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U Cele Bro?


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12 hours ago, senftube.6081 said:

This Video is a react of Valluns Video:

For me Cele is cleary overpowered. Yes there should be some easier picks expecially for newer Players but this is to much. Cut the Boonduration and lower the stats a bit @ArenaNet


these videos have actually nothing to do with cele.

he is fighting random afk people with guildtags of some pve or pvx communities etc.

if he would indeed fight any good players who know the classes and how to play against them etc. he would not have uploaded any footage.

killing some daily makers and bronze generals and making some "omg cele is so op" video out if it... oh boy this community nowadays...


Edited by roederich.2716
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1 hour ago, roederich.2716 said:

these videos have actually nothing to do with cele.

he is fighting random afk people with guildtags of some pve or pvx communities etc.

if he would indeed fight any good players who know the classes and how to play against them etc. he would not have uploaded any footage.

killing some daily makers and bronze generals and making some "omg cele is so op" video out if it... oh boy this community nowadays...


Hmm he have 19k hp, does high condi and power damage, boons last long, have good amount of toughness and so on. Of course nothing to do stat set that give all stats. 😄

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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14 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Is it the gear or the boons? It would be really funny if the nerfed celestial gear and then, it turned out that all those extra stats weren't that important, and people just pieced together sets for the stats that were important, and still rolled everyone because of the BOONS

The thing is the cele meta is a multi-layered issue. The gear alone allow below average hybrid damage (all thanks to the subsequent nerfs) and a modest sum of sustain. Boons help in amplifying both, but for most pre-PoF classes getting every boon to do so was rare, if not out of the question. So you had to offset the build to either have decent damage or extra sustain. Then both PoF and EoD rolled out specs that could accomplish all 3, by being able to self-apply a whole array of boons which negated the need to offset. Thats why cele is meta on certain specs opposed to diviner, or even vigilant.

Though one damning part of cele rn is how it overshadows vigilant. The one stat that supposed to be about maxing both expertise and boon duration.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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4 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Hmm he have 19k hp, does high condi and power damage, boons last long, have good amount of toughness and so on. Of course nothing to do stat set that give all stats. 😄

You are right, that's not a Cele build. 19k Health isn't a Cele build. 

Edit: Misread a replies indicating War had 19K health in cele.


So that means its other factors. Love the witch hunts.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
Edit: 19K health War reply
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You all probably have done zero testing your selves to keep making the comments you do.   Cele can keep all stats but they need to be shaved off slightly to be on par with everything else.   He even includes the number difference in his video.   Anyone that can count would agree that’s a huge increase in overall points.   And by testing I mean conducting 1v1 and 2v1 and 3v3 and 5v5 with and without cele stats.   You will notice it immediately how the stat will carry builds and specs vs players with the same skill level.

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13 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Again another witch hunt.

There is no witch hunt. Cele gear is not a person.

13 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So again maybe address the real issue that is the idea of boon spam. Cele doesn't create boon spam, boom spam creates boon spam. So let's say we remove Cele. Would we still have too much boon spam, yes.

Cele reinforces boon spam.

And if there are multiple problems, you don't improve anything by ignoring the one that is the easiest to fix. It's like not closing the window when it' s getting too cold inside the house in winter, because the door is leaky.

Reverting the unneccessary cele buffs would be very easy to do, with basically zero risk of screwing things up - since we have been there already, and cele was fine, while "fixing" boon spam would require a complete rework of many traits and skills and considering the direction the game has been heading - very unlikely to happen anyway. So nerfing cele would be the most reasonable first step.

12 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Soooo...not ONE instance of warrior on there. That's very telling. Because if celestial is soooo overpowered, then the worst boon-giver in the game (warrior) should also be able to roll over anything right?...

It's not celestial that's the issue. Nobody complained about celestial before classes started getting reworked to fart boons like they ate rice and beans..

Cele berserker is pretty strong, people just don't know about it. Probably too busy hiding in zergs, gunflaming others.

Cele buffs have been complained about and pointed out as problematic since the very moment the changes got announced. And rightfully so.

(This is a repost, because my original post mysteriously disappeared - guess someone really didn't like it, but had no counter arguments).

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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6 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Hmm he have 19k hp, does high condi and power damage, boons last long, have good amount of toughness and so on. Of course nothing to do stat set that give all stats. 😄

has nothing to do with the stat, against good players who actually know how to fight and move he will not hit like that with his slow skill clicking.

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56 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

has nothing to do with the stat, against good players who actually know how to fight and move he will not hit like that with his slow skill clicking.

Skill Clicker Chief vs Vallun. Yeah he will not hit.  Vallun even loose that duell. No blame here  both are great players but that insulting against chief is not really nice.

Edited by Burial.1958
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8 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

As someone who was running cele builds before they were popular, tailored stats are always better. The cele hate is just scape goating because people don't want to adapt.

The funny thing is that pretty much the opposite is very well established at this point. Look at the history of this game and the fact that heavy sustain gear was banned in every single semi official 1v1 tournament and cele will of cause be banned in the upcomming MFC. The only value threads like this provide is bad players outing themselves which i find kinda entertaining tbh.

