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May 2 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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1 hour ago, LegohBrave.1823 said:

Clearly my last comment confused people. Allow me to elaborate.

*Stone Heart: Critical-hit immunity is now granted for a period of time when entering and exiting Earth Attunement, instead of always while attuned to earth.*

This is a terrible idea. Why? Several reasons.

I don't think people understand how few of us run Tempest. So what do we run?

Fire/Water/Tempest OR Earth/Water/Tempest.

Earth is a terrible trait line because although it gives protection on aura. it relies on AURASHARE hence the water line.
Why is fire amazing? because it has smothering auras. which NEEDS POWERFUL AURA hence the WATER line to actually be useful.

So lets say you go fire/water/tempest in pvp? You melt. There's no denying that. I have played several hundred ranked matches and ignoring STONE HEART is a deathwish for tempests. Everyone on the enemy side focuses you and even with a stupid amulet like PALADIN you melt. No crits is the absolute anyway to survive AT ALL and do any damage before getting nuked to oblivion.

Let's talk wvw. Would you go earth/water/tempest? NO. Why? The hell are you going to cleanse with? Trooper runes? no. No one does this. Everyone is going Fire/Water/Tempest and they rely on ZERGS to NOT DIE. So you don't want to zerg? you want to roam or small scale with a smaller group? If you don't take Stone heart you are going to die so fast its ridiculous. Everyone targets you because you are going to be 1 of 2 things. Full glass or hybrid. No you won't survive with minstrel traits because then you dont do any damage whatsoever.

Why don't you change it so that for PVE IT REDUCES ALL INCOMING DAMAGE x% instead and leave our only way of not melting in wvw or pvp at the expensive cost of having to carry a crappy trait line like earth?

If this confuses you then clearly you don't play Tempest as much as a loser like me.

I can assure you. It's balanced for the game as it currently stands. At the cost of not being one shot by pure DPS crit based builds we can't kill anything because we are stuck with a crappy line like earth.

Yeah, nobody takes Earth except if you are support Tempest in PvP. There's some stuff with protection there and some damage reduction but meh..not enough to justify an entire traitline usage just for Stone Heart which is really the only thing you want from there.

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On 4/22/2023 at 1:39 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Smash Brawler: This trait now grants 15% increased critical-strike chance while in berserk mode in addition to its current effect.

This wouldn't even be necessary if Warrior had better access to Fury. Our only good source of Fury comes from Arcing Slice and we have to land the hit to get it. Meanwhile, other classes get excellent Fury access and or traits that boost crit chance by a large amount.

I think the Burst Mastery trait should give X seconds of Fury on burst activation. I wouldn't even mind if the damage bonus was removed. The Fury would be far better IMO.

The seemingly random nerf to Arc Divider doesn't even make sense since Arcing Slice does better consistent damage while also giving Fury.

Edited by Tru Reptile.6058
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9 hours ago, Seneca.6319 said:

Stealth is a broken mechanic, everybody hates you in WvW and PvP. The fact that being hit or CC'ed doesn't take you out of stealth is just wrong. The fact that 90% of the time we can't see you or target you doesn't make you a better player.. It makes you a cheesy one abusing a broken mechanic. Even Virtuoso or Guardian with their huge number of Aegis applications are not that broken because they can be targeted or boonripped. But nothing against stealth. 

