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NERF guild siege


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Guild siege is TOO STRONG  for its absurdly low cost! Forever coming upto seeing enemy zergs after a callout with MINIMUM 6 guild catapults and 3 shield gens been built! By the time the pugs actually try to respond the enemy zerg is already inside the objective

Cost comes with a penalty for durability. Give them 1/4 the hp of superior siege blue prints. 

Nothing that costs MUCH less should have the same durability of something that costs more to build 


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4 hours ago, mysticozzy.3589 said:

Guild siege is TOO STRONG  for its absurdly low cost! Forever coming upto seeing enemy zergs after a callout with MINIMUM 6 guild catapults and 3 shield gens been built! By the time the pugs actually try to respond the enemy zerg is already inside the objective

Cost comes with a penalty for durability. Give them 1/4 the hp of superior siege blue prints. 

Nothing that costs MUCH less should have the same durability of something that costs more to build 


are you aware that guildsiege is supposed to be a upgrade? Guilds have to invest into them... its not like they fall from the sky or something...

with your idea... they would be worse than base siege....  

BIIIG NOPE for me. Guild siege is fine.

if the zerg can build 6 guidcatas and 3 shieldgens... they could reach the same with 5 superiors and 3 shieldgens... the wall will literally drop 15 seconds slower or something... your barking at the wrong tree.

If anything they should raise the dmg of defensive sieges like AC, so you can actually defend against those masses. Right now... defense sieges tickle and are no threat to a blob with healers.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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5 hours ago, mysticozzy.3589 said:

Guild siege is TOO STRONG  for its absurdly low cost! Forever coming upto seeing enemy zergs after a callout with MINIMUM 6 guild catapults and 3 shield gens been built! By the time the pugs actually try to respond the enemy zerg is already inside the objective

Cost comes with a penalty for durability. Give them 1/4 the hp of superior siege blue prints. 

Nothing that costs MUCH less should have the same durability of something that costs more to build 



Have you ever scribed?  Do you know what goes into it?  

Do you realize you can buy the siege on the TP including guild siege to both protect against and kill the enemies guild siege?


🙂. Hope you have a good day!

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If 50 people build 6 guild catas and 3 guild shield gens they would spend 360 supplies. 

If they build 6 superior catas and 3 superior shield gens, they would spend 450 supplies.

Is the 90 supplies you save really that game breaking?

Also the problem as you state is the speed at which a stack of catas can down a wall. What does it matter if you lower the HP when the wall is already down when defenders arrive? What would it actually accomplish? The zerg would just build superiors (which they still do in 90% of cases) and you'd still have the exact same problem. Seems like an odd way to go about it, instead of identifying the real problem - being able to build that much siege in one location no matter how much supply you bring. Coincidentally the exact same type of problem as that 50 man stacking all the boons, but I digress.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Catapults (and rams) need to have higher health, to account for damage going way up in the last few years, they melt if people even look at them


Even better would be if rams/catapults had the buff that dolyaks get when friendly players are near them.

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Heh, no, rams have way more health than catas, they don't need more, cannons can't even kill rams without protection before the gate does down, plus there's shield gens for protection. Take out shield gens and we can talk about adjusting siege health.

Anet screwed up the siege balance with guild versions, they never should have cost less supply than superior, just did more damage and had more health. And also attaching it to scribing, they had to have it as a major bonus to do scribing. 🤷‍♂️

Anet really needs to go through siege and do a full rebalance of cost and damage and health, they said they "might" look into siege after restructuring, but we all know what that means, never.

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Nerfing guild siege isn't going to stop the zerg. They're going to have 1000+ supplies and superior siege does the same damage. Do you think anyone that commands anything above 25 really cares if they can only throw down 5 vs 6? I'll just ask one party to resupply.

Nerfing guild siege would definitely hurt smaller groups that actually have to worry about supply. When we're attacking a tower with only 2-3 people, this is where guild siege helps because going on a supply run would split us up and possibly get us killed.

Also, I noticed a lot of people not pulling invul. Just yesterday we kept a tower because I pulled invul and nobody was even thinking about it vs 5 guild catas. With invul  we were able to  actually able to repair the wall back to full so it lasted longer after invul wore off and the allies finally came.

Maybe we should be able to buy guild siege with tickets. Also, why are there no guild omega golems anyways?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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13 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Guild siege already costs more to make and accounts for the difference. No the balance between the siege differences is fine. Would prefer that development time be spent elsewhere.


Sorry you are confused. Guild siege helps the Havoc and Roamers and counter balances the smaller forces versus larger. Now granted if a larger side employs it it also helps them too, but that doesn't happen as much.. Its requires more resources be that in gold or in game resources. Nerfing Guild siege only helps the larger side and removes options for the smaller forces to oppose them.



https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Catapult_Blueprint : Current: 40.6 Silver each

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Catapult_Blueprints : 3.99 Silver each


So for a difference in 5 supply you pay a factor of 10 if you are buying. You get free Sup siege from rewards, you don't get that  option for guild siege. So Guild siege requires more player commitment in gold and resources, which is why I say for a mere 5 less resources its fine as is.




