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Game Update Notes Preview: Profession Skills

Rubi Bayer.8493

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So how is removing over half the bonus healing to allies from salvation ok? Not only deleting heal alac rev from the game but also dishing out mammoth nerfs to every kind of heal revenant build? Ouch. I can take a hint, I know when I’m not wanted, I’ll see myself out.

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1 hour ago, Jthug.9506 said:

So how is removing over half the bonus healing to allies from salvation ok? Not only deleting heal alac rev from the game but also dishing out mammoth nerfs to every kind of heal revenant build? Ouch. I can take a hint, I know when I’m not wanted, I’ll see myself out.

Ventary heals are not going that bad, several skills get more heals, Regen, heal on dodge, no energy cost for moving tablet. Just that, it's weird to give swiftness on projectile block skill, and boon on cleanse also is in wrong place. So alac heal Rene is almost ok. Vindi heal tho, will not see play coz no quick nor alac is there, which is sad. 

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I have no idea how it's possible to kitten off literally every class at once with patch notes.  But Anet found a way.  Bravo.

Seems like the 'balance team' is more focused on pissing off players than actual balancing if the recent leaks are anything to go by.

Edited by thepolishman.2348
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27 minutes ago, Vladisimissius.2594 said:

Ventary heals are not going that bad, several skills get more heals, Regen, heal on dodge, no energy cost for moving tablet. Just that, it's weird to give swiftness on projectile block skill, and boon on cleanse also is in wrong place. So alac heal Rene is almost ok. Vindi heal tho, will not see play coz no quick nor alac is there, which is sad. 

All that crap will suffer from a lack of bonus healing to allies however, especially heal quickness herald, it’s passive healing is going to be horrible.

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9 minutes ago, Jthug.9506 said:

All that crap will suffer from a lack of bonus healing to allies however, especially heal quickness herald, it’s passive healing is going to be horrible

I can see it being okish, Regen on herald is 20% stronger, when on herald heal with staff 4 and dodges, and on ventary use only heal skill. But, quickness in most cases not gonna be 100%, low boons due to needing consume all facets off cd will make such build not viable in PvE.

Edited by Vladisimissius.2594
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3 minutes ago, Jthug.9506 said:

All that crap will suffer from a lack of bonus healing to allies however, especially heal quickness herald, it’s passive healing is going to be horrible.

I reaaaally don't think the healing potential of a Heal rev is going to be affected anywhere near the extent you suggest.  Apart of Ancien Echo giving Rejuvenation, which I find stupid since you'll mostly be Heal rev under Herald, many skills have either added more healing procs around actions.

Natural harmony heals more, Rejuvenating assault, Energy expulsion, Healer's gift (after dodge roll), Words of censure (blinding) all now give direct healing, Serene Rejuvenation has a better HTO, Project Tranquility and Natural harmony also has higher healing scaling and a tad more needed condition cleansing all around. 

How is any of this making the Heal Rev that much weaker ?

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So, first off. Let me get this out of the way. 100% on the personal attacks. The last thing I want to do is attack some dev that's trying to do right. That's not the problem. However...

If you all collectively think that there is "civil" discussion to be had, you're all sadly mistaken. This game has been out TEN years. That there is still no cohesive or consistent vision for this game just boggles the mind. What is even the objective here? Why not just have clear-cut professions like in games likes FF14 or ESO or god forbid, gw1? And this "balance" update, what is it even trying to achieve? Ok, boons. Warrior can barely keep up boons as is with a lack of concentration in its specs and yet banners, warhorn and Tactics traits are going to be "reworked"(nerfed) just to accomodate quickness?!...which is not even that much...


Also, people clearly SEE that there is a separate gulf that exists between devs and their select clique of "top" players/influencers and the rest of the population. People have suspected this for a while, but with this recent "oopsie" it is now official. The public has the receipts. There is a discrepancy between what we're publicly told about the game and what the actual result is(as well as private select discussions!). The cat is out the bag. As far as I'm concerned, any talk of "balance" from this point is null and void given recent events until gw2 comes clean and decides what it's trying to be and who they consult for balance decisions and input.


To close this off: (points to the warrior icon!): yes, the pitchforks are going to stay. No, I am not buying EoD.

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33 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Also, people clearly SEE that there is a separate gulf that exists between devs and their select clique of "top" players/influencers and the rest of the population.

The saddest part is, seems the devs didn't even listen to this select clique unless it was bad advice. Like that offhanded comment about OWP needing a nerf. For the first time in a decade power rangers could finally do competitive PvE dps, but apparently us ranger mains aren't allowed to have nice things.

