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Bring legendaries to the gemstore just like china servers have it. COME ON ANET!

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3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Making legendaries isn't really playing the game in my opinion.. more like standing around and going to the TP a lot for materials.

That’s nonsense. It includes going to the TP, that’s correct. But you get gold and materials by playing the game. 

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21 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

And where do you think those materials come from...?
Or where do you get the gold to "go to the TP"?

Sure you may swipe for it (and that's fine for you, I appreciate you buying my materials), but I think you have an awfully narrowminded view on how virtual worlds are interconnected with others, especially when it comes to virtual economies.

So then, I ask you, how is making a gemstore purchase, "playing the game"?  You may not enjoy buying a bunch of materials, but you can't argue that the alternative methods proposed in this thread can be classified as "playing the game"? A game presents a certain set of challenges given specific parameters that you have to overcome. These posts are all the same, they literally are begging Anet to "remove parameters" so people can get a "reward" for whatever they feel is "suitable". Rise to the challenge gamers!!

Anyway, I am done here... It's obvious that what all these kinds of posts really want is just "easy leggies please". I mean, even Ashen's post above makes that crystal clear. Even though he admits he could buy a Gen 1 or whatever, he thinks it's too "expensive". 


Gems mostly.. I tend to get a few mats in open world but not many as all the high level maps have the same useless nodes.. I do not really farm mats as i get bored and log off if i do. I do not do metas.

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4 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Gems mostly.. I tend to get a few mats in open world but not many as all the high level maps have the same useless nodes.. I do not really farm mats as i get bored and log off if i do. I do not do metas.

Can i ask you a question?
How are you playing gw2? From your'e posts here in the forum it seems like you have a lot of problems with this games, because of your'e skill-lvl. And now you add, that you buy mats, aka most, with Gems?

I do not want to and can not dictate to anyone what he enjoys but ... do you enjoy GW2?


Also, China and especially the asian markt is so diferent from the Western markt. Asian are a kind of themself in my experience. They tend to spend more in general, but also grind a lot more. It's not for nothing that all these f2p titles where you grind for days to level up a single lvl are popular with these people. I really wonder if there are also difference gameplay-wise between our GW2 and there GW2.

So, a big No from me. This would add nothing to the game. Yes, Anet would make a bit money, but anet would also lose a lot of people because of this. And the fact that people, statet in this thread, alreade buy legy's via gems would make their decision really stupid. Because, also as stated, you want it cheaper and what would be the benefit for anet when they would do this?

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On 4/28/2022 at 1:26 AM, firedragon.8953 said:

And where do you think those materials come from...?
Or where do you get the gold to "go to the TP"?

Sure you may swipe for it (and that's fine for you, I appreciate you buying my materials), but I think you have an awfully narrowminded view on how virtual worlds are interconnected with others, especially when it comes to virtual economies.

So then, I ask you, how is making a gemstore purchase, "playing the game"?  You may not enjoy buying a bunch of materials, but you can't argue that the alternative methods proposed in this thread can be classified as "playing the game"? A game presents a certain set of challenges given specific parameters that you have to overcome. These posts are all the same, they literally are begging Anet to "remove parameters" so people can get a "reward" for whatever they feel is "suitable". Rise to the challenge gamers!!

Anyway, I am done here... It's obvious that what all these kinds of posts really want is just "easy leggies please". I mean, even Ashen's post above makes that crystal clear. Even though he admits he could buy a Gen 1 or whatever, he thinks it's too "expensive". 


I do not think that the act of swiping a credit card is playing the game but it is over in seconds and then I can get back to playing the game. Making a legendary means not playing the game for an extended period of time. Going to work in order to be able to pay my electric bill so that I can play the game later is not playing the game either, and is generally more rewarding than making legendaries.

And yes, the current TP prices for legendary weapons is higher than I am inclined to pay. I am also disinclined to buy from players who are participating in this system. More power to those who enjoy  crafting crafting legendaries, or who consider spending that much (real money or otherwise) on an in game item to be reasonable.

I will do without, enjoy the game (albeit less so) without, and continue to reign in my spending. I am not demanding a change to the existing system, I am merely expressing that I understand why others might be frustrated with it, and explaining why. I do not expect ANet to change the system and recognize that every game has its flaws and it is up to individual players to decide if a given flaw is something they can overlook. In my case the answer is yes so long as I make sure to take the flaw into consideration when choosing whether or not to spend real world money on the game.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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On 4/26/2022 at 1:53 AM, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

i know you can trade gold to gems. but what is the big problem if they just added them to the gemstore. its literally the same thing no need to get all upset over a forum post.