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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Sorry you are confused. Guild siege helps the Havoc and Roamers and counter balances the smaller forces versus larger. Now granted if a larger side employs it it also helps them too, but that doesn't happen as much.. Its requires more resources be that in gold or in game resources. Nerfing Guild siege only helps the larger side and removes options for the smaller forces to oppose them.



https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Catapult_Blueprint : Current: 40.6 Silver each

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Catapult_Blueprints : 3.99 Silver each


So for a difference in 5 supply you pay a factor of 10 if you are buying. You get free Sup siege from rewards, you don't get that  option for guild siege. So Guild siege requires more player commitment in gold and resources, which is why I say for a mere 5 less resources its fine as is.




I'm confused that you quoted your own message and appear to be confused too.

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1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

They was responding to the confused emoji reaction that they got.  (Is my guess anyway).


But yeah, the confusion reigns supreme around here. 😂


Got it in one, since I don't know who found it confusing had no basis for a reply to. Ironically I have had others in game state guild siege should do more damage than superior and have defended the opposite call it shouldn't do more since it requires less supply and that keeps it in balance. Not saying we shouldn't address damage outputs versus various targets and uses or the need for more/different siege types but the balance in costs between the three levels between what it takes to acquire and deploy is in a good state. IMO. 


Now back to your regular scheduled confusion. 

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A player can only be hitted by AC damage 1 hit per each second....

Actually siege should pressure more larger groups but since most ic are tank stats being condi or minstrells  siege wont do much...

ive been in situationtion that a group of 10-15 can old arround 10 superiors ac's since players can only teake 1 hit per each second....


On VS structures is a bit weird, even roler car can melt t3 walls LOL :)

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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16 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

ive been in situationtion that a group of 10-15 can old arround 10 superiors ac's since players can only teake 1 hit per each second....

The one siege that's suppose to serve as anti-personnel siege.... does blip damage to personnel.... nerfed because guild zergs complained about it (because fighting under defenders siege in the defenders objective is very uncomfortable, we can't have them feeling uncomfortable in someone else's home, they need clear train tracks for the lords room farm), even though they could build a shield gen and get complete immunity to them, which boon balls are pretty much are at this point too.  🤷‍♂️


Edited by Xenesis.6389
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5 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

They was responding to the confused emoji reaction that they got.  (Is my guess anyway).


But yeah, the confusion reigns supreme around here. 😂

Funny thing is... I'm now getting mostly sad emojis... and I'm even more confused now on what it's suppose to mean...

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10 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I hear Siege disablers work great. As does keeping an objective sieged up and the siege refreshed.

In addition there's also a trick called building a ballista behind the zerg. Rarely do they check behind, and if they stick around long enough you catch on to their blind spots.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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39 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Eh, better to actually siege up the objective with ballistae where they can't be reached.

Yes and no, personally I had better success building siege from behind or blind spots since 90% of the time they're going to be focused on whatever they're trying to down. It's somewhat being like a sniper.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Funny thing is... I'm now getting mostly sad emojis... and I'm even more confused now on what it's suppose to mean...

Are you posting about alliances? It is a bit sad.


Confused emotes don't really do much unless you stack them. Sad is a good cover emoji though. Ideally you'd run as a boon ball so that everyone can properly balance out the reactions with 100% uptime. Also, nerf ele.

Many of the laugh ones (in general) are from me though, because it's not as meta. Same for the trophy.  [It doesn't actually mean I disagree or w/e] Also a good player will mix good and bad reactions, and sometimes even change the emoji in case someone responds to it to confuse everyone.

And yea there's no point replying to a random reaction xD

edit: I keep saying they should have boons and conditions as reactions  instead.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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13 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:


edit: I keep saying they should have boons and conditions as reactions  instead.


People get sad due how things go by...   in the siege case , its nerfed to carry big zergs with no effort on taking objectives., i would assume.

In the case of conditions as reactions would choose  torment or criple.. cause a  game that beneficts zergs vs empty structures or against what could counter them its a cripled game.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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14 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


People get sad due how things go by...   in the siege case , its nerfed to carry big zergs with no effort on taking objectives., i would assume.



But as Archon and others have said and will agree with, it hurts the havoc and roamer more than the zerg. With guild siege and supply capacity increase and claim rights a roamer can apply pressure while outnumbered on an enemy map and potentially impact a larger force. A havoc actually has a chance to address more numbers with hit and run attacks while potentially giving their side a more even fight elsewhere. The zerg is going to get the wall down with or without guild siege. 

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The difference in DPS between 5 cats and 6 cats is really not all that much.


But the difference between being able to place 2 cats instead of 1 cat for a small party is huge. Nerfing the supply requirements hurts small groups more than zergs. 


If anything I would like to see the target cap for ballista moved to 50 (from 10), and AC damage buffed 10% to make up for the defensive power creep this game has. Probably an unpopular opinion, but it is as it is. 

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