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Can we scale back wvw legendary armor requirements?


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11 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That's ok at least it would get them out of the wvw section, and they forward their complaints to the general forums and let them eat themselves alive in there.

That already happens lol.

Plus the forums don't represent the majority anyways so probably better to just ignore as the non-issue it is. I don't think most WVWers have any real reaction to this besides morbid curiosity.

You already get full stats at ascended and people are freaking out somehow. I mean it kinda sucks that a lot of core stats suck now, but not sure what they can do about that.


11 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

disagree with anets current philosophy to bring harder content to open world zones so they can have this huge training ground to shove people into strikes and then raids, I think harder content should always be sectioned off, especially for a game that was built on casuals, and has a large population of casuals.

I don't think the EoD content is raid content or at least it didn't encourage me to do strikes. It is a good (re) training course. Like one of them first hearts and bosses makes it that you have to break the bar.  People can get this far without having to do that.

Peak open world content was something like Teq when it was first remade I think. These days it's a joke after the power creep, but back then there were actually servers competing to kill it first lol. Seems crazy in this day and age.

But Teq had rewards for reaching checkpoints, something the new events really lack. That really does discourage people if they get nothing.

I do think they realize many just prefer open world.



11 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

At the same time they realize the player skill level is low compared to the content they want to put out, so what do they do? boost a spec so every window licker could play semi afk and get the dps you need to get through the content!

Ah yes, EoD balance is another story. Throwing more trains at a trainwreck.

While I'm all for easier to play builds, it did seem a bit blatant. Then again the easy mechanist build is extremely popular and I may or may not have been part of it.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 9/3/2022 at 12:44 AM, Endilbiach.4132 said:

They're a little ridiculous.  Assuming perfect weeks every week it takes 22 weeks to get the set of legendary armor that looks the same as the precursor, 29 weeks to get the fully blinged out version.

Compare that to raid armor, and it takes 6 perfect weeks (less now actually) for the first set of legendary armor and 12 perfect weeks (again, less now) for the next sets.  That's 28 weeks of clearing every raid wing to get every suit of legendary armor, vs 22 to 29 weeks to get a SINGLE suit of wvw legendary armor.

And the Raid armor is supposed to look way cooler and be the 'be all and end all' of armor.  There are plenty of players who want legendary armor but can't do raids, can't drop thousands upon thousands of Mystic coins or whatever they're trading for that now for the credit for the raids, and look at the wvw requirements and realize that it's never happening.  Case in point, the last person I spoke to about this?  Their first suit of leggie armor was from wvw, it took them 18 months.

Literally all I'm asking for here is that we roll back how many skirmish tickets it takes, the current amounts are patently absurd.

You're not meant to enjoy the rewards of WvW, you're meant to enjoy the process.

There are of course many people who seem to enjoy neither.

There are other game modes.

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Not reading through 10 pages, but at this point with the Emboldened Mode in Raids, and the fact that Mechanists can /afk during them and just AA their way through it the "skill" argument for why Raid armor takes less time and why the WvW armor should take more time no longer holds any water.

WvW is it's own game mode and deserves to have similar time investments for getting leggy gear. It also deserves more rewards than it currently gives.

I'll point out again, that a daily/weekly trader to convert things like Emblems, GoBs, and MoBs into Skirmish Tickets, and for Skirmish Tickets, Emblems, and GoBs into MoBs solves both of these issues.

I'd even go so far as to add in a weekly GoB <-> GoE converter ( 1 for one, each way). PvE only players hate having to step into this mode to get their GoBs, and WvW only players hate the PvE only players taking up queue space, so might as well solve both problems with the trader as well.

Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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Simple solution: give a few tickets for capturing objectives and some more for holding per tick (a couple if you contributed to capping and more if you actively defend) scaling by size and upgrade level of objective. Basically instead of making it so you have to zerg WvW for 40hrs per week, you have to actually actively play WvW.

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2 hours ago, jpsssss.7530 said:

Simple solution: give a few tickets for capturing objectives and some more for holding per tick (a couple if you contributed to capping and more if you actively defend) scaling by size and upgrade level of objective. Basically instead of making it so you have to zerg WvW for 40hrs per week, you have to actually actively play WvW.