It's not actually the same. Contrary what other people are saying, crafting legendaries to sell IS a part of playing the game and also the game economy. You only look at the buyer's side of things and not at the seller's point of view and also you don't consider the implications on the in-game economy.

A person who creates a legendary weapon may or may not farm all the materials by themselves but somebody did. And all those people are involved in the economy. If something is not profitable (enough) then they will stop doing it. There are people who love to just zone out and farm/gather around. It would be a big disappointment to them, because what they love to do is no longer (as) profitable).

You can get gen1 and3 legendaries via the gemstore as in trading gems for gold and then buying it off the tp. It's not much work to do that and it keeps the balance in the game economy. I mean c'mon, are you really that lazy or do you hope that you can get them cheaper that way?

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On 4/28/2022 at 3:37 AM, yoni.7015 said:

That’s nonsense. It includes going to the TP, that’s correct. But you get gold and materials by playing the game. 

Is going to work to earn enough money to buy a baseball bat, ball, cleats, etc playing the game of baseball?

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Is going to work to earn enough money to buy a baseball bat, ball, cleats, etc playing the game of baseball?

What a stupid question. It has nothing to do with what I wrote. 
Didn’t you read that I wrote “you get gold and materials by playing the game”

I have crafted a dozen legendary weapons, three legendary armor sets, two legendary backpacks and three legendary trinkets. Not once have I used my credit card for that. So explain to me what it has to do with going to work to earn enough money? I got all the gold and all the materials needed by playing the game  


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14 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Can i ask you a question?
How are you playing gw2? From your'e posts here in the forum it seems like you have a lot of problems with this games, because of your'e skill-lvl. And now you add, that you buy mats, aka most, with Gems?

I do not want to and can not dictate to anyone what he enjoys but ... do you enjoy GW2?


Also, China and especially the asian markt is so diferent from the Western markt. Asian are a kind of themself in my experience. They tend to spend more in general, but also grind a lot more. It's not for nothing that all these f2p titles where you grind for days to level up a single lvl are popular with these people. I really wonder if there are also difference gameplay-wise between our GW2 and there GW2.

So, a big No from me. This would add nothing to the game. Yes, Anet would make a bit money, but anet would also lose a lot of people because of this. And the fact that people, statet in this thread, alreade buy legy's via gems would make their decision really stupid. Because, also as stated, you want it cheaper and what would be the benefit for anet when they would do this?

I used to at release, when Guildwars 2 opened i loved Tyria. Not as much as Guildwars 1 but it was a pleasant romp of a game.. Then living story 1 and Southsun dropped and it was ruined in my eyes, it became too hard for me. I progressed a year and a half from release then quit as you would expect, as i invested a lot of money into this game i still dabble now and then i come back and do new content stories and map completions to enjoy the game some what, i buy a few gems for gold and gear etc.. cause i can. Plus it helps the obsessed stingy people that whined Tyria was too easy to replenish the gold economy.

But yes you're right i only do play for short stints 3 weeks to 3 months usually because now everything is too hard for me, I can pass the content if i die a lot and rinse repeat but its not fun mostly, for example i hated the Icebrood content it was atrocious but i completed it. I will never do it again. as i said i never do group content unless i'm forced.. Which Anet loves to do it seems.

On the topic i am enjoying Cantha somewhat, The story part seems a lot more toned down and some what easier to do, thank you Anet finally, but saying that i'm only up to the kurzick forest so far.

Edited by Dante.1508
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On 4/26/2022 at 1:04 AM, Pifil.5193 said:

Yeah, if you convert gems to gold you can get a gen 1 legendary for somewhere between 65 and 85 Euro or USD right about now. Enjoy!

You got that conversion wrong. You didn't actually convert gems to gold, but used the gold-to-gem conversion rate and calculated an irrelevant €/$ value from the amount of gems you could have bought with that gold. It's basically just the opportunity cost for buying gems with gold instead of the legendary.

At the moment of writing the cheapest Gen1 was 1600g (buy) or 2000g (sell) on the TP. Since you usually have to buy gems in multiples of 400, these translate into roughly 8800 gems = 110 €/$ (buy) and 10800 gems = 135 €/$ (sell). Personally I doubt that many who can craft legendaries would actually fulfill a buy order, but maybe you get lucky. The more popular Gen1s are ~20% more expensive, the Gen3s still start at a 50% higher price.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
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3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I think 2400 to 3000 gems would be fair price. that is less than what it costs to convert gems to gold to buy one.

