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You Know It IS OP When You see More and More and More and More of Them


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Ele's Ele's everywhere,

The most OP thing,

That we see out there.


And there more of them showing up every day. Now we see small parties of just ele's. Curious when they will finally be put into a more equal place in WvW.  

I made one to look into the catalyst and weaver specs. Took it to wvw. Stomped the enemies and I did not know half of what I was doing. All I had to do was a quick read to get the gist of things, then a wvw I went. They can do far too much and so easily. 


Secret to fighting one. Run circles around them. They keep pushing through you so your skills fail as they are now behind you, but their aoe's will hit you.


I run 2 mesmer builds. 

One is tanky with pretty decent sustain. the other less tanky with a ton of damage.

Tanky build. I run circles so they cannot get behind me to void out my attack and put me on cooldown. I have not lost a fight to any ele build running that tanky build and running circles.


My more dps style build. I have lost one and only one fight and that was to a catalyst. I was not on my tanky build but taking a brand new player around WvW to explain how things worked...  like the reward tracks for ascended weapons/armor... which track provides the most memories of battle, skirmish claims tickets and a ton more.


I almost had him but I hit F4 when I meant to hit F3, and killed the rotation I use for ele's.


Yes they are OP. that is why we see so many more these days. I have only lost one legit fight because I am actually that good and run my own concoction of a build you will not find online anywhere.


That one heavy who just stopped taking any and all damage is not included because it was using a hack. he took zero strike damage. zero confusion damage. zero torment damage, and no cc affected him. After about a minute of him popping his cheat I finally succumbed.


But yes. Run Circles so they do not get behind you and you keep flanking them.


eh. I do not look at replies. Too many haters lol.

I troll because I know how to get the enemy angry and reckless. They think I am ill tempered, but it is simply a calculation. Make them mad, they get reckless, then they lose. 



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No dude, Ele is completely balanced, the problem here are the thieves with their single target damage and almost inexistent utility, or warriors and their obsolete kit, or rangers whose top damage skill can be reflected or blocked by terrain.

But Elementalist? That's just downstate meta and staff roleplay, the class is so bad that their players are FORCED to play celestial because otherwise is literally unplayable, they are not meta slaves that will disappear if Anet ever removes Celestial from the game, how dare you suggest that?

Edited by Telgum.6071
In case is not clear enough the entire comment is sarcasm
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50 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:

That one heavy who just stopped taking any and all damage is not included because it was using a hack. he took zero strike damage. zero confusion damage. zero torment damage, and no cc affected him. After about a minute of him popping his cheat I finally succumbed.

Are you talking about the Guardian's elite skill Renewed Focus?  It gives them invulnerability.

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1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:

I made one to look into the catalyst and weaver specs. Took it to wvw. Stomped the enemies and I did not know half of what I was doing. All I had to do was a quick read to get the gist of things, then a wvw I went. They can do far too much and so easily. 

Bro, they were white mobs near spawn area, step outside a bit furher and meet some other living players with "average builds" from metabattle and you'll swiftly change that opinion.

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How is it OP if you can create a simple mesmer build that effectively counters it? I don't agree that the popularity of a build suggests that it's OP, that's just the nature of metas and always has been. And, just as it always has been, it's very easy to create builds that are affective at countering meta builds. That was my entire play style in GW1 PvP. There are lots of reasons that builds might become meta, and although sometimes that reason is because it's OP, much more often the reason is simply that it's easy to get kills with and you don't really have to know what you're doing. 

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I agree with the term

"You Know It IS OP When You see More and More and More and More of Them"

but if thats the case, then for harbinger and willbender.  Every second player is playing willbender outside of zergs. Harbinger is close behind 

Edited by Virdo.1540
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5 hours ago, aspirine.6852 said:

I still see more necros, guardians and scrappers.

Plenty of broken sustain mobility in catalyst, tempest, willbenders, harbingers, vindicators, for people not to be playing them. Mechanist and scrappers have been toned down though, they probably bandwagon switched to catalyst, tempest lately, still pretty garbage to roam or zerg on like 20+ specs though. I spend most of my roaming experience avoiding classes now cause you need this specific thing or that specific spec to handle them, this is why we have roaming "groups" more often than not now.

It's disgusting and unenjoyable.

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9 hours ago, Greviathan.6107 said:

As a roamer, the 10 specs I see most often are these, in this order:

  1. Willbender (anywhere)
  2. Soulbeasts
  3. Catalyst
  4. Harbinger
  5. Holosmith
  6. Scrappers
  7. Daredevil
  8. Mechanist
  9. Druid
  10. Deadeye

Like I said, that's what I see subjectively as a roamer. I have no idea how the situation is in blobs.

my experience has been different

1. Soulbeast no question about that, nothing like killing people with 1 button from the longest range in the game (after deadeye nerf i don't think there is any competition to the 1500 range anymore and i don't count mortar kit)

2. Daredevil absolutely everywhere, although they vary between core, deadeye and specter sometimes even the same player changes build but you see thieves EVERYWHERE

3. MESMERS are one of the most popular classes right now, mostly virtuoso because they can 1shot people with 1 f1 if they don't run some super tanky build or just put up 6+ condies with 1 button f2 just an absolute menace...


these are BY FAR the most popular classes right now you see them absolutely everywhere


4.? scrapper/firebrand/tempest/druid support  (yes! not zerg/blob! i am talking about "roamers", they run with supports now)

5. harbiners/reapers and sometimes core necro when someone really just doesn't want to die they run cele ofc...

