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How hyped are you for the next episode?


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2 hours ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

removed whole chapters of the story (lost shores and cutthroat politics) and even censored art assets

These two things don't sit well with me, either, yet I am grateful they brought at least some of LWS1 back.

I am more hyped about finding out what the next post-EoD season will bring, though.

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4 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:


I'm a bit trepedacious because Taimi has had zero screentime in the main story, Twisted Marionette isn't added to the main story or even hinted at via mail like Twilight Arbor Aetherpath was, and depending on how they go with the story instances, all we might get is Taimi suddenly showing up at the very end in a very bland joke dialogue fashion for all of 3 minutes; they need to add the post-TM Origins of Madness story instance (ideally) and/or the Edge of the Mists open world dialogue that featured her actual introduction to players. Same goes for Canach, who will already only get 3 minutes at most if they add Edge of the Mists open world dialogue.

Similarly, I'm worried that the public group instance will be Battle for Lion's Arch's zone (Lion's Arch Enemy Controlled) rather than the story-rich Escape from Lion's Arch's zone (Lion's Arch Under Attack), or the best option of merging the two together one after the other.

But I'm very curious and admittedly on a bit of hopium that the secretive item of Lion's Pride will be a lounge pass to the original Lion's Arch city (and for extra hopium, that it'll have festival decorations during Dragon Bash, Halloween, and Wintersday).

The fact the strike isn't Prime Hologram does make the interest take a sizeable hit, but given how people enjoyed EoD strikes I'm sure it won't be bad. Just will have that sense of "it could have been better."

Overhyping is bad. It means expectations are too high and people will be disappointed when it launches.

Underhyping is bad. It means people aren't interested and the piece won't get exposure on release when it arguably matters most.

Like all things in life, moderation and a good balance is required.

Uhhh what "secret item"? I didn't see anything about that in the announcement?

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20 minutes ago, Solomon Darkfury.3729 said:

Uhhh what "secret item"? I didn't see anything about that in the announcement?


It's not in the announcements, but has been an achievement reward since April. 

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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13 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Just becouse someone have other opinion than you, doesn't mean it's review bombing. Are you working for Amazon Studios perhaps? They seems to think the same after releasing this abomination of a series called rings of powah.

Of course they're review bombing. They're still playing the game, I don't believe they're honest about having 0 hype for the next episode.


9 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Well, if you consider giving an honest and accurate opinion on one's own personal level of excitement for a piece of content to be a, "review bomb," then sure. But, in general, a statement that one is not personally interested in a given movie, game content, book, streaming show, etc is not review bombing as the subject, in the question posed in this thread, is the viewer's interest, not the content itself.

Accurate and honest my quaggan.

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I'm not so hyped, per se, as I am curious. I've never experienced the original season one, and this could be a nice opportunity to go through the entire story from start to end, some day soon. I might hold on completing it a little longer to see if they re-release Southsun & co sooner rather than later, since there's references to that even as far as in Club Canach, but I'm not holding my breath in excitement either. A new strike definitely sounds fun, though.

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6 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Of course they're review bombing. They're still playing the game, I don't believe they're honest about having 0 hype for the next episode.


Accurate and honest my quaggan.

First person played it already and didn't like it back then so I totally understand why he/she is not excited for playing it again. Second one if you didn't noticed gave it 2 not 0. So how many points one need to give to be valid in your opinion? 

It's not only wrong to think that every single low score opinion is review bombing, it's also straight up rude. This ppls put their time to answer your question, even if you don't agree, you should at the very least show some respect.

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1 hour ago, Biziut.3594 said:

First person played it already and didn't like it back then so I totally understand why he/she is not excited for playing it again. Second one if you didn't noticed gave it 2 not 0. So how many points one need to give to be valid in your opinion? 

It's not only wrong to think that every single low score opinion is review bombing, it's also straight up rude. This ppls put their time to answer your question, even if you don't agree, you should at the very least show some respect.

Lmao took the time to say 2 without providing any reason for such an extreme low, ok buddy

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1 hour ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Lmao took the time to say 2 without providing any reason for such an extreme low, ok buddy

Pardon me but I don't see "Give a reason as to why you give this grade and not the other". You asked for a number, they gave it. Simple as that, but if you prefer lying to yourself that everyone must be hyped for scrapped content that supposed to be in game for around 8 years now instead of getting new fresh one, than who am I to judge.

Just reminding that your lack of respect for other ppls opinion is rude, and I wouldn't be surprised if some ppls will treat you the same in return, if they even bother to answer your topics since you don't care about all the answers anyway.

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EoD was easily the worst expansion so far and they followed it with the unfortunately necessary re-release of old content.  We're likely going to be a year out from the expansion before we even begin to see anything new.  If there's any hype there it's simply the fact that we'll finally be done with rehashing season 1 so we can move on to something fresh.

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It'll just be another 1 and done content like the rest of LS1. Lack of rewards and replay value in a game that gets very little content updates compared to other MMO's is a bad time.



