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Why is there so little care for PvP in this game?


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Like, I'm not asking for it to become the main game mode or anything.

But it's mind shattering to me that very obvious features still aren't implemented. 


Things like:

- 2v2/3v3 arena being their own, permanent bracket instead of being a temporary, seasonal event

- The ability to duel people in the open world. I've read PvE players complain about this idea, but the easy fix is simply to have a dedicated dueling area, like that massive eagle arena thingy in Divinity's Reach for example.


I'm also baffled by the lack of random 10v10 or 15v15 battlegrounds. 

Again, I've read people who oppose this idea by stating that "the PvP playerbase is too small, we can't divide them further with multiple game modes", but I think adding new game modes would have the opposite effect and in fact bring MORE PvP players to the game, since they'd have something else to do than replay the same 5v5 maps ad nauseam.


Honestly, all these features are not that hard to implement, especially in 10 years. I don't understand why we don't have these yet.

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There already are several locations you can go to duel other players. I don't have time to do a list now but the newest one is in Arbourstone and there's also a free-for-all arena in the Heart of the Mists (so it can be accessed instantly from anywhere). Between them they allow for PvE, PvP or WvW versions of skills/builds.

When the topic has come up before the response from people who want duelling seems to be that if you can't do it immediately right where you are, no matter where that happens to be, then it's too much trouble and not worth doing. Which of course other people (including some who like PvP) don't want because a duel starting up on top of the bankers or other important NPCs, locations etc. would be very annoying.

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They did do a Deathmatch mode in Spvp a while back with Courtyard but they never supported it as it's own mode. I've never been a fan of the current capture-the-point structure and it's a shame we can't just have fun anymore and gotta be all serious in ranked cOnQuEsT for all the rewards. 😴 

I like the 2v2 and 3v3 more but the large amounts of downtime, multiple rounds, and match manipulation make it really boring to spam. Too much 'why so serious' not enough 'get in quickly and have fun.' I'm impatient. 

Other than ones mentioned Guild Halls also have dueling arenas for your PvE gear. I couldn't think of an arguement against not adding some Arenas elsewhere in core. I just watched Logan duel in an Arena for LS1 and gotta go watch him again cuz I didn't know I had to cheer.

If you really wanna shenaniganize you can revive Obsidian Sanctum.

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43 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

When the topic has come up before the response from people who want duelling seems to be that if you can't do it immediately right where you are, no matter where that happens to be, then it's too much trouble and not worth doing. Which of course other people (including some who like PvP) don't want because a duel starting up on top of the bankers or other important NPCs, locations etc. would be very annoying.

Or, some want easy kills by ganking PvE players, often because they themselves cannot win in the established PvP formats.

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GW2 lack player interaction moderation. Its Free for all. Nobody like playing Schrodinger teammate.

Bots,people that cannot chill +someone out of the league  in the same game. Mixed them together you got a recipe for unfun game experience.

Breaking out of unfun bracket will require somekind of Co-Op in the long run.


Also in some open world map there are group of people running business . I've seen some wired drama in map chat.  A-net doesn't have enough people to focus on those . People either leave the content or make their own rule that random joe  will not understand and repeat those mistake.


Edited by LONGA.1652
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As far as I know, they originally had eSports ambitions for sPvP. But after those ambitions didn't pay out, they lost all interest in the mode and mostly abandoned it.

So one can basically reduce the story to the most generic business statement: It didn't make enough money to pay the people working on it, so it doesn't really get touched anymore.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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8 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

 Again, I've read people who oppose this idea by stating that "the PvP playerbase is too small, we can't divide them further with multiple game modes", but I think adding new game modes would have the opposite effect and in fact bring MORE PvP players to the game, since they'd have something else to do than replay the same 5v5 maps ad nauseam.

Every suggestion lives and dies by that excuse. "The population is too low."