Dude, I've never said stealth isn't broken or anything at all yet you should play thief yourself and understand we cannot spam shields, reflectives, , etc etc all day like most classes can. Everyone hates what they cannot kill with their comfortable no risky builds and yeah, calling most these players not as good including myself also cause me personally i cannot stand a fight against a DD. Yet i've seen other players, good players that have fought them and kill them if thinking way ahead of them. Like seriously, back in the day when Deadeye was on it's prime, full damage, full stealth, no autoreveal, alot more of freely movement and ofc there weren't builds from other classes that were so comfy to play with perma shielding... I'do get smashed by actual good players who knew what they were doing even tho I'do perma stealth and they couldn't spam reflectives, shields and other bs as often as nowdays. I play thief, got the lowest health and can easily get killed while on stealth if any player knows what they doing good enough i'm pretty much all time on risk if not fast enough. I am main deadeye, i've had to evolve my own build out of meta not to kill other players only but to stand a fight against unfair builds and can freely say my class deserves more stealth, damage and more initiative even on a meta full of builds with alot of movement, shields, reflectives. Not asking to take aegis out of x classes, or reducing perma shielding from actual meta, neither giving me skills that will ignore these conditions to do nonsense damage while sacrificing nothing. It's not about asking for the classes you like to have everything to counter the class or spec you don't like dude and btw and fyi the reveal mechanic was added long ago as a way to counter thieves stealth, if you want to simply counter stealth and see thieves then go play ranger or something instead of asking every class to have everything to counter stealth. Most metas nowdays are pure aoe condi damage, don't even need to see the target to use some damage plus if you have already targeted for a skill on a thief that goes to stealth it will still get hurt if doesn't dodge. and now i say to be done with it; Took me time to get use to fight against all these spamming condi builds or the fact i no longer had a "right time to shoot" due to the current perma shield covered metas and yet i've done good so far. You got everything against stealth, that's for sure 🙂 but imo thieves do deserve more stealth and more damage even Tehe! Obviously should be top damage and by pure logic and thematically.

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1 hour ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

so mechanist afk farming enabled by the overpowered golem is still not considered a problem?



Don't need mech to do it. You can also do it with Turrets! 

Or Necro minions. 

Or botting programs because aparently those are A-OK. Even in ranked PvP!

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9 hours ago, Seneca.6319 said:

I play 3 classes pretty often: elementalist, mesmer and necro. 

Changes to elementalist: meh, good they fixed bugs but Tempest could use a rework on the grandmaster traits. Not being able to provide alacrity and heal at the same time is weird, other classes do it so where is the balance? In WvW tempest is mostly a cleanse bot and provides some decent healing but that's it. It would be great if it could compete with Firebrand that way in a group you can either have a Firebrand or a Tempest a.k.a give Tempest the ability to generate more stability and share it with the group. It is pretty much its weak point right now. It could also compensate for the Stone Heart rework.

On the Sone Heart grandmaster trait: people take that because a Thief can just one shot you if he attacks from stealth and behind at the same time. Not gonna lie, the fact that you have to camp Earth to not die because of crits from sneaky thieves is a bit of a bummer so I'm curious on the number of seconds you maintain Stone Heart when entering and existing Earth.


Changes to  Mesmer: great you're fixing bugs but not great you're touching alacrity, again. Good that it is in PvE only since in competitive mode it is literally impossible to maintain 3 clones up so Staff Mirage has literally no play in PvP or WvW. But still, half of the alacrity and being forced to take Ritualist gear...I don't like it. And where are the PvP & WvW changes for Mirage? Where is our 2nd dodge while Daredevil has 3 and perma stealth. How can you say "Thief is in a good spot" ??? Are we playing the same game ?? Thief is like the most toxic and annoying class to play against in competitive mode, yet Staff/Axe Mirage is a big offender. If Mirage would get it's 2nd dodge back it could see some play in WvW Zergs with GS. Right now only Chrono reached meta and that is because of boonrips with Gravity Well and Shield. But it's such a boring build to play. 


Changes to Reaper: the class just feels clunky with a Greatsword. I don't care about a power coefficient when my attacks are 3/4-1 second spaced out. Greatsword on Reaper feels like a staff only it's melee. There is a total disconnect between changes to Shouts and the use of the GS. Shouts reward you for being in melee range but the spec's weapon punishes you greatly. So most Reapers take Axe/Focus and Staff and avoid using shouts too much because they avoid being in melee range outside of Reaper's Shroud. 