7 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

EoD was easily the worst expansion so far and they followed it with the unfortunately necessary re-release of old content.  We're likely going to be a year out from the expansion before we even begin to see anything new.  If there's any hype there it's simply the fact that we'll finally be done with rehashing season 1 so we can move on to something fresh.

If FF14 or WoW had 1 year content drought after the release of a new expac, there would be such an outrage. 

They could have at least put proper rewards to make this LS worth replaying for a year.. The rewards team doesn't seem interested in making content rewarding for multiple playthroughs, though.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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16 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Pardon me but I don't see "Give a reason as to why you give this grade and not the other". You asked for a number, they gave it. Simple as that, but if you prefer lying to yourself that everyone must be hyped for scrapped content that supposed to be in game for around 8 years now instead of getting new fresh one, than who am I to judge.

Just reminding that your lack of respect for other ppls opinion is rude, and I wouldn't be surprised if some ppls will treat you the same in return, if they even bother to answer your topics since you don't care about all the answers anyway.

When you give a hyperbolic reply, you usually have to give a reason why. It's common sense, I don't need to ask for why.

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4 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

When you give a hyperbolic reply, you usually have to give a reason why. It's common sense, I don't need to ask for why.

Person that gave 0, gave tou the argument. Person that gave 2 didn't and both are review bombing in your opinion. So how about this one...


8 hours ago, TGMChrist.2678 said:

On a scale of 1-10, my hype scale for Battle for Lion's Arch is between 7-8. ☺️

no argument, just a number from a scale almost opposite to 2. Is that review bombing as well?

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27 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Person that gave 0, gave tou the argument. Person that gave 2 didn't and both are review bombing in your opinion. So how about this one...


no argument, just a number from a scale almost opposite to 2. Is that review bombing as well?


so it's not the opposite

it's within reason, actually, since the person is posting on gw2 forums and therefore obviously cares about the game enough to have some semblance of hype

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2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:


so it's not the opposite

it's within reason, actually, since the person is posting on gw2 forums and therefore obviously cares about the game enough to have some semblance of hype

By "almost" I meant 7,5. So yes it's pretty much the opposite, but anyway you gave me your answer. So let's sum it up. You call low score opinions no matter if they are argumented or not, "review bombing". But when someone gives high score without argument It's totally normal.

There is a name for such person you know?

Also tell me who cares about the game more, someone who is not afraid to criticise it so the devs know that something may be wrong or someone who mindlesly consume the product bcs your totally valid not to destroy argument...

2 hours ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

 since the person is posting on gw2 forums and therefore obviously cares about the game enough to have some semblance of hype

So only becouse I play the game and write on forum, I just must be hyped for every update. Yeah totally valid argument.

So yeah live your dream that every player life depends on this scrapped content, I may refrain from answering you any further tho, since you already showed your true colors, my curiosity is satisfied. ^^

Edit: the word describing such person is "hypocrisy", you may want to look it up. 😘

Edited by Biziut.3594
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On 11/1/2022 at 4:10 PM, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Of course they're review bombing. They're still playing the game, I don't believe they're honest about having 0 hype for the next episode.


Accurate and honest my quaggan.

A statement that one is not excited for a release is not a review (bomb or otherwise) of that release. It is a statement about oneself.

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The remake of season 1 does leave out a lot from the original season 1 and Anet already stated, that my favorite episode "Escape from Lion's Arch" will not be part of this remake ... and the original "Battle for Lion's Arch" involved a lot of chaotic (some say mindless) zerging around.

So, I hope it will be nice and fun  but we will see how well the remake will be and I am not really hyped about it.

And I hope, that we will somehow be able (maybe in the story, maybe via the secret item) to visit old Lions Arch with the lion statue and the fountain. It was bad and a loss that the lion statue with the fountain was not rebuild in new Lions Arch later on (after the city was rebuild as a kind of cold, emotionless concrete tourist town).


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18 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

The remake of season 1 does leave out a lot from the original season 1 and Anet already stated, that my favorite episode "Escape from Lion's Arch" will not be part of this remake ... and the original "Battle for Lion's Arch" involved a lot of chaotic (some say mindless) zerging around.

Maybe they combined the "Escape from Lion's Arch" and "Battle for Lion's Arch" as one. But we will see it on next Tuesday.

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2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

And I hope, that we will somehow be able (maybe in the story, maybe via the secret item) to visit old Lions Arch with the lion statue and the fountain. It was bad and a loss that the lion statue with the fountain was not rebuild in new Lions Arch later on (after the city was rebuild as a kind of cold, emotionless concrete tourist town).

I doubt "Lion's Pride" will be a VIP lounge pass to Old Lion's Arch (though I hope I will be proven wrong). I assume it will be another ascended trinket with a special visual effect.

As for New Lion's Arch, it does have a (very) few pretty spots around the bridge where the living quarters are. I wish they had implemented more of those -- they feel quite cozy, especially at night.

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