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Received verbal abuse for needing to do map completion

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So apparently, vets aren't even allowed to be on the starting area according to some guys who called him/her-self "justice". 


I was doing map completion that I started before the festival of the four winds, because I'm desperately needing the gift of exploration. The map completion is an eternity of work therefore I still have a lot of maps that I haven't covered yet before the steam launch and I only managed to find time to do it now when the festival event is FINALLY over.


I ran into an area with a few people, I only tagged "one" mob which was already tagged by someone else hence I didn't kill it too fast, there were also character specific objects that I can tag (press F on) so I finished the rest of the heart quest that way, only to be verbally abused by another vet, who claimed that he was "helping" noob by following them and me being there was disturbing his work, I reasoned with him that I only tagged one mob & did the rest of the quest by pressing F on objects, he wasn't buying it & continued to shoo me off the area even tried to pvp me while I was just idling still while talking to him.

I can understand that with the influx of new players they need to quest there, but a vet shouldn't be bullied by another vet who called themselves justice because they also need to quest there. I am also very mindful when there are people around me. Also I don't agree with the way that he was helping someone, because while he was talking to me, the guy he was "helping" ran off to somewhere else without him, all he did was just following a random guy & help him to kill normal easy to kill mobs, but new players shouldn't need a shadow following them for normal mobs anyway since there are also a lot of other players around.

I really hope that this kind of toxicity will not prevail because the game make quests that send everyone there including the vets (i.e.: map completion/map specific quest for making legendary). So everyone should have the right equally to quest there regardless.

Edited by Blueberry.8095
to clarify further
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10 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

You can't tag objects as alternative fight targets. Your character will continue to shoot the enemy, not the object, unless you turn away and/or stow your weapon.

What I mean is, there was a mob in front of me, the person before me already hit it, I only hit the mob AFTER the guy did it first, so the person before me received the credit too.

"I finished the rest of the heart quest with character specific object", means there were objects on the ground that I can press F on, which I didn't need to touch another mob for the rest of the quest, if I wasn't being clear enough.

Edited by Blueberry.8095
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6 minutes ago, Teoman.9713 said:

Why do you care so much? Let him hear what he deserves from you and just move on.

I don't know, may be because I'm sad that I get verbally abused and I want to rant a bit, or may be I really shouldn't make this post or delete it because apparently people dislike reading this.

Edited by Blueberry.8095
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2 minutes ago, Farohna.6247 said:

If the player said something offensive, report and move on.

There are lots of mobs, tag another and move on.  

How does one try to PvP someone in a PvE only open world?  Your mama was a hamster and your daddy smelled of elderberries?  Genuinely curious.

He was trying to invite me to a pvp lobby.

Sorry to create such a kitten post then, if this offended you this much >.>

Edited by Blueberry.8095
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1 minute ago, Farohna.6247 said:

If the player said something offensive, report and move on.

There are lots of mobs, tag another and move on.  

How does one try to PvP someone in a PvE only open world?  Your mama was a hamster and your daddy smelled of elderberries?  Genuinely curious.

 I shall taunt you a second time!

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So sorry that happened to you OP...it can be very disheartening when one bumps into territorial players.  On the odd occasion where I am abused by player who resents my presence, I use my block and continue on my merry way.  Generally speaking, the community, particularly in EU, is pretty darn cool.  This is from an American living in the UK.  In the meantime, you keep doing you.  🙂 

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2 minutes ago, Blueberry.8095 said:

He was trying to invite me to a pvp lobby.

Sorry to create such a kitten post then, if this offended you this much >.>

You incorrectly assume everyone here isn't interested or is offended.  It is an unpleasant experience, probably for both parties involved, block them.  Done, easy forum solution.  Most people don't care if you share kills.  Some are weird about it.  

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6 minutes ago, fizzypetal.7936 said:

So sorry that happened to you OP...it can be very disheartening when one bumps into territorial players.  On the odd occasion where I am abused by player who resents my presence, I use my block and continue on my merry way.  Generally speaking, the community, particularly in EU, is pretty darn cool.  This is from an American living in the UK.  In the meantime, you keep doing you.  🙂 

Thank you for for your kind words, I will move on from this second.

I didn't mean to make this post to anger people, I just wanted to urge people that a vet shouldn't bully another vet just because they need to quest there too, but may be I just didn't word it well.

Edited by Blueberry.8095
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1 minute ago, Blueberry.8095 said:

Thank you for for your kind words, I will move on from this second.

I didn't mean to make this post to anger people, I just wanted to say that a vet shouldn't bully another vet just because they need to quest there too, but may be I just didn't word it well.

Your post was an expression of how you felt in the moment and I think it is a helpful learning experience for all, if we choose to view it as such.  Thank you for being so open and sharing your thoughts. 

