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Guild wars 2 has more bugs than new world at launch


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Just a vent post.

Its incredible to me that a 10 year old game can realease so little stuff and still, be so bugged.

The actual problem is not the bugs itself, but the level of it.

Every single balance patch released in the last 4 years had bugs people notice half a hour after they got the patch, that's just mind boggling.

HOW can a company the size of arenanet care so little about quality?

Do you guys actually have a QA team? if so, do they actually test anything before release?

You should stop every single feature development and focus on fixing the bugs, otherwise, you will keep losing more and more players.

Me and my static are almost quitting the game cuz we can't stand another balance patch that instead of making things better, actually breaks everything.

Please, do better, focus on things that matter, quality over quantity!


Mirage bugs

Mirage Mirror Strike into Imaginary Axes bug

Mirage Axe Auto chain + ambush reset inconsistency/bug
Mirage Axe Clones Auto Chain + Ambush Reset

Mirage Axe Clones Attack Speed bug/inconsistency

Firebrand bugs

Herald bug

Vindicator bug

https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/114867-catalysts-grand-finale-bug/ (6 months)



https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/6213-storyline-disconnects-merged/ (5 years old)

There are several other bugs that I couldnt find links, so I'll probably make a list and report it later.
Literally every eod strike has bugs, including the new season 1 strike.
But hey, the game is bug free guys! 😆


Edited by Natanoid.9648
People asked for examples of bugs, I just linked some
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12 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

Well there is a huge chance that currently GW2 has more content that NW will ever have, so plenty of room to have bugs.

that's not an excuse to have bugs.

Bugs are normal, what's not normal is keeping then live for so long and keep introducing new low level bugs that anybody can detect in minutes after release.

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As someone who work in development, I can tell, more than often, things can work flawlessly in test, and then break during the passage on production, for various reasons.

And yeah, dispite all the test done, it can create bug you can see in a few minutes in.

Fortunately, most of those bug are usually fixed in the few days after the patch

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3 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

Just a vent post.

Its incredible to me that a 10 year old game can realease so little stuff and still, be so bugged.

The actual problem is not the bugs itself, but the level of it.

Every single balance patch released in the last 4 years had bugs people notice half a hour after they got the patch, that's just mind boggling.

HOW can a company the size of arenanet care so little about quality?

Do you guys actually have a QA team? if so, do they actually test anything before release?

You should stop every single feature development and focus on fixing the bugs, otherwise, you will keep losing more and more players.

Me and my static are almost quitting the game cuz we can't stand another balance patch that instead of making things better, actually breaks everything.

Please, do better, focus on things that matter, quality over quantity!






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In my experience, Anet doesn’t fix bugs unless they are literally game breaking. One example I can think of is weaver attunements getting messed up after dismounting. I noticed that bug back in 2018, and four years later it still exists despite multiple bug reports.

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4 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

Just a vent post.

Its incredible to me that a 10 year old game can realease so little stuff and still, be so bugged.

The actual problem is not the bugs itself, but the level of it.

Every single balance patch released in the last 4 years had bugs people notice half a hour after they got the patch, that's just mind boggling.

I'm not sure what your frame of reference is but I've played other AAA MMOs and they all have lots of bugs. I personally find GW2 has fewer bugs than for example SWTOR and definitely has released a lot more content than SWTOR. 

4 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

HOW can a company the size of arenanet care so little about quality?

I don't think Anet is as big as you think. And currently GW and GW2 are pretty much all they have to their name.

4 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

Do you guys actually have a QA team? if so, do they actually test anything before release?

You should stop every single feature development and focus on fixing the bugs, otherwise, you will keep losing more and more players.

Of course they do, but as it stands you can test things ad infinitum and when it goes live still have some things break. MMOs are huge games when it comes to programming/coding and the live servers are always different than the test environment. And even though there are still bugs from when the game came out (which MMO doesn't?), Anet also responds a lot quicker than some of the games I've played.

4 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

Me and my static are almost quitting the game cuz we can't stand another balance patch that instead of making things better, actually breaks everything.

Please, do better, focus on things that matter, quality over quantity!


So I take it this is about the combat mechanics/class skills or traits, since you're mentioning balance patches. So I do wonder...what is bugged in this latest patch that has you so riled up? And I don't mean imbalances but actual bugs.

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4 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

Just a vent post.

Its incredible to me that a 10 year old game can realease so little stuff and still, be so bugged.