Why would Anet want to tank the in-game market for legendary weapons? At these prices, it wouldn't even be worth crafting ascended weapons for folks who want to gear more than a few builds with some of the rarer stat combinations.

Keep in mind that some of the more expensive modular armor sets can easily reach prices over 3000 gems. Weapon skins alone are typically in the 600 to 800 gems range.

Any realistic pricing for Gen1s in NA/EU would have to be at least 5000 gems to keep the gold-to-gems market somewhat stable. This would probably cause some upward pressure on that conversion rate since there might be less overall demand for gold.

Edited by TheWaternymphHC.1847
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On 4/27/2022 at 9:01 PM, Dante.1508 said:

How would it kill the economy if it works fine in China, their game must have the same or similar economies.


Look at all these people who make money off legendaries getting upset lol

Anet's game economists can help explain this concept better, but the economy of the game works a lot like the real world. In order for items to have value there needs to be a demand for them. If there is a demand, it means that said item in some form is either destroyed or removed from the market economy. If that happens, then the item then has value.


The value of gold, therefore, is dictated by the demand of these items. The most demand of these items comes from legendaries. When a legendary is created these items are destroyed, which keeps the demand steady.


In China someone is actually MORE reluctant to spend gems for legendaries because the USD has a lot of power in that country. Which in turn, does not affect the overall economy within the game. ie. Someone from Beijing isn't likely to drop 2 iphones worth of Yuans for some legendary in a video game. Seriously, one legendary is enough to send 20 children to school in that country.


However, the same can't be said for NA/EU players, who actually buy and spend thousands of dollars in gems a year. One guy was rumored to spend $5000 in gems a week on the game, just to convert to gold. Considering, NA/EU players share the same Trading post, these are the guys who will also go out of their way to pay full price to avoid the labor of making a legendary, usually on the weekends, which is what keeps the economy in a healthy state.


Now under the model for China, these people will actually flood the market with Legendaries bought straight from gems. More legendaries means rewards (t6 mats) lose their value. If T6 mats lose their value, then everyone would be selling in low copper to silver. Especially with how many players there are, literally nobody would have gold.


Anyone who buys gems to convert to gold for legendaries (And yes I have met these kind of players before in game, one who vehemently defended his standpoint of wasting hundreds of dollars for his legendary armor) is quite literally putting new gold into the economy. And the NA/EU being the main providers of gold into the economy, inflation occurs. It would be like the money printing scenario we have in the US. Having the value of Gold go down, means the value of mats goes up, and then everyone wouldn't be using gold to trade, and instead use mats, if that were the case, Anet loses money because now there's no realistic incentive for the AVERAGE player to buy gems.


Then to fix the problem they would have to decrease the rate at which rewards come for the players. If they do that, they kill off their players, no more rewards, means no more players, no more players means no more gw2.

Currently, either way we have the same system, the only difference is that the price of gems for legendaries is constantly changing. You can quite literally pay for gems, and use those gems to buy legendaries. We need that constantly changing delta in order to balance the gdp of gold on how many players there are in the game.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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3 hours ago, TheWaternymphHC.1847 said:

Any realistic pricing for Gen1s in NA/EU would have to be at least 5000 gems to keep the gold-to-gems market somewhat stable. This would probably cause some upward pressure on that conversion rate since there might be less overall demand for gold.

And that 5000 gems is nowhere near the price if you were to convert gems into gold to buy them from TP now.
I'm really suprised that ppl need to have this conversation... I get that Legendaries are great, especially with the Armory. They are not that hard to craft, I feel like we're having the problem with "where the gold/materials come from".

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Here I was about to make a comparison between actual costs here and the chinese version and bringing up the substantial differences, especially in regards to subscription fees, pay-to-win and wage differences, in monetization when half way through I realized: why bother? The posters who are oblivious enough or to lazy to not understand the very different monetization models are hardly going to change their mind.


Suffice to say: if you are enjoying the buy to play model with little to no required pay to win elements in the west you better pray that as little of the chinese monetization finds its way here. Keeping the in-game economy as healthy as possible is part of this equation which is done by encouraging players go through the trading post as much as possible.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 4/26/2022 at 2:19 PM, Rasimir.6239 said:

What you seem to be missing here is that the current legendaries we have, especially the tradeable ones (gen1 and gen3 weapons), are a serious part of "more people playing" in this game. Cut those out, and you cut out longterm goals for plenty of people to the point where you risk people leaving because they have nothing pushing them on between raids and fractals.

