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Quick Update on the Skills and Balance Team

Josh Davis.7865

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7 hours ago, Carnifex.3275 said:

What? So we're stuck with this balance state in pve until November-December? This is rough.. 😔

Yeah 30-40% mechanist representation in pve for 6 months would be vile and unacceptable. I hope that the fact they they will 'focus' on pvp/wvw doesn't mean there is not going to be a big nerf to Mechanist passive damage (and they simply need to nerf the bot for this).

Edited by Karagee.6830
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2 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Yeah 30-40% mechanists in pve for 6 months would be vile and unacceptable. I hope that the fact they they will 'focus' on pvp/wvw doesn't mean there is not going to be a big nerf to Mechanist passive damage (and they simply need to nerf the bot for this).

Mechanist is fine as it is now. No need to change it.


Please, do nothing to mechanist. I have never loved engineer as profession so much than now. 🙂

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1 minute ago, samsar.9152 said:

Mechanist is fine as it is now. No need to change it.


Please, do nothing to mechanist. I have never loved engineer as profession so much than now. 🙂

Mechanist is not fine as it is now. Needs a 20% nerf to base damage. Period.

Mechanist is hated by most engineer mains.

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4 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Yeah 30-40% mechanists in pve for 6 months would be vile and unacceptable. I hope that the fact they they will 'focus' on pvp/wvw doesn't mean there is not going to be a big nerf to Mechanist passive damage (and they simply need to nerf the bot for this).

To be fair, in the original post, it says that the patch will "mostly focus on addressing issues in PvP/WvW" (emphasis mine).  In PvE, the performance of Power mech is very much a live concern (especially on the forums), so I suspect that some kind of tweaks to this setup are likely.  Balance-wise, it looks like low-hanging fruit to me, especially given their prior comments re balancing at least partly in relation to actual usage of specs

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1 minute ago, samsar.9152 said:

Mechanist is fine as it is now. No need to change it.


Please, do nothing to mechanist. I have never loved engineer as profession so much than now. 🙂

"This is fine."  lol.  It's pretty well known by now that mechanist needs a nerf and Anet needs to make it a priority.

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4 minutes ago, Jijimuge.4675 said:

To be fair, in the original post, it says that the patch will "mostly focus on addressing issues in PvP/WvW" (emphasis mine).  In PvE, the performance of Power mech is very much a live concern (especially on the forums), so I suspect that some kind of tweaks to this setup are likely.  Balance-wise, it looks like low-hanging fruit to me, especially given their prior comments re balancing at least partly in relation to actual usage of specs

To me it has to happen or it would be just another broken promise. Because it was very obvious that the subject of that post is mechanist. Mecanist currently has 2.3+ times the representation of the next most represented elite specialisation. This has never ever happened before. Nor has 32%+ representation even when we had just 9 options and not 27.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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5 minutes ago, Treacy.4067 said:

"This is fine."  lol.  It's pretty well known by now that mechanist needs a nerf and Anet needs to make it a priority.

This game needs braindead and powerful professions with very good abilities to survive and do dps.. Not all players are ever able to learn hard/complicated skill rotations and still want to do for example raids and strike missions. 


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3 minutes ago, samsar.9152 said:

This game needs braindead and powerful professions with very good abilities to survive and do dps.. Not all players are ever able to learn hard/complicated skill rotations and still want to do for example raids and strike missions. 


You don't need 29k benchmark auto-attack builds to do raids or strikes. Not even close. A 20% damage nerf will not reduce the viability of rifle braindead mechanist in those game modes.


Edited by Karagee.6830
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15 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

Hi all,

Since the June 28 professions update, we’ve been making changes to how we approach balancing Guild Wars 2 combat with


That’s it for today! Your professions are in great hands with Cal at the helm. Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you next week.

Josh “Grouch” Davis
Game Director

I wonder if class balance still can get worse. However when your prio is “300 second cooldown” traits I guess it will.

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Ah finally some good news, love the OP and cant wait till we see CMC's personal vision. I can already imagine the WvW community getting salty over the coming balance changes since most people are really invested in the current meta (since it has been the same for the last couple years). I really hope my elementalist will soon be able to provide any meaningful zerg contribution in addition to its current moral support. 

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15 hours ago, coro.3176 said:

Glad there is finally some movement on this. Good luck! If I could communicate one thing, it would be this:

  • a month is a long time
  • 4 months is a really really long time
  • a year is an eternity
  • 2 years is the entire lifespan of many popular games

Please for the love of this game, don't let things languish for that long

In terms of development time, a year is not long time.

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8 hours ago, Primalblaze.7983 said:

  Make the Ranger great again! I have never seen any Ranger in higher ranked pvp. There are no pvp videos on YT with Ranger playing higher ranked games other that p1. I have never seen a Ranger on any meta team at p3 or Legendary rank. Any class can do anything a Ranger can but much better. Guardian and Rev are better with a bow than the Ranger. Guardians ricochet arrows without specing into it when Rangers need to spec into piercing arrows and Rev gets crit chance without specing for it so they can do a lot more damage than the Ranger. Guardian traps are much better and do so much more damage than the Rangers. Year after year on Metabattle there are no comps at legendary rank with Ranger. There are no comps for ranger at p2.

