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End of Dragons - End of My Fun in Guild Wars 2

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There are already several threads about this topic. You are not adding anything new to the discussion, so why open a new one? 

If you don’t like the meta, just don’t do it. It’s so simple. 
I really like the meta event. It helps if you do it in an organized group and a commander who knows what to do. I have now done it more than 20 times, all successful but one time in the first week after release. There is not much RNG left it seems. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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"The event in End of Dragons"...you make it sound like the entire expansion is one event. If you don't enjoy it that's fine, you don't need to do it (it's not even required for the turtle mount any more), you can skip that one event and play whatever else you like, including the rest of the expansion.

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oI enjoyed the DE meta but replay value for me is based on playing content with my guildmates or rewards. As the rewards are lacking, my guild group doesnt replay the event and neither do I. A .0001% chance of an infusion drop is not rewarding so no change.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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57 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

"The event in End of Dragons"...you make it sound like the entire expansion is one event. If you don't enjoy it that's fine, you don't need to do it (it's not even required for the turtle mount any more), you can skip that one event and play whatever else you like, including the rest of the expansion.

I've completed the event before, including getting the turtle.

But the point is not to do other events, because I don't like the EOD final map event.

It's a whole context that involves what I described in the first post.

I've been playing Guild wars 2 for 8 years as I mentioned earlier... and since then I've never been so frustrated with the game, and I see that this is not an isolated case.

Games for me are synonymous with fun.

For now, I'll be really taking a break, and keep an eye out for the next updates.

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I am not a fan of participation trophies. If there is not a potential for failure then my contribution to success is irrelevant. I like the DE meta, but improved rewards along the way might be nice so that, even if we dont manage to pull off a victory, there is a sense of time well spent anyway. Hope you can take this as an opportunity to reflect on what your group did well, and do more of that next time, and what it did poorly, and do less of that next time. GLHF.

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Sometimes it's good to take a break and step away from a game.  Play the parts that interest you, don't frustrate yourself to the point of anger and negativity.  I enjoy the DE meta, but I would like better rewards...Drizzlewood Coast level of loot would be great.  Step away for a while, take a breath, enjoy something else 💜 

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Wow.  None of these posts so far has actually addressed the issue.

This meta needs to be handled like Triple Trouble - it needs to be done with a very well organized group to succeed.  And you'll need to be on Discord, and/or pay close attention to chat-based direction from the squad leader(s).  

You'll need to bring a well-geared character that you play well, and can survive well in difficult combat.

Do pre-events and get the contribution buff to 10%.  And Use your Jadebot to get stacks of Offensive and Defensive Protocol to last through the end of the event

But the most important of these is to get into a well organized group and follow instructions.  Use LFG,  and get into the map early.  If the pre-events do not progress quickly and well, or the commander does not seem like they're doing an exceptionally good job - then leave the map or realize that you're just farming writs this run.

We don't know if this level of difficulty was intended because this meta has been plagued with bugs that make defeating the boss significantly more difficult.  These bugs may or may not have been resolved at this point.  Victory is not assured, even if you do what you're supposed to do. I was on a successful run last night, but it was a *very* well organized group.

Edited by Elden Arnaas.4870
formatting, clarification
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3 hours ago, Elden Arnaas.4870 said:

Wow.  None of these posts so far has actually addressed the issue.

This meta needs to be handled like Triple Trouble - it needs to be done with a very well organized group to succeed.  And you'll need to be on Discord, and/or pay close attention to chat-based direction from the squad leader(s).  

You'll need to bring a well-geared character that you play well, and can survive well in difficult combat.

Do pre-events and get the contribution buff to 10%.  And Use your Jadebot to get stacks of Offensive and Defensive Protocol to last through the end of the event

But the most important of these is to get into a well organized group and follow instructions.  Use LFG,  and get into the map early.  If the pre-events do not progress quickly and well, or the commander does not seem like they're doing an exceptionally good job - then leave the map or realize that you're just farming writs this run.

We don't know if this level of difficulty was intended because this meta has been plagued with bugs that make defeating the boss significantly more difficult.  These bugs may or may not have been resolved at this point.  Victory is not assured, even if you do what you're supposed to do. I was on a successful run last night, but it was a *very* well organized group.