Closing words: Please play the game yourself in competitive modes and see how each class & spec feel. Focus on competitive mode balances, spare us with the PvE balance patches, who cares we're able to bring down a giant hitbox to 0 that fast. I haven't played a raid or a strike in months because they are that boring. Fractals & dungeons are more fun than raids or strikes but because they reward you better people obviously play those. Once they get their gear they go away because who wants to grind the same raid indefinitely ??? Might as well go hit the Kitty for 10 mins a day if I feel like doing a Raid. 

Fix the stealth problem with Thief in competitive modes, figure out ways each class can counter it! It is quite funny that a Mesmer (basically the Trickster), an Elementalist (the Mage) and Necromancer (the King of the Undead) have basically no counter play to Thief. These classes should have the most counterplay to stealth because they are squishier and, except for the necro, require a lot of skill to play.

All your complaints have something to do either with thief this blah blah, stealth this blah blah, counter counter like dude, Ele is on an actual pretty good spot right now, a good elementalist can stand a fight against anybody they got on their way, repear and harb are not easy at all to play against and if make a single mistake while fighting a good harb (even a mid tier one) you pretty much dead and tbh the changes on mirages are lame, it has been a while since they should have put some actual work on it and buff it to be on the spot it was before the bs nerfs (including taking the second dodge away) , but have you play Virtuoso? that's a one shooting machine if you get caught by surprise and can easily stand a fight against most classes if not all within a few seconds of preparation. You are free to cry as much as you want about thieves and the stealth but as you said yourself noone of the extra stealth or dodges makes you a better player, neither crying over stealth, dodges or asking to have all mechanics on classes you like and play just to counter stealth cause you feel it's impossible to kill a thief for you now. Out of offense, with all the due respect and even tho I find your reasoning very annoying., not even i used to cry as much over the same thing when the condi meta started. You just making pug players believe they gonna get better if either stealth gets nerfed or they get full countering stealth skills on their specs... So to rlly be done with it and be done with you i'm telling you what once was told to me me when i used to cry about what i found nonsense nerfs to my spec and nonsense buffs to others jeje get good, learn to play and if at the very end you didn't make it well that means you suck cause many other players have made it, i play every mode in game and i've seen them myself obviously. Not the best player but i've worked hard on my main class and that's why i feel free to say i deserve buffs. 🙂 Anyways, you free to cry over stealth, thieves and blah blah as i am free to cry over stuff i don't like on game (Including balance team) lmao be well dude.

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7 hours ago, Josif.2015 said:

Of all things to focus for engineer, why condition holosmith? Does nobody at ArenaNet know that core engineer exists? Holosmith is a power specialization, not a condition specialization. 4 of the 5 Photon Forge skills are power based and Photon Blitz is the only condition skill that applies burning.

I don't know why you would buff condition holosmith when you can just buff core condition engineer which is, in my opinion, better than condition holosmith. And you can give it more buffs rather than just reducing the cooldown on Incendiary Ammo from 40 to 20 seconds in PvE only. Not saying I don't appreciate it, but I think more buffs would've been appreciated.

Let's hope that the June 27th balance patch offers more meaningful changes rather than just lowering or increasing cooldowns.

Arena net doesn't care any other spec of engi. Only Holo.
Core is almost useless in all game modes, doesn't matter if  his rotation is hard, don't deserve a buff like add more conditions on core skills.

Scrapper got high nerfs in base skills in order to nerf 1 build; they have killed every other build instead in PvP. Was too easy to nerf power grenades and buff conditions (fixing two issues: weak core and killing one shot steallth builds), nerf stealth gyro but buff defensive options like bulkwark. Their "bruiser build" doesn't exist. They added rapid regeneration only to hard nerf superspeed, again instead of made grenades a targeted option so no longer 360° attacks while superspeed. Instead of listen their community, they  have literally pulled nerf hammer on random skills (wonderful function gyro from 1.0 to 0.5). WvW Support deserved a nerf on superspeed, stealth and condition convertions to boons. But they hard nerfed healing either. PvE one is outshined by Firebrand in every aspect.
Mech had that easy build in pve and instead of buff kits and nerf the bot damage to force him to be a little more difficulty, they hard nerfed rifle. PvP Mech is a Joke. Only support one (PvE)is good; but they haven't fixed underwater skills on it.