The sheer amount of kittenup this studio has demonstrated in the past few days is astounding. This is the first time in my 6 years of playing that I'm seriously questioning whether or not the ship can ever be put back on the right course. Sure, it's been bad before, but we had less direct evidence on how they're thinking behind the scenes.

I really wish the leaks never happened, I miss having hopium.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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13 hours ago, PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

their biggest stumbling block has been that they cannot get people to play raids and strikes nearly as much as they hoped/planned, and all of these things are basically them pleading "see you can play whatever you want in raids now, you are totally going to get in to groups and try this content now" even though that is still not the case.  the fact they put legendary armor behind raids and that wasn't even enough to get people to want to do them is telling.   Its almost like they have another issue entirely they they refuse to handle.  Now, thats not to say they might get some success with that new lfg training thing, but lets be real here, if someone was going to do that, they would've done so already.

If all this is centered around getting players raiding I'm gonna die of laughter.

There are so many factors on that one but most of em were far ahead of classes even being part of the dicussion imo.

I mean call me crazy but if you're having a problem with group content first place I'd look is accessibility.

The LFG system isn't encouraging, everyone has a view on whether they like it or not, but ultimately a large percentage of people aren't the type to post first. This should be the first area of focus as its an easy fix to something that offers matchmaking or something more user friendly.

The New Player experience is disorienting at best, brickwall for a lot. Tbh this one lies a lot in decisions of when, where, and how acquiring items. So it'd be a mess to untangle. Some basic ideas of just create a generic mount like a warclaw for pve, etc would help. (I've lost half the people I introduced to not having a mount and they didn't want to jump around or buy dlc for the "basics". Again everyone has opinions on this but if accessibility is the goal...give em a Bearclaw kitten.)

But making the classes less fun, especially ones that have drawn in new player types(virtuoso), and nerfing everyone but those that needed it....

All complete opposite of approaching the goal. Devs we've got plenty of perspectives and ways to help. Let us.


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7 hours ago, MathiasXII.7240 said:

I reaaaally don't think the healing potential of a Heal rev is going to be affected anywhere near the extent you suggest.  Apart of Ancien Echo giving Rejuvenation, which I find stupid since you'll mostly be Heal rev under Herald, many skills have either added more healing procs around actions.

Natural harmony heals more, Rejuvenating assault, Energy expulsion, Healer's gift (after dodge roll), Words of censure (blinding) all now give direct healing, Serene Rejuvenation has a better HTO, Project Tranquility and Natural harmony also has higher healing scaling and a tad more needed condition cleansing all around. 

How is any of this making the Heal Rev that much weaker ?

33% of the outgoing healing after gear/consumables will be gone, more if you go dwayna runes. Other than the dodge roll heal and words you are not compensated at all if you are trying to camp glint for the f2 bonus, maybe things will be ok when in ventari, but between the outgoing healing nerf, having to loose 25% raw healing to get enough bd for quickness and the fact that you have to spec ancient echo instead of elevated compassion, your team’s health is likely to go to zero before you can get back into ventari again. We’ll see tomorrow I suppose. 

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On 6/24/2022 at 4:12 PM, Khenzy.9348 said:

I think most people are complaining because we were promised a patch with reworks and buffs to underused weapon skills, utilities and traits, and also significant balance changes to overperforming and underperforming specs in general which was sorely needed after the expansion launch.

Instead we've got a massive homogenization of classes farting boons left and right, some reshuffling of passive stat increases. Buffs to overperforming mechanists, nerfs to the overdemanding catalysts, they just slapped pulsing boons to banners and spirits and called them "reworks", no significant or relevant nerfs to massively overperforming classes in competitive modes such as Harbingers (PvP and WvW), support Scrapper (WvW) or Willbenders (PvP), the worst (objectively speaking) EoD elite spec, Untamed, almost completely ignored, no compensation to warriors after having their banner effects homogenized. I could go on and on, but you should get the point by now.


At least we get to try the new Engineer rifle, how the new Shadow Arts trait line plays out and Ventari legend on Revenant? Because that's literally it, lol.

Hahaha Okay so maybe I missed the point a little, and Farting boons is an accurate description of what's going on. Also as a used to be Alac Ren main and now a Specter main, seems like everything I got here is looken P nice, so maybe I'm not the most qualified for the discussion. I also learned a new word today xD "homogenization", been hearing that one a lot. And I think it's accurate. It's is really sad to see. I think I can get behind you, and a lot of the community in saying that the idea of having all professions homogenized takes sooo much away from the game. However I do consider ANet's goal a noble one. I know for sure that the Ele players want a place in the meta. But I also see that it's not happening. And I too was underwhelmed by this patch. Still, I would like to see more civil ppl like you, around. I read a comment earlier saying Death threats come with the territory. And I gotta say some ppl kill them self over that so I see it as no joke and totally unacceptable. I just hoped to some how get level heads to prevail... somehow. Anyway Thanks for the reply. Nice read!

