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why are people hating on the patch?

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23 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

World of warcraft has been bad game for 10 years, alot wowcraft players in my guild dont expect anything good from their next expansion. 


Just like warrior its been bad since game come out. If warrior bad then dont play it, there are more better dps claases in game than warrior. 


Listen warrior bad class, they make warrior bad this patch. So its like no changes 

...What are you even on about? Are you actually suggesting that Blizz doing a bad job at balancing their own game is justification for ANet doing a bad job here and for people to just accept it? Right, okay. People want Blizz to bring classes more in line with one another all of the time, and in fact the meta chasing, elitist types on that game are one of its largest problems due to toxicity and gatekeeping entire classes due to "less than perfect" performance.

"Just don't play the class that you want to play" Yikes, buddy.

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all i am saying is. if the class is bad to you then dont play it. if you have fun playing warrior even if it is bad then play it. no body says you cannnot do one the other.


i am saying is also people need to set their expectation for warrior low since warrior never been good and looking at history there is never been warrior changes in patches that is good. now people are just following the crowd bringing their spoons and forks because banner change is bad. please brothers and sisters warrior has been bad since the game came out and it will always be bad. now if we want to talk about lorewise there is no way warrior will be able to beat a elemantalist who use magic or a thief who hides and kills u with one stab at your behind. 


my conclusion is warrior will always be the weakest class in game and lorewise so people need to set their expectation low for changes just like wowcraft's next expansion. it wont be good no ones going to play that game

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1 minute ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

all i am saying is. if the class is bad to you then dont play it. if you have fun playing warrior even if it is bad then play it. no body says you cannnot do one the other.


i am saying is also people need to set their expectation for warrior low since warrior never been good and looking at history there is never been warrior changes in patches that is good. now people are just following the crowd bringing their spoons and forks because banner change is bad. please brothers and sisters warrior has been bad since the game came out and it will always be bad. now if we want to talk about lorewise there is no way warrior will be able to beat a elemantalist who use magic or a thief who hides and kills u with one stab at your behind. 


my conclusion is warrior will always be the weakest class in game and lorewise so people need to set their expectation low for changes just like wowcraft's next expansion. it wont be good no ones going to play that game

Thats just factually wrong. Warrior has not been bad since the game came out...its actually had several moments where it is very good, in all content; PvP or PvE. However for some reason ANet did not upkeep the class very well over the years.

I am not sure where you are getting this "Warrior has always been bad" but that is just incorrect. If you had issues fighting Elementalists and Thieves as a Warrior over the years, and even when Warrior has been in a good place balance wise, that is a you issue, not an issue with the class. It is only these last few years where Warrior has really fallen off due to really lopsided balance updates and changes ANet has made to Warrior that has really thrown it under the bus, as well as changes made to other classes that have just shoved it out of the way.

You seem to be operating under some really strange and inaccurate presumptions both with GW2 as a game and weirdly WoW as well.

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Umm the patch notes hold everything..

Rangers, warriors, ele, mes and rev are all effected mostly.. Some thieves and necros as well. OP its not hard to see and i suck at meta and math.. They literally ruined some perfectly fine classes and some that were really struggling..


While Engi is overpowered gets even more and the lovely Firebrand is still going strong which is literally crazy at this point.

30 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

all i am saying is. if the class is bad to you then dont play it. if you have fun playing warrior even if it is bad then play it. no body says you cannnot do one the other.


i am saying is also people need to set their expectation for warrior low since warrior never been good and looking at history there is never been warrior changes in patches that is good. now people are just following the crowd bringing their spoons and forks because banner change is bad. please brothers and sisters warrior has been bad since the game came out and it will always be bad. now if we want to talk about lorewise there is no way warrior will be able to beat a elemantalist who use magic or a thief who hides and kills u with one stab at your behind. 


my conclusion is warrior will always be the weakest class in game and lorewise so people need to set their expectation low for changes just like wowcraft's next expansion. it wont be good no ones going to play that game

If we keep following your chain of thought at some point all the classes will be bad and then what.. Do we just move on.. Because the current balance is definitely going the way of no balance..

Edited by Dante.1508
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14 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well that's not true for other games, just look at WoW and how garbage the frost death knight development has been over the past 10 years, where removing one passive would fix the whole class yet is somehow still in that game to this day after being universally hated by everyone who actually played the class.


But anyway, people have wanted a rifle update for a while, and guess what we are getting? a rifle update. How is that ignoring the playerbase?

Have you ever done high end raids or PvP content like roaming? It feels like you're using roundabout logic. Warrior is pretty much dead, Spellbreaker has no presence ANYWHERE, Bannerslave is a joke now. Bladesworn is just mediocre. Guardian and Engineer will continue to make the meta stale in High end groups. Its either play those or kick. Ranger is nerfed as well. Across the board a lot of classes were nerfed with irrelevant changes. You are in the EXTREME minority where they actually catered to something absolutely irrelevant and it seems like you're "white-knighting" them for whatever reason. Where there have been players who have played for YEARS who have been waiting for patches to fix their class. Any argument anyone has made on this thread, you reply with  nonsensical answers or troll arguments. The fact is, and there is no denying it; this patch is trash and anyone white knighting it hasn't had enough experience playing the game or they just don't play on a level where it affects them. It seems like you're probably both.