I'm not saying I'm against this idea, although I would mark it down to like 1 ticket per activity, they would still set a max cap per week because it would be entirely insane earning tickets in an open supply as that.

And no, you don't actually have to zerg 40 hours per week, you just need to keep your participation at level 3 at minimum to earn your pips, which is extremely easy to do solo half afk.

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On 9/9/2022 at 4:22 PM, Aelio.6390 said:


But now, I look at WvW and I'm like "how can they be this priviledged ?" - This category of player can get EVERYTHING just playing their main loved mode: armor, backpack, trinket.

I am forced to play WvW if I want a weapon ... or worst ... CONFLUX ...

I made the other PvP Trinket and the next month, boom it was replaced with a FREE full PvE one (I threw 350-400 MC at this kitten due to the clover and the prices were high ...)

Is there any plan to give an alternative to Conflux ? To the gift of combat ?


Since you dislike WvW why would you even try getting Conflux in WvW? Just get your Coalesence from PVE... or you don't want to do PVE raids either? Problem is, you want legendaries without putting in the time anywhere where there is an actual time investment or learning curve.

As for wanting a legendary weapon.... You realize WvW players have to do world completion to craft those right? The time necessary to finish one Gift of Battle reward track, especially with easily obtainable boosters, is negligible in comparison. Granted there is a way around this for both types of player. Buy them from the trading post.

As for the Trinket that was given out for Return To Achievements... that was not "free", it was a gigantic time sink going back to do all that stuff, not to mention it took like half a year before all the content was re-released? I didnt even bother with it, doing that much PVE would make my brain rot.


I don't like to PVE, so I don't have any trinkets (including conflux for that matter), because I just don't enjoy doing certain things in the game. So I don't do them; I also don't complain about not having their rewards, because I understand that they're made available for me and to say otherwise just makes me look ridiculous.

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21 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I would rather make another set of WvW leggy armor than another gen 2 legendary.

HoT map currency isn't too bad compared to what it was. 3 of the maps takes only several runs with Dragon's End being the only bad ones. Even with depleted currency it only took several days. Now map completion would be the annoying part, but it's not like central tyria is any better. You also make a lot of gold doing these things.

I've only ever done 1 Central Tyria map completion because hearts are garbage. I've done 1 HoT one and probably would do a 2nd over that.

Of course this only refers to the gen 2s with lots of mithril/wood and not the annoying ones with collection.

Meanwhile I started on Vision last year and never finished it. That one has Skyscale as the beginning of the grind.  I have all the map currencies, but you have to do like all the achievements for one map and fly your skyscale through a bunch of crap and who knows what. I think it's easier with the griffon but I don't have that because I don't want to play the god awful PoF story.  (Can we scale back the requirements for that?) 😉

I'm just too casual compared to those OW players I guess and tbh i'd want a wvw earring lol.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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6 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

HoT map currency isn't too bad compared to what it was. 3 of the maps takes only several runs with Dragon's End being the only bad ones. Even with depleted currency it only took several days. Now map completion would be the annoying part, but it's not like central tyria is any better.

I've only ever done 1 Central Tyria map completion because hearts are garbage. I've done 1 HoT one and probably would do a 2nd over that.

Of course this only refers to the gen 2s with lots of mithril/wood and not the annoying ones with collection.

Meanwhile I started on Vision last year and never finished it. That one has Skyscale as the beginning of the grind.  I have all the map currencies, but you have to do like all the achievements for one map and fly your skyscale through a bunch of crap and who knows what.

I'm just too casual compared to those OW players I guess and tbh i'd want a wvw earring lol.

Eh, Skyscale wasn't too bad. Vision either. Grant it I got a start on the mats by buying up lots of them during Dragon Bash. After that I farmed the various hearts with my alt characters.

Aurora was a bigger pain in the buttocks though.

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4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Eh, Skyscale wasn't too bad. Vision either. Grant it I got a start on the mats by buying up lots of them during Dragon Bash. After that I farmed the various hearts with my alt characters.

