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What order did you craft Legendaries?

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Assuming you remember, I'm just curious what order others have filled out their Legendaries? And what order do you consider to be optimal (not necessarily the same question).

I'm slowly working on my Legendary Armory now and trying to decide on what to do next. I've got 3 weapons so far (1 from each gen; Greatsword, Mace and Axe), the "Return to" necklace and I just completed Aurora.

What is the most time/cost effective order to go about acquiring more?


I mainly play PvE and WvW. I don't play PvP at all (I think I've played 13 matches in 10 years, mainly for the Decade armor). I have somewhat limited free time to play, but am obviously willing to work on smaller bits over time.
So I'm looking for advice on what's worked best for others.

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4 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

What is the most time/cost effective order to go about acquiring more?

I realiy doubt there is a truly time/cost effective way to acquire any legendaries. Imo, a full set of trinkets is the best way to start amassing legendaries. Trinkets can be used by all of your alts regardless of professions.

After that, work towards your 1st full set of Armor. Since you play WvW, get it from that game mode. The next step will probably be getting weapons. But if you already have what you need atm, get Runes and Sigils since they can be used by all as well. And after that? Pick your poison. There are 269 total legendaries to craft.

Edited by Silent.6137
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For the trinkets, what order do you think is best?


4 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

After that, work towards your 1st full set of Armor. Since you play WvW, get it from that game mode.

I want to get the armor, but am running into the decision issue of which type to craft. Crafting multiple sets will take years (I think). I've got each class to 80 and play several of them semi-regularly. I was going to craft the leather set first since I've been playing a lot of Engineer. But the recent changes made the class much much less fun for me. And with that, I realized that maybe armor should be further down my priority list. No point in crafting a particular set if I'm not going to be playing said class(es) more often.

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I crafted The Ascension (PvP) and am now, kinda, maybe, sort of working on Incinerator/Bolt/PvP armor.

I don't really work towards legendaries as a primary goal.  It's more a background thing until "oh, hey, I have the stuff to make the legendary."  That's how Ascension got crafted, I realized I had everything I needed.



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3 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

For the trinkets, what order do you think is best?

I want to get the armor, but am running into the decision issue of which type to craft.

If you're not in a hurry to get Armor because of decision issues, then just concentrate on the rest first until you're ready. Seeing as you already have the Amulet and Aurora, why not go for Vision and Conflux silmutaneously? You can equip 2 Confluxes at the same time, btw. And since you do WvW, save the skirmish Tickets for Conflux as you do the quest for Vision. Then whichever one is closer to fruition, get it crafted first.

Edited by Silent.6137
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I've never intended to make a full set of legendaries, so I never worried about the most efficient order and just made whichever one I wanted most/next. The only one I made for practical reasons is the Fractal backpack, and then it was just because I was keeping something like 14 spare level 80 backpacks 'just in case' I needed them (BTW I only have 11 characters, and at least 3 had ascended backpacks) so after the armoury came out I thought it made sense to make that and then I wouldn't have to worry about it any more.

I will say though I was originally going to make the WvW backpack because I play WvW periodically and had barely played Fractals and never play PvP but I found farming skirmish tickets frustrating. My free time is limited so I've never been able to finish the skirmish reward track in a week and I felt like I was under pressure to spend every minute I could in WvW because the majority of tickets come from the later tiers. I found Fractals much more enjoyable because other than the fact that I couldn't stop in the middle of a fractal (individually they're very short) what I could do counted the same regardless of how many days that week I could play.

That specific issue may not be relevant for everyone, but if you want an item and you're finding it frustrating to get it's worth checking if there's other options and trying them, even if it's not things you'd normally do. I thought WvW was the obvious choice for me since it's something I normally do anyway, but the specifics of getting enough tickets for the backpack made it a worse option.

It's the same with the weapons. My least favourite was the one I technically made in a few weeks, because I put it off until I had all the materials or currencies to get them and then all that was left was seemingly endless rounds of buying, refining and crafting - aka all the boring bits with none of the interesting parts to break it up. My favourites were the ones where I did the precursor collections, so I'll definitely do those when they're available even when it's cheaper to buy the precursor. Again it's not for everyone, but for me it makes the whole experience better.