That much is a failure on our part, not Anet's. No reason outside of video game anxiety to even make it, and after you've seen it a couple dozen times, the tendency is to just go find a different game and forget sPvP ever existed. Can't help but feel its deserved. Bury PvP 10ft deep and engrave "The population was too low" as the epitaph. 

1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

So one can basically reduce the story to the most generic business statement: It didn't make enough money to pay the people working on it, so it doesn't really get touched anymore.

I bet there's people out there who would do it for free if someone asked them.

This might already be the case as most, if not all the people currently in charge of PvP updates were former players turned dev.

4 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I just watched Logan duel in an Arena for LS1 and gotta go watch him again cuz I didn't know I had to cheer.

Jeb Thackeray says "please clap."

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6 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

They see not many play it, because it’s been bad for a while. So there’s little reason to invest in it, whereas you can release fairy wings or something on gemstore and get higher return. Simple


Thats wrong reasoning.

Firest and foremost, the more declined sPvP is, the bigger impact changes have. Lets compare to stocks. If you buy a stock worth 1$ and it goes to 10$, you got 1000% growth, meanwhile if you bought Tesla and it grew 10$ in same time, you will get "meeeeh" factor probably. Investing in sPvP can give way better % return than investing into other sides of the game. 

Second... People who work on stuff like Fairy Wings are different team, unless for you working on sPvP would be giving new sPvP exclusive skins each season

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I think a capture the flag team match would be awesome. Two teams of 10 or 15 players each side have to pick up and run a flag/orb/w/e from the middle of the battleground back to their base to win. There could be 3 or 5 flags and the first team to get the most in wins. You would have to battle the other team kill their flag carriers and pick up the flag to run to your base. They could add in obstacles to make it even more of a challenge. Maybe a lava flow you have to jump on rocks to get across, a spike pit thats subtly hidden if you step in it you get spiked and killed. Any number of things but it would be so much fun to queue up for, or do a private instance with two pre made teams.  

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6 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:


Thats wrong reasoning.

Firest and foremost, the more declined sPvP is, the bigger impact changes have. Lets compare to stocks. If you buy a stock worth 1$ and it goes to 10$, you got 1000% growth, meanwhile if you bought Tesla and it grew 10$ in same time, you will get "meeeeh" factor probably. Investing in sPvP can give way better % return than investing into other sides of the game. 

Second... People who work on stuff like Fairy Wings are different team, unless for you working on sPvP would be giving new sPvP exclusive skins each season

Valid, but this is Arenanet we speak of with all respect. Their balance team proved year after year they struggle mitigate the problems stopping pvp from flourishing. Their current balance philosophy statement is just a continuation of it. Holding one’s breath for positive change will lead to disappointment given what the statement sais.

Not to mention the November balance update.

Meanwhile their investment in skins and gemstore in general has been large and consistent. It speaks for itself.


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the answer is prolly they looking at their data and seeing that ppl that spend the most in gem store were like 95% pve 4% wvw and 1% pvp


after consistenly seeing this pattern they decided to place their resources accordingly to those numbers.


We been having nice updates this year, but we also had very little pvp development, pve was mostly 1 strike mission and aurene set every 2 month or so and the relaunch of season 1, which obviously takes less effort than fully develop a living season


it feels bad, once they announce a big pve thing i think we back to 6-8 month pvp patches

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7 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

Why should pvp be getting attention- you have top streamers getting perma banned for threatening to kill people and wintrading. Also the pvp balancer got banned for balancing for associating with trash.


the community sometimes gets what it wants smh

Because those people you mention are less than 1% of pvp playerbase.

On top of that, functional sPvP could bring people from other PvP games like LoL, DotA etc to try GW2 and release the gemstore on them 😉 

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8 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

Why should pvp be getting attention- you have top streamers getting perma banned for threatening to kill people and wintrading.

Fr thanks for the warning

I know how seriously they take this game. Enough to where a death threat should still be taken with a grain of salt, but with a slightly larger grain of salt when it comes to the cartel.


