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7 years and still no proper way to have a social community


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1. We are in 2022 and to find a guild you need to post or look on the forms to join a guild. Fix your existing game before designing new end game content.

2. Class balancing. We all know their are players who solely focus on PvE and other play PvP, I am seeing no love to PvP at all, saying we are in the process of reworking WvW isn't the main mode of PvP., which is why Arenas should be shown more love, and therefore for that classes need some fixing as well. An example would be WoW, seeing each expansion with better and different character talents makes it more enjoyable, it needs that competitive aspect.

3. Looking at the general UI a lot of things need fixing, it should be customisable for players, for example showing of health bars, showing different thickness or sizes, moveable positions and so forth. 


There is so much to fix, which is why I understand why people say developers simply don't care.


End of rant.


Feel free to add or get angry but it is my initial thought having this game for so long, it was time for my first ever post.

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I wish any other aspect of the got the same attention as their “living world” seasons. The writing is just not good at this point and they’re no longer fun. Not to mention each one comes with 6 currencies and “collections.” 🤮 

Edited by Drennon.7190
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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

I found the guilds I am in by playing the game and meeting other players. 

And that's completely ok, but searching for a guild on the forums, when you're supposed to be playing the game is kind of ridiculous. Searching for a guild is part of the game, hence it should be in the game not on a website that represents the game.

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1 minute ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

And that's completely ok, but searching for a guild on the forums, when you're supposed to be playing the game is kind of ridiculous. Searching for a guild is part of the game, hence it should be in the game not on a website that represents the game.

You can search a guild in game, you don’t have to use the forums. Every MMO I know has a section for guilds on the forums, there is nothing wrong with that. The LFG tool has a guild recruitment section. What more do you want? 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

You can search a guild in game, you don’t have to use the forums. Every MMO I know has a section for guilds on the forums, there is nothing wrong with that. The LFG tool has a guild recruitment section. What more do you want? 

To not be able to search a specific guild name to be able to apply but to see all guilds who are active so that you can apply and join through the game, there is a difference.

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1 hour ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

1. We are in 2022 and to find a guild you need to post or look on the forms to join a guild. Fix your existing game before designing new end game content.

2. Class balancing. We all know their are players who solely focus on PvE and other play PvP, I am seeing no love to PvP at all, saying we are in the process of reworking WvW isn't the main mode of PvP., which is why Arenas should be shown more love, and therefore for that classes need some fixing as well. An example would be WoW, seeing each expansion with better and different character talents makes it more enjoyable, it needs that competitive aspect.

3. Looking at the general UI a lot of things need fixing, it should be customisable for players, for example showing of health bars, showing different thickness or sizes, moveable positions and so forth. 


There is so much to fix, which is why I understand why people say developers simply don't care.


End of rant.


Feel free to add or get angry but it is my initial thought having this game for so long, it was time for my first ever post.

1) You do not need to use the forums to join a guild.

2) Complaining that classes need PvP updates WHILE WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PvP CLASS AND SKILL UPDATE FEEDBACK CYCLE seems a little weird to me. You might want to pay attention to the game mode if you care enough to complain about it.

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1 hour ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

And that's completely ok, but searching for a guild on the forums, when you're supposed to be playing the game is kind of ridiculous. Searching for a guild is part of the game, hence it should be in the game not on a website that represents the game.

Searching for a guild is in the game.

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The only thing guilds provide is a private chat channel, a weird shared bank, and a pool of people you can sometimes do content together with.  I mean, sure, there are Guild Halls (and the grind to upgrade them), but the only significant benefit to being in a guild is not having to pug.

And that's if it stays active.

Don't worry, dude, it's not as critical as you think.  In my 10 years here, I was probably only in a(n active) guild for maybe one of them before leaving because let me tell you, there was drama.

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14 hours ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

To not be able to search a specific guild name to be able to apply but to see all guilds who are active so that you can apply and join through the game, there is a difference.

You want a list of the 10.000 active guilds? Because every player can join 5, so there are a lot of "active" guilds. Go play in a beginners map and you will meet a guild leader in seconds calling out for new members. 

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You can kinda see guilds that are most active as you see players representing them frequently. If you want to join them, simply whisper them and ask how to be part of the guild.

That’s the social way to join a guild that is active if that’s what you want. since you mentioned social community, we already got that. Requesting to join a random guild from an interface is not social. Talking to the leader or others in charge of recruiting and get to know them before joining and know what’s expected when you join is. 