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4 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

If you're not in a hurry to get Armor because of deision issues, then just concentrate on the rest first until you're ready. Seeing as you already have the Amulet and Aurora, why not go for Vision and Conflux silmutaneously? You can equip 2 Confluxes at the same time, btw. And since you do WvW, save the skirmish Tickets for Conflux as you do the quest for Vision. Then whichever one is closer to fruition, get it crafted first.

Is Conflux a better time/resource investment over Warbringer (the backpack)?

I have all of the reward tracks completed for Vision, but it looks like the full achievements need to be done for Jahai bluffs which seems like a huge time sink and so I haven't started in on those yet.

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I initially did Nevermore (Staff) cause I thought it's really cool and badly wanted it for my ele. It was a rather harsh entry into legendaries .. and made me aware of how much it really takes to make one. After that I haven't done any in years.


Just recently I've done the 'Return to' seasons achievements to get the legendary amulet, which is what I'd recommend for anyone as their first legendary. It costs nothing and even rewards extra stuff while you go through each 'return to' chapter. Even pairs nicely with unlocking Skyscale, since the achieves give you map currencies required for that.


And been doing the legendary fractal backpack for a while now, just from daily fractals and occasionally doing something specific for a collection. Halfway through but can be done fairly casually if you like fractals.

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19 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Is Conflux a better time/resource investment over Warbringer (the backpack)?

I have all of the reward tracks completed for Vision, but it looks like the full achievements need to be done for Jahai bluffs which seems like a huge time sink and so I haven't started in on those yet.

There are simply too many needs for the Skirmish Tickets (Armor and Rings if you decide to get them from there) to add another item from that game mode. You need 1850 Skirmish for each Conflux as opposed to 2800 for Warbringer.

Do you do Fractals? If so, then get the backpiece, Ad Infinitum from there. Then you are not stuck on one particular game mode and can enjoy others as well.

Reagardless of the routes you choose, expect them all to take lots of time and resources.

To help you decide, check the links for Legendary. All legendary items will have the full material list amd other notes to help you decide.

Edited by Silent.6137
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6 minutes ago, Silent.6137 said:

There are simply too many needs for the Skirmish Tickets (Armor and Rings if you decide to get them from there) to add another item from that game mode. You need 1850 Skirmish for each Conflux as opposed to 2800 for Warbringer.

Do you do Fractals? If so, then get the backpiece, Ad Infinitum from there. Then you are not stuck on one particular game mode and can enjoy others as well.

Reagardless of the routes you choose, expect them all to take lots of time and resources.

To help you decide, check the links for Legendary. All legendary items will have the full material list amd other notes to help you decide.

I've done some fractals, but not really much. I think my fractal level is 15 or so.  The backpack from there just seemed like it'd be pretty out of reach in general without a more dedicated guild/group to run fractals with (and setting specific time aside each week).
For game modes, I mostly enjoy PvE (open world content). Before recently, I've only really done WvW for the Gifts of Battle. But I've found it a pretty relaxing game mode to play while also having the mental attention to be present for other things.
While I can dedicate time to fractals every now and then, my attention while playing can often be split and so I try and avoid group content that requires others relying on me really having focus.

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22 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I've done some fractals, but not really much. I think my fractal level is 15 or so.  The backpack from there just seemed like it'd be pretty out of reach in general without a more dedicated guild/group to run fractals with (and setting specific time aside each week).

It doesn't really take that long to advance through the levels in Fractals. There's always groups on LFG doing the dailies for the various Tiers. Join the dailies and before you know it you'll be a veteran there. You gain levels anytime you complete a fractal level at the same or above your current level. And they get easier the higher Tiers you participate in because now players are more familiar with the mechanics and also, team compositions especially at T4, will make survivability better and finishing lots faster.

It's both harder and easier at the same time.