Also the dude is ban evading as we speak on twitch. A little dig and you'll see. Twitch is very strict with its rules so with a couple reports i reckon its goodbye [Redacted for own safety]

Not that i'm encouraging people to do that or anything, just pointing out that we could.

8 hours ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

Also the pvp balancer got banned for balancing for associating with trash.


the community sometimes gets what it wants smh

I know, I'm surprised too.

Like 5-6 years getting nothing we want and now suddenly everything is going right by accident because the wintraders can't contain their own egos.

That's karma I guess. Goodbye and good riddance to every single one of them.

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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There is a dedicated dueling area in Arborstone that uses full PvE splits and gear.

I had no idea. This is poorly communicated by the game, and in any case, it requires an expansion.

In my opinion, there should be one dueling arena per main starting zone. 

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7 hours ago, Morwath.9817 said:

Because those people you mention are less than 1% of pvp playerbase.

On top of that, functional sPvP could bring people from other PvP games like LoL, DotA etc to try GW2 and release the gemstore on them 😉 

Good luck getting people from dota and lol to come here. I have a group of friends that includes some of the bigger pros in those game- I played gw2 with them years ago and I don’t think there will be an exodus anytime soon.


people tend to stick to the people they think are good, I would say it’s at least 25% of the player base- for example every time I go to Eu, every single person is half-wit insane no joke

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24 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

I had no idea. This is poorly communicated by the game, and in any case, it requires an expansion.

In my opinion, there should be one dueling arena per main starting zone. 

It is part of the Arborstone mastery track and is in an alcove off to the side out of the way. Rather a metaphor for competitive in this game.

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47 minutes ago, RedAvenged.5217 said:

Good luck getting people from dota and lol to come here. I have a group of friends that includes some of the bigger pros in those game- I played gw2 with them years ago and I don’t think there will be an exodus anytime soon.


people tend to stick to the people they think are good, I would say it’s at least 25% of the player base- for example every time I go to Eu, every single person is half-wit insane no joke

I was leader of roaming guild in other MMO and tried to move to GW2 with whole gank squad. Guess what happened 😰

GW2 sPvP needs many changes, but I believe it could happen, atm is kind no way.

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There is little care for it because it's a toxic mode, and because ArenaNet got little if any return from investing into it in times past.


The 2v2/3v3 arenas may be viable, though given the horror stories regarding balancing classes, this may bring about its own problems. But, that's for others to figure out.


There are already spots for one to duel other players in SPvP and WvW. It would become potentially annoying and/or disruptive elsewhere. In addition, a manner of dueling available in Tyria exists already, costume brawl...which most seem to not know or care about.


They'd already made attempts at tinkering with the idea of making players hostile in the open world of Tyria, the bandit offer in Silverwastes and the failure penalty of the Drakkar fight being two examples. And as far as I'm aware, neither gained any traction towards making the idea of adding PvP to PvE zones any more amicable. And why would they?


10v10 or 15v15 both feel like it's getting too big at that point. While I don't know if they have it anymore, I recall 8v8s being a thing in unranked at least, and even that felt like it was too much. At that point, it would likely just devolve into a focus-fest or mini-zergs smashing into each other or picking off isolated targets, which quickly snowballs. All the problems already present in the modes SPvP has would just be compounded.





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19 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I know, I'm surprised too.

Like 5-6 years getting nothing we want and now suddenly everything is going right by accident because the wintraders can't contain their own egos.

That's karma I guess. Goodbye and good riddance to every single one of them.

Can you elaborate on this?

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12 minutes ago, Dr Meta.3158 said:

Can you elaborate on this?

One of the big wintraders got mad at this game, threw a big tantrum on twitch, got their main twitch channel banned, and is now currently ban evading with a older channel

EDIT: Older channel, not newer | And probably not follow botting as a result. Probably.


They're not in trouble on here, of course, but they lost their main channel and any amount of inconvenience to them brings me grim satisfaction.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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