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Follow up to the June 28 Balance Update Preview

Josh Davis.7865

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There's a lot to unpack here.


The first way you're taking us for complete fools is how you pretend that because you didn't communicate your intent we clearly lacked the context that justified some of the changes. Please tell me how reducing warrior to this is merely you working in mysterious yet somehow competent ways. They have 2 decent optimized builds left now, assuming the bladesworn buffs are enough to compensate the massive precision loss that hit warrior harder than other classes, in which case it's the only power build left and it's extremely impractical in a lot of encounters.


The second way you're insulting us is pretending you care about feedback yet doubling down stubbornly despite your gross incompetence. You released a news article at some point that the Dragon's End meta was doing fine because completion rate was going up. How much denial do you need to not realize massive amounts of players not ever attempting it again is why the completion rate is going up? You do realize that leaves only people who actually try to do good dps behind? How about you take relevant metrics instead like how many people clear it every day, compare that to Octovine and keep telling us it's a good meta. Point is, the very fact you went through with this patch shows you still believe yourself more in the right than us, despite admitting your complete lack of experience regarding some classes. An impressive feat of cognitive dissonance.


The third way you're taking us and yourselves for complete idiots is the way you pretend to implement a lot of your changes to make more content accessible to motivated players of lower skills. Not only is the aforementioned example proof that you've added gatekeeping to an aspect of the game that contained basically none previously(meta-events, even triple trouble is merely a matter of learning mechanics and not of dps), hence widening the divide between players yourselves, you're completely ignoring a very important element of your community. You like pretending that the toxicity comes almost exclusively from elitists, but the easily observable truth is that a lot of people who don't want to put in the slightest effort still want to do all the content. They feel entitled to it because they paid for the game. As if a movie ticket gave you right to trash the theater. Anyone who's ever tried to lead actual training raids will tell you that despite being informed, some players will just not do any effort whatsoever, starting with using food for challenging content. This game is filled with leeches, many more than any other MMO I've tried because you've enabled them time and again, and you pretend the elitists are your biggest problem. Stop trying to picture yourselves as the defenders of the downtrodden and start opening your eyes. Following the incessant whims of those people is what got you estranged from your once hopeful community.


The fourth way you're defecating on us is how you keep making plenty of promises, using big words, just quoting "voice of the player" in this post like something that belongs on a pedestal, yet not even attempting to make good on most of your promises. I'm not gonna insist on this one, plenty of people have called out your many lies in this very thread already. I think the most laughable parts is how you already announced a 4th expansion as if this was really a promise of future hard work rather than a cheap and desperate marketing move to try and retain more of the few players that actually bought your much-too-late expansion. Pretending that having double the active player count from the utter catastrophe that was Icebrood Saga to an actual long awaited expansion involving the most fan-servicey region in your lore was somehow a success is also extremely bold, downright politician level bullcrap.


The latest to date way that you've lost all respect is how you put death threats and demands for people to be fired on the same level as a way to both distract from your incompetence and poison the well. If a waiter spills your drink on you then spits in your soup for you daring to complain about it, that waiter would get fired. You however don't provide a service merely lasting an evening, rather one asking for quite some commitment, and yet you feel entitled to keeping your job no matter how many drinks you spill. See, simple metaphors are enough, there's no need to include fallacies.


I haven't logged into this game in more than 2 months, the only reason I'm around is to provide my advice to some raid trainees in my guild. Now that you've shown your true colors, I don't think I'll ever have a reason to log back at all. Well I certainly don't hope anyone comes to any harm, I do hope whoever is behind some of those design decisions changes career path purely for the sake of this much damaged industry rather than petty vengeance. If you think that makes me a hateful and toxic customer, then double down on your denial and so be it.