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No need to apologize for your post, OP; the Steam release has turned a lot of players insane, so this is important feedback for anyone who's been aggressively hounding starter areas thinking they're being helpful when actually they're just barking at people who aren't doing anything wrong.

You'll see posts all over Reddit telling vets how they should (or shouldn't) interact with new players and honestly the whole thing is a toxic mess at the moment. Keep map completing and visiting whatever map(s) you need for whatever task you're working on; you have absolutely no obligation to avoid areas of the game just because a few new people have joined.

People are gonna do what they're gonna do, and attempting to police other players as the person in your post did is worthy of only one thing: An 'lol' and an immediate block.

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you start to recognize the warning phrases when people are getting stupid in chat and want to cause a problem. use that blocklist. apply liberally. 


you know, over 10 years my list is gigantic.


out of sight out of mind man, let them hop around angrily and be all crazy crazy and wierd. at the end of the day your account is older than their children are, which is also kind of hilarious in a way.


its kind of a self solving problem.  the individual experience is deeply affected by their interactions. someone who may have given him 100g just to be nice, will now block him and move on to a nicer and healthier person. all he's doing is making his gw2 experience way worse, because the people who would have lent a hand or invited him to a raid party, aren't going to do that anymore. lol.


this is actually a good cautionary tale to the edgier crowd out there. remove the fake edge and one might have a much better gw2 experience...

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As others have said, R eport B lock M ove O n. I understand your unhappiness tho. Some ppl suck by nature. That said, in my fifteen years of playing the GW franchise, while I've run into a goodly number of a-holes, I've met a lot more really great folks. The number of good ppl I've met far outnumbers the other kind. The GW2 community is overall one of the best I've encountered in my gaming travels, IMO.

Edited by AnClar.1304
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Oh my. It seems you ran into the knight in the shiny armor no new player ever needed. Did he by any chance wear all permafrost dye, have blonde hair and ride the pegagriffin? Dw about him. Enjoy your map completion, continue to respect new players by not one hitting the mobs if any are nearby and leave the “knight” in a dust of fart as you ride into the sunset 🌞

Edited by Freya.9075
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5 hours ago, Blueberry.8095 said:

I don't know, may be because I'm sad that I get verbally abused and I want to rant a bit, or may be I really shouldn't make this post or delete it because apparently people dislike reading this.

Nah, don't delete. Good reminder for us every now and then that these people exist. Talking to people and getting your emotions out is a good thing.

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There's probably going to be some players like this around the starting maps right now because of the steam release, and even otherwise. And as everyone has said, the best thing is to report, block or ignore. They can't actually do anything to you.

I personally find lightly taunting them to be great fun.

As vet player you probably know, that map completion most of the time runs pretty smoothly, especially with all the mounts and superior gear and skills, so usually you'll be able to move on without having to deal with the toxic minions for long.

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In my experience it's very rare, people are usually chill, but there are some idiots out there that think they own the game. You are better off ignoring them and reporting and blocking if they get too annoying.

Also realize that him trying to pvp you just means he's out of arguments and the only way to prove he's right is beating you in a fight. You already won, let him be mad, he can't report you for killing mobs even if you did it on purpose but you can report him for verbal harassment.

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10 minutes ago, daninumbers.4036 said:

In my experience it's very rare, people are usually chill, but there are some idiots out there that think they own the game. You are better off ignoring them and reporting and blocking if they get too annoying.

Also realize that him trying to pvp you just means he's out of arguments and the only way to prove he's right is beating you in a fight. You already won, let him be mad, he can't report you for killing mobs even if you did it on purpose but you can report him for verbal harassment.

I agree.

Also just the fact that he asked for the pvp got a huge laugh from me. Just shows what a child it was.

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My experience is completely different, I (a "vet" on my 11th or 12th 100% run) was doing map exploration on my fresh new level 80 in all of the low-level zones over the last two weeks, and I pulled a bunch of mobs for renown hearts and let low level (1-2 people on the 3-4 hearts across all sub-30 maps) get their hits before I nuked the mob. Absolutely nothing came of it. No snide whispers, or other vets "condemning me".

Just block and move on. Some people get outraged for no reason.

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I don't know what he's trying to teach new players by shadowing them and telling everyone else to leave the area. Though it's going to have the opposite effect for a lot of players he's telling to leave. I wouldn't appreciate another player dictating where I can and can't be.

If I'm doing a renown heart, I'll probably move on once it's complete. If somebody acts like they own the map and they should decide who can be where, maybe I'll stay.

Or maybe pretend to be new, I'm currently doing map completion with my Mechanist... Maybe' I'd say something like, "Hey, I'm new too. Can you help me? Tell ya what, my arm is getting awfully tired swinging this disco ball, and my off hand, holding up this fish bowl full of water, exhausting work, especially when i have to throw it. How about hopping on the back of my turtle, I'll steer and you do the guns for me, give me a break from the fighting."

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