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EoD gear locked behind strike missions


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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

There is nothing you can accomplish with the new stats that you cannot with combinations of previous stat gear. Still, I am not sure that BiS ascended gear qualifies as, "baseline."

In GW2, gearing up was always supposed to be a start of the road, not the goal at the end of it like it is in vertical progress games.

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25 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

The biggest question here is; what content are you playing where you will require Full Dragon or Ritualist gear?

Exactly, Ritualist gear is not even useful for casual gameplay. It’s a stat combination for instanced content and not for open world content. 

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24 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Exactly, Ritualist gear is not even useful for casual gameplay. It’s a stat combination for instanced content and not for open world content. 

I can see some people gearing up for Ritualist , where it offers survibility + condition damage for OW/WvW (Mesmers-Guardians-Ranger) .

But those people will be kicked from the Raid/Strikes groups , if they use that stat

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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I agree with the people saying it's worth trying strikes.

I'm very much a casual player, but I've occasionally tried raids, and do strikes and Fractals when I need to and I'd say strikes are more comparable to Fractals than GW2 raids and not at all like raiding in other games. For me the most important things are each strike is relatively short (they're all single boss fights), you don't need to go through them in order to unlock the one/s you want (you do need to play the story version to unlock the EoD ones) and it doesn't necessarily take a lot of training and practice to complete them.

All of that combined means when I've wanted to do a strike I've been able to find a group in LFG (or start one and get people joining) and do just the strike I wanted without having to commit to anything else and the whole process is over in an hour or so.

But if you want EoD stats because a build guide recommended them it's probably also worth bearing in mind those are usually aimed at people doing raids, strikes and high-end fractals (because those are the areas where your build really matters) and if you're not interested in that you can probably substitute something else.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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I know where you are coming from, I wouldnt touch a raid either. Eod strikes are nothing like a wow raid though. In short, you watch a 2 min video and you know what to do. They are done fast and easy. Including gathering a group, I doubt a strike takes more than 15 min.

I.e. you get a group, you do one encounter and you are done. I've not done HT since it looks longish and like something that will be a problem for players on average (CMs likewise). But the rest there is like 1 mechanic at best that might cause anyone in your group to struggle. They work really well if you have no time/patience for anything but casual pve.

Its not a slog that takes hours and ppl stop paying attention midway or dont show up at all for the scheduled raid...

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14 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I did the one for the turtle, but it took 30-40 mins and I’m not sure I’d ever repeat that. It was mind numbingly boring in places where boss hp was so high. I think if they were more like the IBS ones, I’d be more keen to do them regularly for rewards and collections. Otherwise, they are one and done at best for me if they are all like this (I’ve heard mixed reports).

So there are 2 solutions to a strike taking this long. Either boss hp is too high or the group damage too low.

I can assure you it is always the 2nd case. Well or everyone ignored mechanics like usually. One of the 3 adds has to be seperated or they buff themselves and take less damage. the whole strike should not take longer than 10min. You can complete all cm strikes within an hour.

There is a good reason why this strike is required for multiple things. It is an intended pve endgame tutorial and it was very necessary. There needs to be something that tells players without arc that their soldier longbow ranger is just completely useless in pve. This strike does exactly that but somehow players still manage to blame the game instead of changing their builds.

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In GW2, gearing up was always supposed to be a start of the road, not the goal at the end of it like it is in vertical progress games.

Literally no content -or playstyle- is somehow locked from the player in the game without the 2 new stat combinations. It seems you don't understand what "baseline" means or what is required to play any and all content of the game, when it comes up to "gearing as the start of the road"? Because what you're arguing about in this thread simply is not it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Literally no content -or playstyle- is somehow locked from the player in the game without the 2 new stat combinations. It seems you don't understand what "baseline" means or what is required to play any and all content of the game, when it comes up to "gearing as the start of the road"? Because what you're arguing about in this thread simply is not it.

Thankfully the rest of the OW people will read this thread , where Raiders are saying the OW don't need the 2 stats (no new OW optimization/fun combo is allowed in OW) .


(after the WvW resources could we continue this same pattern for some PvP resources too ?:P)

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3 minutes ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Thankfully the rest of the OW people will read this thread , where Raiders are saying the OW don't need the 2 stats (no new OW optimization/fun combo is allowed in OW) .

No one needs these 2 stat combos. No content is gated behind these 2 stat combos and not much if any at all efficiency is lost without them. 

Dragon's especially has quite limited usability especially in high end group PVE.

That doesn't mean there is anything wrong with gating a few equipment pieces behind certain content, especially because partial gating of stat combos will most likely be time limited and follows the past patterns.

We are not even talking about stat combinations but about 2 specific equipment pieces, achievements. You can get alternatives through other means and from the top of my head only 1 of the rings is gated behind group content. If 1 off-set ring (or exotic instead of ascended) is such a problem for anyone I don't know what content they are playing that would require such min-maxing.  

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1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

It is an intended pve endgame tutorial and it was very necessary. There needs to be something that tells players without arc that their soldier longbow ranger is just completely useless in pve. This strike does exactly that but somehow players still manage to blame the game instead of changing their builds.