Skyscale was ok though I did need help with one of the jumping puzzles. It's just that Vision was a big laundry list.

My main problem is the "A star to guide us" which requires completion of the meta which you can't bypass in WvW.

Aurora I've never even touched lol.

I'm just much better at farming currency and extremely mediocre (or bad) at following directions I guess.

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Can we scale back wvw legendary armor requirements?


I got my 3 legendary armors, 1 from raiding, 2 from pvp (and one piece from WvW).

I tried WvW and i loved it a lot, it's a fun game mode, roaming, zerging, scouting, siege ect... You can even recognize some people, it's like a big family.


Anyway, i find the WvW way to gets tickets a bit unhealthy when you are starting the game mode,  easpecially if you don't have a high rank (less pips). Finishing all the chests is very hard to do if you have a job, family, friends, touching grass, ect... You have to be a very dedicated player for finishing all the chests, the game mode is super fun (for me at least) so it's a fun experience.

But at some point if you are targeting only tickets, you become like a farm bot, waiting for camps near the waypoint and get them, repeating this like a bot. I saw some people doing it, at some point i did it too when i wanted to chill and turn my brain off, watching series, movies, ect...


I find the legendary WvW armors, very hard to get if you have a life.

Raiding is easy and you get your armor super fast, pvp less faster, and WvW it's a snail pace.


Getting more pips or more tickets can be a solution for WvW players.


But in the end, for WvW players, you are masochist for wanting a legendary armor from this game mode especially when raiding is easy (you have to learn the encounters, do training and it will be okay)


I started raiding few months ago, thanks to Hardstuck discord there is TONS of training, then i raided with pugs, and got my legendary armor super fast, i felt dumb at some point playing PvP for the armor (but it's okay the game mode is fantastic, and you can tell how much Anet cares about PvP, did you see the new maps, thanks Anet!)

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On 9/12/2022 at 9:46 PM, devastoscz.9851 said:

Since you dislike WvW why would you even try getting Conflux in WvW? Just get your Coalesence from PVE... or you don't want to do PVE raids either? Problem is, you want legendaries without putting in the time anywhere where there is an actual time investment or learning curve.


Let's get this straight:

I already have 2 raid armors out of 3 - the 3rd one + coalescence are WIP, done slowly due to IRL 🙂 I don't have 22 hours to spend per week to earn tickets or afk for the gifts - so let's not talk about time or learning curve 😉 at least in raid, there is a learning, while in WvW it's just rush B with the biggest blob and it always work 😄


Thank you for this:

On 9/13/2022 at 11:35 PM, Choyacute.8591 said:

But at some point if you are targeting only tickets, you become like a farm bot, waiting for camps near the waypoint and get them, repeating this like a bot. I saw some people doing it, at some point i did it too when i wanted to chill and turn my brain off, watching series, movies, ect...

Because tickets also depends on your server score + if you are squad lead + your rank. Meaning that if you have no interest into WvW, you are probably in a bad server where apart from waiting and soloing people nothing happens ^^' not even knowing which one are the best server, but probably full and always with queue !


Anyway, doing any legendary requires you to go WvW (all trinkets: Vision, Aurora, Transcendance (the PvP one) and you can check: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gift_of_Battle) - except Ad Infinitum that does not require a gift of battle and was well designed as everything you need is in fractals (while the other PvE legendaries are capped behind other currencies etc. but still PvE so that's fair).


Looking at it, you can do all your WvW legendaries without ever getting outside of WvW (because any missing ingredient can be bought). If you do the PvP legendary (or any PvE one), you must do WvW to get the gift of battle which is just a time gate, not even linked to what you actually do - it does not even matter how much active you are. So it's not even rewarding ... someone above said that we are supposed to enjoy the process ... but I don't see the enjoyment in being spawn farmed or gang-banged when capturing a ruin for the daily 😞 Btw, long live the potions !