All recent buffs on engi were almost holo focused. Tools buff was a Holo focused buff (too bad for them that Scrapper got good sinergy with tool trait either), and probly next patches will be nerfs on Scrapper until is dead (Every single build, no matter if the others weren't broken). 

"Oh, it's a pve patch w8 until june";  Scrapper is a bad designed spec; don't tell me that maybe they gonna fix it in 1 month more.

Edited by AlPower.2476
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46 minutes ago, AlPower.2476 said:

PvE one is outshined by Firebrand in every aspect. 

Heal Scrapper? Yeah, it's easily outshined by Hfb/HHerald. And it still struggles with 25 stacks of Migh in upkeep solo, even though this can be helped out by the Adps. 
Qdps/Pdps? I've ran a few bosses with decent qdps/dps Scrappers and the difference in timer/smoothness was minimal (including for Dhuum). I'd definitely prefer that over a power mech trolling with auto-targeting/auto-aggroing lamp in Qadim for instance xP.
Unless you need frequent stability or aegis for a very few specific situations (that is, if your healer cannot cover both of these), it's still good to play it.
And tbh, Fireband isn't the only spec you need to watch out for, concurrence-wise. 

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So, where is condi based holosmith in PvP or WvW mode? Why it has only PvE mode? you just give one burning condition stat in Corona burst skill. Is this big deal in PvP? Do you not wish for there to be multiple builds in a game? Just give burning to holosmith PvP or PvE both mode!

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@Cal Cohen.2358


Okay my thoughs seems to confused peops a bit so I will ubdate and say clearly what I meant to Tell ya guys ^^


Overall decent Changes for Berserker. The 15% crit chance boost while in Berserk Mode will help to get the 100% crit cap while you are in Berserk. Does not have it outside off it is a hughe dmg lost but I think thats how Berserk should Work over all. Only  change missed now is a going off  Berserk, if you wanted it to end faster been, baseline! (The thing you now bound to Eternal Champion/ only usefull place for Eternal Champion is PvP and WvW and also only for condi since Power build would need to use bloody Roar to be somewhat effective when Played on defence line) As it stands now it will lead to last longer than you need it to be. This lead to Situations where your Berserk mode will be on CD while you would have need it to be rdy to Deal DMG again.




This  Change would not only Help in Instanced PvE Situations (cause some bosses get phases where you could not DMG them) but also would Help to make Defence Power Berserk more variable in PvP and WvW. (Cause as it stands now you Miss the bloody Roar 10% DMG boosts cause you need to use Eternal Champion instead to sweap Off Berserk If you want and gain superspeed plus 2secs invu though Power DMG plus quickness)



Edited by Pati.2438
Seems Like peoples Love to give confused Smileys for no reason ... check
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On 4/21/2023 at 9:07 PM, Sincarion.1034 said:

chrono CC too big, oh yeah nerfs that too, like anyone plays chrono, these changes are unfun

Mh... you might have misunderstood that part Chronophantasma is the trait where your phantasms appear for a second time and do there attack. And when they reappear (the phantasms themselfs) they are dazed for 1,5 seconds, not the enemies. They reduce that so those second phantasms actually hit sooner. It's a buff

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Let us be real guys...everyone here crying because it hits your atm favorit class/elite spec (nerfs) or dosnt buff your atm favorit specc...
do it as you all ever do and switch on your 4 out of 16 chars that are still more then playable.

alac mirrage was way to broken for a support. a support with 85% uptime and same dmg as some "not so op" dps is very op..in my eyes its a good nerf. it was time and it was broken (for my taste they shoud nerf the condi virtu as well but maybe next time...i mean you see when a class is op when there are like 4 out of 4 dps in KO condi virtu (ST-dmg is fine tho but the pierce isnt maybe put a 33% chance after first pierce to the second and so on ) 

Thief IS in a good spot. more then enough roles he can fill (like lamp or pylon / kite ) if you think he is bad its only cause you are meta slaves thats it. his dmg is decent and he is versatile. thats what i call in a good spot dosnt need nerfs and dosnt need buffs.

