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Too many scrolls, passes, invitations... suggestion: can we get a book to contain all of these?


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Frist, I LOVE teleportation scrolls and devices, they are very useful. Currently I'm using shared inventory slots for gizmos giving access to all content to all of my toons (quick and easy access). Season 3, 4 and 5 having their own book to contain all of their related scrolls is truly great... but I'd like to suggest something similar to contain all other teleportation gizmos such as all passes (Bastion, 1000 seas, Royal terrace, Mistlock sanctuary etc) and all other similar items (Old LA key, Arborstone scroll, invitation to party etc). Even with a dozen shared slots, I have to pick only a few ones (the others sleeping in my bank)... and to buy more passes getting problematic. 

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I agree. This problem puts me off getting a lot of these passes, unless I'm sure I'll use it or it's free (and then some of the free ones sit in the bank) I don't tend to get them because to make the most of them I'd have to put them in a shared inventory slot and I don't want to fill them all up with passes.

If we could get a book that all the passes can go into that would be fantastic. Of course you'd have to buy/make/earn etc. each one before adding it and the book would only give you access to places you have the pass for, but cutting down on the inventory space required would be a big help.

(Another solution, like adding them to the map or the Hero panel or something instead of being an inventory item could work too, but I imagine it would be easier to make 1 item to compile them than an entirely new system.)

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Count my vote for having something to collate all the gem store teleportation devices into a single item.  There are many I would get, but don't due to the required inventory space.  Right now, I have the Elon, Mist Sanctuary, and Royale terrace passes.  At times, I regret having all 3 as I would prefer to use the shared inventory slots for other things, but then I get the sunk cost fallacy mindset where I feel I have to put every pass into a shared inventory slot to maximize the value out of them.

Just my two copper.


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6 hours ago, Rosen.9387 said:

Just turn them into personal waypoints. And the item itself would unlock them account wide. 

So what would your suggestion be for the locations in the mists?


Edit: oh and those have the ability to double-click on them to go back to your previous map. How would you do that?

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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27 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

I'd rather not have it as a book. It has to be easy access. So not that you need to flip through pages to get to the right page to go to a certain waypoint. 

I'd rather have a good interface for that. 

It doesn't have to be pages. Just an extra step. Open the Master Tome and it gives you the selections: S3, S4, IBS, Lounges & Miscellaneous. Click on S3, for example, and you're presented with the list as it is. Or alternatively, don't get the Master Tome and leave them separate as what they are right now.

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It's not a solution that works ... I mean, yes, I do have all the shared slots possible, but the passes aren't why.  In fact I have actively not bought most passes because I don't want to give up the slots needed for them.  Divinity Reach was good enough for a long time, then Thousand Seas came along, and I have Lily as well for quick PoF access.  Much as I've been intrigued by other locations, and perfectly able to buy them with actual cash money, three shared slots for those plus the various LS tomes is already pushing it a lot further than I like.  I have the airship since that came out before the explosion in numbers of passes but just have it stashed on an alt and never go there.

If ANet wants more of my money for passes, they need to make the passes more convenient for my alts to access.

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8 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:

This is the reason OP's suggestion will never happen. Create a problem, sell you the solution.


I don't think this is completely fair.

Having tp scrolls already HUGE alt-friendly QoL feature.

Most games are not going to offer you even that.

And shared slots add even more convenience to it.


So it's kinda win-win situations imo.


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11 hours ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:


This is the reason OP's suggestion will never happen. Create a problem, sell you the solution.

By that logic shared inventory slots wouldn't exist either, because before that they could sell more people multiple copies of things like infinite gathering tools, passes, infinite salvage kits etc.

It was the same with the wardrobe and wallet, both had people saying Anet would never make something like that because they want you to buy bank and bag space (and even extra characters to use as mules) to store all those items.

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3 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

By that logic shared inventory slots wouldn't exist either, because before that they could sell more people multiple copies of things like infinite gathering tools, passes, infinite salvage kits etc.

It was the same with the wardrobe and wallet, both had people saying Anet would never make something like that because they want you to buy bank and bag space (and even extra characters to use as mules) to store all those items.

They've just shifted the monetization in a way that makes you think they're helping you out. It's still money going into their pockets.

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Anet makes money on the shared inventory slots, so one can see why they made that a product, even though it probably reduced the sales of certain tools (since only 1/account is needed).  Presumably someone at Anet looked and figured they could make more money offering shared inventory slots than they would loose.

And it worked for me - I didn't buy infinite tools until shared inventory slots came about, and some other items also (passes, etc).

While I would like to be able to consolidate all those portal books to one item, I can see why anet might not have much reason to do so, since that would presumably free up a bunch of shared inventory slots for lots of players, which may be fewer sales of them.

Though really at this point, I have a pretty good idea what content I'm playing for any given stretch of time, so really only need 1 portal tome around, and could toss the others in my bank.  It is not like I'm "I'll do LS3 today, and IBS tomorrow, then maybe LS4 after that".  And once a character has gone to the given map, all it really does is save you 5s (presuming you are TP from far away).

To me, in some cases the savings isn't that cost in silver, but rather I can more quickly select where I want to go through one of the tomes than opening up the map.


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Using the tomes in shared inventory slots is imo kind of an overkill. You do not need to have it in your inventory to use it anyway. I have all my tomes in the bank. When I need to move a character to an undiscovered map, I go to the bank NPC:
1.) drag the tome into the inventory
2.) open it
3.) drag it back into the bank
4.) select my destination
When the character spawns in the map, the tome is still in the bank and I can move on with other characters. 
With the recent convenience lounges, ANet has tried a new approach for traveling the world. One magic Asura Gate that allows us to access different locations. Instead of creating yet another tome of tomes, I would like to have the tomes integrated in the Asura Gate instead. I would like to have this feature in all convenience lounges (even the old ones). Unlock should be account-wide, upon obtaining a scroll/tome for the map. Physical tomes and portal scrolls should still exist. 

Tome would be more flexible. But it would be rather clunky to use, as we are still stuck to text-menu. There are no visual indicators for the maps (icons) or background-colors indicating the LW season you are browsing. UI in GW2 is a special topic and a sad one. If it would be yet another text-only tome, I'd rather have it bound to an NPC/Asura Gate in a lounge. Reading through the different sections to find the correct link in Open World most likely leads to certain death.

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