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Balance changes are supposed to affect balance and this clearly doesn't. Using WvW as an example, you NEED to have a Firebrand and a support Scrapper to be successful. EVERYONE knows this.  It's due to the overabundance of skills packed into each class. Balance should not necessarily nerf both of these, but make other classes competitive. The difference between support Scrapper and support Tempest is extremely competitive when it comes to heals and cleanses, and to a lesser extent superspeed, but stealth gyro moves Scrapper so far ahead that Tempest isn't wanted, at all. Make Dust Storm on WH Earth or or Heat Sync on WH Fire a smoke field! Balance patches should make a trade off where you want one of each, not bunches of one class, none of the other. Identify the issue creating the gulf between classes and rectify it.


If you made one of the Warrior self stability skills equal to Stand Your Ground on Guardian, people would want more Warriors, but the one class specific skill warriors had that made them desirable, was Winds and that is reworked every patch to the point people don't play it anymore, because it doesn't do enough. The new support banner, gives Regeneration...so does literally every other class. Why couldn't you have given it a Soothing Mist effect that is unique, rather than a generic buff that is probably weaker than other classes version of the same thing. This makes the banner slot skill virtually useless.


Guardian has been META in WvW for 10(!) years due to Stand Your Ground and in that time no changes have been made to give additional classes something similar (although I guess you could include Inspiring Reinforcement from Rev as the closest thing) You could easily make Dolyak Stance on Soulbeast and Dolyak Signet or Balanced Stance on Warrior 5 person, and BOOM, Stability balance.solved.


The Rev Support changes look interesting, and perhaps they will work out, I have hope on that front, but low expectations.

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On 6/24/2022 at 3:15 PM, Voneveric.8507 said:

kitten meta
HB Still not nerfed
Meta will still be the same PVE-wise: DH/HB/HM then plop in any kittenin condi class

Thieves still annoying to play against in WvW with a low skill floor. 
Warrior buffs are dogwater a joke. 
Hire a new balancing team please. Otherwise you're going to lose players. Worst patch notes I have EVER seen in an MMO.
Might go back to Runescape any takers?

what is DH? Not Dragonhunter?

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2 hours ago, Drakh.2941 said:

Balance changes are supposed to affect balance and this clearly doesn't. Using WvW as an example, you NEED to have a Firebrand and a support Scrapper to be successful. EVERYONE knows this.  It's due to the overabundance of skills packed into each class. Balance should not necessarily nerf both of these, but make other classes competitive. The difference between support Scrapper and support Tempest is extremely competitive when it comes to heals and cleanses, and to a lesser extent superspeed, but stealth gyro moves Scrapper so far ahead that Tempest isn't wanted, at all. Make Dust Storm on WH Earth or or Heat Sync on WH Fire a smoke field! Balance patches should make a trade off where you want one of each, not bunches of one class, none of the other. Identify the issue creating the gulf between classes and rectify it.


If you made one of the Warrior self stability skills equal to Stand Your Ground on Guardian, people would want more Warriors, but the one class specific skill warriors had that made them desirable, was Winds and that is reworked every patch to the point people don't play it anymore, because it doesn't do enough. The new support banner, gives Regeneration...so does literally every other class. Why couldn't you have given it a Soothing Mist effect that is unique, rather than a generic buff that is probably weaker than other classes version of the same thing. This makes the banner slot skill virtually useless.


Guardian has been META in WvW for 10(!) years due to Stand Your Ground and in that time no changes have been made to give additional classes something similar (although I guess you could include Inspiring Reinforcement from Rev as the closest thing) You could easily make Dolyak Stance on Soulbeast and Dolyak Signet or Balanced Stance on Warrior 5 person, and BOOM, Stability balance.solved.


The Rev Support changes look interesting, and perhaps they will work out, I have hope on that front, but low expectations.

Careful, they might get the idea to remove soothing mist. It is a class buff, after all.

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2 hours ago, TasteOfChaos.2198 said:


Thief also has a few 300s cd traits that "were being worked on"

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23 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I gotta be honest. I don't see why certain elite specs, such as Revenant, and Tempest had to be nerfed in any way.