no nerf to mech is in my opinion totaly not understandable. its annoying to raid with sometimes 6+ mechs. cause they spam 1 button and still do decent dmg. i dont know. they should do something about that braindead playstyle its way to easy for the mech to deliver decent dmg with like 0 effort.

on the other hand the nerf to willbender was totaly not fair...atleast i for myself arent seeing this specc anywhere ..
and that Qfb got some nerfs (like the same for CFB) is totaly nice it was the same as mirrage a BOON dps shouldnt deal huge dmg..thats it. he is there to mainly give boons.

most of the nerfs + buffs are totaly understandable. keep up the good work  Anet and buff/nerf the elite speccs that really need it. and dont listen to this crykids cause shinetime from there overpowerd elite specc is over now. they switch class in notime anyway.

i stay to my main for like 4 years now and even with nerfs i love it (thief) . so get over it boys you had your time and if you think about you wasted hours on maybe Alac-mirrage to learn rotation. well your fault

Edited by athorias.1380
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Not anything really interesting in it - for engineer. Looking forward to the next major update that will appear like 3 weeks before the end of the next main PvP season (from May 2nd 8 weeks until June 27th, 2 weeks mini season and then 9 weeks main season usually) - then trying out new stuff there maybe. Since I usually have finished the reward chests by then.

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On 4/21/2023 at 6:39 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


  • Tome of Justice: Reduced passive burning duration from 2 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.
  • Permeating Wrath: Reduced burning duration from 2 seconds to 1 seconds when using the firebrand elite specialization in PvE only.
  • Legendary Lore: This trait now grants might when using a tome of justice skill instead of increasing the burning duration. Increased regeneration duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds in PvP only. Increased protection duration from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds in PvP only.
  • Epilogue: Ashes of the Just: Reduced stacks from 3 to 2 in PvE only.

Yes, hello. I would like to report a murder.

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8 hours ago, LegohBrave.1823 said:

Clearly my last comment confused people. Allow me to elaborate.

*Stone Heart: Critical-hit immunity is now granted for a period of time when entering and exiting Earth Attunement, instead of always while attuned to earth.*

This is a terrible idea. Why? Several reasons.

I don't think people understand how few of us run Tempest. So what do we run?

Fire/Water/Tempest OR Earth/Water/Tempest.

Earth is a terrible trait line because although it gives protection on aura. it relies on AURASHARE hence the water line.
Why is fire amazing? because it has smothering auras. which NEEDS POWERFUL AURA hence the WATER line to actually be useful.

So lets say you go fire/water/tempest in pvp? You melt. There's no denying that. I have played several hundred ranked matches and ignoring STONE HEART is a deathwish for tempests. Everyone on the enemy side focuses you and even with a stupid amulet like PALADIN you melt. No crits is the absolute anyway to survive AT ALL and do any damage before getting nuked to oblivion.

Let's talk wvw. Would you go earth/water/tempest? NO. Why? The hell are you going to cleanse with? Trooper runes? no. No one does this. Everyone is going Fire/Water/Tempest and they rely on ZERGS to NOT DIE. So you don't want to zerg? you want to roam or small scale with a smaller group? If you don't take Stone heart you are going to die so fast its ridiculous. Everyone targets you because you are going to be 1 of 2 things. Full glass or hybrid. No you won't survive with minstrel traits because then you dont do any damage whatsoever.

Why don't you change it so that for PVE IT REDUCES ALL INCOMING DAMAGE x% instead and leave our only way of not melting in wvw or pvp at the expensive cost of having to carry a crappy trait line like earth?

If this confuses you then clearly you don't play Tempest as much as a loser like me.

I can assure you. It's balanced for the game as it currently stands. At the cost of not being one shot by pure DPS crit based builds we can't kill anything because we are stuck with a crappy line like earth.

