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There is a cap for daily achievement points?!? wtf

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16 hours ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

All achievements have a cap.  Why should this one be any different?

While I don't mind there being a cap, I think ANet should have adjusted the daily reward notifications to no longer show the +10 AP once that cap has been reached.

Obviously, it still confuses people and they only get the respective information regarding the cap if they check out the Wiki page.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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14 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

While I don't mind there being a cap, I think ANet should have adjusted the daily reward notifications to no longer show the +10 AP once that cap has been reached.

Obviously, it still confuses people and they only get the respective information regarding the cap if they check out the Wiki page.

Honestly, ANet should make it so mousing over your AP score tells you about the cap OR just have the cap shown in the daily category.

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8 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Previously, new players could catch up to veterans if the veterans happened to not play as heavily as before, because each time new player did their dailies and old player did not, the gap lessened. Now there's no way at all to lessen the gap created by historical achievements. Sure, LS1 ones were brought back, but only as a sideeffect of bringing the content back, which for most of what is left is not an option.

Basically, originally the chance to catch up was low, and depended on both working much harder than veterans, and on veterans slipping up, but no matter how small, it did exist. With the current system however that chance to catch up has completely disappeared. That's what really that "help" to catching up you mentioned achieved - it made catching up flat out impossible.

Maybe. But they'd likely fall off the same way over time. And none of them would catch up with me, who rarely ever misses a daily even after I got my cap. If I had points for all of them, I'm probably be close to 65,000 AP or something like that.  The point is, lots of people do dalies every day, even after the cap. They usually or often take five or ten minutes and give you 2 gold, 3 spirit shards, plus the rewards for each individual daily.  It's just a no brainer to me. There are so many ways to get them fast once you know what's what. It's like enforced farming.  Takes very little time and keeps everything ticking over.


It's not like no one does their dailies, even after hitting the cap is my point. Some people log in every day just to do dailies. Some do dailies on multiple accounts.


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I never cared about the leaderboards.  I'm not very competitive, and they weren't easy to find.  Also I knew that since I barely touch WvW let alone sPvP I was certainly never going to be in the top 100.  But I do enjoy doing achievements, and at the game's dawn the Radiant set looked so wonderful to me, especially that backpiece.  (Many lovely halo skins have since been introduced so I don't know if I'll even use it once I get it; I currently have all the Radiant and am under 50 AP away from the final Hellfire, other than the backs, and I have exactly one alt decked out in Radiant and have never used a single piece of Hellfire).  The ten AP a day gave me a comfy sense of progression towards those skins.

I knew about the cap well in advance.  I didn't and still don't care about having more AP than other people.  I enjoy playing the game for its own sake.  Plenty of other skins are out there, and imo they are mostly better than the AP skins.  And I still hit a wall for a bit when I reached the daily/monthly cap where I felt very little motivation to log in.  I got past that, and the 2 gold did help me do so although it's not enough to make me always do the dailies if they can't be done fast.  But I can definitely see how it demotivates players to be capped, and I do like the idea of having the cap occasionally raised if the devs feel that won't counter the reasons they put in the cap in the first place.

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2 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:


You know it does, right?

I hope this was sarcasm 😁

It tells you how much you have between permanent, monthly, and daily, not that15k total between monthly + daily is the cap.
For anyone who's confused,  this is all it shows when you hover over achievement points. I had to ask my friend to log in to their account and show me just to be sure it wasn't something that went away after I achieved the cap.  It's not.  It doesn't show you the cap, it just lists how much AP you have between permanent, daily, and monthly.  So I was right.

Edited by Epsilon Indi.2031
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7 minutes ago, Avelione.6075 said:


You still get 2 gold for the dailies and there are many more achievements that get you achievement points other than the dailies. No need to feel betrayed, the cap is not new, I have reached it years ago. 

Edited by vares.8457
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25 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

You still get 2 gold for the dailies and there are many more achievements that get you achievement points other than the dailies. No need to feel betrayed, the cap is not new, I have reached it years ago. 

It sounds like they don’t actually want to pursue other achievements. The daily was like auto-attack-to-win for them. Hence the “chest every few months” comment.

Apparently finding some achievements to intentionally pursue is a bridge too far, like using skills 2-10 for some.

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1 hour ago, Zaraki.5784 said:

And I would be perfectly fine with that.

Okay, but I don't see how that changes the conversation. Anet isn't make decisions for you, or me, or any one person. They're trying to do what's best for the game, whether any one person is okay with anything or not.  Of course, they might not always get it right, but in this case I think they did.

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From the time dailies changed ( April 19, 2016 ) to today, 2549 days have passed.  This is more than enough time to see the cap (1500 days worth of dailies) and, if you still did them all from this change, that would be 5098 gold and 7647spirit shards.  Yeah no, I'd say that's still worth it.  There's also a plethora of achievements that are still easy to get that still award some amount of AP but they're usually tied to festivals.

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6 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:


Have you considered doing other achievements other than repeating the same 3 basic tasks and getting more rewards no matter what? Sounds like you don't want "a reason to play" (since other achievements still do that for you), but instead infinite rewards for lowest effort -or lack of it- possible. If anything, I'd say that's a good reasoning FOR the ap cap from dailies, not against it.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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8 hours ago, Avelione.6075 said:


If you've just encountered the cap after 8 years of play, you've not been doing Dailies regularly. In that case, should not be that much of a hardship.  Investigate other sources of APs. 

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I reached the 15K cap a few years back, and almost always do the dailies - it is a faster way to get 2 gold than pretty much anything else.  And you also get some bonus for the dailies (the harvesting one gives you a chest of related materials, the WvW ones give you a potion that will increase your reward track progress, etc).  As said previously, I think it would be nice if the cap increased by some reasonable amount/year, but hardly think it is necessary.


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15 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

I didnt know there was a cap, so you can only do so many a month?

Well, you can only earn 10AP a day, so max 310 a month, but that's not the cap. The cap is that you can only earn 15000 total from dailies (and/or the now defunct monthlies). Like other posters I also hit that cap years ago, but I still do dailies. Sometimes I do 8 in a day, as the WvW ones kind of happen automatically if you play that mode.

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18 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Okay, but I don't see how that changes the conversation.

It doesn't. In both cases new players cannot catch up to old ones, so this argument is pretty much irrelevant to the discussion about the cap. If you want to decide whether it is good or bad for the game, you need to concentrate on other issues, not this one.

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2 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Well, you can only earn 10AP a day, so max 310 a month, but that's not the cap. The cap is that you can only earn 15000 total from dailies (and/or the now defunct monthlies). Like other posters I also hit that cap years ago, but I still do dailies. Sometimes I do 8 in a day, as the WvW ones kind of happen automatically if you play that mode.

OO are you kidding me thats crazy 10 AP a day

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