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Not into most of the changes to be honest. Classes' traits lose their identity and uniqueness to become plain boons at 1/3 uptime. I'm already used to my main, rev, is nerfed for no reason and I know that my second main, firebrand, is way better in general yet is usually left untouched or it's buffed. It's no real balance when you think certain classes are favoured and then the (are they truly real?) supposed leaks confirm it. I'm usually skeptical about these things, but same about these announcements. Because before anyone replies my post, yes, I'm not 100% convinced about the death threats thing. I don't see proof, I see damage control and a social media manager type of post to serve as distraction from the main issue, that's a mediocre balance. I've been reading here, nothing. I've read the threads they've deleted talking about the leaks, nothing there either. But what most bugs me is the way it's put. A death threat, at least in my country, is a crime. You don't simply drop a "you are not welcome here", you state that you are taking legal action and informing the authorities about it. Very surely that's all bark and no bite, but in a case like this you don't go emotional as a corporation, you call the police. No idea if F2P accounts can post here (I guess so) so if it was here on a paid account you surely have their info or you can track who it is, or just the police doing their job. On Reddit or Twitter, no idea, I might take a look at that but I avoid especially the latter.

About putting in the same category those asking for someone to be fire, totally not the same. Whoever asks for that would mainly be asking for those in charge being replaced by someone that understands the community. If I don't do my job properly I'm fired. If my customers are not happy my job is also at risk. I've read some talking about "it's just a game" or that this is not the same as another product but I'm sure most of us have paid for this and many also keep paying for extra services like gems. It's a product and if many of the yes, customers, are unhappy they will voice it and it's valid, just be respectful. Not agreeing with the direction that what you've paid for is taking means you are "toxic" then just bow down to everything else and be content with how everything is, never complain. It's their game, they've offered something, you've paid for it, now they change things that many are against. You either could stay and tell them that you don't like it so they change it or leave. For those happy or asking that other players leave, you aren't better than those you call toxic.

I just hope it's reverted and listening to the community they do an actual balance without favoritism, being professional and not just empty words and promises that we are used to in every other game. It'd be good for everyone because I'm sure as much as "it's fun" to see the drama unleash like the last DE meta, the leaks and this patch, there are real people behind, so it's probably taxing for them. You can't make everyone happy but these last decissions and being so adamant on not turning back just deteriorates the dev - player relationship seeing how our feedback won't matter. It'll push some content a few weeks away? Well, to me it'd be worth it just to regain the trust of the playerbase and calm it down. So many people rush new content the first days and then go back to their usual stuff, not much would change.

Anyway it's live now so time to see the effects.

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I kinda understand ongoing changes :). Profession boons are quite hard to balance, and it is quite difficult add more boons alike. It is easier remove them.


I'm expecting to see things like fury/weakness, quickness/slow, alacrity/chilled, protection+resolution and swiftness/cripple as a stackable boon/condition instead standard flat amount that each one provides. :3


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9 minutes ago, Hauwlyn.8051 said:

There's a lot to unpack here.


The first way you're taking us for complete fools is how you pretend that because you didn't communicate your intent we clearly lacked the context that justified some of the changes. Please tell me how reducing warrior to this is merely you working in mysterious yet somehow competent ways. They have 2 decent optimized builds left now, assuming the bladesworn buffs are enough to compensate the massive precision loss that hit warrior harder than other classes, in which case it's the only power build left and it's extremely impractical in a lot of encounters.


The second way you're insulting us is pretending you care about feedback yet doubling down stubbornly despite your gross incompetence. You released a news article at some point that the Dragon's End meta was doing fine because completion rate was going up. How much denial do you need to not realize massive amounts of players not ever attempting it again is why the completion rate is going up? You do realize that leaves only people who actually try to do good dps behind? How about you take relevant metrics instead like how many people clear it every day, compare that to Octovine and keep telling us it's a good meta. Point is, the very fact you went through with this patch shows you still believe yourself more in the right than us, despite admitting your complete lack of experience regarding some classes. An impressive feat of cognitive dissonance.