The actual problem is not the bugs itself, but the level of it.

Every single balance patch released in the last 4 years had bugs people notice half a hour after they got the patch, that's just mind boggling.

HOW can a company the size of arenanet care so little about quality?

Do you guys actually have a QA team? if so, do they actually test anything before release?

You should stop every single feature development and focus on fixing the bugs, otherwise, you will keep losing more and more players.

Me and my static are almost quitting the game cuz we can't stand another balance patch that instead of making things better, actually breaks everything.

Please, do better, focus on things that matter, quality over quantity!





So many bugs yet you do not mention one of them....

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39 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

So I take it this is about the combat mechanics/class skills or traits, since you're mentioning balance patches. So I do wonder...what is bugged in this latest patch that has you so riled up? And I don't mean imbalances but actual bugs.

There are several different bugs plaguing Mechanist: The mech has some sort of extra crit chance (I think it was 16%), mech gets more ferocity than he should (back to the original 100% 2 patches ago), there is/was a bug with AAR. Holo has inconsistencies regarding traits that have bonuses for certain heat lvls, the elite PLB his more often than it should on certain hitbox sizes (but only the burning dmg). Also the auto attack change introducted heavy aftercast delay which doesn't feel intentional. They could have just made the attack itself slower, but after the hundred Mech nerf they obviously don't care anymore and just want to get ppl off the class.

There are several bugs in raids and strikes, none of them appear to be gamebreaking minus WoJ and some stuff in ko/ht cm, which can be very frustrating. Some of these bugs are literally there since the beginning of time and they never cared about them, so i don't know how you can defend anet regarding bugs when they evidently don't care about a lot of them?

Edited by Mewone.3247
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Every time they introdcuted another strike CM they repeated the same mistaikes regarding achievements tied to them and coffers. Keep sniffing copium mate.


edit: they delayed HT cm for a month for quality insurance. They delay balancing patches nobody wished for and break a million skills.

Edited by Mewone.3247
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As expected, people in this forum live in another dimension and play another game, they are simple too casual to even detect any bugs and when they do, they think it's a feature lmao.

Literally go to the bugs/professions section and read guys, it's not that hard, I don't have to just copy past here, you should be able to do this basic thing, right???

Maybe yeah, I should stop the copium.

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It's normal for MMO to have many bugs. It's like typewritter monkeys - enough monkeys with PC will find all bugs in MMO, that 20 people QA team failed to find. GW could have open test server, where players try to break game (like Blizard used to do) for free QA (quality may vary). But there is no way devs can find all the bugs, as players might use insane item combinations trying to break something in a way devs didn't think about.

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12 minutes ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

As expected, people in this forum live in another dimension and play another game, they are simple too casual to even detect any bugs and when they do, they think it's a feature lmao.

Literally go to the bugs/professions section and read guys, it's not that hard, I don't have to just copy past here, you should be able to do this basic thing, right???

Maybe yeah, I should stop the copium.

If you expected this than why do you even create this topic? Only to insult other players mr/ms elite or to see your own words without answers?

Dunno if something changed but when I am discussing something with others and someone ask me for an example, I do not start flaming on them, you are not in the bum den so please start acting like normal human being.

Lastly let me remind you that forum serves as a place for discussion not as a place for throwing tantrums, so next time if you will feel a need to "vent", go outside and live a little please.


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1 hour ago, Mewone.3247 said:

There are several different bugs plaguing Mechanist: The mech has some sort of extra crit chance (I think it was 16%), mech gets more ferocity than he should (back to the original 100% 2 patches ago), there is/was a bug with AAR. Holo has inconsistencies regarding traits that have bonuses for certain heat lvls, the elite PLB his more often than it should on certain hitbox sizes (but only the burning dmg). Also the auto attack change introducted heavy aftercast delay which doesn't feel intentional. They could have just made the attack itself slower, but after the hundred Mech nerf they obviously don't care anymore and just want to get ppl off the class.

There are several bugs in raids and strikes, none of them appear to be gamebreaking minus WoJ and some stuff in ko/ht cm, which can be very frustrating. Some of these bugs are literally there since the beginning of time and they never cared about them, so i don't know how you can defend anet regarding bugs when they evidently don't care about a lot of them?

I was asking the OP what got THEM so angry about these balance patches. I know there are bugs but I was curious about what made them so angry that they think of quitting.

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