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Pre-Searing Housing?

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I was looking for a specific type of information in GW wiki, when I came across a post that stated something along the lines of Arena Net being in the works of making a personal instance island that will serve as housing, and it will look like pre searing ascalon.


I didn't save the link, and I can't find it again.

But is this fact or just an hoax? 


Just out of curiosity, if it is true, what do you guys think about this?


May I take the opportunity to ask a personal question about GW1 pre searing.

I've been thinking about restarting a character and leave it in pre searing.

But I'm undecided. 

Your general oppinion about it?

Is it worth it in your oppinion? 




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There’s been no official info on making housing. Any leak or official info would be widespread across the forums in about a dozen threads. It’s likely speculation. And a pre-searing one makes no sense whatsoever unless it’s related to Grothmar (which is random)

Id put it entirely down to wishful thinking for now

As for your GW1 pre searing, I personally don’t think it’s worth it, but it’s your game, your time. There’s not much to do there, but if it appeals, I guess do it? Not sure anyone can answer that on your behalf

If you mean is housing worth it? To me, I’m not fussed. Implemented right it could be a roaring success, but I feel it might be a tad late in the day

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If ArenaNet wants to continue drawing newcomers in and holding on to long time veterans, personal housing would be a plus. FFXIV has housing, BDO has housing, New World has housing, Elder Scrolls Online, ArcheAge, LotRO, and even Ultima Online had housing...and future competitors will have housing (coughAshesOfCreationcough coughPaliacough). That said, I don't see ANet ever adding in personal housing and if housing is truly important to the player, they can seek that feature in any of the competitors. I'm personally waiting on Ashes of Creation to drop as it seems to have everything ANet is offering and then some so once Verra opens up I won't be calling myself a Tyrian any longer. :classic_laugh: 


Ah, the best project ever birthed by ArenaNet. Pre-Searing is beautiful and still rather active to this day (though not as active as it was in its early life). I have a Perma-Pre character who still hangs out at the bottom of the stairs doing the swim and shooting the breeze with the other locals. Have a crap ton of birthday minis on that character too.

For me, it's worth having a Perma-Pre character if for no other reason than the heavy dose of nostalgia that tickles my dopamine receptors. Lol.

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If only we had some information on how many people in those games are actively improving their houses, and showing them off. As opposed to how many did a little decorating at first and just quit interacting with the house when the décor they wanted became too much effort to obtain.

Housing may be like fishing, many mmos have fishing, but did adding fishing to Gw2 help the game significantly?  Why should housing?  
At least with fashion wars we can all go to minister's waypoint to see and be seen.  Would people have house parties? Would they add house touring groups to LFG?

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2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Housing may be like fishing, many mmos have fishing, but did adding fishing to Gw2 help the game significantly?  Why should housing?

I think that's the wrong approach. It's the sum of all the little things the players can do, that helps the game. If only a fraction of players actually do a certain activity, that fraction of players is happy nevertheless, let's say 10% (I've just made up some number). Now add another such little thing and you've made another 10% of the players happy. Add 10 and you've made 100% of the players happy. If you only add things that a majority of players will actually do, you'll end up adding nothing and consequently making no one happy(er).

MMOs are different from e.g. CoD in that people don't log in to do one specific thing like shooting each other. They log in to hang out – therefore, MMOs need a large variety of things to do. If you want millions of people hanging out in the game daily, an activity that 10% of the people do is a success.

Judging from the ever recurring housing discussions in these forums, I'd say that some sort of housing would be absolutely worth the effort.

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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I was looking for a specific type of information in GW wiki, when I came across a post that stated something along the lines of Arena Net being in the works of making a personal instance island that will serve as housing, and it will look like pre searing ascalon.


I didn't save the link, and I can't find it again.

But is this fact or just an hoax? 


Just out of curiosity, if it is true, what do you guys think about this?

I think it sounds fake for 2 reasons:
1) I've not heard any mention of anything like this from official sources
2) It perfectly fits the usual fake video game rumour format of "throw in a bit of everything you think fans would want".

If this was about GW1 then it's also unlikely because that game has been in maintenance mode for years (genuine maintenance mode, as in only getting maintenance) and the only updates have been small tweaks one or two people could do without spending much time on it. If it's about GW2 then it wouldn't make any sense for them to style it on pre-searing Ascalon.

