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I wonder sometimes if adding a third dodge would help with this.


In PvE at least.


I know there are situations where I have been nuked by aoes that maybe I could have walked out of but I didn't notice them soon enough thanks to so many overlapping things happening. I would have been able to dodge if dodge had been available.

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34 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Knowing the encounter and being able to ""predict"" (or rather expect) what can/should/will happen soon helps with responsiveness more than some people think btw.

Again, you are talking about the high end encounters, which are indeed designed to be more predictable. Ironically, what this thread is about is something that is mostly being introduced in low to mid tier content, not the high-end one.

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20 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, you are talking about the high end encounters, which are indeed designed to be more predictable. Ironically, what this thread is about is something that is mostly being introduced in low to mid tier content, not the high-end one.

I am not, you can still get to know the regular mobs/encounters, expect what they'll do and play accordingly. Not absolutely everywhere and every single time? Maybe.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

I'm not super old (though not getting any younger) and I've also found this. Throw in ping issues and it makes things a lot more challenging since by the time you see and can react to something, you have far less time to do it in because as far as the server is concerned, you were happily watching mechanics be telegraphed and didn't bother to respond until the last second. And far too many mechanics chain together in such a way there's no way to recover unless you bring specific skills to a fight or are a class where your skills double as stun breaks or have stability on them.

It's not fun to lose control of your character for 8+ seconds in PvP so why it was moved over to PvE is beyond me. Either it leads to death or you and/or support has to panic to stay alive before the next mechanic happens. Older content did have punishing mechanics but also had more reprieves and chances to recover between them. If you failed A, you could still recover in time to do B. Now if you fail A, you're hit by B, C, and have a brief chance to recover in time for D to not kill you.

It feels far spammier and there's not much time to catch your breath or respond. And it really doesn't help that Anet has introduced mechanics that cannot be dodged through, mechanics that for years people with slower reflexes and/or bad ping relied on dodging through since there wasn't enough time to leave the area entirely.

It's not about rewarding people who can do mechanics perfectly with faster clears/bigger numbers/more loot anymore, it's about punishing players (and possibly 9 others) if a mechanic is failed once by one person even in non-CM content.

Great post.

And re: undodgable mechanics, a great example of this that doesn't even make sense is the frogs in AB.

AFAIK, dodging does this much to protect you from their attacks: 0.

The mechanics are animated on a large model in such a way that intuitively, you'd think they'd be dodgeable. But instead, it's just... not. I seriously doubt they are intending to be inconsistent in mechanic design with that specific mob and this is the kind of thing I think of when I talk about listening to players in a thread I made the other day. They could have some little resources devoted to going back and fixing stuff like this.

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My reflexes are not what they once were. I pay attention to mob patterns, try to learn the fight (usually by trial and error because I am not fond of video guides), do my best when it comes to dodging, and adjust my character build to suit my capabilities. Sometimes, not always, it is possible to make a few tweaks to a build to give yourself a little cushion. This can be as simple as using Marauders or Trailblazers rather than Berzerker or Viper gear. It can mean playing classes that make good use of barrier, block, or invulnerability mechanics.

There are a lot of tools available. None of them alone are likely to solve your issue completely OP, but perhaps a combination can be enough to take the edge off for you. I hope so.

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3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Idk man, older people have money.  I hear that some of them even own houses! Imagine being able to buy and maintain a whole house! Sure, young folks have some money. If Anet is looking for deep pockets, I think that the 50+ are it.  

Yeah, I am over 50 and used to spend a grand or so each month on GW2 between a couple accounts. My other hobbies are all but free, so my MMO of choice gets most of my entertainment budget.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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5 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

And re: undodgable mechanics, a great example of this that doesn't even make sense is the frogs in AB.

Yeah, granted, skills that just ignore dodge are such BS.

For the frogs it's only the jump slam which is sufficiently telegraphed to get out (at least if you know that they always do the pull with their tongue first) but it just makes you feel bad. Same for the White Mantle Knight AoE with the growing triangles, complete kitten.

Having dodge ignore things is fine for relatively obvious static environment hazards like walking through lava and some raid mechanics (because Dodge would be too powerful there) but whenever it appears on regular mobs...ew.

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13 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You're assuming percentages. How do you know how big a percentage of disabled or older people play this game? Or how many people simply aren't gamers at all, and have a below average skill set.


I have never seen a study, but would be interested.  Back in the early 2000s I helped run a meetup group for Ultima Online.  I was surprised at how many of the players were older or disabled. But it makes sense - MMORPGs give you something to do, and a community of friends, all from the comfort of your home. A perfect setup for some.  I was young and disabled then, I am old and disabled now ha ha 😎

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Runescape had it worse, there was a child in Slug Menace who was 10 years old for like 10 years. So they made him age up 10 to 20. Problem was, runescape was pretty much about efficency so people doing the quests in order would have him literally age up 10 to 20 in a single quest. XD. For people who had played chronologically, it made sense.


But for people who played jumping in, they were aware enough to put in magic as the solution and poke some fun at themselves with little references like "Weren't you 10 years old last time i met you?" "Yeah! I used some magic to age up, incredibly ain't it?", and just poked some fun at themselves.  XD 

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20 hours ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

Four strikes were released with story mode, normal mode, and challenge mode difficulty for each. Everyone should be able to clear at least the story mode version so I would not say that the new strikes were only aimed at the "hardcore" crowd. As for raids, they added Emboldened mode (easy mode), so they actually made it easier for the casual player base. Many casuals are finally unlocking and working towards crafting their PVE legendary armor. I am not sure what the concern is here.