Lmao stop being idiotic. There's plenty of survival tools on tempest including mobility, projectile hate, invuln, healing, boons. Stop acting like stone heart is the only thing keeping it alive. Maybe now you have to git gud huh? Can't camp earth anymore for easy mode against power. Fr never seen this big of a cope from ele players. My god.

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rejected CFB was way to strong for the amount of buffs he can give aegis is in many raids essential...
playing a CFB well enough and you can solo carry a raid most of the times....and thats gets even worse with HFB(thats why you see like in every raid atleast 1 )...so now you understand why they drop the dmg  cause you got to much other "shut"  if dmg would be the only thing you could do as CFB i would understand that you are mad...but with all the stuff you can deliver to the group. nope rejected (good job anet)

Edited by athorias.1380
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12 minutes ago, athorias.1380 said:



rejected CFB was way to strong for the amount of buffs he can give aegis is in many raids essential...
playing a CFB well enough and you can solo carry a raid most of the times....and thats gets even worse with HFB(thats why you see like in every raid atleast 1 )...so now you understand why they drop the dmg  cause you got to much other "shut"  if dmg would be the only thing you could do as CFB i would understand that you are mad...but with all the stuff you can deliver to the group. nope rejected (good job anet)

Sure, why find a way to appropriately nerf one build to fix an issue, when you can destroy three+ builds and not fix it.

Edited by Asum.4960
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cfb comes with handy boons and other stuff with all the damage packed up , but now that tomes have ammunition , giving boons to your allies will impact your damage , if you do the rotation correctly with only the f1 involved , you ll see that you will come short in ammunitions ... no problem at all after the patch you will see no more cfb or qfb , only hfbs .

anet wants to shake the méta and so instead of making everything a little bit equal it destroys builds and make previously destroyed build méta again , i am surely gonna run harbquickness now , and go for a reaper power .

it needed some nerfs ofc , but having burn duration halved on passive , 3 to 2 stacks for f1 skill 5 , no more +20% burn duration on f1 skills , after the patch it's dead ! oh but wait we gain some bleed ... as FIREbrand , hurray ! putting ice cream on a tu rd doesnt make it a sunday ... I would understand some hfb nerfs , but the condi damage wasnt that big of a deal ...

33 minutes ago, athorias.1380 said:

and thats gets even worse with HFB

Who didn't get nerfed btw ...

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 4/21/2023 at 6:39 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Thief is generally in a good spot, and we didn't see any major outliers that needed to be addressed with this update

Hope that is a late Aprils Fools joke. Fingers crossed they fix Specter overall not just the support build in the next patch, but that sentence doesn't give me much confidence in it.

Also quick Deadeye sounds good, but wont get my hopes up until i see it.

Lastly, maybe buff staff dmg on Daredevil a bit for power Daredevil to be on par with other dps roles atm.

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Is mirage axe/staff actually a problem anywhere but pvp?


I had staff/staff pve mirage for a few years and since the last update I barely used it as it became less fun to play.

If that nerf didn't work anyway why not consider unlinking chaos vortex from clones the way it was before?

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I'm fine with nerfs to condi/quick condi FB, but I hope they look at maybe adding some offensive condi application to one of Guard's ranged weapons. Like one big issue I've had with FB's (and just other condi Guard build's in general) is that for condi dps from your weapons, you're reliant on Axe/Torch and/or your Justice procs. It hasn't been as much of an issue before because it was able to make up for that by just having so much damage/support/utility/ect going out as well as other means of condi application back in the day (like the old versions of Amplified Wrath allowing you to burn when blocking or Symbolic Power allowing your symbols to burn foes), but with these changes it feels like it's going to make damage rotations feel more clunky and just lead to significant drops in dps every time I need to swap to range.


In short, I just want a better kind of build synergy for condi (like Axe and Torch have) from one of Guard's ranged weapons.

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So since we are focusing on outliers, than what about power weavers? (PvE)

They may not be most popular, but whenever a good weaver appears, the gap between them and other classes is huge. Great burst and great dps overall.

Slipped under radar this time?

Edited by Nimris.3781
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