11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

May I take the opportunity to ask a personal question about GW1 pre searing.

I've been thinking about restarting a character and leave it in pre searing.

But I'm undecided. 

Your general oppinion about it?

Is it worth it in your oppinion? 

I have 2 perma-pre characters (on different accounts), one has the Legendary Defender of Ascalon title but the other never quite got there. I think it's worth trying. If you don't like it you can always move them to post-searing or delete them.

At first it can be quite interesting, a lot of people tend to rush through pre-searing so actually sticking around to explore everywhere and do all the quests can be a novelty. Once you get to about level 10 though there's less to do, you'll probably have done all the normal quests (unless you opt to grind XP until enemies stop giving it then do the quests, which is a tactic some people going for the Defender title use) so then it's just the daily Vanguard quests and collecting items for Nicholas Sandford, or just running around for the nostalgia.

One thing you do need to be prepared for is there's no access to the Xunlai storage and inventory upgrades are hard to come by (the only bags are rare drops from charr bosses in the Northlands). That's why I have 2 pre-searing characters, by running 2 copies of the game I can trade items between them so one can act as a mule for the other. When I was playing them regularly I'd also periodically make a character to transfer a bunch of stuff to post-searing too.


4 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

If only we had some information on how many people in those games are actively improving their houses, and showing them off. As opposed to how many did a little decorating at first and just quit interacting with the house when the décor they wanted became too much effort to obtain.

Housing may be like fishing, many mmos have fishing, but did adding fishing to Gw2 help the game significantly?  Why should housing?  
At least with fashion wars we can all go to minister's waypoint to see and be seen.  Would people have house parties? Would they add house touring groups to LFG?

I don't know about other games but all of that happens in Elder Scrolls Online. There are even guilds dedicated to housing, to make it easier to show off your house to other interested players and see theirs, and to share ideas on decorating and run decorating contests. It also helps keep the economy going, housing is a massive gold sink and players will also spend a lot of time and effort, and gold, getting furnishings and plans to craft them, like GW2 players will do with skins. (And that's a game where housing is entirely optional and almost entirely cosmetic, there are other players who never bother with it at all or only use houses as a free teleport to a city and never go inside.)

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14 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

I was looking for a specific type of information in GW wiki, when I came across a post that stated something along the lines of Arena Net being in the works of making a personal instance island that will serve as housing, and it will look like pre searing ascalon.


I didn't save the link, and I can't find it again.

But is this fact or just an hoax? 

If it was a fact, you can bet you would have been able to find not one but ton of info about it. Even if it was a leak from most obscure source, as long as there was any confirmation about it, that info would end up inevitably getting plastered all over reddit and forums long ago.

So, whatever you saw was either an intentional hoax, or someone misinterpreting some info they thought they heard and spreading it as a fact.

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Pre-searing is fun, and definitely worthwhile to explore to the fullest. The stakes are not high but there are some fun quests and you get to learn about all the NPCs you will see later. Taking your time to explore makes seeing the same place post-searing really hit you.

Also it's beautiful. Enjoy that last day!

Edited by squeegee.4320
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I wouldn't be surprised. We already received such well thought out and extremely difficult content such as Capes, boats(who needs skimmers anyway), and fishing.


These totally usefull and EXTREMELY engaging and challenging content additions have been met with resounding success and have certainly covered up the glaring lack of any actual content like More raid wings, more fractals, maybe a new tyrian Holliday or 2, adding a new SAB wing, pretending to actually care about WvW and sPvP, a new fractal wing or 2, or maybe even living world content that isn't some time warp to 2012.


But heck ya let's do instanced player housing because lord knows that sounds fun and totally hasn't been a snoozefest in every other game it's been implemented. While we are at it can we have some form of instanced player amphibian horse mount that has a butt cape that you can fish off of while looking cool! 


Just bring on maintenance mode please before we hit all the major boring cliché mmo content.

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With Guild Halls and personal instances, we already have two iterations of "housing"-like systems.

