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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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7 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

You literally sound so mad about raids, like you couldnt get your legendary armor or something. When im mostly talking about how could this benefit PvP for example, just making you play 1-3 games will be a game changing for the mode in the years to come. But keep on your mood.

Im forced to grind PvE for loads of stuff, dont tell people play what they just love, cos its not like that. Stop putting pressure on anet and let the game grow and be an mmorpg. Again, as i said, people with no common sense should not be heard.

I cannot put pressure on Anet (most likely they will have the old problem of too many things >lack of direction >demorilize feeling)

Like you cannot bodyblock my OW set request (oh so i heard)

We are having a conversation


You had an increase gold influx in CM Strikes + CM Raids , so there not a need for you to farm gold in open world .

So i shouldn't come to you either and instead get an OW set

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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5 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

This is not about hardcore or casual. It is about the narrow minded part of the casual player base. There are a lot of casual players that like to play all aspects or a variety of aspects of the game. They like to try new things and widen their horizon. They do not try to hold the whole community back. The casual player base is not a monolithic bloc. 

You keep using the word narrow minded, which comes across as judgemental. You don't know those people and you shouldn't be judging them. I won't be responding to you after this, so as to not perpetuate this sort of personal judgement of people you don't know on a forum.

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5 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You keep using the word narrow minded, which comes across as judgemental. You don't know those people and you shouldn't be judging them. I won't be responding to you after this, so as to not perpetuate this sort of personal judgement of people you don't know on a forum.

I use it not to judge them but to describe them. And I made it quite clear what I mean. English is not my native language and maybe there is a better word for what I mean but I don’t know it. It is not meant to be judgemental. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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15 hours ago, Shadamehr.1284 said:

Grumble, grumble, bah humbug !

(Climbs up onto soapbox)

Gaaagh, as a solo player who loves story content, I really hope that the 10th anniversary meta achievement armour set ***doesn't*** require doing PvP/WvW/Fractals/Dungeons/Raids ... my opinion only but I believe solo players are one of the mainstays of the game and that aspect of it has been one of the biggest drawcards GW2 has to offer over other unmentionable behemoth MMOs. I realise that the current dev team has been hit hard by past budget and staff cuts since Path of Fire, and that the current team are struggling hard to please everybody but solo players have been neglected of late. New players have been looked after with the re-release of LW1, nerfs, mounts, hardcore players have been looked after with strikes and their hard modes and dare I say PvP/WvW with balance patches ? (I don't know I don't touch the stuff, I do know that we do need PvP/WvW players for the health of the game though !) ... meanwhile as a story content loving solo player, spoilt badly by PoF's impressive LW4 release schedule, I'm still patiently waiting for LW6 to finally hit.

After a stressful day at work there's nothing better than pulling up your chair, turning on the PC and diving into GW2 to de-stress and have some fun, do some open world group content, chase after long overdue achievements but coming up against roadblocks like LW1's "Want to complete the overall meta achievement ? You're going to have to go and so some fractals and dungeons hahaha 😝" has been damned annoying.

(Climbs down from soapbox and walks off into the distance muttering)

P.S. I AM looking for to the 10th anniversary though, slightly annoyed that I deleted my at launch character 2 days after launch because I didn't like her hairstyle /facepalm


not sure if you're baiting a stream of responses or genuinely think that solo play should be the focus of a multiplayer game..... 

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I dont think its fitting for a reward that is aimed at veteran players (havent read the announcement but this discussion is portraying it in that way) to be narrowly set in just one game mode. Possibly in a game mode that is the starting mode, the first thing you encounter in a game. I would imagine a veteran player to prefer getting challenged in a new way or at least plenty variety instead of semi afk killing some world boss for the 1000th times. 

At least it could revitalise some old content that had been forgotten for some time like dungeons. It would be great if it would fill some of the harder dungeon paths. I havent been here for the golden age of dungeons and while I got them done it would be nice if more people would run Arah. 

It would be also good because we expect plenty of new blood with Steam release and those players will be looking for variety of content. Having more veterans in playing all types of content will be beneficial for the health of the game. 

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7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

One of the main problems with video game discourse right now is people who think other players are like children for voicing what they want out of a game. It says more about the people pushing those talking points than it does anyone who makes complaints about the game's design.

So no, those people are not a problem. But talking down to them is. All it does is stifle meaningful conversation about a game and devolve into bickering.

Video games are accomplishment simulators. They’re designed to give the illusion of achievement, without really taking people through the tests of patience, self doubt, persistence, and faith one encounters pursuing real accomplishment. When done well, they give just enough difficulty followed by regular dopamine hits to fool us into thinking we’ve achieved something.

This means there will always be people with a righteous conviction that there is a moral element to a game’s task/reward structure and defend it tooth and nail. It’s not really the game they’re defending, it’s the illusion they need to maintain.