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1 hour ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Thats just factually wrong. Warrior has not been bad since the game came out...its actually had several moments where it is very good, in all content; PvP or PvE. However for some reason ANet did not upkeep the class very well over the years.

I am not sure where you are getting this "Warrior has always been bad" but that is just incorrect. If you had issues fighting Elementalists and Thieves as a Warrior over the years, and even when Warrior has been in a good place balance wise, that is a you issue, not an issue with the class. It is only these last few years where Warrior has really fallen off due to really lopsided balance updates and changes ANet has made to Warrior that has really thrown it under the bus, as well as changes made to other classes that have just shoved it out of the way.

You seem to be operating under some really strange and inaccurate presumptions both with GW2 as a game and weirdly WoW as well.

 i am saying  LOREWISE there is no way a warrior can out duel a elementalist or a thief or a revenant. there is no way rytlock will lose to logan in a 1v1 .you are purposely misunderstanding what i saying  i am not talking about me just stop what you are trying to do isnt working .  me playing playing a warrior 1v1 thiefs or others classes isnt me talking about LOREWISE . stop saying things that i did not say


back to the thread topic people need to calm down patch is good no problem developers will make changes then everyone happy

Edited by Rendalmj.3152
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13 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

 i am saying  LOREWISE there is no way a warrior can out duel a elementalist or a thief or a revenant. there is no way rytlock will lose to logan in a 1v1 .you are purposely misunderstanding what i saying  i am not talking about me just stop what you are trying to do isnt working .  me playing playing a warrior 1v1 thiefs or others classes isnt me talking about LOREWISE . stop saying things that i did not say


back to the thread topic people need to calm down patch is good no problem developers will make changes then everyone happy

The lore has nothing to do with what is being discussed anywhere in these threads so I don't know why you brought it up in the first place, that doesn't change the fact that you were just incorrect about Warrior always being bad.

Also "the patch is good" and "developers will make changes then everyone happy"; tell that to the last 4 to 5 years, and especially the last 2 years. Thats part of the problem people are talking about; this has been a long standing issue and if what you are saying were actually the case then your commentary of "Warrior was always bad" completely contradicts you now saying "developers will make changes then everyone happy".

If you can't understand why people are frustrated then don't chime in, especially if you apparently aren't going to make the effort to understand why. I even linked you a post by someone explaining it but you either did not read it or you still didn't understand what was being said.

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48 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

 i am saying  LOREWISE there is no way a warrior can out duel a elementalist or a thief or a revenant. there is no way rytlock will lose to logan in a 1v1 .you are purposely misunderstanding what i saying  i am not talking about me just stop what you are trying to do isnt working .  me playing playing a warrior 1v1 thiefs or others classes isnt me talking about LOREWISE . stop saying things that i did not say


back to the thread topic people need to calm down patch is good no problem developers will make changes then everyone happy

Lore wise a warrior would easily defeat any thief. Up in the air about an elementalist.

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13 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Lore wise a warrior would easily defeat any thief. Up in the air about an elementalist.

This is off topic but all classes could destroy other classes in the lore depending on the situation.. A thief could kill a warrior or ele etc, without them even raising a weapon.. No thief/Assassin would try to go head to head with a Warrior its not how they are designed to fight.

Here is how a thief fights .. yes i know its an Assassin class.


Completely pointless discussion here though.

Edited by Dante.1508
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I  opened the patch. Saw elementalist got nerfed even more and forced even more into running air.
Sighed and then just went back to playing something else.

My main is Ele and they nerfed it to the ground  even more and I ain't in the mood to play.
Doubly so when they seem to be shifting to making people raid which will limit the kind of Ele I can play even more.


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6 minutes ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

Anet developers are the best compared to those big company devs i believe they will make changes to underpower classes and make them viable for all gameplay in the cominb days

Literally all past evidence has shown that to not be the case, in addition to what we literally saw in the recent leaks.

You want an example of devs actually doing a good job with class balancing? Look to Lost Ark. Is it perfect? No, that is never going to be achieved, but every class is used and performs well in all content in the game; PvE and PvP. The devs for the game have been able to keep every class within a fairly solid bubble of relevance.

ANet has hard dropped the ball on that for years.

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17 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

They seem to be doing alot of good things in the patch, like updating the engineer rifle into a might monster and making aim assisted rocket actually useful again.


I don't know what people are complaining about.

we should not white knight incompetence

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Why? That's a big question.

So many people react emotionally and like to support group opinions in search of acceptance, often subconsciously. Also there's the general misconception that their opinion matters so they argue about stuff like this. Altho here it might actually make some difference, but in the end it's still Anet that makes the decisions.

