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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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On 10/10/2022 at 7:45 AM, Amnariel.3659 said:

    Why anybody is bothered if there are other ways to get materials for such  grindy things?As long as anybody can acquire it for FREE, why is anybody bothered by the fact that there are some people who prefer to spend some bucks to get something or make it quicker the acquisition of it?

It would be nice to have this answered for real and not just mocked and extinguished.

This question has been addressed countless times in different threads.

My main reason why I'm totally against it is because it'll degrade a game I enjoy into a pseudo-P2W game. Played enough other MMOs where $$$ are number one and the effort you put in are totally secondary. New players come in, spend loads of money to be the best. Takes over the game without understanding some of the most basic concepts. Caused others to leave and then they moved on to a different game after a short stay.

This game is different and it's refreshing. I definitely do not want to see this game emulate those games. Games like those never last because retentions of players are extremely poor. If they can drop lots of money to get all the best items, what's the point of putting any real effort into the game? There's really nothing to strive for. Some ultimate items introduced? Here's my credit card. There's no reason to play the game anymore.

So, NO. Definitely NOT.

Edited by Silent.6137
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Just now, Fragglerock.4965 said:

I have my skyscale and it was a drag and dull to get. I wish that others not have to go through it.

That is my main issue with 'the grind' not that it is long... but that it is BORING! If you cannot make these long things fun then just make them easy.

Boring is subjective.  There have been several posters who have remarked on how much they enjoyed the story getting their skyscale. 

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6 minutes ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Clearly there is an issue with this quest line. There’s thread after thread about skyscale. No one complains about griffon. 

That doesn’t mean there is an issue. Because there is none. 
In most of these threads the same few people are crying. 
The time they spent here on the forum crying, they could have done the skyscale collection twice. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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So hesitant to respond to this thread, but:

I am about as casual a player as can be, mostly playing in the open world with whatever spec is most fun and never using a damage meter.  While there are various collection achievements I have started then abandoned out of boredom or a sense that they are more trouble than they're worth, the skyscale was easy and fun.  It takes relatively little patience and if you're new to the game as I was, the "return to" achievements virtually eliminate the currency grind if you just play the game.  There's no shame in using online guides if you want to just walk through it.  I don't understand all of the complaints.  Do you want an option to purchase the other mounts as well, fully unlocked?  Skyscale is not even required, but if you want it and the chain is too much for you maybe you don't enjoy the game.


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37 minutes ago, PepeLePewPew.2107 said:

Skyscale is not even required, but if you want it and the chain is too much for you maybe you don't enjoy the game.

Congratulations on this insight - it's something far too many people don't realize.

The only complicating factor with the skyscale is just how utterly useful it is. Because it solves so many mobility issues, many look at it as a near-requirement to fully experience this game (although I personally believe that is untrue).

That said, I think @PepeLePewPew.2107's characterization of the collection process is correct. It has some timegating, and the collection phases are a bit boring, but overall the process is quite accessible and objectively far from the more obnoxious acquisitions in this game. Perhaps it could be made to feel less arbitrary and monotonous at times, but overall I consider it a reasonable level of tedium for the value it provides.

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4 hours ago, Fragglerock.4965 said:

I have my skyscale and it was a drag and dull to get. I wish that others not have to go through it.

That is my main issue with 'the grind' not that it is long... but that it is BORING! If you cannot make these long things fun then just make them easy.

Either way ... don't do it if you have a compelling reason not to. I mean, you JUST did content you didn't like for something you didn't need. The question here isn't if the content is boring or dull because anet can't make everything in the game super fun and exciting for every player. That's just unreasonable for any player to expect that.

The question is why are you doing content you don't like?

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 hours ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Clearly there is an issue with this quest line. There’s thread after thread about skyscale. No one complains about griffon. 

Hold on ... there is lots of issues with lots of content for lots of people, so that's not a reason to regard this as a problem that Anet needs to fix. The reality is that it doesn't make sense for Anet to chase every little thing down to try to make it not an issue for anyone. 

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My son got skyscale while playing one night a week for a few hours per session.

My daughter doesn’t seem that interested in even getting one and we run around just fine with raptor/jackal/Springer.

A lot of this seems like a perception issue. “Skyscale acquisition is unbearable for the thing I need to farm metas” looks like “I can’t handle the grind for the thing I need to grind” which kinda leaves me scratching my head. You don’t like running around Dragonfall a few times to get the mount so you can “keep up” with the train running around Dragonfall?