Most players do not use static groups for Fractals since it's easier to just join LFG groups. And Daily Fractals are extremely popular because of the gold per hour gains. Probably the best gph ingame

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Here are some pointers:

1. as mentioned by others, don't consider legendary crafting as in any way time efficient. No matter how much you "optimize", it will take time and lots of it. Unless you are willing to make planes for timelines longer than 6-12 months (or game insane hours, or credit card)

2. some legendary items are cheaper than others. First and foremost legendary armor. It comes with different time costs though.

3. the most efficient way to acquire multiple legendary items is to mix game modes, which in turn means spending either more time on the game overall or sharing the time between modes.

4. beware the cost of ascended versus legendary per slot. While trinkets are very useful, they are also very expensive when compared to their ascended counterparts (which can be rather cheap and easy to acquire if one has access to specific living world episodes).

5. finally, the most efficient way to work towards legendary gear is play the game while keeping in mind which activities are high reward yielding. Running fractals, weekly strikes, weekly raids, gathering a home instance, open world meta bosses, wallet currency conversions, selecting mystic clovers from your monthly chest, etc.

Maximize your wealth income in game and you are improving your legendary acquisition rate.


Now as far as the legendary items with multiple items available per slot (in my opinion):

Armor: pve>wvw=pvp (this depends on if wvw or pvp works better for you)

Amulet: story > pvp

Rings: pve>wvw (this depends on how far you have progressed raid wise)

Backpack: fractals>wvw>pvp

Weapons: Gen3>Gen1>Gen2

For example, one could start running fractals for the backpack, while working on the story achievements for the amulet, while running weekly raids for the first ring and the armor collection with some WvW for the 2nd ring in the future all the while storing the gated materials from EoD for the first weapon.

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If your only goal is legendary items I wouldn't play that much WvW. The income there is paltry compared to PvE and you would still need the PvE gift of exploration , gift of maguuma, or gift of Cantha if you are going for weapons.

If you have a necklace (amulet) and the Aurora trinket I would be looking into getting a fractal backpiece. A backpiece is far harder to infuse than a ring plus ascended backpieces aren't easily available outside of Season 3.

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On my first account I made a bunch of weapons, the made the various trinkets, except a back item.  I made runes and sigils in the same period I was working on the trinkets, and probably some weapons too.  Then I started on armor, still working on that, an have made a few more weapons (intent is to have legendries to cover all slots if I currently use them or not).  I went with the trinkets before armor for the reasons others have listed, everyone can use them.  That said, I think when I start on my second account I will make armor before trinkets, as it is very easy to farm materials for trinkets, once you know the more efficient ways.

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4 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Assuming you remember, I'm just curious what order others have filled out their Legendaries? And what order do you consider to be optimal (not necessarily the same question).

I'm slowly working on my Legendary Armory now and trying to decide on what to do next. I've got 3 weapons so far (1 from each gen; Greatsword, Mace and Axe), the "Return to" necklace and I just completed Aurora.

What is the most time/cost effective order to go about acquiring more?


I mainly play PvE and WvW. I don't play PvP at all (I think I've played 13 matches in 10 years, mainly for the Decade armor). I have somewhat limited free time to play, but am obviously willing to work on smaller bits over time.
So I'm looking for advice on what's worked best for others.

It kinda went like this for me after I came back to the game during the pandemic. I had all yellows. This is the order I did things in. I did this in about 1.5 years and finished just before EoD landed. Maybe this might help, maybe it won't but this was my experience. Note: you aren't starting on legendries, but usually I suggest Ad Infinium first. It gets one into higher end content and prepares one if you want to make raid armor later on.

Incinerator: thought process: "it looks so cool I want it for my thief". In hindsight I never really used it for PvE for my thief until EoD came out loool.

Ad Infinium: thought process: "I am learning fractals to farm gold and gear ascended armor/weapons. I might as well do this at the same time". In hindsight this is probably should be the first for anyone gearing up towards endgame.

Aurora: thought process "I just got the season stories on sale, lets play through them and work on quests at the same time!". In hindsight, it was a bit of a chore, but it allowed me to see the story zones in depth. Also to add on top of that it frees up a lot of agony at this point since you may have a set or two of ascended gear from getting ad infinitum.

