer mounts and boats in the MMO industry. I'm not even talking about Jade Bots and Arborstone.

And fishing looks like it is just a copy of Stardew valley. https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing

Maybe you are right and it is not realistic to expect from the actual studio the same creative quality they have put into HoT and PoF. But I still hope Anet will do better in the future.

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I think every expansion besides features, has a different aim. It doesn't mean the expansion in generally horrible it just means for you it didn't cross enough satisfying boxes for now. They are still optimizing the maps and we have a balance patch coming this summer. I do agree that elite specs can make or break motivation because people want to play something different since we only get around 10 new skills in total to last us for years per spec. Many of us never played season 1 so Mai and aetherblade involvement is less impactful but they will be rectifying that with the new rerelease.

Vote with your dollars and vote with your time.

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