I think the op's comments are relevant for PoF raids. PoF raids have far more punishing mechanics that make the emboldened buff less useful. 


I am appreciative that rifle mechanist exists because it gives me hope that i'll still be able to play this when i'm old. 


@OP i am appreciative of your post because hopefully the devs will listen and have good content if i age out of what i do now. 

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Thanks for the comments.  Maybe I'll have to build a mechanist.

Right now, I've been playing through the content on a necro/reaper, which with the high HP and shroud is more survivable than some other classes.

I'm also not much one to watch video guides - I'd rather be playing the game than watching guides on how to play the game.

I suppose my biggest wish would be less focus on instanced content and more on open world.  It seems Anet keeps trying to push the instanced content - for how hard they are pushing it, it seems like it is not widely played.  Maybe Anet will at some point realize that a lot of people just don't like that instanced content.

I've actually done most of it - I think one concern from my side is that if I miss a mechanic and die, that may result in the entire instance failing, and I don't really want to subject the other players to that.  At least in OW, any one individual really doesn't make a difference, though most of the OW content can easily be handled.


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5 hours ago, Endaris.1452 said:

Yeah, granted, skills that just ignore dodge are such BS.

For the frogs it's only the jump slam which is sufficiently telegraphed to get out (at least if you know that they always do the pull with their tongue first) but it just makes you feel bad. Same for the White Mantle Knight AoE with the growing triangles, complete kitten.

Having dodge ignore things is fine for relatively obvious static environment hazards like walking through lava and some raid mechanics (because Dodge would be too powerful there) but whenever it appears on regular mobs...ew.

Out of curiosity, how does Mirage's evade work in those scenarios? Distortion? The one where dodging makes them stand still and take less damage instead.

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57 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Thanks for the comments.  Maybe I'll have to build a mechanist.

Right now, I've been playing through the content on a necro/reaper, which with the high HP and shroud is more survivable than some other classes.

I'm also not much one to watch video guides - I'd rather be playing the game than watching guides on how to play the game.

I suppose my biggest wish would be less focus on instanced content and more on open world.  It seems Anet keeps trying to push the instanced content - for how hard they are pushing it, it seems like it is not widely played.  Maybe Anet will at some point realize that a lot of people just don't like that instanced content.

I've actually done most of it - I think one concern from my side is that if I miss a mechanic and die, that may result in the entire instance failing, and I don't really want to subject the other players to that.  At least in OW, any one individual really doesn't make a difference, though most of the OW content can easily be handled.


Its like 90% openworld so leave the instance content alone if you have to mate.


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3 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Thanks for the comments.  Maybe I'll have to build a mechanist.

Right now, I've been playing through the content on a necro/reaper, which with the high HP and shroud is more survivable than some other classes.

I'm also not much one to watch video guides - I'd rather be playing the game than watching guides on how to play the game.

I suppose my biggest wish would be less focus on instanced content and more on open world.  It seems Anet keeps trying to push the instanced content - for how hard they are pushing it, it seems like it is not widely played.  Maybe Anet will at some point realize that a lot of people just don't like that instanced content.

I've actually done most of it - I think one concern from my side is that if I miss a mechanic and die, that may result in the entire instance failing, and I don't really want to subject the other players to that.  At least in OW, any one individual really doesn't make a difference, though most of the OW content can easily be handled.


    Mechanist is a good choice, i use to run a xill build that serves for all content that basically relies on autoatack+f1/f2/f3 and is really selfish, easy to build cause you only need  to spend dungeon currency from crisol eternity and some laurels for the trinkets. It runs 2 Golems 🙂, and even going full berserker it doesn't feel that squishy (underwater is a pain 😞).

   Just an advise if you try it; This build lacks condi cleanease so i rely on the weapon swap signet that takes away 3 of them and the elixir gun 5 that removes another one, and this skill being a light field you can keep auto with your reifle to get rid of more.


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On 7/27/2022 at 11:52 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's both. Take Ryland in Dragonstorm for example - some of his AoE attacks are pretty much normal, with indicators that give you enough time to react. But you also have icicle spikes that require much faster reaction, and that frontal attack that hits you a fraction of the second after indicator shows up. That last one is for people with top reflexes only. Sure, you can try to never be in front of him, but in that case, why even show that indicator at all?


And I'm going to bring it back to ping. I know I bang on about this in the forums, but some of us are playing with > 250 ping. This is in combination with slower reflexes with age. I'm sure Anet really want to kiss goodbye to their South American, SEA, and OCX players, particularly those of us on the other side of 30.

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Yes the twitch style gaming has become more and more of an issue in GW2 as the game has aged.. it a main reason i take long breaks the combat in say Living Stories and Expansions just hurts my hands and eyes after extended sessions.. So i just can't do it. Also 250+ ping times don't help.

Its also why i avoid PvP  and WvW as its way to hard on me.

Edited by Dante.1508
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49 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

See how you feel in another 10-20years.. 35 is still young.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect an MMO like this to choose as their target demographic players in their 50s and 60s.  Having said that, I think ANet does a better job than most of ensuring that most of their content is designed with a wide audience in mind to include older players.


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