Return to Amulet: thought process "OH YAY now its all free, I just payed for it a month earlier, but hey... I am playing through all of the stories to experience things." I ended up chipping away at this on my free time in lockstep for when a episode became 'free'. In hindsight it was a good decision to not rush aurora since I got return to stuff done at the same time! Also the extra currency rewards helped in getting skyscale :D!

Medium Raid Armor: thought process "I want to do harder stuff to get my thief armor for the armory, then I can also play ranger!". In hindsight this step could have been any of the other types, however I still am not level 100 in PvP or level 500 in WvW so it worked for me.

Coalescencethought process "at this point why stop?". In hindsight this probably was the hardest one to get. Almost all of my raid kills for both my Medium Raid Armor and Coalescence were all with my guild. They had one training night and one raid night for about half a year before EoD came in. Everyone kind of got burnt out though. A number of them have all 3 sets of armor. I am a few LI shy of my 2nd heavy set as of last weekend.

Vision: thought process "yes, one more to go!". In hindsight this one was a doozie to finish... it felt much more tedious than aurora, but I was kind of burnt out at this point.

Edited by ZeroTheRuler.7415
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10 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Assuming you remember, I'm just curious what order others have filled out their Legendaries? And what order do you consider to be optimal (not necessarily the same question).

   My oder was: Twilight> Sunrise> Eternity> The Flameseeker Prophecies> Bolt> The Ascension> The Shinning Blade> The PvP Legendary Heavy Armor> Astralaria> The Bifrost> Conflux> Trascendence> The Dreamer> The PvP Legendary Medium Armor> The PvP Legendary Light Armor> Eureka (almost finished).

   My recomendation is: the armor set for your main, then the amulet, one ring, one accessory and the back pack, then the weapons of your choice, then finishing the accesories and rest of the armors, then less relevant weapons and finally the runes & sigils.

   The reasoning: ascended trinkets are extremely easy to get and even to reset stats in some of them, so you don't "need" the full set too soon; but the legendary armor of your main class has huge value due allows to replace runes without destroying them, plus the qol addition of stat reset and freedom to reaply skins for free.  I chose PvP as the origin of most of my gear since you always progress in PvP, they are really cheap to get there and some key components can be crafted avoiding time caps.

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Iirc, my first legendary was the gen 3 greatsword, followed by gen 3 scepter. I like both visually and those are weapon types I use across  my two mains (at least occasionally if not quite often). After that came Aurora+Vision and then the somewhat free amulette aswell as the fractal backpiece (had the precursor linger around for years already, so why not...). At the same time I startet legendary raid armor and finished all 3 sets, at the same time I did some more WvW to get the ring from there. After that I did the legendary runes for even more convenience and lately some more weapons, gen 1 sword and torch and now I'm on the final steps to get the raid ring. All that took me... I guess 3 years or so. Ofc not from scratch, I'm playing since 09/2012 so I had some gold and mats piled up, just never bothered with legendaries before the armory went live.

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11 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I've done some fractals, but not really much. I think my fractal level is 15 or so.  The backpack from there just seemed like it'd be pretty out of reach in general without a more dedicated guild/group to run fractals with (and setting specific time aside each week).
For game modes, I mostly enjoy PvE (open world content). Before recently, I've only really done WvW for the Gifts of Battle. But I've found it a pretty relaxing game mode to play while also having the mental attention to be present for other things.
While I can dedicate time to fractals every now and then, my attention while playing can often be split and so I try and avoid group content that requires others relying on me really having focus.

I was in a very similar situation (started with 0 AR and only having done a few Fractals) and I was surprised by how simple it was. I was able to do almost the entire thing with groups from LFG, and only had to ask my guild to help with the last one because it's the only tier 4 Fractal required and I couldn't access that LFG category at the time. I did have to arrange a time to do it, but that's because most of my guild don't play Fractals so I had to arrange it with one of the only people who could open a T4 Fractal.

It surprised me that there's only 1 T4 Fractal required, there's 4 collections and 4 tiers so I assumed each collection would need a different tier but the vast majority of it can be done in tier 1 and 2. At that level the difficulty is comparable to meta events or dungeons. You do have to focus while doing it, but each Fractal is relatively short and you'll never lose progress if you take breaks, so I found it more convenient than WvW to do as and when I had a bit of time.