Elementalist>Tempest are already glass like, and the very few things that still makes it a playable class/ES are the overloads.


Then there are cases such as druid that should have the entire Celestial form mechanics changed.

Celestial form should be toggled rather than timed; and a very short time period at that.

The staff weapon projectile also should not need a target to fire... or at least its aim should be fixed. Not only you need a target, but also it needs to be right in front of you.

The line of sight should be increased because for starters, if you are using sigils that activate on attacking the back or flank of an enemy, they are rendered totally useless on a druid's staff, as you only have a tiny line of sight or the target will unlock. 


These are just a couple of examples out of the many flaws I detected in all classes and Elite Specs. 


I surely hope the professions specific sub forums are being read, to see what players are asking for, instead of certain changes that with all honesty, I see no logical reason as to why.

Warriors being one of the most affected.

I guess I really have to buy my warrior that pink Tutu, huh!?


A glass build implies that there is a sharp offense and a weak defense that is easily broken. Using an ele in general, elite or not is more like flinging plastic squares out of a slingshot: Zero traction and most likely to fall on it's face before ever ending the target.


The Virtuoso is more of a glass cannon than Ele can ever hope to be. 

Edited by Zeivu.3615
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Engi rifle 1 style/animation is a fun change of pace.  (how it feels, others can discuss balance)  Hopefully a few more under utilized weapons will get changes to make them feel more enjoyable.   

The actual "balance" parts of the patch is about as bad as expected after reading the patch notes.  

Warrior is perhaps worse than expected to the point of wondering how it received so much development, testing, etc... and still gets delivered in its current state.  How did so many people think this was a positive and enjoyable change?  This is so bad I would enjoy reading a case study of how it fell through the cracks.  

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Just let people know if you think you have no talent in this game now you can just auto attack with a grenade or mace on a ingi and reach 31.5k vs some class having hard time to reach 30k with perfect rotation on a golem. "BALANCE" Be ready to see eternal mirror comp again.

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Update on this.


Mechanist is obscenely broken  with pretty much any build it runs, with essentially no downside, it is unbelievable a developer dedicated to balance is allowed to buff the class he plays to an insane degree and completely outshine every other class in pretty much every available metric, just because he likes that class, it is wildly unhealthy and a complete disregard for the players in the game, I cannot believe how utterly slimy and honestly, unethical it is to exploit your position for your own gain within a select game just to make your experience better and disregard the entire rest of the player base, when you were hired to help create a better gw2 and help with balancing the game into a better state in all game modes, not destroy any semblance of balance. 

Edited by Bred.3582
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2 hours ago, Bred.3582 said:

Update on this.


Mechanist is obscenely broken  with pretty much any build it runs, with essentially no downside, it is unbelievable a developer dedicated to balance is allowed to buff the class he plays to an insane degree and completely outshine every other class in pretty much every available metric, just because he likes that class, it is wildly unhealthy and a complete disregard for the players in the game, I cannot believe how utterly slimy and honestly, unethical it is to exploit your position for your own gain within a select game just to make your experience better and disregard the entire rest of the player base, when you were hired to help create a better gw2 and help with balancing the game into a better state in all game modes, not destroy any semblance of balance. 

After the recent leaks, its honestly shocking that Anet has the audacity to simply blame the players and communication. The fact of the matter is, the dev team is counterproductive, there needs to be a massive over hall on this games balance and it's not going to be done by the current dev team. After having such a massive push back on recent patch (more so than the feb 25th patch), it is as simple as not going through with it. Yes, it is all ready to be put in place, however that does not mean you should. Endorsing a dev that simply does not care about the balance of the game and buffs their own spec because they want it to be better then everything else is absurd. He actively admits to simply making balance changes based on what HE plays and wants to play; not what is best for the game. 

How about once in a while they listen to the community, this is not about communication this is about a severely corrupt system in which the devs dictate balance for their own quality of life in game based on specs they play. On behave of the community, and for the sake of the game. Learn from these mistakes and implement change now. Revert changes that have been made in the past, feel free to actually experiment with different changes. Not make an "experimental change" and never touch it again. You see an outraged community, in the end it is the choice of the devs on how they would like their game to be balanced, but it's the players that are affected, so listen to the populace. 

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I think the balance team don't even play this game, for them it's only paycheck job that they must do whatever in it, they are completely disconnected from the player base and from the game and how players play this, and what we want best for the game, 

I am not talking about all the dev team, because the rest of the game is still awesome, just the balance team did a horrible job. No idea what they balanced and why, also why they didn't balance the overpowered classes and the super nerfed one????? 🙄 

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