Often this illusion has sent down roots into their identity. Any threat to the illusion is a threat to the person as an accomplished gamer, someone who has achieved something meaningful, rather than someone who has just enjoyed hours of an entertainment.

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7 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

They're narrow minded because they're tired after working or have real life responsibilities that push them to the end of their endurance? What an odd thing to say?

Agreed, that is an odd thing to say...so why did you say it? The other poster did not.

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27 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Agreed, that is an odd thing to say...so why did you say it? The other poster did not.

The other poster implied it. Maybe you're not following the entire exchange. I explained some people worked long hours and came home exhausted and the other poster responded:


"They are narrow minded because they refuse to try something new and widen their horizon."


This implies, pretty simply that if you're exhausted from a day of work so you don't want to wide your experiences in a game you're narrow minded.

The poster is literally saying a person exhausted from a day of work who isn't embracing new experiences is narrow minded. Not as a direct quote but as part of a conversation.


Here's the exchange exactly.


Me: A bit judgemental maybe. Before I retired, I often worked 60-70 hours a week, sometimes even more. I didn't want to go home and challenge myself. I wanted to go home and relax. Kill some bad guys. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Saying people are narrow minded because they don't agree with you is simply wrong.  In my opinion you shouldn't judge people until you've walked a mile in their shoes. 


Response: I don’t say they are narrow minded because they don’t agree with me. They are narrow minded because they refuse to try something new and widen their horizon. In the end they try to hold the whole community back.


Me: They're narrow minded because they're tired after working or have real life responsibilities that push them to the end of their endurance? What an odd thing to say?


I wasn't trying to make an exact quote, but it's the essence of what that poster is saying, since it was said in response to my example.

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20 hours ago, pallas.8150 said:

There is always a segment of the community that does not want to engage in another part.

Honestly, I get the frustration, but its also important to acknowledge ALL game types.


Because that makes sure that everyone is displeased?

That... does not sould like a good idea to me for this kind of "celebratory" event.

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39 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The other poster implied it. Maybe you're not following the entire exchange. I explained some people worked long hours and came home exhausted and the other poster responded:


"They are narrow minded because they refuse to try something new and widen their horizon."


This implies, pretty simply that if you're exhausted from a day of work so you don't want to wide your experiences in a game you're narrow minded.

The poster is literally saying a person exhausted from a day of work who isn't embracing new experiences is narrow minded. Not as a direct quote but as part of a conversation.


Here's the exchange exactly.


Me: A bit judgemental maybe. Before I retired, I often worked 60-70 hours a week, sometimes even more. I didn't want to go home and challenge myself. I wanted to go home and relax. Kill some bad guys. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. Saying people are narrow minded because they don't agree with you is simply wrong.  In my opinion you shouldn't judge people until you've walked a mile in their shoes. 


Response: I don’t say they are narrow minded because they don’t agree with me. They are narrow minded because they refuse to try something new and widen their horizon. In the end they try to hold the whole community back.


Me: They're narrow minded because they're tired after working or have real life responsibilities that push them to the end of their endurance? What an odd thing to say?


I wasn't trying to make an exact quote, but it's the essence of what that poster is saying, since it was said in response to my example.

I did not imply it. Your accusation is nonsense and false. I don’t know why you misinterpret my words. At no point did I imply that they are narrow minded because they are tired after work. It had nothing to do with your example. If you read the conversation again you will easily find your mistake. 
 I have weeks where I work many hours and of course I am also tired after work sometimes. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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The answer is finding the sweet spot where players have some choice over how to pursue the rewards, but that still nudge them into exploration and stretching.

I think the return events did this well. Some players got to choose to do a strike and ignore the JP in the zone, some got to do the reverse. No one got to just sit doing one kind of content, though, to the exclusion of all others.

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11 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Doubt they will ask people to do fractal, raid or strike cms to get this armor mate.

If they do it will be tier 1, and highly unlikely on the raids, and probably not a strike.  It sounds mostly like revisiting story and expansions, i.e. a bigger version or the Return to LWS.  Sounds interesting imo.

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7 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

GW1 vets will probably have all noticed the wording about the upcoming decade armor, especially the naming. To quote the blog:

I bolded the important bits.

In GW1, there is a very similar thing for the anniversary celebration that was introduced at the 10 year anniversary back in 2015. It even uses the same names:

No elite dungeons, no PvP or WvW. Just missions. Now GW2 will be different because it wasn't abandoned 3 years before the 10th anniversary, especially given that Proofs of Legend are permanent and not part of a festival only, and they already confirmed WvW and PvP will be options, but it does show that they had the same mentality in mind.

And what's important is that you don't have to do everything. In GW1, you get one proof of legend for each mission per region - 20 in total per character per year, and a single weapon only needs 5 Proofs.

Chances are, ArenaNet will make it X Proofs of Legend per armor piece, with repeatable achievements.

