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Rate the June 28 patch out of 10


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1/10 because they didn’t add anything to the mirage, (Master fencer)  they just changed the awl for soap, creating the appearance of work, and for the last nerf of the torment rune, minus a big one. Still not changed mesmer useless staff skill 3...

Edited by Zraurum.8493
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Low for sure.

Played since launch. Took a break for a year, mainly due to how badly balance patches were implemented, and the seeming lack of care, concern and general ignoring of the wider player base's concerns. Remember almost wistfully how Elementalist was nerfed after daphoenix trolled people in WvW, and the Meteor Shower nerf.

Come back, drop some cash on gems and boot up my Elementalist main. Unlocked Catalyst.


And now this patch. It's almost like ANet is competing with the SCOTUS leak for attention.

If they're smart, they'll stop using insane benchmarking guilds who represent the top 1% of 1% of what can be eked out via full optimization, and actually play their own game and find out where the issues are. Or listen and institute a PTR like 99% of games do and players have suggested.

At the very least the balance team should be fully up to speed on how all the professions play and interact if they're going to continue this ham fisted and ill advised approach.


Or maybe it's a server stress thing? They figure they can cause a good chunk of people to bail and uninstall so their system doesn't go up in flames? I dunno.

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Been playing for years as a warrior main, seeing all forms of eldritch incantations being conjured to throw my favorite class into the deepest depths of the balancing abyss, I told myself "Well, it can't get any worse, can it?"

Boy was I wrong.

Quitting the game/10.

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The classes that were already strong are going to remain strong, while the weak classes are going to remain weak.

This was a massive waste of development time and resources. 0/10. 

Hire people who know how to play the game they're working on.


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Someone with enough power in Arenanet should stop the release of the upcoming balance patch and postpone it indefinitely until it's really worth it.  At most, only release the engineer changes or grant them for the future balance. If you watch the whole picture, the work they have done is disgraceful. And more if we add some information and attitudes that have been made known...    6 months and they even have not imagined a single new mechanic for the advertised changes, and probably  not even a single new animation or sound. 

Imagine those wonderful reworked banners, spirits and signets!!!!   🤥🤥🤥

For release an update that will push the game to a worse state, better don't do it.  Prevention is better than cure. It will be better for both, Arenanet and players.



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Honestly, this patch is in line with my expectations of ANET's balancing team. The additional material and context surrounding the changes just proves what many have believed for quite some time. The balance team does not have a complete understanding of most of the classes and balance on spur of the moment decisions when something flashy is done.


I still love this game as it is one of the few MMOs left that provides content and complexity I enjoy. With the track record of ANET, balance patches have devolved in to a single question for me: Is this a game I still want to play?


Its has become a resounding NO. I am tired of playing classes suffering from half baked ideas, trees with "temporary" 300s cd traits, balancing patches with roundabout methods of nerfing over preforming builds, over preforming builds which are never touched, empty promises of soon TM, etc.


I have no hope for the future of this games balance with its current team.

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I'd say 3/10 if I specifically remove my personal thoughts on all of the hype ANet was promoting with this being "a massive balance shakeup".

You won't see anyone running any changes to builds that they weren't currently already running, the same weapons will still be used (barring outliers like Engi Rifle), and certain builds that were already being pushed to the sidelines (Spirit Ranger, Banner Warrior) can no longer provide their primary PvE role due to increased clunkiness and doing a worse job of boon coverage that other professions (Mechanist, Renegade, Firebrand) provide more easily and with greater coverage and consistency.

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I can't speak on other classes but I'd say ranger balance is a 6/10. Would have been a 10/10 if spirits acted like gyros, and if the spirits pulsed boons when activated (like gyros) instead of 1-2 seconds of a boon every 3 seconds.

It seems the spirit revamp was more gearing towards druid play than untamed, or at least ranger as a whole, but oh well.

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I enjoy changes taht make me rebuild my classes.  I play all 9 professions, with thief, mesmer, and warrior being played a little more than the others.

Most patches don't change anything on my builds, and after a while game gets stale.  I prefer changes taht rock the boat.


Edited by Rogue.8235
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I love playing engineer. In fact, it's the only class I consistently play and the changes made to them are... okay. The slight nerf for condi mech sucks but eh, power got some much needed buffs at least.

Anyway, even then I'm not going to ignore the virtual landslide of soiled nappies other classes and roles got buried under.

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2/10.  Solely because of thief.

Thief's changes were excellent for the future.  Took nine years but they finally had the balls to nerf camping stealth.

The rest of the patch is generally horrible lol.  But kind of what we all should have expected.  The bar is SO LOW, and we're still disappointed.

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