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19 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

They seem to be doing alot of good things in the patch, like updating the engineer rifle into a might monster and making aim assisted rocket actually useful again.


I don't know what people are complaining about.

Well, if you'd play any other class but engi (aka new GW2 master race), you'd know...

Edited by Nash.2681
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10 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Mechanist is so utterly broken now - does ~25k DPS just auto attacking with Rifle and has all necessary boons. The level of self sufficiency is ridiculous.

You do realize that "25k" (of which the rifle AA doesn't even make up for half of it) with all buffs on a golem with all debuffs is rather abysmal for a primarily damage focused build? Even P/P thief has more (granted not by much), it's pretty much in line with what you would expect to see from a LI build although Harb still pretty much does "the same thing but better".

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4 hours ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

Anet developers are the best compared to those big company devs i believe they will make changes to underpower classes and make them viable for all gameplay in the cominb days

Actually they Are technically big company devs. Honestly it would have probably been enlightening if they said Why they made the changes that they did and how they expect players to adapt. As I mentionned before, the removal of class specific buffs and leaving the cap on remaining buffs intact is defacto a nerf on all players running high end content, which I dont need to remind anyone, is struggling enough as it is to get players to participate in. It's tone deaf.

Even the rifle engineer changes are questionable, and I play engineer extensively. Rifle was functional before the changes, the new animation is janky and the speed at which it is fired is abnormal. They should have taken a look at turrets instead Which are completely defunct.

This is Not a good patch. The fact Devs taking care of balance do not play the classes they balance is of concern. If you want to see a proper balance patch, check on any game that has a private server where an active amateur team monitors balance. You'll find the changes are much coherent insightful. Because amateurs play their own games before and after they tweak it.

Heck, even when you Dont have such a team, there is such a thing as test servers or focus groups. I know ANET is aware of the concept, they'd just rather do without for the sake of avoiding leaks I guess (Turns out, leaks are gonna happen, but if you atleast get opinions going against your decisions in advance, maybe take heed instead of lowering your head and diving in Anyway, that really defeats the purpose of such things in the first place).

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21 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

They're not hating on the patch, the patch is just "meh". They're mostly upset because the leaks from discord show that this is what we can hope for, class favoritism, ignoring player feedback and working on only the classes devs play, and those same devs had really "nice" things to say about the players. Then Arenanet sided with them, legitimizing that behaviour, and played the victim, blaming the players.


What a load of BS. They just want to remove unique buffs and let players play all classes. Especially they want that 'we need this and that class' to progress in the raid/instance/whatever. Instead they remove uniquness of classes so that 'everyone' can join a group for specific content.

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11 hours ago, Rendalmj.3152 said:

World of warcraft has been bad game for 10 years, alot wowcraft players in my guild dont expect anything good from their next expansion. 


Just like warrior its been bad since game come out. If warrior bad then dont play it, there are more better dps claases in game than warrior. 


Listen warrior bad class, they make warrior bad this patch. So its like no changes 

Well, all that shows is how absolutely stupid WoW players are - paying a subscription fee for garbage-after-garbage. I'd like to think that the GW2 players are more discerning and understand how bad a patch is and complain about it.

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It has already started , Lfg's on Hl content only ask for Ham , Qfb , and specific condidps classes (guess who : scourge or virtuoso ofc), yeah why ask for power class now , they have to run assassin stuff like crazy , and so underperfrom in dps .

I didnt get it , for me it's utterly simple to balance those power classes (the +5% on fury is good stuff though) but if i am not mistaken , 15 point in precision gives +1% crit chance , so why  do not make 12 make +1% more , everybody will be happy (even condi builds)

Getting rid off unique "boon" is not a bad idea but now healers or supports have to compete with the king of alacrity and the king of quickness : mechanist and firebrand , who ironically enough can play both dps/support and heal classes. So anet has to make the other classes a way we players dont feel underperforming , not because we dont play well ,because we dont picked up the good class.

And maybe the next patch will correct that all , but as an ele (previously main) player ,having me toss , like an empty macaroni can, some alacrity for my tempest  , where i need my bastion of elements to heal and nerfing my catalyst quickness to the crisp with 20% dps loss , or a warrior feeling as empty as the weapon skill bar when i grab a banner is not a good feeling , and i am afraid arenanet will continue patching the game the way they want with no clue how to balance a class (i.e +5% crit chance in a condi trait line , early aprilfool fest,...)

Here is something i needed to share , this guy made a great work and for me it feels like a great idea for a real banner warrior.

Ps : arena net it's not a crime to pick up some ideas from internet , i am pretty sure the guy will be utterly happy you took his idea.


Have a nice day,

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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The absolutely funniest thing about this patch is that Necros didn't get positively nerfed into the ground:

  • Warhorn - both good changes
  • Yeah, Death Perception changed from giving Ferocity to upping Crit Chance - so a "nerf" maybe?
  • Reaper - all the changes were positive ones
  • Harb - only PvP got nerfed

Usually I expect the worst when I read that "balance" changes are incoming.

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