6. ele, mostly tempests support their groups but sometimes there are cata and i even saw 1 weaver today! i actually saw more core elementalists than weaver for the past few days...

7. mechanists kinda died off after the unnecessary breakage of rifle...

8. willbender/core power guardian don't seem very popular right now or at least i haven't met that many


i cut my list at 8 because at that point there are very mixed what you see...


either way i have never lost a duel because i'm THAT amazing! yes... yes...

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Solo / pug roamer frequency (and tendency in +, -, = the last 1-2 months) in my experience:



= Thief (Daredevil, followed by DE)

= Ranger (pretty much all elite specs, immob druid's been getting popular)

- Guard (mostly WB, some DH and FB)



+ Elementalist (mostly scepter Catalyst, some Tempests, few Weavers)

+ Mesmer (mostly Virt, sometimes Chrono or Mirage)

- Engineer (most of them still Mechanists for some reason)



= Necro (mostly Harb, some Reapers)

= Warrior (Spellbreaker leading by a small margin)

= Revenant (mostly Renegades now, used to meet more Vindicators)


Further notes:

  • Thief and Ranger inherently have a well rounded kit for roaming: mobility, stealth, ranged pressure. Ranger does better as a bruiser, thief as a ganker / fight picker.
  • Guard decline is mostly caused by players learning to counter Willbender imo, and it not being the best at cele bruiser vs cele bruiser fights while not having the escape ability of stealth classes.
  • Cata is a 1v1 and team fight beast right now, but not the most mobile. It has both strong damage-focused and cele bruiser builds.
  • Virt similarly has some builds that are very safe to run and will kill sooner or later, but struggles more to have big impact when it isn't attacked (due to the defensive, counter-attacking nature).
  • Mechanist is the new Minionmancer... often feels like it's being played by PvE players doing dailies. Holo and Scrapper can be very potent roamers and their "population" seems quite stable, but they don't have the FOTM appeal to increase in numbers.
  • Harb I see similar to Cata and Virt for solo roaming: It's main strength is being a strong (cele) duelist. However, it's more prone to getting focused. On the flip side: necros thrive with supporters.
  • Warriors can also still perform well in fights, but are counterplayed more easily than other specs. Most builds play too "fair" to compete with the best of what other specs have to offer.
  • Revenants... idk what happened to them. There's a fair amount of Renegade bruisers which seem to be decent but just not as dangerous or survivable as other specs.



Edited by Silinsar.6298
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I agree, it can burst me from 100 to 0 within few seconds, it has milion ways to escape (they can also magically mount up much sooner than me), it has long block, invulnerability, projectile reflection, stun breaks and I don't see dragon tooth, so sometimes I waste my dodge. But for some reason only Catalysts feel so strong... and if you kill them they vapor form into safety via gate portal. If it's not op, then it surely is annoying as hell.

Edited by Espantapajaros.8901
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13 hours ago, RazieL.5684 said:

"this class is OP, i've never lost to one cuz i'm awesome but it's surely OP!"

not sure to laugh or to cry...


I did not plan on reading any replies but figured there would be something like this.. so I did.


Probably cry. Your attempt at trying to troll is pretty weak... and when the person you are trying to troll is actually as good as he says he is... hah. makes me chuckle. 

If I eventually come across someone who is actually better, sure. I will admit it. But has not happened as of yet.


I can smell your envy from here. Mighty Aromatic. 

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58 minutes ago, Espantapajaros.8901 said:

I agree, it can burst me from 100 to 0 within few seconds, it has milion ways to escape (they can also magically mount up much sooner than me), it has long block, invulnerability, projectile reflection, stun breaks and I don't see dragon tooth, so sometimes I waste my dodge. But for some reason only Catalysts feel so strong... and if you kill them they vapor form into safety via gate portal. If it's not op, then it surely is annoying as hell.

100% spot on.

I made one. Tried it. Day one I was taking people out with just a plain cookie cutter build. So if someone with no experience with the thing, can take it out and win fights against people experienced in their classes, then 100% it is OP.


I will never use it again in WvW because I will never do the OP thing.

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1 hour ago, Silinsar.6298 said:

Virt similarly has some builds that are very safe to run and will kill sooner or later, but struggles more to have big impact when it isn't attacked (due to the defensive, counter-attacking nature).

True Fact.

I had to do a lot of trolling to make people hate me so much that they'd attack me on site. My Virt build was totally defensive in nature so I needed people to be super aggressive towards me otherwise I'd never get a kill and any fight would be two people just staring at each other.

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The cope is strong. To summarize op's post:

"I am a good player so therefore I am good at elementalist and I am here to make all the bad players who are bad at elementalist feel better about themselves.

I went into WvW with a build my friend sent me and because I'm good at the game, I 1v3'd a bunch of absolutely clueless and skill lacking newbs.

Therefore, elementalist is OP because it can do things that everyone else can do and that's not ok with my personal feelings about it.

P.S., 90% of every ele/catalyst I see in WvW is garbage and I kill them with ease, therefore the fact that ele is everywhere automatically means they're OP...because......logic.....I am very good at logic as you can see."

Wow, I dunno how ele mains will ever recover from that, OP. Maybe next time do a little more thinking eh?

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