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If Anet added in game ads, what would be the least annoying places to put them?

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I am not asking if you would quit playing.  I am not asking if you want in game ads.  Lets pretend that all mmos will have in game ads in five years.  What is tolerable ad placement?

Example placement: 
small video windows added to menus.

in a corner of the character selection screen.
A small window added to the Trading post, so that a video plays as you browse the listings. (add is muted unless you adjust it's volume)
Ads could play before the gates open in PvP.  It may even encourage people to ready up instead of waiting out the timer.
They could also just add non-animated banners or slogans to menu screens.  "do the dew" and such.

a single wandering npc in each town that pitches advertisement slogans each time they pass a waypoint; they walk at normal speed, their route takes them past each waypoint in the city, and they only use local chat.
festival firework consumables that create a sparkly slogan in the sky when used.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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A short advertisement break every 10 minutes, no matter where you are or what you are doing. I am sure it will be a lot of fun in raids or WvW Zerg fights. 
Lets just hope that there won’t be any ads in game, would be terrible and a reason for me to stop playing. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 minute ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

What is tolerable add placement?

There is none.


1 minute ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Lets pretend that all mmos will have in game adds in five years.

Why? I rather would like to pretend that all mmos will be free and without microtransactions in five years


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Why would there be ads in a game I paid for?  It's not a free game on a smartphone, also where the ads are wildly invasive and annoying.  Bad enough there is a reminder on free accounts for expansions.  

13 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I am not asking if you would quit playing.  

Oh but that would really be an excellent reason to.  Invasive, talk about immersion breaking...that disco ball of a guardian that ran by won't have a patch on a corporate sponsor ad.  

I pay for an ad free environment.  The last thing I would want is to see that in Tyria.  

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I remember when Neopets started adding adverts and product placement. Back then it was sort-of amusing that there was a virtual McDonalds you could take your pets to. (Although like all sensible neopians my pets lived mainly on free omlet and jelly.)

Ignoring the fact that I think it's highly unlikely Anet would ever do this because of the inevitable negative backlash, and because they can probably make more money by keeping their own customers happy than selling advert space I think the least annoying places for me would be:

  • On the launcher
  • On the pop-up when you collect the login reward
  • On the character select screen

I never look at the news on the launcher and my other MMO already advertises cash shop items on the login reward window and I think sometimes on the character select screen and I quickly learned not to pay attention to them. (Which is a shame because I think sometimes there's also news about events in the game, but the first one to come up is always a cash shop advert so I just click the button to accept the reward and close it instead of reading it.)

Videos in menus is an absolute no for me. It doesn't matter if they're out of the way and silent, for some reason the motion constantly draws my eye and makes it hard to focus on anything else nearby. I have both my phone and my PC set to only play gifs and videos when I click on them for the same reason. I don't care if it's selling me something or actually part of a conversation or whatever, it's the movement that annoys me.

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I'm going out on a limb here...For me, I've seen ad's in games before...but those were only in F2P games that I didn't purchase.  And they were pretty tolerably placed for the most part in some of them.  Here's the run down of where I've seen them:

1.) On the Launch Pad for the Game.  Usually game related content ads here and usually games within the company of the game I'm playing.

2.) On the Character Select screen, either in banner form, or in a small window in a corner.  Same as before.

3.) After Launch in a log-in window.

4.) In a Cash-Shop/Gem-Store/Special Currency Store.

5.) During initial load in to the game, and that's it.

Those are basically the five instances I've really seen ads bug me during a game.  Sometimes, they've been mixed together, like, I'll see #1 & #5 and that's it or I'll see #3 and #2 and that's it and I play my game to my heart's content.  They're not a constant eye sore.  They're not constantly flashing in my face, and they're almost always related to the company or game that I'm playing in the moment.

Now...I'm not a fan of ads, I don't know of anyone who is...But...I do understand it is a way to generate revenue.  So, I get it.  If they can find a way to not annoy me with it...more the better.

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22 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

I am not asking if you would quit playing.  I am not asking if you want in game adds.  Lets pretend that all mmos will have in game adds in five years.  What is tolerable add placement?

Example placement: 
small video windows added to menus.

in a corner of the character selection screen.
A small window added to the Trading post, so that a video plays as you browse the listings. (add is muted unless you adjust it's volume)
Adds could play before the gates open in PvP.  It may even encourage people to ready up instead of waiting out the timer.
They could also just add non-animated banners or slogans to menu screens.  "do the dew" and such.

a single wandering npc in each town that pitches advertisement slogans each time they pass a waypoint; they walk at normal speed, their route takes them past each waypoint in the city, and they only use local chat.
festival firework consumables that create a sparkly slogan in the sky when used.

The acceptable place is in the bin. Make good expansions and we'll buy them the game is monetized enough.

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On billboards spread through the core tyria dungeons.

Can make a nice little trailer with cam zooming through the dungeons and their varied environment with flashy billboards advertising Cola and Raid Shadow Legends and Raycons to show the sponsors 'look how well we advertise for you!'

Oh, advertise some weed killer spray as backdrop to the fight against Faolain.


.. meanwhile 90% of players can ignore them. 😄

Edited by Chyro.1462
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2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:


I am not asking if you would quit playing.  I am not asking if you want in game adds.  Lets pretend that all mmos will have in game adds in five years.  What is tolerable add placement?


But I would quit playing. If there were any deliberate advertising in a video game I was playing, I wouldn’t play it.

When I play a video game I am making a choice how to spend my time. If a company were to subsidize their product with advertising for other companies, they are putting something in front of me that I don’t want to waste my time with. I already have and am using the product I want to use right now. 

I don’t own a TV, I don’t use social media, I use ad blockers on the web. When the product we enjoy is advertising to us, we become the commodity being sold, not the consumer. 

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This is something that should never be encouraged lol. Any game that does this I have stopped playing. Loved playing NBA2k/Madden for example stopped playing once the ads came in game.

I would much rather pay for a subscription then ads. (Its why so many streaming services offer an ad free plan for 5 bucks more.)

If revenue is an issue there a multitude of ways for them to massively increase profits. One would be marketing in general externally. But definitely not a trend I'd like to see.

So nowhere is my vote lol. 

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