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What stops you from playing gw2/wvw for longer durations in a week


What stops you from playing gw2/wvw for longer durations in a week  

206 members have voted

  1. 1. On your typical average week of wvw, what is the thing that would affect you to play less hours a week.

    • Real life responsibilities - family, job, injury, holidays etc
    • No friends playing
    • No guild or guild on break
    • Class balance - my favorite class doesn't seem viable in a given area
    • Class balance - my class seems fine, other classes seem overpowered to face
    • Class balance - anet patch screwed up my spec
    • Maguuma
    • Facing any stacked blob server
    • Too many boon balls encounters
    • Not enough boon balls encounters
    • Not enough roaming encounters
    • Thieves
    • Too much solo pvp, or pvp in general
    • I don't like my server
    • I don't like my link server
    • We don't have a link server
    • My favorite commander is not playing
    • My favorite guild is not playing
    • World Restructuring beta week
    • Not enough action in my time zone

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So the overnight lead has changed.

1. Real life responsibilities 13.99%

2. Too many boon balls encounters 9.84%

3. Maguuma 8.29%

4. Facing any stacked blob server 7.77%

4. Not enough action in my time zone 7.77%


Interesting trend over two polls involving boon ball in the answers. Not popular with the forum peeps, of course not big enough to represent wvw population in general, but interesting that it's not popular, but that's what the balancing is pushing for. Not surprising population imbalance would have a place in the leads as well, always a hot topic either side of the pendulum.

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1 hour ago, Svarty.8019 said:

You can have mine.

Never offer your stuff for free, it's literal thief bait lol 😛

On topic: It's usually real life or a lack of interesting builds to try out. I love making builds out of mechanics people rarely use, so when one of my builds gets accidentally deleted by ANet it usually prompts me to do something else for a while. Sometimes just I decide I'm bored of talking to people and go offline for 6 weeks to replay an elder scrolls/fallout game. Recently I've been in PvE a lot more since specter is a thing. But yeah, it's usually real life or a desire to do something different for a bit.

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
Remembered there was a point to the thread and thought I should probably mention something halfway relevant
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2 hours ago, solemn.9670 said:

Either no roamers or the only roamers are """""""""""roamers"""""""""" who """""roam""""" with 3 other players XD


I admit I might be over reading it but its kind of funny how to tell what style a player is used to playing when you do a scout report.

Map: Swords NET? Scout: Roamer. Map: How many and what guild? Scout: <no reply, just working on clearing up the issue.>

That or; Map: Swords NET? Scout: Havoc, 5 2 cats. Map: What are they doing? Scout: <reaches for a drink, going to be a long night> Granted there's always the fun of the other side; Player: (Stone Mist Castle). Scout: <smacks their head but starts that way anyway to try and get details>

Roamers and Havocs do roam. Just like a Roamer and Havocs can be out to havoc versus just scout. I guess maybe we shouldn't have used terms that can both be nouns and verbs but kind of ingrained now. Agree 1 is a Roamer, if they get a battle buddy, now we have a Havoc. 

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Easy question for me. It's tough to really get into a flow when I have other things I need to attend to.

PVE also has actual rewards and I want Aurene weapons so it's hard to really want to play wvw when it doesn't get me more than gifts of battle. Maybe anet needs to add memories of aurene/antique summoning stones to a reward track?

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Although I didn't vote for Maguuma (I went with facing any blob server instead), the problem is the snowball effect of facing Maguuma. First, a good chunk of the opposing servers populations won't show up that week; granted it's probably mostly the fair-weather-I-need-to-be-carried-by-my-own-server-blob crowd, but either way losing any part of your population when facing Maguuma (and their link) is problematic. Second, you then have Mag's link server, a large portion of whom would normally play on EBG during the week, now forced to go to the borderlands instead because they don't want to sit in EBG's 80+ queue. This results in blobs of 50+ on every borderland map fighting against groups of 10-20...even if I do show up every night in WvW, dealing with that non-stop gets tiresome after an hour or so.

Sadly I don't really see any good solutions, as stripping Mag of their link means NO CONTENT outside of EBG.

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I'm currently working towards my second set of legendary armor (2/6), so I play to get my weekly amount of wvw tickets and then I go do something else in the game. WvW is not the only thing I enjoy in GW2 after all.

