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World vs. World: January 31 Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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10 hours ago, Halfdose.9847 said:

Whoever thought of the 8G per week reward should be -----! Super out of touch decision


We have to perform much more labor over a week's time for a fraction of the reward you get for one mission. 


8gold.  That is just a f'ing insult to all wvw players.  I didn't think "less than zero thought " was possible, but here it is for all to see. 

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Y'all focusing here on rewards when the gameplay still ain't good.

I'm beginning to suspect that EotM was actually a beta for turning the mode into a PvE-style ktrain.

Yes, this nerfs Mag.  But if you're playing weakside on any other server, there's basically no reason to even log in since you can't get a foothold on anything now.

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Why not add an exchange/weekly vendor that offers real good stuffs for tickets, badge of honor or emblems? Like mystic clover, obsidian shard, MoB, tyrian voucher, amalgamated gem, ambergris, antique stone and other stuffs useful for crafting legendaries. And have them at limited purchase per week. We badly need something to spend our wvw currencies to something useful.

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cheevos could probably be combined and condensed into "Complete Events in WvW"

Events in WvW are: 
- Defending Objectives

- Assaulting Objectives

- Capturing Landmarks

- Killing Yaks

- Defending Yaks

- Veteran Creature

- Ambient Creature (SMC Worm, Oakheart and BL Ghosts) 

- Allying Mercs

- Dispersing Mercs 

- Capturing Ruins/Monuments


Finally, the Cheevo should be in Tier system with tier'd rewards. 
1: 2g + Tickets

5: 2g + Tickets

15: 2g + Tickets

20: 2g + Tickets

This way, even a casual "Events completer" could get at least first and second tier rewards. A more dedicated player will have to participate and successfully complete 20 Events to get the weekly full tier rewards. 

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3 hours ago, DtenCfour.3567 said:

  Defense on towers etc.. was already weak, and now you made it weaker?  LOL  What logic train is this?

Defense on towers is completely unchanged, unless you imply the ram buff make towers weaker - which they dont, if you siege a tower with rams you already know its a near 100% chance of capture unless an enemy zerg comes. People use catas otherwise. 

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Before we dig in, we wanted to remind the community of our current team priorities:

  1. Address player population balance issues through the World Restructuring and Alliances features.
  2. Make WvW more rewarding to play with a focus on active participation.
  3. Refine and iterate on core WvW systems like scoring, siege, upgrades, etc.

While World Restructuring and Alliances are still our primary focus, we were able to carve out some time in our schedule to make progress toward the second and third priorities on our list.


I would like to make a consideration together with all of you (players and developers) on what I was rereading this morning. You've put a bit of work into incentivizing the player to be more active.

But are we sure that making the attack more important or giving more gold or tickets, in this game mode makes the players more involved? Is this how we stimulate the player to put content, and game time ?

Someone in this forum used a nice description talking about personal feelings and how they were involved and transported by this modality using the term ''magic''.

In my opinion this magic has nothing to do with gold or items that you can find in GW2.

That ''magic'', always in my opinion, is represented by the teams / servers. Just like you can see it in sports football. 11 vs 11 should involve only a handful of players. Yet we see millions of fans involved. Why? Because the fans identify with that team. Because fans can choose their team. Because for the fan that team is forever, whether it wins or loses.

With this product Anet has done even better, because the fan can not take the field and play ball. In WVW, on the other hand, the fan can do it. He has the opportunity to participate and do his small part. That's why the term ''magic'' becomes appropriate.

If we think (rightly as Anet declares) only to improve the aquilibrio in this mode, at the cost of canceling this competitive logic based on servers, we will give up forever that "magic".

If you think that the Alliance tool is able to replace the server tool to build a new competition, I'm afraid you're wrong and we find ourselves in the middle of a fat and big new problem. Because Alliance is not an Anet tool, but it is a player manipulated tool and because my alliance has 200 players and your alliance has 500 players etc etc.

Unless we started talking about it in a transparent and constructive way, to find a way that this update ( indispensable ) is still able to involve and transport a large number of players, so that each one can still find his "magic" here.

Because I don't know about you, but talking about 8 gold or 14 gold day / week is so far ( years / light ) from any of my interests / content of this beautiful game mode.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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Having played for a few hours last night, this update largely didn't change much. I/we capped ruins, but no one fought over them. There is no incentive. Since capping is the only path to reward (for this week at least), there's no point in defending. We (blue and green) went round and round our HBL recapping camps so both teams got the achievement. There was no point in heading them off and fighting since that would only spite our own efforts to complete the weekly.
At least that part was some of the most boring WvW I've ever played. Hopefully next week will be different.