The third way you're taking us and yourselves for complete idiots is the way you pretend to implement a lot of your changes to make more content accessible to motivated players of lower skills. Not only is the aforementioned example proof that you've added gatekeeping to an aspect of the game that contained basically none previously(meta-events, even triple trouble is merely a matter of learning mechanics and not of dps), hence widening the divide between players yourselves, you're completely ignoring a very important element of your community. You like pretending that the toxicity comes almost exclusively from elitists, but the easily observable truth is that a lot of people who don't want to put in the slightest effort still want to do all the content. They feel entitled to it because they paid for the game. As if a movie ticket gave you right to trash the theater. Anyone who's ever tried to lead actual training raids will tell you that despite being informed, some players will just not do any effort whatsoever, starting with using food for challenging content. This game is filled with leeches, many more than any other MMO I've tried because you've enabled them time and again, and you pretend the elitists are your biggest problem. Stop trying to picture yourselves as the defenders of the downtrodden and start opening your eyes. Following the incessant whims of those people is what got you estranged from your once hopeful community.


The fourth way you're defecating on us is how you keep making plenty of promises, using big words, just quoting "voice of the player" in this post like something that belongs on a pedestal, yet not even attempting to make good on most of your promises. I'm not gonna insist on this one, plenty of people have called out your many lies in this very thread already. I think the most laughable parts is how you already announced a 4th expansion as if this was really a promise of future hard work rather than a cheap and desperate marketing move to try and retain more of the few players that actually bought your much-too-late expansion. Pretending that having double the active player count from the utter catastrophe that was Icebrood Saga to an actual long awaited expansion involving the most fan-servicey region in your lore was somehow a success is also extremely bold, downright politician level bullcrap.


The latest to date way that you've lost all respect is how you put death threats and demands for people to be fired on the same level as a way to both distract from your incompetence and poison the well. If a waiter spills your drink on you then spits in your soup for you daring to complain about it, that waiter would get fired. You however don't provide a service merely lasting an evening, rather one asking for quite some commitment, and yet you feel entitled to keeping your job no matter how many drinks you spill. See, simple metaphors are enough, there's no need to include fallacies.


I haven't logged into this game in more than 2 months, the only reason I'm around is to provide my advice to some raid trainees in my guild. Now that you've shown your true colors, I don't think I'll ever have a reason to log back at all. Well I certainly don't hope anyone comes to any harm, I do hope whoever is behind some of those design decisions changes career path purely for the sake of this much damaged industry rather than petty vengeance. If you think that makes me a hateful and toxic customer, then double down on your denial and so be it.

Bladesworn can barely top 35k, but won't sustain it. In other words, if you want power, play one of the favored classes of virtuoso and mech, which just happened to survive the nerf quite well. It's just a coincidence that they were designed by a certain someone.

Banners can provide full uptime on quickness, might and I guess resolution would be most useful. Of course, they can barely break past 20k.

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Guardian's elite signet passive effect works while on cd.. Bladesworn's new Overcharged Cartridges  got 2 ammo stacks back after trigering Detonate Cartridges so it was infinite, after relog game now it doesn't trigger nothing and it's description ''Your next few explosions..'' (5) doesn't work correctly.. I used pistol skill 5 (6 hits) and it uses only 1 stack.. So.. WTF ?
I tried 5 reworked/new skills and 2 are already bugged ? 
Did you even try those skills before put them public ?
Have you ever heard about testserver or something like that ? 

This balance/dev team is pure joke..

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I've been playing this game since the first beta days and to be honest... you know that what you've posted here is a load of tripe. Anybody that's been around for as long as I have knows it, too.

At this point, just tell your player base that your design team is comprised of people who only play 2,000 hours of Quickbrand and camp axe, and whose only secondary class is Mechanist. Tell them that you do not intend for any other class to be able to compete with the Guardian's Firebrand or with Engineer's Mechanist (and to a lesser degree, Scrapper). Just go ahead and flat out tell the 5 remaining Elementalist players to uninstall the game because you're constantly putting a shotgun to the back of their head and pulling the trigger with every balance patch you've ever released. Tell all those terrible casual players, the ones that this game was originally made for and aimed at, that the only class balance you recognise is dictated by about 10 raid speedrunners, and a stationary golem that doesn't fight back. You certainly don't balance based on anything else, and if you want to try sell me the idea that you do, then I have a bridge to sell you.