Most of the time I just joined whichever LFG group was best for me, if there was someone else doing the collection I'd join in, if not I'd just join a group doing daily Fractals (which often included ones I needed, and got me relics to buy some of the collection items). I only had to make my own group occasionally when it got to the point where I only needed a few specific things and I hadn't seen a group yet, and those filled up quickly, usually with other people making the backpack.

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First: The PvP back item - since that one was thrown at me basically super cheap. Requires a few small achievements ... but pretty small effort compared to the other back items. Also cheap compared to all other legendaries (except the free amulet from the acievements).

I think one weapon (Bolt - for the main engineer that played Holosmith then before EoD) ... then the Aurora and the amulet from the achievements.

Other than that - none so far. This still costs a lot of gold and I only came back to the game in June 2019 (after not having played from 2013-2019) ... had to catch up on a lot of PvE stuff + I find farming in general to be pretty boring. I'd rather move all my other chars through map/world completion + stories instead of farming for legendaries.

Though one weapon from each generation is planned. Next the shield with the quaggan I think. And the mace from EoD cause I have a precursor there.  In the far future though. Before that maybe visions finishing (slowly working on the costly stuff there atm ... achievements are finished) and maybe one or another piece of armor.

I aim only for one of every type. Skins are less important and I doubt I'll ever get to the point where I can have everything - at least not in this life. And the additional skins for the Aurene set probably are only for the <1 percent of the hardcore farmers. 😄 (to keep them busy since they probalby have played through all other content or not wanting other content - just wanting updates and new stuff)

Runes/sigils ... don't know when. I guess once visions if finished I can slowly alternate between weapons + armor ... maybe one armor set for the main first - and then some legenary runes/sigils. (Though ... my 2nd favorite char after the main has a different armor clas. Other weapons - that also can be used across different chars - could also make sense.) PvP tickets + ascended shards of glory ... already enough to get all 3 armor sets ... just from normal play (without having to farm ... just 3-4 matches each day). WvW on the other hand would be grindy at that part - probably grindier than the money/gold-costing gifts that also are needed.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Weapon is the easiest first step, with fewest "specific requirements". 

I started with Ad Infinitum, ~2 years ago. Then Aurora, Prismatic Champion Regalia, Vision, Heavy armor, Exordium, Light armor, Coalescence, Medium armor, Conflux, and finally Bolt ~2 weeks ago.

Looking to craft some more soon. Xiuquatl, Ipos, Chuka, Nevermore, Astralaria, or an Aurene dagger, or something. Not sure. 

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PvE heavy armor (warrior main) > fractal backpiece > accessories > Coalescence (ring) > amulet > gen 3 axe
Did it all over about 14 months, I think.

Reasoning is that armor allows me to swap runes and stats on the fly. Also allows for free transmutation for fashion wars. Love that I never have to worry about heavy armor again. I also really liked the PvE heavy armor skins and was interesting in experiencing all the content in GW2, which included raids. This probably took the most "effort" but it really helped me be social in game, making friends, and just getting better at the game overall.

Fractal backpiece because it makes it easier to hit 150 AR across multiple characters to do T4 fractals. Seemed shortest timewise of all the backpieces and I generally enjoy fractals.

Accessories, rings, amulets I did simply because they allow for stat tweaking on EVERY character. I guess I was kinda working on all of them at the same time, but the order I listed is the order I completed them in. All are pretty braindead long grinds, but I did enjoy revisiting a lot of places. 

I just finished a gen 3 axe the other day (first leggy weapon). Weapons were pretty much my lowest priority, but since I got a precursor from the "Return To" achievements, I decided to give it a go. I was also super low on Mystic Coins and normal leggy crafting stuff from my previous crafting, and Gen 3 leggies don't require much (also gave me an excuse to fish and get some achievements). I chose axe simply because it felt like the most useful weapon shared across different professions and builds (healer, power dps, etc.).