Also, looking at PvP - the only trinket that was fully PvP has been replaced by a cheaper and easier alternative. This PvP trinket was erased from existence as it has no merit for a pure and only PvP player, it's an amulet, while replaced by a cheaper (no mystic tribute to do, so no throwing away of MC for clovers) and more accessible one that is purely PvE.

That did not happen to the solely WvW trinket legendary.

Plus - but that part I don't know if this is still valid - WvW could do 2 rings out of WvW (maybe no longer, i let you tell me) while it always was impossible to do the same purely in PvE.

If that is not a "priviledge" / "more favourable treatement" (name it how you like), then I don't know what that is.


So yeah, in short, I would be happy to have alternative that don't force any player (whatever the game mode) to have to grind another game mode for lengthy times (which seem even longer when one does not like what he is doing).

Exactly as they did with the Back item, for instance.



As to why I would like conflux in the long run - easier to restuff for raid precisely when you have that in your hands.

Easier to mess around buildcrafting when you don't need to buy a full stuff for that 🙂


And also about that:

On 9/12/2022 at 9:46 PM, devastoscz.9851 said:

As for wanting a legendary weapon.... You realize WvW players have to do world completion to craft those right?

You do realise that this is valid only for gen 1 weapons ?

But I agree with you that it does not change the problem of weapons being purely PvE and that is also a priviledge - even if one can wonder what game mode was the basis of Gw2 and is now (and I don't have the answer to that).


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1 hour ago, Aelio.6390 said:

You do realise that this is valid only for gen 1 weapons ?

But I agree with you that it does not change the problem of weapons being purely PvE and that is also a priviledge - even if one can wonder what game mode was the basis of Gw2 and is now (and I don't have the answer to that).

Gen2 needs HoT completion, Gen3 needs EoD completion..


1 hour ago, Aelio.6390 said:

Let's get this straight:

I already have 2 raid armors out of 3 - the 3rd one + coalescence are WIP, done slowly due to IRL 🙂 I don't have 22 hours to spend per week to earn tickets or afk for the gifts - so let's not talk about time or learning curve 😉 at least in raid, there is a learning, while in WvW it's just rush B with the biggest blob and it always work 😄


I dont understand your complaint. You obviously don't understand or like the game mode since the complexities of adapting to builds, comps, movement, choke points, stealth, portals, and a plethora of other variables in a fight go over your head; why are you complaining about the game mode's long term rewards? Just like WvW players doing map comp, grit your teeth, put your boosters on, do your dailies and join the biggest zerg you can to get your GoB as soon as possible and get out. You might hate it, but we're willing to have you make that sacrifice if it serves as an entry point for people who will enjoy the game mode.


The real issue is that you seem to play for rewards, most WvW players stay because they enjoy the mode, playing with their friends/guild; winning and losing together. And we have been doing it for years before there were any rewards at all.

As I said before, WvW legendaries are designed to be long term rewards for WvW players; not PVE players that don't want to PVE.

Edited by devastoscz.9851
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On 9/3/2022 at 7:44 AM, Endilbiach.4132 said:

They're a little ridiculous.  Assuming perfect weeks every week it takes 22 weeks to get the set of legendary armor that looks the same as the precursor, 29 weeks to get the fully blinged out version.

Compare that to raid armor, and it takes 6 perfect weeks (less now actually) for the first set of legendary armor and 12 perfect weeks (again, less now) for the next sets.  That's 28 weeks of clearing every raid wing to get every suit of legendary armor, vs 22 to 29 weeks to get a SINGLE suit of wvw legendary armor.

And the Raid armor is supposed to look way cooler and be the 'be all and end all' of armor.  There are plenty of players who want legendary armor but can't do raids, can't drop thousands upon thousands of Mystic coins or whatever they're trading for that now for the credit for the raids, and look at the wvw requirements and realize that it's never happening.  Case in point, the last person I spoke to about this?  Their first suit of leggie armor was from wvw, it took them 18 months.

Literally all I'm asking for here is that we roll back how many skirmish tickets it takes, the current amounts are patently absurd.

PVE, I don't do it, so I won't see any legandary armor.  Or I might see that one piece mentioned in WvW.  The ticket price needs to be lowered before I die of old age.  And before you have some Devs messing around with how a Ranger's cat looks. 