The idea that an ArenaNet employee is yet again apologising for communication failures is just a really bad joke after all these years. As a company, you've always been abysmal at communication when it comes to GW2. And, if we're honest, you've also been historically trash at ever finding proper balance in almost all your game modes, too.

Neither of these issues are new. And what's really worrying is the fact that they aren't just historical issues with the company, but they're persistent issues with the company. You never communicate properly. You've never really balanced classes properly. If this is all you're capable of after your huge "finale of our big story arc" expansion, if this is the best you can do after all the hype you put into this balance patch, then maybe the game deserves to die at this point. Your competition in the MMORPG market is blowing you out of the water and you're only becoming more and more of a bad joke, with a once wonderfully promising game whose only selling point now is "Well, uh... at least there's no gear grind, right?"

Edited by Airyll.7849
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1 minute ago, Airyll.7849 said:

Just go ahead and flat out tell the 5 remaining Elementalist players to uninstall the game because you're constantly putting a shotgun to the back of their head and pulling the trigger with every balance patch you've ever released.


...ow that hurt a lot more than I thought it would...

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2 minutes ago, Airyll.7849 said:

Just go ahead and flat out tell the 5 remaining Elementalist players to uninstall the game because you're constantly putting a shotgun to the back of their head and pulling the trigger with every balance patch you've ever released.

I don't know guys, but I think my instincts were telling me long ago to stop playing Elementalist, after all my first "main Ele" became my crafting character in like 2014 I believe and I've created second Elementalist to "play". If I sooner understood what my insticts were telling me, then maybe today I'd be happy Guardian main, but who knew...

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11 minutes ago, Morokey.8534 said:

Guardian's elite signet passive effect works while on cd.. Bladesworn's new Overcharged Cartridges  got 2 ammo stacks back after trigering Detonate Cartridges so it was infinite, after relog game now it doesn't trigger nothing and it's description ''Your next few explosions..'' (5) doesn't work correctly.. I used pistol skill 5 (6 hits) and it uses only 1 stack.. So.. WTF ?
I tried 5 reworked/new skills and 2 are already bugged ? 
Did you even try those skills before put them public ?
Have you ever heard about testserver or something like that ? 

This balance/dev team is pure joke..

Remember, we couldn't stop the patch from going live because all the effort they put into QA would've been wasted.

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1 minute ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I don't know guys, but I think my instincts were telling me long ago to stop playing Elementalist, after all my first "main Ele" became my crafting character in like 2014 I believe and I've created second Elementalist to "play". If I sooner understood what my insticts were telling me, then maybe today I'd be happy Guardian main, but who knew...


Band with me, brother, and let us sing our Elementalist Swan Song to Tyria. I am not ready to give up my Cata and Tempest, as I worked so hard on them, but I think it is time for them to take a vacation for now.

At least we still have Weaver. I mean, they can't really do anything to Weaver that it doesn't already do to itself but still.

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Actually with a bit of thought, I think I change my mind, as much as I enjoy necromancer, I don't really enjoy engi or guardian enough to satisfy me. So I am going to quit GW2 until I am convinced there is no longer a hyper bias towards professions anymore.

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You've made the same mistake with warrior, thief and revenant - which is to overhaul one core specialisation as a "support option" without considering how the traits will synergise with others to create fun and viable builds that can compete in all areas of the game.


EG: Concealing Restoration and Hidden Thief from Shadow Arts were vital for sustain in PvP and WvW, and you've replaced them with tepid underpowered group support options for PvE.

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3 minutes ago, glass.3245 said:

EG: Concealing Restoration and Hidden Thief from Shadow Arts were vital for sustain in PvP and WvW, and you've replaced them with tepid underpowered group support options for PvE.

No, that in fact was a very discussed targeted nerf to perma stealth roamers, and they weren't "vital" as much as "completely overpowered". That's the build they tried to nerf and failed last time around. The supporty flavor was added on top as an alternative.

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