Looks like a perception that skyscale shouldn’t be a reward, but gold is okay.

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21 hours ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Why are you so bent on defending that this extremely boring quest line is reasonable for the reward?

Some people like repetitive, dull entertainment. In this case, they must also enjoy cynical, badly-designed, time-wasting content. I mean, the last stage in the unlock is going to a place, rising up in the air, and hovering near a glowing dot. And you have to do that 28 times


I think a lot of the comments defending the Skyscale questline aren't because people actually enjoyed the process, but because they have a knee-jerk need to be argumentative or to defend Anet in all things. 

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21 hours ago, Drennon.7190 said:

Clearly there is an issue with this quest line. There’s thread after thread about skyscale. No one complains about griffon. 

Players complained about griffon just as they do about Skyscale. Players also complained about the beetle, the Warclaw or just about any content which was not hand delivered to them. Actually, in some cases they complain even about that. Players complain about almost everything tbh.

Doesn't mean they are right or need to be taken serious.

Acquisition of the Skyscale was already made a lot easier multiple times. The daily lockouts were reduced. The resources required were woven into achievements (Return to) and Icebrood Saga material conversion. Literally the only thing left is doing a few achievements and not expecting to get it done in 3 days (which some players actually did back when it released and technically is still possible).

Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is preventing a player from taking their time, going at the current steps required over weeks or months and getting it done that way. Well besides the "I WANT IT NOW" attitude.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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16 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING is preventing a player from taking their time, going at the current steps required over weeks or months and getting it done that way. Well besides the "I WANT IT NOW" attitude.


The unlock process sucks. You can rage against it until your face turns red and tears stream down your frustrated cheeks, but it's true.


At one stage you go on an epic quest for a piece of sandpaper. 



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On 10/9/2022 at 7:36 PM, Sinmir.6504 said:

I'm not so sure about that, my grandparents were born in the 1930s, a quick search on google, washing machines were about long before that.

And yet, the first domestic automatic washing machine was introduced in 1937. I did more than a quick search.


If people spend a lot of time complaining about it, they might as well put that time into acquiring the Skyscale. MMOs are all about time "wasting" because people spend a lot of time in MMOs. So some things will take some time. /shrug

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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Just now, Squeesidhe.4761 said:


The unlock process sucks. You can rage against it until your face turns red and tears stream down your frustrated cheeks, but it's true.


At one stage you go on an epic quest for a piece of sandpaper. 



Sure ... FOR YOU it does. Not for everyone. That's not a problem Anet needs to fix. 

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I prefer this to gold sinks, at least you are doing something most of the time, instead of boring gold farms, but i guess that's why a lot of people hate the Skyscale, they can't "swipe to win", like they can with legendaries.

The amount of people i see sometimes, complaining about the Skyscale while using Gen 2 Legendaries, sometimes both their weapon sets are gen 2 lol, those are waaay grindier and more expensive than the Skyscale, but you can just swipe and skip 90% of the grind if you want.

I don't have a problem with swiping, but we need gameplay heavy stuff sometimes, this is a game after all.

Edited by Brandon Uzumaki.1524
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1 hour ago, Drennon.7190 said:

That perfectly describes the person I originally responded to. I can open any complaint thread and find that person defending Anet. It’s creepy. 

Are you talking about the post where you've tried claiming it's a "barrier of entry"?

Because to make it absolutely clear: it wasn't and still isn't. It's not about "defending anet", it's about you trying to come up with clearly false reasons for why you should get easier rewards.

1 hour ago, Squeesidhe.4761 said:

At one stage you go on an epic quest for a piece of sandpaper. 

So that quest would be ok for you if the item you were going for was called differently?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Squeesidhe.4761 said:


The unlock process sucks. You can rage against it until your face turns red and tears stream down your frustrated cheeks, but it's true.


At one stage you go on an epic quest for a piece of sandpaper. 



I have my Skyscale, as do most players I know in game. I'm not the one asking for change.

I gave a suggestion of how players can take over agency and approach this in a way to eventually succeed. 

If you or others want to wait until the acquisition method gets changed, you are free to try that approach too.  It might not go as fast as just occasionally chipping away at the achievements, but hey, if your endgame is making demands on the forum, more power to you.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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