On top of that, you take away goals from people harvesting by reducing the demand for crafting materials, take away goals from crafters by reducing the demand for time-gated materials like deldrimor steel or spiritwood planks, as well as other, non-gated materials (e.g. mystic curios). You cut off people that play to use spirit shards to gain gold from material conversion.


Agreed.  I have 6 Legendary weapons and 3 Legendary trinkets and they have been my most important reason to play for the last few years. Even though I buy most of the mats that are needed, it is the collections and zone currencies that make me revisit all kinds of zones, even some fractals and WvW.  Definitely  a motivator for me.  This is also why I liked getting the Skyscale.  

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6 hours ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

And that 5000 gems is nowhere near the price if you were to convert gems into gold to buy them from TP now.

Read my post above that one since you also quoted the guy who got the gem conversion wrong. I'm fully aware that you need to convert more than 10k gems even for the cheapest legendary weapon. However that only matters to people that actually buy gems via real world money like Euros or Dollars.

For people who convert gold to gems the pricing is different. At the moment the price seems to fluctuate around 30g (+/- 5g) for 100 gems, depending on what is on offer in the store. With that exchange rate in mind someone would have to spend roughly 1500g to acquire 5000 gems at the moment. I estimate this amount would be quite close to the lowest boundary possible to keep the market for legendary crafting and selling on the TP intact since it's a bit above the current breakeven amount of gold needed for legendary crafting materials. That said a fairer price would probably be around 7k gems to match the current prices on the TP.

On the other hand you can be quite sure that the demand for gold will diminish while the demand for gems would start to increase since there would be less incentive to actually craft a Gen1. Judging from past fluctuations of the gold-to-gems conversion rate, I wouldn't be surprised to see a new rate above 40g per 100 gems with such valuable items added permanently to the store. In return that would make crafting less unattractive which would lead to a new equilibrium of pricing. Therefore 5k gems seem quite reasonable since Anet would actually want to sell those things for real money and not for in-game gold that people have to grind. Not even an expensive game like GW2 has that many whales who would be willing to spend 120 - 150 €/$ for a single item, let alone a bunch of them to gear a complete build or multiple characters.

However it seems to me that Anet isn't really that stupid to begin with. They know pretty well that people tend to spend more money on gold if it's a constant trickle of demand instead one large sum. Therefore we probably won't see legendary items in the store until NCsoft decides that it's time to move on from Anet and GW2 development. Once the game is fully on live-support it could end up similar to what happened to Rift after it become F2P first and P2W later.

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11 hours ago, TheWaternymphHC.1847 said:

Why would Anet want to tank the in-game market for legendary weapons? At these prices, it wouldn't even be worth crafting ascended weapons for folks who want to gear more than a few builds with some of the rarer stat combinations.

Keep in mind that some of the more expensive modular armor sets can easily reach prices over 3000 gems. Weapon skins alone are typically in the 600 to 800 gems range.

Any realistic pricing for Gen1s in NA/EU would have to be at least 5000 gems to keep the gold-to-gems market somewhat stable. This would probably cause some upward pressure on that conversion rate since there might be less overall demand for gold.

5000 gems is fine. I'd buy it. Especially Gen2s

Edited by Dante.1508
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On 4/25/2022 at 11:10 PM, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

Legendarys are hard to acquire I find. And putting them on the gemstore would be a great idea I think. Chinese players already have access to this and I think it would be a great addition to Guild Wars 2 on NA and also bring them alot of profit. Some people don't have the time to make a legendary and work alot so doing this would make it easier to access them. Anet consider my post and look into this. I would definitely buy some if not all of them. 


if not oh well. lol maybe one day i will find the time to actually craft them. lataz

tbh i wouldnt give a rats kitten. if they did, but then whats the point of playing gw2 for pve people? i mean i mostly wvw/pvp so i dont care for legendary that much. but if i would be into PvE i would need something to grind for. if i could buy anything off the store and lvling from 1 > 80 is also kitten easy then whats the point of playing?


the joy in mmo's for me have always been mass pvp or small scale. the mass pvp in previous game i played came from people who needed stuff that was harder then making a legendary so it turned into big fat pvp battles over npc's etc.  now if they had added the stuff to the store then the game would die right? well guess what the game is near dead nowadays 🙂  not saying gw2 will die cus of this but it gives nothing left to grind for in this game to be honest and this game is already very very casual.

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On 4/25/2022 at 6:04 PM, Pifil.5193 said:

Yeah, if you convert gems to gold you can get a gen 1 legendary for somewhere between 65 and 85 Euro or USD right about now. Enjoy!

Your math is off. Even if you bought the $100 gem package right now, it wouldn’t give you enough gold to buy a Gen 1 legendary.

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