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I haven't really got much more to add to this other than my agreement with the initial post. I like to play PvE, but I've admittedly stepped into PvP and WvW for legendaries, though I haven't enjoyed PvP in the slightest (WvW the siege is cool but most of the time it's the same annoyance that PvP is). Raids just aren't an option for me thanks to timezones and their barrier to entry.


Due to how ridiculously long it takes, I've actually taken to having WvW going while I work, capping a camp every 5-10 minutes when I'm waiting for my next call to come in. It feels more like WvW is a job than an actual game thanks to the amount of time you just have to wait for your tickets, and the only way I've been able to get myself to slog through it is by shoving both the work from that and my actual work into the same period. 


There's a whole bunch of different solutions to this, from reducing the gap between ranks on skirmish ticket acquisition boosting, lowering the ticket requirements like the initial post suggests. Flat out increasing skirmish ticket acquisition by making captures and/or kills give them, removing weekly cap, etc, etc. Giving a +2 pip bonus to everyone while removing outnumbered was a good start, but the system still needs to be improved upon before it actually feels rewarding.

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I wouldn't mind it if Anet created a pip booster consumable, something that would give you maybe 2x the pips per tick and last an hour or two. I would pay good money (real money or in game currency, whatever) for that just to avoid sinking such a ridiculous amount of time every week to max out skirmish tickets. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Then you have an option. Those of us with real lives outside the game can buy the boosters. Those who are unfortunate enough to suffer from such cognitive impairment as to think that the current system is fine can go ahead and keep spending the ridiculous hours grinding.

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4 hours ago, Caberea.8139 said:

I haven't really got much more to add to this other than my agreement with the initial post. I like to play PvE, but I've admittedly stepped into PvP and WvW for legendaries, though I haven't enjoyed PvP in the slightest (WvW the siege is cool but most of the time it's the same annoyance that PvP is). Raids just aren't an option for me thanks to timezones and their barrier to entry.


Due to how ridiculously long it takes, I've actually taken to having WvW going while I work, capping a camp every 5-10 minutes when I'm waiting for my next call to come in. It feels more like WvW is a job than an actual game thanks to the amount of time you just have to wait for your tickets, and the only way I've been able to get myself to slog through it is by shoving both the work from that and my actual work into the same period. 


There's a whole bunch of different solutions to this, from reducing the gap between ranks on skirmish ticket acquisition boosting, lowering the ticket requirements like the initial post suggests. Flat out increasing skirmish ticket acquisition by making captures and/or kills give them, removing weekly cap, etc, etc. Giving a +2 pip bonus to everyone while removing outnumbered was a good start, but the system still needs to be improved upon before it actually feels rewarding.

... but for what purpose are you grinding the legendaries like this? Whats the rush, why do you need it that urgently you cant just... relax and play? Take your time?

Open world PvE? Lol there is only one real meta and thats full zerker. You're going to have the same gear stats forever. Raiding? Nah you said thats not for you anyway. And even if you want to change an ascended set in case of a big patch that is what, 1 hour of PvE loot in cost?

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10 hours ago, Caberea.8139 said:

There's a whole bunch of different solutions to this, from reducing the gap between ranks on skirmish ticket acquisition boosting, lowering the ticket requirements like the initial post suggests. Flat out increasing skirmish ticket acquisition by making captures and/or kills give them, removing weekly cap, etc, etc. Giving a +2 pip bonus to everyone while removing outnumbered was a good start, but the system still needs to be improved upon before it actually feels rewarding.


None of those suggestions are "solutions" to the gear problem or reward problem in WvW. Those are solutions for PVE players grinding away in WvW without enjoying themselves. Are you noticing the issue here?


Any actual solutions would have to be designed around players actually enjoying the mode and willing to spend time in it. Some of those solutions might even have to incorporate completely cutting off access to rewards for PvE players lost in WvW to disincentivize unproductive game play.


The fact that you are spending valuable time on something you do not enjoy for some pixels is a design flaw in the reward system and your personal judgement on how you want to spend your time.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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