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We need 2 EBs and 0 Desert maps


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They are just that popular and unpopular 😉 In some matchups like T5 EU, Desert map has 8 times less activity than EB. Even guilds these days like to go EB when they can fit.


More EBs and less deserts -> More activity.


Possibly drop EU to 4 tiers but have 5 maps, 2 EBs and 3 Alpines, then there will be more commanders and guilds can find fights easier.

Edited by Riba.3271
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5 hours ago, Samug.6512 said:

We need to remove EB and replace it with Lion's Arch. I just think EB is bad and people should just hang out.

You joke but Old Lion's Arch would make a pretty mean battlegrounds map. Unfortunately this game doesn't implement battlegrounds, which are like PvP maps but with RvR mechanics.


We only have these weird PPT maps that aren't even connected to each other..

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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I can fit about an hour or so after work so I'm going to go to EB because that's where everyone is at. Everyone is there largely because SMC is fun to fight around as an accessible perpetual battleground that's still lit and on the horizon even when you're in different territories. The use of SMC also scales up or down depending on population, where the entire structure is being interacted with, or it's a great staging area for back and forth fights when it's not prime time. The borders are mostly responses or unofficial guild fights but nothing is really pulling anyone there apart from roamers but it has it's dynamic that sort of doesn't need to be the same as EB.

Desert could use something central that encourages the map to move and breath. I'd gut roughly the middle of it and add water ways with a large body of water in the middle, with manual and automatic scheduled skiffs large enough to board and fight on, then make almost all Desert roads lead to that roughly middle portion into a system of roads that can double as a race track with bridges over the water lanes and then add Beatle mounts with the speed scaled down to Warclaw speed (Could use some Mad Max style chases once in awhile). Plus add a better variety of music from all over the game on all of the maps. 

If the map size itself can't be scaled down, it needs to funnel people in cycles of action and responses to the fights without losing too much intensity or numbers in transit. That's the best they can do if they're not going to bring the game modes together at all. 

Edited by kash.9213
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Maps. Maps, maps, maps ask us for anything but maps. When people ask what would be in your top 5 topics. For me, it would be maps. They are the sandbox where players themselves create the content that keeps us here. 

Per various discussions with Riba I do wonder if a fifth map would allow for removing of a tier in EU and would that solve other issues that seem to plague links there. With the WR project it still might be a good idea since it might allow more people on at prime time if they do not factor coverage in the initial considerations.

If its map changes or additions should there be more thought in should home borderlands give advantage to a side or should that thought be removed completely. One of the biggest issues is the HBLers versus the EBGers and the back and fourth. We need help home, sorry we need to hold our third on EBG. DBL furthered the divide on that issue, should a side get an edge or making them all more equal. People like EBG since it triggers the most fights, and has the most value to hold. Have to admit I tend to think it does that because it doesn't favor a side as much and therefore that helps in creating the environment for a three sided fight. Would having 4 or 5 maps all score the same be better if they were all more balanced as three sided and be worth the same? Wouldn't that also fix other issues people seem to get stuck on?

Kash interesting idea on DBL. I do like the fights you can find in the ruins but see your point. Today the ruins allow a way for sides to get deeper in before striking but could see an objective also in the middle of the map. If we were to keep ABL I think I could see them moving the spawn point up to the top north and move north camp down to more balance the map for all three sides.

EoTM, I admit I liked the map and still do, which I think I have posted about enough that I won't go into it here. Would like it as part of the scoring system aka in the group of normal maps that could be selected for playing on. 

Dawdler, I think you joke about TD though my twisted mind would love a map as complex as that to fight on. That said will still also stick to asking for weekly rotating maps and if that's too big a reach then at least one seasonal map that would be a copy of the current living season map that has objectives added to it. I do think that if they did that it would be needed as a non HBL map, aka a one off from the others sticking with the idea of no maps are HBLs any longer.

In short its a big topic and I doubt we would find forum consensus but there are similarities out there and maps might solve other issues that pop up from time to time as well. 

2 cents.

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3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Desert is lots of fun. Personally, I like it more than EBG. In fact, I don't think I've stepped foot into EBG in years.


DBL is my favourite map. Stop asking to remove stuff please. It is a short sighted move, asking to remove things when a) nothing new is added anyway and b) it is purely based on individual preferences.

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1 hour ago, RaveOnYou.2819 said:

desert is good map if there are very large groups at least two. other than it is simply ghost town. map is really big, if u die at far, your way is too long to arrive same place safely. therefore roamers and casual players dont interest too much, this make population even lower.

People usally cry for content in teamchat from EBG/ABL... while there is at least two large groups on DBL and has been for the past hour taking all that kitten.

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On 12/20/2022 at 5:59 AM, Riba.3271 said:

They are just that popular and unpopular 😉 In some matchups like T5 EU, Desert map has 8 times less activity than EB. Even guilds these days like to go EB when they can fit.


More EBs and less deserts -> More activity.


Possibly drop EU to 4 tiers but have 5 maps, 2 EBs and 3 Alpines, then there will be more commanders and guilds can find fights easier.

This is...what...your 40th post on getting rid of Desert BL?  Dude, you've beaten this dead horse so many times it's nothing but powdered bone at this point.

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