Thank you for this post. That is heartening to see. I would love doing old quests again, that would be a lot of fun. I don't PvP at all, and the instanced content either, so at least there's a good chance I'll be able to work towards this.

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13 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You seem to be slightly confusing "what is what" here. These achievements will be available to everyone, in no way this is somehow a reward for playing the game for 10 years. It's a set of acheivements and armor linked to the game running for 10 years. This reward doesn't somehow consider that "whoever plays through it must have been playing the game for past 10 years". It's not something you somehow deserve because you've played the game for however long or short you did.

If you want to talk about "I've played this game for 10 years, where's my stuff?" type of reward then... you'll be getting it in your mail as a 10th birthday present. That's what you get for playing for 10 years and all you need to do for it is log in.

“It wouldn’t be a true celebration if we didn’t show some love to the community that’s supported us all these years. When you log in on August 23, you’ll find a new series of achievements waiting for you that will take you on a journey to experience the best of Guild Wars 2: world bosses, Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, Living World, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, and more. As you complete these tasks, you’ll earn Proofs of Legend, which can be traded in for the new Decade armor set.”




We want to show our love and appreciation for the community that has stuck with us all these years by giving them a 50-100 hour list of chores and tasks that goes back through all the same content they have done repeatedly over 10 years. On top of that, our special gift, that acknowledges and celebrates your support, will take you through content you may dislike, or even hate, to varying degrees. Again, thank you and enjoy! 

…Anet seems to be choosing a very poorly thought-out way of saying thank you to the “community that’s supported us all these years”. And not a very classy form of appreciation to certain customers of the veteran variety. Least they could do would be to give a box of these skins to the players that have actually “supported us all these years”… Sad lol 



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31 minutes ago, Swagger.1459 said:





We want to show our love and appreciation for the community that has stuck with us all these years by giving them a 50-100 hour list of chores and tasks that goes back through all the same content they have done repeatedly over 10 years. On top of that, our special gift, that acknowledges and celebrates your support, will take you through content you may dislike, or even hate, to varying degrees. Again, thank you and enjoy! 




So its the legendary amulet all over again really.  


I'm suspicious enough to think that this shopping list of tasks is to make the game look more alive for when the steam people join in wich makes sense I guess business wise.  


I don't care about the "play every aspect of the game" thing and I've seen alot of mention that people need to broaden their horizon and try other things...  dude its been 10 years, most people have done pretty much everything. I've done and still dislike PvP and WvW.   If they really require me to do that stuff for the armor well guess what I just won't bother with it.    Its going to be an armor many people will have access to so its not like its going to be that unique, I can live just fine without it.


It's weird to see players attack players for things they don't want to do lol


 I did the turtle required strike mission I haven't done any others cause the overlook strike was tedious imo and if anet wants to double down on strikes thats fine, I will just probably not do them.   


We all have likes and dislikes and thats OK in my book.




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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Because that makes sure that everyone is displeased?

That... does not sould like a good idea to me for this kind of "celebratory" event.

Actually, I'm pleased with it. /shrugs

I think having the team look at integrating all the pre-existing systems to celebrate the game's 10th year is actually pretty great. It may be a springboard for people to dip their toes into systems/ playstyles they normally don't and realize they might be pretty cool.

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37 minutes ago, Coyote Trickster.7319 said:

So its the legendary amulet all over again really.  


I'm suspicious enough to think that this shopping list of tasks is to make the game look more alive for when the steam people join in wich makes sense I guess business wise.  


I don't care about the "play every aspect of the game" thing and I've seen alot of mention that people need to broaden their horizon and try other things...  dude its been 10 years, most people have done pretty much everything. I've done and still dislike PvP and WvW.   If they really require me to do that stuff for the armor well guess what I just won't bother with it.    Its going to be an armor many people will have access to so its not like its going to be that unique, I can live just fine without it.


It's weird to see players attack players for things they don't want to do lol


 I did the turtle required strike mission I haven't done any others cause the overlook strike was tedious imo and if anet wants to double down on strikes thats fine, I will just probably not do them.   


We all have likes and dislikes and thats OK in my book.




They dont get piled on because they do not want to do it.

Its they want to change it so they dont have to do anything they dont want to do and still get the reward.

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Yoni.  I left my comfort zone to sally forth to get a wolf in PVP or WvW...forgot which.

I was insulted, and killed.

Brrrrrr.  Armor is nice, but it is not meant for me to have.


Please ignore this particular response of mine.  I have never done quotes and did not think it was working...it was and posted twice..yikes !

11 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Maybe you are right, the narrow minded part of the casual player base is a problem in this game. 


Edited by Julischka Bean.7491
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3 hours ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

Wanna play solo, play single player. MMOs are social to begin with

It's true. You should just play single player. This is basically one of those PlayStation Home games where you all dress up and talk in capital cities. Sometimes fighting happens. 

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