Good summary of what needs to happen for a successful meta.  Clearly the OP has not been fortunate in their limited time to find a successful group.  It's harder than it should be for an open world meta, for many players.  TT, Dragonstand, Dragonfall, and some others can all fail if people do not follow instructions or do not work together on events.  However, it feels like some are simply giving up instead of helping or improving or helping guide others for a smoother game play.  Throwing up your hands saying it's too hard, maybe it's time to take a step back, do something else, or wait for it to be nerfed.

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So, you are considering to quit the game...

Because you fail one completely optional meta event, the only one in the entire expansion...

Because it does not guarantuee you with a win just for showing up? 

Perhaps the meta is not meant for you in that case, because plenty of us like it and regularly clear it.

So simply do the 99.9% of the content the expansion came with that is meant for you and your playstyle instead?

Edited by Wielder Of Magic.3950
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5 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

So, you are considering to quit the game...

Because you fail one completely optional meta event, the only one in the entire expansion...

It's not a "completely optional event". It's an event Anet devs themselves called a culmination of 10 years of storyline. It is supposed to be the Event. And yet its something that's only for a small minority of players.

Basicaly, that "culmination of 10 years of GW2 storyline" ends up being a major disappointment for a large part of the community. Frankly, i'm not surprised people are not talking that well. I'm surprised however that devs don't seem to realize this is what is happening.

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Because 60% apparently clears it, and Anet themselves said that is very close to what they feel is a great spot. 

The meta only asks very basic things of people, the problem is that people dislike having personal responsibility. 

Marionette had the same issue with the platform phases in a way.

But, if you nerf this event to the level of other world bosses, the community will not only never improve, you also severely restrict Anet in how they can design any future bosses.


Split phases: can't do that, people fail them (despite splitphases being in the game since 2012 and killing things at the same time has also been used multiple times as an open world mechanic). 

3D navigation: can't do that, people don't understand how orbs work (despite this going back as far as Tequatl whirlpools). 

Breakbars: can't do that, people still cannot break them and don't know what CC does (despite being a staple since 2015). 

A basic threshold for damage in combination with a time limit: Cannot do that because people are on average very bad when it comes to dealing damage.


It restricts your design to essentially loot pinãtas with close to no timer, close to no mechanics, and pretty close to no threatening moves. 

If people are having trouble with mechanics that Anet has desperately used in events for years on end, that is on the player, and not on Anet's design. 

At some point you have to ask players to sink or swim. 




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48 minutes ago, Wielder Of Magic.3950 said:

Because 60% apparently clears it, and Anet themselves said that is very close to what they feel is a great spot. 

The meta only asks very basic things of people, the problem is that people dislike having personal responsibility. 

Marionette had the same issue with the platform phases in a way.

But, if you nerf this event to the level of other world bosses, the community will not only never improve, you also severely restrict Anet in how they can design any future bosses.


Split phases: can't do that, people fail them (despite splitphases being in the game since 2012 and killing things at the same time has also been used multiple times as an open world mechanic). 

3D navigation: can't do that, people don't understand how orbs work (despite this going back as far as Tequatl whirlpools). 

Breakbars: can't do that, people still cannot break them and don't know what CC does (despite being a staple since 2015). 

A basic threshold for damage in combination with a time limit: Cannot do that because people are on average very bad when it comes to dealing damage.


It restricts your design to essentially loot pinãtas with close to no timer, close to no mechanics, and pretty close to no threatening moves. 

If people are having trouble with mechanics that Anet has desperately used in events for years on end, that is on the player, and not on Anet's design. 

At some point you have to ask players to sink or swim. 




I'll play devil's advocate just for fun here....agree with you btw.  But if there are so many different mechanics that people are still not comprehending after this many years, is it just the players or the game design is the issue?  People have trouble doing anything largely besides the classic tank and spank, hit the big monster.  They don't do well with dodging, self healing, dancing with the boss, and following instructions.  Add breakbars, x, y, and z axis planes for fighting, and other mechanics and they tend to fail.  And since that's part of the game for a long time, do the players not learn or does it need to be adjusted? When is too much, too much?