While they are not exactly great, I don't think we need a third system of that kind that likely wouldn't be much better anyway.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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2 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

These totally usefull and EXTREMELY engaging and challenging content additions have been met with resounding success and have certainly covered up the glaring lack of any actual content like More raid wings

Honestly, i would not be surprised to learn that way more people are interested in player housing than in a new raid wing. What is iteresting and engaging to players is highly subjective, and challenging stuff is vastly overrated imho.

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56 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Honestly, i would not be surprised to learn that way more people are interested in player housing than in a new raid wing. What is iteresting and engaging to players is highly subjective, and challenging stuff is vastly overrated imho.

As much as I despise the concept of housing in GW2, I have to agree that it would most likely be more popular than a new raid wing.

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8 hours ago, MintyMin.2718 said:

Work on and improve Guild Halls and personal home instances instead. We already have these two white elephants in the game, please don't waste resources on a third and bigger white elephant 🐘  


Honestly this.


Also we already have a tons of QoL through some "VIP lounge" like Bastion or Mistlock Sanctuary. I doubt housing would bring anything of value

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11 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

With Guild Halls and personal instances, we already have two iterations of "housing"-like systems.

While they are not exactly great, I don't think we need a third system of that kind that likely wouldn't be much better anyway.

I agree, it would be better to work on improving the two we have than wasting resources on a third which wouldn't add much more than those already can/could. 

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6 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

I agree, it would be better to work on improving the two we have than wasting resources on a third which wouldn't add much more than those already can/could. 

I don't think it need to be said, that Guild Halls building feature isn't accessible to the masses of players. Some guilds are restrictive when it comes to this feature that so many people have asked for.

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7 hours ago, Serephen.3420 said:

I agree, it would be better to work on improving the two we have than wasting resources on a third which wouldn't add much more than those already can/could. 


Good point.


42 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

I don't think it need to be said, that Guild Halls building feature isn't accessible to the masses of players. Some guilds are restrictive when it comes to this feature that so many people have asked for.


But also good point.


In one hand, it would give Guild Hall owners more options for customisation. 

That would be nice.


On the other hand, it is restrictive to guild members.


Not everyone has permition to decorate, as it should be.

Imo, I agree that only Guild Leaders/Owners and most trusted members should have permission to decorate.

You don't want your Guild Hall looking like a complete mess.

Subjective, some people do like mess.

Imagine seeing a combination of a circus, with a racing track, and Wonderland, with a touch of Neverland... when you spawn in there and automatically you get so much visual noise; and your well placed monuments covered with dinosaur ribcages and desicated corpses.


What does that leave us with then?

Personal home instance. 

The stage is already set; just needs placeables; decos, etc... maybe the option to add/remove NPCs.

Costumise their bubble speeches... so other people would be amazed.

Add a library for all the books we collect in tyria?


The possibilities are limitless when you think about it.

Plus @kharmin.7683 would be happy too, because you're not spending her resources. 


It's a Win/Win situation. 

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1 hour ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

Not everyone has permition to decorate,

For me, expansion of the GH system to more closely fill the role of player housing-like content would need to allow permissions to be assignable based on sections of the hall. Perhaps even allowing extensions to the hall that a leader can assign to individuals.

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I like housing, so I'm all for it but as long as Anet doesn't see it as a wise choice for resources I accept that.

But as for your idea OP: it might work great for humans (though I think it would be way too large an area), but what about the other races? Would you want them to live in pre-searing Ascalon as well?

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2 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I like housing, so I'm all for it but as long as Anet doesn't see it as a wise choice for resources I accept that.

But as for your idea OP: it might work great for humans (though I think it would be way too large an area), but what about the other races? Would you want them to live in pre-searing Ascalon as well?


I think you got confused friend.


The first question was about an article I read on wiki about housing in GW2.

Not my idea.


The second question is about creating a new character in GW1 prophecies, and leaving the character in pre searing ascalon.


It was just mere coincidence both things coming up around the same time.

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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

For me, expansion of the GH system to more closely fill the role of player housing-like content would need to allow permissions to be assignable based on sections of the hall. Perhaps even allowing extensions to the hall that a leader can assign to individuals.

It would also need a change to guildhall acquisition system, so you would not need a group to get one. On the other end of the spectrum, in a really big guild it might be hard to "split" available GH space among all its members. And of course there's also the decoration limit.

It's much better to utilize the GH decor system, but use separate, personal housing instances.

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