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Future maps should be as difficult as Heart of Thorn's

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Note: We are talking about Heart of Thorn's maps the way it is now, after many nerfs and adjustments. Not the way it was at launch.


Most players would agree that the Heart of Thorn maps are the most engaging, most populated, most replayable maps out of all the expansions. PoF's and EoD's maps make me sleepy when I try to play them.


I believe the reason is because the mobs in Heart of Thorn are harder and can actually kill you if you get complacent. I am more wary of a veteran mob from HoT than an elite mob from PoF/EoD.


The difficulty is perfect in Heart of Thorn maps such that teaming up with others is required for the average player to map complete while a very skilled player can still solo map complete them (yes it is possible to solo kill the Mushroom Queen, look it up on youtube). GW2 is an MMO (massive multiplayer online) so teaming up should be expected in lvl 80 maps.


Anet, please make future maps more like Heart of Thorn's.


If you agree with me, please consider upvoting this to offset the inevitable downvotes from the core tyria only players. You know deep down in your heart that the EoD maps missed the mark. I am concern that future maps will be like EoD again.

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I am not sure that the degree of difficulty is the thing that makes the HoT maps more enjoyable to keep playing, but rather I think it is the events/event chains in those zones.  That said, I am not opposed to the level of difficulty involved in those maps, pre or post nerfs, and if that is what is required to get maps that have replay value I am fine with that.

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1 hour ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

If you agree with me, please consider upvoting this to offset the inevitable downvotes from the core tyria only players. You know deep down in your heart that the EoD maps missed the mark. I am concern that future maps will be like EoD again.

upvotes? downvotes? This isn't reddit. Also, I love core tyria maps 🙂 They actually feel like a real world, and not just weird for the sake of being different

Edited by DexterousGecko.6328
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I didn’t stick around EOD long, but I found events that were as hard or harder than HoT events.

The overall threat level in HoT is greater because it’s harder to find safe spaces in the jungle, due to mob density and general mob difficulty, but I don’t think it’s due to having easier events.

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22 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Tangled Depths is a great map, one of the best maps in the game. 

Have to agree with this. The map name is also perfect.


As for the area difficulty, I personally prefer HoT over PoF or EoD, but still think that PoF is overall the best expansion.

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18 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:


And I think that Anet got that message loud and clear during HoT release when so many players quit.

You just read the headline?

9 hours ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

Note: We are talking about Heart of Thorn's maps the way it is now, after many nerfs and adjustments. Not the way it was at launch.

Now the HoT maps are probably one of the most played maps in the game.

Edited by yoni.7015
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So the expansion that nearly killed the game before it was nerfed and made more accessible and changed in a way that eventually made it some of the most popular area's in the game (with mounts) should be the staple? 

There's a reason PoF launched as it did, and EoD as it did for most of it (I mean you can afk through like 99% of the story in EoD) till the final area. And that went really well right? No Ten Thousand posts of negative feedback at all right? heh. 

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2 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

So the expansion that nearly killed the game before it was nerfed and made more accessible and changed in a way that eventually made it some of the most popular area's in the game (with mounts) should be the staple?


9 hours ago, A Hamster.2580 said:

Note: We are talking about Heart of Thorn's maps the way it is now, after many nerfs and adjustments. Not the way it was at launch.

Should I be worried about your reading comprehension?

Edited by yoni.7015
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14 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:


You just read the headline?

Now the HoT maps are probably one of the most played maps in the game.

Map design is not the reason.  Rewards are.

4 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:


Should I be worried about your reading comprehension?

No need to be snarky.

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11 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Didn’t they buff the rewards? I would they it’s both, the rewards are good and the map design is great. 

IIRC the rewards were fine until Istan and then everyone went there until Istan was nerfed.  Then, players came back to HoT.  But, I could be mis-remembering the order of events.

I agree that the HoT maps are fantastic in design.  I also hate them and almost never travel there.  I'm willing to give credit where it is due for the design, but am not so convinced that the design is the sole reason for the popularity of those zones.

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7 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

Now the HoT maps are probably one of the most played maps in the game.

But that's not because they are difficult or challenging. Quite the opposite - it's because the map metas are rewarding while at the same time not being a significant challenge. When you go to HoT map meta event now, you don't have to worry about it failing, and you know you will be rewarded for showing up. So, people do show up.

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10 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But that's not because they are difficult or challenging. Quite the opposite - it's because the map metas are rewarding while at the same time not being a significant challenge. When you go to HoT map meta event now, you don't have to worry about it failing, and you know you will be rewarded for showing up. So, people do show up.

It’s not only because of the meta events. The HoT maps are popular because they have rewarding meta events, a great design and a good difficulty. The overall package is right. 
Now with the overall power creep, future maps should be more difficult, otherwise they’ll become boring. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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