Lol back to your points...yep, it becomes loot pinatas...good description.  People do not improve or wonder why do I keep dying.  I died the first time I did DE, took me a try to understand what I was dodging and what it looked like.  Now I seldom am downed.  That comes back to as you said personal responsibility.  This isn't a fight where you just stand and hit 1 and let everyone do the work for you.  I actually really enjoy it, even though it is disappointing to run out of time when you are down to just a little left.  Definitely will limit their creative fights, but I do think they alternate with stand and dps vs run around and stay alive fights fairly well.  

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Ever since the changes, every group i'm in alway suceed, even 2 group that have terrible performance

1 group ignore tail and just dps through, got screwed by rng butsucceeded with 2 mins left

Another group wasn't really organized, succeeded with 1:30 mins left

At this point, it really no longer event design fault but players willingness to learn the mechanic

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12 hours ago, Nabunda.8327 said:

I've done everything I wanted, pvp, wvw, raid, legendary armor, 18 legendary weapons... trinkets

My eyes are bleeding seein a casual gamer that plays few hours a week talking about legendary that are a massive grind, and, at the same time complaining about failing an event of less than 2 hours cos he joined a mega random team. Cos i havent failed Dragon End since first 2 week of launch. 

Edited by Izzy.2951
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And yet its something that's only for a small minority of players.

I'm surprised however that devs don't seem to realize this is what is happening.

Perhaps ANet has access to more information than is available to us and have reason to believe that the 60% completion rate includes more players than we give credit for.

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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I'm surprised however that devs don't seem to realize this is what is happening.

The devs have clearly stated already they want the DE meta to be epic and somehow "hard", it has a high sucess rate already +60% with some nerfs and people understanding the game better. I think its fair for Gw2 to take other directions than just doing the same thing they have been doing for years of giving all for free and being boring (which is actually the perception players have from outside). And in fact a lot of people like me likes the event!

Its good to have something different than just the typical world boss, spam 1 kill it and get your "reward". But people like you dont seem to apreaciate it. Actually the changes you want for the game will kill it more than benefit it.

Yeah it is so bad that EoD has outsell PoF already and the game is more active than ever...

Edited by Izzy.2951
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"Game goes from toddler difficulty to needing to be able to walk" 

"The game it dead to me!😡"

But sure, make more metas that throws millions of gold at players for finding the auto attack button. 

Was the fight overturned at the very start? Sure. But it's been nerfed sooooooooooo much now. 


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3 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

"Game goes from toddler difficulty to needing to be able to walk" 

"The game it dead to me!😡"

But sure, make more metas that throws millions of gold at players for finding the auto attack button. 

Was the fight overturned at the very start? Sure. But it's been nerfed sooooooooooo much now. 


This. People want gw2 to be dead it seems by making it an autoatack simulator...

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4 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

The devs have clearly stated already they want the DE meta to be epic and somehow "hard", it has a high sucess rate already +60% with some nerfs and people understanding the game better.

Nah. The completion rate goes up because the people with near zero success rate just stopped running it. Soon there will only be those 90% success rate groups left, which will mean that this will be fine, right? It will not matter that it will have participation rates on the level of Triple Trouble or Serpent Ire, right? It will be an epic culmination of 10 years of storyline, that barely anyone will be able to enjoy.

Yes, i think that's going to go really well.

4 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Its good to have something different than just the typical world boss, spam 1 kill it and get your "reward". But people like you dont seem to apreaciate it. Actually the changes you want for the game will kill it more than benefit it.

The one that wants the changes is not me. And raid history should tell you exactly how well those changes you want will work out in the long run. Hint: not very well.

4 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Yeah it is so bad that EoD has outsell PoF already and the game is more active than ever...

Sure, it has outsold PoF. Have you wondered, though, that most of the sales happened before people even had a chance of seeing EoD? And that nowadays it seems like old content seems to be significantly better populated than EoD - an expansion that is still very fresh and should be chock-full of players, but is not?

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