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If you want more participation from the server I'm on, you'll have to "bribe" players with 8 gold just for showing up. I usually play NA mornings and nights and rarely see enough players for us to form any kind of group effort. Last time I saw a group of guild members they were riding right by me as I was being murdered, and did nothing to help. Looks like another "slap on the back and great job" to the huge guilds on other servers and an "oh well, too bad for you" on my server. No one seems to want to play in an unbalanced system. They would rather have 4 to 5 tags and up to 50 players to do PvE dailys. As for player vs player, I win maybe one out of every one hundred fights, so much for getting the weekly achievement.

Edited by jahaan.1405
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I would preffer that Anet focus on a longer beta (1month) in which we can see how the new 'servers' move around the weeks. This update just feed pver's to join wvw, which will be good on the long term if they like wvw and start playing it on a regular basis (but thats not going to happen fast), however rn is a pain to see all these 'not fully functional in wvw ppl' filling maps to rush camps/towers (for the weekly achievement) without defending or helping tags...  comee onnnnnn T.T

Edited by Enirehtac.1245
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21 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Having played for a few hours last night, this update largely didn't change much. I/we capped ruins, but no one fought over them. There is no incentive. Since capping is the only path to reward (for this week at least), there's no point in defending. We (blue and green) went round and round our HBL recapping camps so both teams got the achievement. There was no point in heading them off and fighting since that would only spite our own efforts to complete the weekly.
At least that part was some of the most boring WvW I've ever played. Hopefully next week will be different.

I am sorry, but what made you assume something would change? I honestly struggle to understand this. I mean, what exactly was it that you read on the update notes, which made you think that you will jump into WvW after this update and anything will play different? 

I am asking because to anyone, who is not completely new to WvW, it must be quite obvious, just from reading the update notes, that these changes won't affect the gameplay flow in any tangible way. I would just like to know what comes through the mind of a person who has read the update notes and thinks to themselves 'Oh, I wonder how different will the game mode be now..."

I mean, if I read the update notes, I don't see a single change which would even remotely imply anything like that.

Edited by SpaceMarine.1836
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Not going to sneer at 8g/week, it's substantially more than "nothing", but I don't believe it's commensurate with the time you have to put in to achieve those goals.


That aside, the weekly goals seem to vary from the basically trivial (capture Stonemist Castle once) to the "probably not going to happen" - Capture a Keep five times.


If these are things you're expecting an "average" WvW player who spends a lot of time in the game mode to accomplish, I think you've got those two backwards.  I'm not certain I "average" five SMC captures/week, but I sure as heck know I don't snag five keeps on an average week.  SMC flips a *lot* more often than keeps do, and getting five in seven days?  I don't think your average player's going to achieve that one.


The keeps/caravans/towers/ruins/invaders?  All of those are doable over time, in smaller windows of activity by smaller groups of players - heck, many of them can be done solo.  But I think you missed the mark on keeps.


Or add another option, but keep the total needed, or drop the total needed by one.  Eight gold's nice, but the idea that you don't have to do all the goals every week rings a bit hollow when one of them is so much less likely than the others to be achievable.

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9 hours ago, SpaceMarine.1836 said:

I am sorry, but what made you assume something would change?

I didn't think it would. Some minor changes might have happened. Still haven't seen warclaws pulling on gates. The weekly achievements did change some play slightly. Very few players bothering to defend.


3 hours ago, Natalyia.9846 said:

That aside, the weekly goals seem to vary from the basically trivial (capture Stonemist Castle once) to the "probably not going to happen" - Capture a Keep five times.

I got 5 keeps with no SMC caps yet this week. I suppose mileage varies.

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The 8g/week is actually nice for players who broadly play all the game modes and want an extra thing to do in their routine. Go hunt for quartz/flax, then a short meta such as leyline/pinata, a mdeium meta such as tequatl/chak/AB, a long meta such as dragonfall/drizzle/soowon, a couple daily PVP matches, the daily fractals, the daily krait key (the swim infusion is basically another 8g/week), the winterberries farm, the home nodes, festival dailies, etc.

Now you can add a couple of daily WvW objectives to reach that 8g at the end of the week, and if you find the gamemode fun you will stay for more and forget about the 8g.

The objective of Anet is making as many people as possible play as many game modes as possible, this change is not intended to lure new players to play WvW only. Most people have limited time to play each day. Hardcore WvW players don't come to WvW for the gold. Hardcore PvP and PvE players will keep their busy schedules, I doubt they would jump to maining WvW for gold.

