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That one NPC that we love too much.

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My faves? Not in any specific order, but Gorrik and Blish, Canach, Laranthir and Trahearne. I really wish we could've gone back into Kralk's corpse, found the tracker being powered by Blish's golem core (which I assume is still running 'indefinitely' per the dialogue), and pull him out to safety to turn him back on. :<

I don't mind Aurene. She's pretty. Now that she has taken her place as "The One" and the elder dragon saga is over, we'll likely not see her as much anymore. All the Rene haters can chill out. xD

I also don't mind Caithe. Not sure why she gets so much hate besides her bad relationship choices (that she eventually rectified, thanks), and running off with an egg.

Braham, I hated for a long time after the stuff in LS3, and parts of LS4. But playing LS1 for the first time and replaying Long Live the Lich and seeing the 'redemption' arc (for now), I tolerate him, at the very least.


My most hated NPC has to be Lord Faren's pants.

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Everybody knows Braham is my fav, so won't even put him on the list.

Like - Taimi, Gorrik, Canach (less so with the new VA and the 70's porno music), Almorra, Logan (single Logan that can finally think for himself), Rama, Trahearne, Rytlock, Crecia, Snargle Goldclaw, Joko, Koss, Pretty Much Every Quaggan, All the Skritt and their stuff, Stuff, STUFF!!!

Leave - Caithe, Jhavi, Phlunt...there really aren't a lot of characters I outright dislike...


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Aurene! I loved watching her grow up. Her isolation and penchant for second guessing herself felt very relatable to me. I will miss our dragter.


Honorable mention to Braham, who I strongly disliked for a long time, but he actually grew as a character enough that I could empathize with him.

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Demmi and tybalt

Vlast and Glint 

I wish Vlast was actually a character in the story and didn't just die so fast.

Glint feels like she would give you tea and have a talk about your life like your grandmother

Any scrit. Scrit funny yes?

Edited by Infinity.2876
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  • ArenaNet Staff
19 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

It was Lord Faren for a long time (I just know he is E and is Scarlet Pimperneling us).  But the instant I met Detective Rama, he nudged into first place.  I don't like Faren any less now.  I just like Rama more.

How dare you! 😆

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Laranthir of the Wild
The most loyal and honest pact leader, fearless, charming and polite. Really hope he returns to the story again. If he was not pact, I would have added him to Dragon's Watch.

Every single line she says is gold. Reminds me a lot of work, dealing with special people and my own internship several years ago. Hope to see more of her in upcoming content as well. 

Councillor Phlunt
One of the best written and voiced characters. Always annoyed, always grumpy, but quite professional. He cares for his people, but cannot really show it. The Arcane Council always sends him as an ambassador. Loved the entire elixir-cooler dialogues. 

Awakened Merchant
Our beloved traveling salesman. Looking forward to seeing him in more unusual places, hopefully with more goods and more funny ambient dialogue.

He is an NPC in Rata Sum, working on the asura gate for the Polymock Arenas (Statics Union). If you are a member of the Durmand Priory, he has a nice bonus dialogue. Always reminds me to check priory members when I meet them. I doubt the gate will ever operate, but I keep checking back at this guy every now and then. One of the few good things that remained untouched since launch.

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12 hours ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

I also don't mind Caithe. Not sure why she gets so much hate besides her bad relationship choices (that she eventually rectified, thanks), 

Might have something to do with her active involvement in murder bordering on genocide and that we as players were required to participate in order to complete the story.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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In addition to Trahearne, a few of my other favorites, in no particular order:

  • Ivan really got to me in EOD. He's so loyal 😭
  • Dawkkurra is absolutely adorable
  • Bear Shaman Marga. "Bear approves of you. I can feel her little tail wagging in my heart" may be my favorite line in the whole game.
  • Rama, of course
  • Seis Burntheart
  • Auris Weirdbringer
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Tybalt & Snargle for the Charr,

Canach for the Sylvari,

Rama for the Humans,

Knut Whitebear for the Norn, (specifically for the tour of Hoelbrak during Dragonbash)

Gorrick for the Asura.

Dawkurra, the skritt who fell in love with an Exalted (thanks, Haleydawn for knowing the name) plus the crabby one in Lions Arch who snaps DON'T TALK TO ME! when he comes out of one of the city portals,

and Arbiter Lo Loju, the Awakened race announcer at the Fortress of Jahai in Jahai Bluff.

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18 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Might have something to do with her active involvement in murder bordering on genocide and that we as players were reqjired to participate in order to complete the story.

And that we were never allowed to actually call her on anything she did. Oh, we got a little angry at her for her actions in HoT, but that blew over quickly enough. 🙄 As far as I recall, we never even brought up the centaur genocide...like it never happened.

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1 hour ago, Batel.9206 said:

And that we were never allowed to actually call her on anything she did. Oh, we got a little angry at her for her actions in HoT, but that blew over quickly enough. 🙄 As far as I recall, we never even brought up the centaur genocide...like it never happened.


One of the writers decided that a tragic love(ish) story would be oh so wonderful without considering that genocide is bad and not just a backdrop to a doomed romance. Had they addressed the matter in a reasonable matter rather than requiring players to accept it as just an oopsie on Caithe's part not worth considering almost everything that comes later would have been better.

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I like to think Caithe's penance for being dragged into Faolain's centaur massacre in the Silverwastes was the anguish of ultimately having to slay her sister and shoulder her (rather heavy) burden for many years. The Pale Tree knew what she did, and if I recall there was a lot of disappointment from her for a time. But imagine internalizing all that mess about Sylvari's true origins for that long? I'd call that a punishment. Wynne's death was the catalyst that finally broke her and Faolain apart, but she did eventually leave.

Keep in mind back then Sylvari were younger and newer to the world and a lot more gullible. I think past tense Caithe was very easily swayed by what passed for 'love' and it lead her to doing some pretty awful things for the sake of her romantic interest, until it just became too much. That has to count for something, no?

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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