I’m not against adding what you ask for, but finding a guild in the game without forum is very easy. So wether or not it’s needed can be discussed. 

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19 hours ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

To not be able to search a specific guild name to be able to apply but to see all guilds who are active so that you can apply and join through the game, there is a difference.

You are asking for a tool where the guilds are listed. You want to browse the list and search for different key-words, filter by categories and apply on button-press.

Add a few more details and post it in the QOL-Thread. Sure the list is long, page 257 as we speak. But they read what we write in there. And also what we post on the forums. 

The idea is great. But in the form of a rant, I doubt it gets the attention it deserves. Please make a post in the QOL-Thread with a couple of more details and maybe a link/screenshot, how other games handle this. 

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3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Heh try to look for a specific guild on Elder scrolls Online.  That game's guild search only lets you filter guilds by categories and choose from an incomplete list. There is no field to simply search guilds by name. 

I've never found their system very helpful either. I've tried using it a few times when I wanted to join a new guild and even though I'm not looking for anything that specific (mainly a social guild which uses text chat) the best I got was a handful of guilds I'd like to ask more questions before I decide if it's right for me, and if they'd accept me - which means I still need to contact a recruiter first. I've had more success with random adverts in chat, at least then the recruiter is right there and I can talk to them immediately.

But maybe it's better for situations when you do want something specific? If I wanted a guild that does training runs on trials, in English, (aka raids) between 19:00 and 20:00 every weekday evening then I can imagine the filters would be more helpful. But I could also go to Belkarth at 7pm and ask for guild invites or recommendations.

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2 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I've never found their system very helpful either. I've tried using it a few times when I wanted to join a new guild and even though I'm not looking for anything that specific (mainly a social guild which uses text chat) the best I got was a handful of guilds I'd like to ask more questions before I decide if it's right for me, and if they'd accept me - which means I still need to contact a recruiter first. I've had more success with random adverts in chat, at least then the recruiter is right there and I can talk to them immediately.

But maybe it's better for situations when you do want something specific? If I wanted a guild that does training runs on trials, in English, (aka raids) between 19:00 and 20:00 every weekday evening then I can imagine the filters would be more helpful. But I could also go to Belkarth at 7pm and ask for guild invites or recommendations.

Realistically the best way is actually being social.

Do content you enjoy. Encounter people you enjoying doing that content with. If they are in a guild ask if they are recruiting. Maybe take things a bit slower and start with adding to friend list first.

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20 hours ago, Skitzke.5261 said:

To not be able to search a specific guild name to be able to apply but to see all guilds who are active so that you can apply and join through the game, there is a difference.

This sounds rather specific and conditioned by experience with a similar system in another game.  Games don't need to copy each other all the time.

Isn't it self-evident that a guild is active if they have people posting recruitment messages in map chat and LFG?

Edit: The more I think about this, the more apprehension I feel at the thought of receiving unsolicited requests to join and having to sift through these requests in a guild panel.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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16 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

This sounds rather specific and conditioned by experience with a similar system in another game.  Games don't need to copy each other all the time.

Isn't it self-evident that a guild is active if they have people posting recruitment messages in map chat and LFG?

Edit: The more I think about this, the more apprehension I feel at the thought of receiving unsolicited requests to join and having to sift through these requests in a guild panel.

There isn't really much to worry about. In the worst case scenario you would only need a slight bit more effort. Turn off the recruitment unless someone in the guild is around doing recruitment so the additional effort is clicking the button to turn it on and off.

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Not sure there is a problem here, consider there are thousands of guilds and they have arisen where there were none to start, so clearly people can socialise easily enough. Chat in Gw 2 is friendly, and i cant imagine many would be offended when asked, for e.g do a fractal, have fun, ask others players in group about their guilds.

Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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Well op I fully agree with you. User interface is very important for accessibility and this one is severely outdated. Pretty much all aspects of it. And yeah we are in 2022 while I played games in the 90s that had better community building tools. 

Guild boards, better LFG, raid/party frames. Either not in the game or severely lacking basic functionalities. Player, target frame, boon/buff icons, just travesty. Unorganised, hard to read on high resolutions, no customisation.  

They tried to improve the mouse icon visibility. And botched it, tried to fixed and its still botched. Really Anet? Where is QA on this, I would be ashamed to put something like that on live. 

If they are unable to make changes they should just scrap it and build it a new on the top. 

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