I'm pretty burnt out with my leggy grind. I'm kinda waiting for another PvE leggy ring that hopefully will upgrade our current trinket stacking cosmetic. I'm now slowly "working on" sPvP leggy armor because it seems the easiest and most time efficient (not fastest) for short but consistent bursts of gameplay (15-20 min of pvp a day, etc.), and I'm a bit bored with PvE now and my irl schedule is bonkers and I'm tired of forming up PUG raid groups.

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15 hours ago, ZeroTheRuler.7415 said:

It kinda went like this for me after I came back to the game during the pandemic. I had all yellows. This is the order I did things in. I did this in about 1.5 years and finished just before EoD landed. Maybe this might help, maybe it won't but this was my experience. Note: you aren't starting on legendries, but usually I suggest Ad Infinium first. It gets one into higher end content and prepares one if you want to make raid armor later on.

Early pandemic is when I restarted playing again too. I've taken a couple of breaks since launch and only on this recent replaying have I had an interesting in Legendaries. My main was a warrior and I got him in full ascendeds. But then, after years of playing I realized Warriors kind of suck in this game 😀 Still fun, but not as enjoyable as other classes. I got into Mechanist, but the enjoymentfor that class has fallen off significantly since this last patch. I'm working on gearing out my Ranger now and having some fun with it. I had planned on working on WvW leg leather armor, but now I'm not sure if that's the best use of tickets. 
Maybe I'll try some more fractals and see how that goes. It's just a new (for me) game mode and seems like it'll get repetitive very quickly.


9 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   My oder was: Twilight> Sunrise> Eternity> The Flameseeker Prophecies> Bolt> The Ascension> The Shinning Blade> The PvP Legendary Heavy Armor> Astralaria> The Bifrost> Conflux> Trascendence> The Dreamer> The PvP Legendary Medium Armor> The PvP Legendary Light Armor> Eureka (almost finished).

   My recomendation is: the armor set for your main, then the amulet, one ring, one accessory and the back pack, then the weapons of your choice, then finishing the accesories and rest of the armors, then less relevant weapons and finally the runes & sigils.

   The reasoning: ascended trinkets are extremely easy to get and even to reset stats in some of them, so you don't "need" the full set too soon; but the legendary armor of your main class has huge value due allows to replace runes without destroying them, plus the qol addition of stat reset and freedom to reaply skins for free.  I chose PvP as the origin of most of my gear since you always progress in PvP, they are really cheap to get there and some key components can be crafted avoiding time caps.

The problem with armor set (for me) is that I don't know which one I would work on. And raiding isn't appealing, both for timing reasons and not having a guild to do it with. Truthfully, posters on these forums make the raiding community sound pretty insufferable. And having done so for years in other games, I don't really feel up for that experience again anyways.
So that just leaves me with WvW as an option. And it takes forever to get in WvW. I've recently come to the conclusion that Conflux or Warbringer will be the best use for tickets priority-wise. I just don't yet know which should be higher priority.

Thank you all for the responses btw. The advice and seeing other's experiences is helpful in deciding what to work on.

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Mine may be a bit ironic. Way back when, the shield precursor dropped for me, so I made The Flameseeker Prophecies and sold it, since I never used a shield. That allowed me to buy the permanent bank and merchant (I think -- maybe it was the TP?). Best decision I ever made. Now I have at least one of every weapon except the shield, and still not sure I need it.

I think the first I made and kept was the longbow, since my main was a Dragonhunter for quite a while. I think my next will be a second axe, since I like dual axes on ranger and warrior. Already have 2 pistols and shortbows.

Along the way I made full sets of runes and sigils. No armor or trinkets, yet.

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6 minutes ago, Sarius.9285 said:

more like a few months. definitely not years, at least the pve armor 

Fair. I specifically meant in WvW. 22 weeks each I think at max tickets/week. I don't raid so that option isn't really available atm.(I know it's technically available, but I'm not arguing that point. I don't have a guild and engage mostly in solo play without a set schedule so raiding isn't going to happen at this point in my life 🙂).  Even still I suppose "years" is misleading. Apologies for that.

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