If WvW ever became as lucrative as raids/fractals for example, I fear the gameplay would change drastically to hardcore PPT with closed discord squads only allowing meta classes, because if you want 30g/hour the achievements must be challenging, not just "get a tower and a keep". Even worse for PPK achievements, due to the reward disparity between DPS and support, and the ganking opportunities. The servers would be flooded not by new players hooked by the gameplay, but by minmaxers going for the optimal gold/h farming, clogging the queues for everyone else.

Look at raids: tons of people selling raids. Look at PvP, if you play ranked and some guy thinks the match could go badly, they will just afk at spawn, while you play, lose, waste time and report bots and afkers who are only there for the gold/h.

I don't want gold diggers in WvW.

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2 hours ago, Boh.4568 said:

If WvW ever became as lucrative as raids/fractals for example, I fear the gameplay would change drastically to hardcore PPT with closed discord squads only allowing meta classes, because if you want 30g/hour the achievements must be challenging, not just "get a tower and a keep". Even worse for PPK achievements, due to the reward disparity between DPS and support, and the ganking opportunities. The servers would be flooded not by new players hooked by the gameplay, but by minmaxers going for the optimal gold/h farming, clogging the queues for everyone else.

Look at raids: tons of people selling raids. Look at PvP, if you play ranked and some guy thinks the match could go badly, they will just afk at spawn, while you play, lose, waste time and report bots and afkers who are only there for the gold/h.

I don't want gold diggers in WvW.

I don't think anyone is advocating for WvW to be as rewarding (gold-wise) as raids or fractals. But right now it isn't remotely comparable. I did WvW for about 4 hours yesterday (had the day off) and made about 25 total. Even if I had done the entire weekly in that time, it would bring me to 33g. For 4 hours of play time. 
I don't raid, but I know fractals can be about 25-30g/hr (a lot more than the high end 8.25g/hr for WvW). So the rewards could be doubled and it still would be a "gold diggers" choice of game play.

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6 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Anet could perhaps increase the damage aoes cause to larger groups of players. damage increasing starting at 15 to 20 players. The more people are huddled and stacked together increasing the damage percentage  of which the larger groups are hit  maxing at perhaps 70percent increased damage if they have a map que sized zerg stacked ( damage increased based on number of players stacked in a radius example radius being 600 about a warrior shouts distance) or in other words x number of players stand in the aoe circle starting at 15 or 20 people increases total incoming damage by 5 additional percent. There could be a visual indicator for it similar to the Warclaw movent speed buff. 15to 20 would  be stacked would take damage increase starting at 15percent and adding 5 percent increased aoe damage for each additional 5 players which could lead to zergs separating into smaller more tactical groups to avoid taking greatly increased extra damage. This also allows defenders to pressure a large enemy group by separating them in the process which with that being said would also affect the defenders  if they bunch up 2 much ,but would improve siege damage aoe capabilities of arrow carts for coverfire as a example and possibly cannons. 🤔

This could perhaps help defenders and not give 2 much of a edge against attackers as well while giving some more support to defenses in general.

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3 hours ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

This could perhaps help defenders and not give 2 much of a edge against attackers as well while giving some more support to defenses in general.

Wasnt that suposed to be the role of the AC?

Anet nerfed so that 1 player can only take one 1 AC hit per sec, so having 100 ac's or 1 ac's is the same, Anet deliovered what the zerglings wanted to not worry or ignore the siege.

Btw theres some skills that reduce damage of siege on structures slightly, which at least one is based (its a forked skill  for sure)on the old skill that elementalist used to nullify damage from siege on structures.


Edited by Aeolus.3615
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If you want to have a "weekly" then the obvious solution is to have one (or more) of the festival style weekly achievements. Effectively a bar to fill with normal WvW activity that provides an additional set of rewards. Killing players fills it, capturing  fills it, defending fills it. Hell, completing one of the dailies fills it.


Then you play WvW your normal way, and progress regardless. Nobody gets locked out of certain parts because of matchup balance. Nobody can't get the capture SM one because your side (or the other) holds it for the week. You don't get the ridiculous situation of one side deliberately losing SM to let people get their weekly.


Using it as a tool to try and get people to play in a particular way isn't going to work. As we've seen already.

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if they'd just add extra optionals as defend "thingy 20 times" it'd fine. with only 1 optional weekly it just is sorta boring


besides, the newly announced update is another problem. looks like FB nerfs while most FBs u get are horrible and struggle af to barely give any aegis/stab

next, dh dps nerfs into that, pointless sh#t, stop nerfing meta dps, it's bad enough yet on played who have no clue what they do

next, W H  Y on f#cking earth would u up the rene sevenshot cd? and ranger immob -12 sec cd wtf? all the kitten skills get buffs, like why would you? forcefully sabotaging the mode, as if it isn't bad enough yet

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