Sometimes there are weeks that are totally unplayable due to tanking servers ganking the crap out of the other two servers or servers with too many thieves. Those will keep me from playing before getting my weekly total of wvw tickets together sometimes, because then it's just no fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

T1 WvW Participation against an overpopulated Maguma server paired with Yaks Bend.    I do not mind having a challenge in front of me to tackle however the effects of Maguma/Yaks Bend snuffing all chances to compete in effect snowballs.  If the situation is not going to display the sibilance of balance other players begin not to even want to play.   You end up with roving bands of Maguma players with little resistance from all other servers.  You created this situation, Anet.   Please realize that your attempts to balance the game have failed miserably and in epic proportions.   This is killing WvW for many servers including Magumma who end up with nobody willing to give them a challenge.

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Not having any decent opponents to fights. I went from a daily commander, to maybe logging in 2-3 days a week. Why? There is no point because we already own 80-90% of WvW and resistance that shows up is crushed by the time I even get to that location, and then they all log off. It's so pointless and boring that Mag players actually reduced their hours played, which is why the server ironically opened up. Now we have even more players, and resistance is probably even more futile. Mag needs to get their link removed.

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1 hour ago, KeyOrion.9506 said:

Mag?  Everyone knows that's not Mag.  That's guilds that left Blackgate and merged onto Mag.  I don't know of any other server that uses EWP in all towers on multiple maps more than Blackgate.  And now Mag is doing it heavily too.

Huh?  Mag's been using waypoints in towers for a long time though.  Even put waypoints into northern towers on Alpine from years ago when VR was still running together.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I think its insignificant to if its the old "Blackgate" crew or "Magumma".   That places blame on the server which I do not believe is justified.   WvW has a balance problem no matter who is involved.  Just look at T1 this week.   The server could just as well be anyone but the effects are still the same.   WvW has a problem that needs to be addressed.

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I think it’s funny that so many people cry about Maguuma.  They may be trollish but at least it’s entertainment.  Overall I used to play every night and now I play once or twice a week, simply because it’s become boring.  

Organized fights are, imo, just annoying.  It’s much more fun these days to pug and just roam around.  By fun I mean it’s marginally better than the alternative in the real world doing something thrilling like watching tv. 

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As the leader of a YB guild paired with Mag, I have been bored out of my skull the last 5 weeks. There is nothing fun about demoralizing the enemy in a pvp game mode in 10 year old game. The rest of the WvW community wants to run with their well-established guilds, have fights, and generally enjoy the game mode. Coming online during NA primetime is pointless for my group and everyone else stuck in this pairing because there is nothing to do. We get maybe one fight per hour and it's against the singular giant zerg the other server has formed up. I'm not leaving the server I've been on for 10 years because of an 8-week pairing, so that is out of the question. The real issue here is 1) why the heck is Maguuma open for transfers when they are dominating point-wise (regardless of population/activity) and 2) there is only ONE guild on Maguuma that actually enjoys organized fights (CTH). Everyone else is in the auto-attacks-from-range-only alliance guild that Maguuma formed when alliance betas started and there is no organized tag or fighting from them at all. It's really disappointing that the rest of the WvW community's culture is being ignored for the sake of one server, and there is no acknowledgement of that from anyone with any say in how the game mode is developed or managed. I'm not sure what it will take, but it's really disappointing that so many communities and guilds based around this game mode are forced to put their main (and sometimes sole) activity on hold for 1 week (or 8 weeks, in a paired server's case) so they can either avoid being matched up against Mag the following week or not lose active players due to boredom.

Edited by Ralith Arkane.8371
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32 minutes ago, Ralith Arkane.8371 said:

The real issue here is 1) why the heck is Maguuma open for transfers when they are dominating point-wise (regardless of population/activity)

Because the other two servers let them ppt with no resistance. 🤷‍♂️

But sure, let's blame mag for nobody showing up while they' re not showing up either, or, is it really yb that's ppting the match up.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. 🤭

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Guys, giving Mag no link solves nothing. I don't know why people keep suggesting it. Then BG will be the problem and all Maguuma link bandvagoners will go to BGs link. The 500/1000 gemmers moving around every 2 months is the problem.


Just reduce tiers and give everyone no link so full status actually does something. Then mag players (and whatever EU server is being bandvagoned on) can't outnumber enemies as much and coast on their link transfers to get free skirmish wins on off hours.


Ultimately score and full status are ultimate equalizers of server populations and experience. Neither are working right now. Winning just by numbers means you can stack up veterans without having to like score or bother getting it.

Edited by Riba.3271
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