  Most Rangers are forced to play melee because everyone gets multiple teleports, gap closers, and reflects that don't allow the Ranger to use the bow. Mesmers and Eles cancel Rangers in any arena. Eles have so much reflect, magnetic aura, shields x2, and evades and more that Rangers most times just leave the point or die trying. Mesmers are so BROKEN! Immunes, evades, stealth, reflect, reset, do it again. Mesmers don't even have to target because shatters are an aoe skill. I have played about 7k arenas as Ranger and in total have 10k+ games played and atm I'm level 500 in spvp. I have tried Mesmer and Ele just to learn the class and with little trouble get to p1+ and Rangers are no problem for me and on my Mesmer I have less than 100 games played. All I'm saying is that I would like to play without feeling bullied, or like trash for thing that are out of my control.

  The only thing Ranger is good for is pve. And for the love of Rngesus, fix the afk, boting, win-trading, and top ranked players using alt accounts to throw games. If anyone knows of any legendary Ranger or p3+ Ranger video out there please post it.

This is 100%. Correct ranger is at bottom in WvW or spvp

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2 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Mechanist is not fine as it is now. Needs a 20% nerf to base damage. Period.

Mechanist is hated by most engineer mains.

Def needs to be dropped down a bit, low intensity spam 1 to win with a op pet ontop should never be pulling 30k, If its considered "low intensity" lazy style maybe cap it down to 15k dps for auto's only, and allow 30k-35k for full rotations used.  Not fair when other dps builds have to play piano master to pull the 30k while mech is spamming 1, go afk and come back top dps.  My #1 biggest complaint is every 10 person group, least 1/2 are mech if not mostly all now, game is mech wars 2 and really bad when not all classes are being represented anymore.  Mech mains sorry but its not a direct attack on your class, its that your class is so broken and everywhere now that you cant not see a pile of jade bots on a target now clogging up screen and frame rates.

Here is physical proof of said clogged up.



Edited by Mike.7983
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2 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Mechanist is not fine as it is now. Needs a 20% nerf to base damage. Period.

Mechanist is hated by most engineer mains.

Then don't play it? The fact it's played so much is a decent indicator they did something right. Before I had a viable alternative I would putter around between all of the professions and decide what I had the reaction time to play that day. Now on my bad days I still have something I can pick up and play and not be a hindrance to group content. It got me confident enough to dip my hand into fractals and soon would like to try strikes. Calling for nerfs to that instead of suggesting buffs other professions need is not good for people like me. It really makes me feel unwelcome in the community.  

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4 minutes ago, thorrand.6548 said:

Then don't play it? The fact it's played so much is a decent indicator they did something right. Before I had a viable alternative I would putter around between all of the professions and decide what I had the reaction time to play that day. Now on my bad days I still have something I can pick up and play and not be a hindrance to group content. It got me confident enough to dip my hand into fractals and soon would like to try strikes. Calling for nerfs to that instead of suggesting buffs other professions need is not good for people like me. It really makes me feel unwelcome in the community.  

Don't think issue is dont play it, know alot of us refuse to actualy hop on the flavor of the month bandwagon, it's the fact our other main classes are being screwed over by mechs, want to join a harvest temple challenge mode with a ele? nope denied bring a mech or kicked.  Sadly thats what game turned into forced to bring a mech or kicked and some are refusing to switch classes.  ALL CLASSES should be viable and allowed in challenge modes, but this pro mech elitism is what most community has issues with.

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7 minutes ago, thorrand.6548 said:

Then don't play it? The fact it's played so much is a decent indicator they did something right. Before I had a viable alternative I would putter around between all of the professions and decide what I had the reaction time to play that day. Now on my bad days I still have something I can pick up and play and not be a hindrance to group content. It got me confident enough to dip my hand into fractals and soon would like to try strikes. Calling for nerfs to that instead of suggesting buffs other professions need is not good for people like me. It really makes me feel unwelcome in the community.  

Yeah more bufs to all - more more more- I want 1 1 1 everything with every spec.

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6 minutes ago, Marxx.5021 said:

Yeah more bufs to all - more more more- I want 1 1 1 everything with every spec.

That was a meme before and continues to be one now. I can do the same on firebrand but it's better accepted because it's melee? Or because it's condi and has more of a ramp up? I'm lost as to why there's such issue.

11 minutes ago, Mike.7983 said:

nope denied bring a mech or kicked.  Sadly thats what game turned into forced to bring a mech or kicked and some are refusing to switch classes.

Anytime I tried joining a group and was denied because of my gear or build I was always told to create my own. Sounds like you need a different group with less restrictions?

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