I would say this strike is intended to do that, but since there are still issues for some (lots of?) players, it may not actually accomplish this as well as it should. This game is pretty bad at explaining stuff like this in general. It always has been.
Unless you find resources outside of the game, knowing how the behind the scenes numbers work isn't very intuitive. Build crafting and rotations are 2 other integral parts that aren't explained well at all (in game) at any point along the way.
Given that, it makes sense so many players run into these issues with any content that has a difficulty threshold (even an easy one).

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1 minute ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I would say this strike is intended to do that, but since there are still issues for some (lots of?) players, it may not actually accomplish this as well as it should. This game is pretty bad at explaining stuff like this in general. It always has been.
Unless you find resources outside of the game, knowing how the behind the scenes numbers work isn't very intuitive. Build crafting and rotations are 2 other integral parts that aren't explained well at all (in game) at any point along the way.
Given that, it makes sense so many players run into these issues with any content that has a difficulty threshold (even an easy one).

But seeing a boss take 30-40min should be a hint. Especially if normal groups can clear it in less than 10min while speedrun groups take even less than that for the cm version.

There is also an adventure in drizzlewood that is basically a dps golem but they gave it like a 2min requirment for the gold medal while you can kill it within <20sec.

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Just replace the equipement slot you need as ritualist or draconic with celestial , you won't even notice the difference.

The post is a bit controversial , as example when i needed a specific world boss for a leg weapon collection , it bored me to death to wait for that world boss to spawn (and doing it , is actually also boring), so much i fell asleep and actually ... missed the boss , great ... 2 hours more to wait (kitten you , too confortable gaming chair)

Almost everything is available in OW , you just miss actually those two new stats and the leg. pve armor.

Think about us , having some stuff locked behind boring content that our eyes can't even stand open  , and i am not joking , falling asleep is an actual problem for me , it happens so many time when i try fishing ... and on boring OW metas .

In gw 2 , there are Ow players , endgame pve players , pvp players , wvw players , you cannot satisfy them all , really pisses me off to do wvw for a leg. weapon , but i get over with .

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

I can assure you it is always the 2nd case. Well or everyone ignored mechanics like usually. One of the 3 adds has to be seperated or they buff themselves and take less damage. the whole strike should not take longer than 10min. You can complete all cm strikes within an hour.

All of my runs of that strike have been15-30m but all of them involved people doing it for the first time so that isn't surprising.

I don't know if people just have crazy expectations or if they are just not factoring this in but it is not surprising to perform somewhat poorly at something when trying it for the first time.

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20 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

But seeing a boss take 30-40min should be a hint. Especially if normal groups can clear it in less than 10min while speedrun groups take even less than that for the cm version.

Maybe. For a group that hasn't done the strike before, how are they supposed to know how long its supposed to take. There is literally no baseline way for them to know that.

21 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

There is also an adventure in drizzlewood that is basically a dps golem but they gave it like a 2min requirment for the gold medal while you can kill it within <20sec.

I didn't know about that. Will have to check it out.
I didn't know there was an in game way to check dps until 8 years into playing the game. They're not is a terribly easy to access place. It's stuff like this I think they (Anet) could do a much better job on. Put those golems in every city. Unlock them in every home instance or something. If dps is something that should be important to players (it obviously is) then make it easy to check. Most players have no idea how low of damage they are actually doing. I've seen people doing 4-5k dps and thinking they're rocking it. And sadly, that's not their fault.

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Strikes are the future.

ArenaNet has decided.

If they're comfortable locking things like the turtle, tier 3 gliding boost, and tier 3 jade bot rez behind strikes, they're certainly going to be unmoved at the plight of players wanting niche stat combos.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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6 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

putting aside the E.Spec weapons collection.
The biggest question here is; what content are you playing where you will require Full Dragon or Ritualist gear? because if you're NEVER touching raids/strike/fractals then you probably don't need to be running a full stat build, or can suppliment those missing items with other stats like Celestial(to cover all your based) or a similar stat selection(Vipers works well with Ritualist).

moving back to the collections; ALL collections can be completed by playing SOLO story missions

Some people mix Dragons with Marauders in other game modes that take skill other than raids/strike/fractals 

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If you play WvW you can buy the WvW trinkets and get the stats that way. 


Cant think of any other mode you would need to optimize that hard for for open world pve. 


I'm sure that there will be alternate ways to obtain the stats in the upcoming patches that wont require strikes. (Though you should do strikes, they are fun!)

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4 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:

Thankfully the rest of the OW people will read this thread , where Raiders are saying the OW don't need the 2 stats

Everyone's allowed to read whatever they want, that doesn't make what I said any less true, so not sure why you're responding with that to me. And I don't know where you got the idea that I somehow was writing about just "OW", but I didn't write anything like that, so stop making these random things up again.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 2/21/2023 at 1:17 AM, Sobx.1758 said:

(...)Luckily you can enjoy the game all the same without those 2 stats (for now, since they'll probably be added to stat-choice items later on, like it always was).


 Latest patch notes 👇


After rigorous research and experimentation, Durmand Priory researchers discovered that the magic within equipment featuring selectable attributes has shifted. You can now customize these items with Dragon's and Ritualist's attribute combinations.

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