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46 minutes ago, Burial.1958 said:

Skill Clicker Chief vs Vallun. Yeah he will not hit.  Vallun even loose that duell. No blame here  both are great players but that insulting against chief is not really nice.

this is not the initial topic.

the initial topic is "cele op" while he only skill clicks on afk pve players.

waiting for cele vs good players still.

btw he seems pretty much at end needing to upload such video with different topic now.

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1 hour ago, roederich.2716 said:

this is not the initial topic.

the initial topic is "cele op" while he only skill clicks on afk pve players.

waiting for cele vs good players still.

btw he seems pretty much at end needing to upload such video with different topic now.

OK so who are these good players you want me to kill with cele? are they in EU? do u have their phone number? wanna set up a date for me? what makes them a "good player"? plewase enlighten me so i can kill them and get your validation to make my life complete.

Edited by thechief.3609
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6 hours ago, thechief.3609 said:

OK so who are these good players you want me to kill with cele? are they in EU? do u have their phone number? wanna set up a date for me? what makes them a "good player"? plewase enlighten me so i can kill them and get your validation to make my life complete.

if (cheese > skill) 

{ Console.WriteLine("good player"); }

else { Console.WriteLine("bad player"); }

Pretty simple math. You need more harbingers, teefs, bunker mesmer, soulbeats, etc. You know, more crème de la crème of bad balance decisions.


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12 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

Cele reinforces boon spam.

Zyreva, but does not other sets do so as well?  If boom spam was reduced, would you say it is still the armor? Or the ability to spam the boons? Me and you have not agreed, that's ok. I run a lot of alts to test topics, and have called out Cele as well in the decade of playing. But considering there have been no changes in Cele for a longer period, is it Cele or the changes in skills that are an issue? We don't have to agree, just curious on your thoughts? Personally if Cele tipped the scale then day one it should have triggered the issue. To me, at least as they push for more boons versus counter boons we run into issues. Instead of addressing the balance in anti-boons versus boon share we run into issues where people ask for limiting armor sets versus going for the issue of too many boons that impact a larger number of aspects of game play. Each patch we seem to expand boon share options. What I question is that a fault of the armor or the design that boon share expands? Thoughts?

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
or versus if
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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Zyreva, but does not other sets do so as well?

Other sets that grant concentration have to trade other stats in equal amounts. Cele gets concentration for free on top of everything else. Big difference. As a result other boon duration gear is significantly worse than cele for everything but pure healbots that have to give up all of their dmg and rely heavily on team mates instead.

1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

[...]Personally if Cele tipped the scale then day one it should have triggered the issue.

But that's exactly what happened. The very moment conc and exp got added completely for free to a stat combination that previously was more or less balanced, it became op. There has been players pointing out the issue right after the changes got announced, before it was even implemented, as it should be obvious that massive buffs to something balanced without any compensation is problematic. And the concerns were justified.

Players are slow to adapt or don't care about builds at all, so it took a while until it became more and more popular, but it was broken right from the start.

Boon spam has been a problem for much longer, it is not a recent developement, has been steadily increasing for a very long time now. Cele was always benefitting a lot from boons and out of a sudden boons started to benefit from cele - a self reinforcing buff. It should be obvious that this can't work out well.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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17 hours ago, thechief.3609 said:

Its not supposed to be bout vallun its the roederich.2716 guy complaing to me on my comments that i only kill low lvl people and that i should duel guildjen or vallun because they would easy kill me so i tagged the vallun fights onto a video i was already making to show him that his lord and saviour is killable by someone who clicks thier skills


16 hours ago, thechief.3609 said:

OK so who are these good players you want me to kill with cele? are they in EU? do u have their phone number? wanna set up a date for me? what makes them a "good player"? plewase enlighten me so i can kill them and get your validation to make my life complete.

there is no player my "god and saviour". i only posted their names cause one of your troll community brought these names up first. read again how thin skinned your are in all this process. you better seek for social worker in your town instead of computer games.

everyone knows specially vallun testing alot of builds for their website so whatever you had for one trick pony luck there you still seem to only have this footage and nothing representative.

also your unqualified and polemic posting about wanting phone numbers of good players shows that your are random joe as if you would be any good you already had them players on your friendlist to duell and not only your troll community who dont understand your videos but think you are good just because you kill some afk guys who try to get their weekly...

so please be so kind and stop making discussion videos with no footage to that as new players only see your crap and actually believe the game is bad. this is harming the reputation of the game and the revenue of arenanet in fact.

Edited by roederich.2716
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47 minutes ago, thechief.3609 said:

Why you have so much Cope for vallun? you asked to see me kill a good player and you said i would get smashed by jen or vallun if i fought them so i responded and now you are coping say oh its probably a test build. People like you just move the goal posts to every argument till you win but this time you wont.

This is so true lmao

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it all went wrong after they added concentration and expertise to cele, idk why. 

there are broken builds without cele, but about a half of existing broken builds use cele. So if i was to balance things out i would start with greater evil

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6 hours ago, Polar.8634 said:

it all went wrong after they added concentration and expertise to cele, idk why. 


Because boons are busted lol.

Boons builds literally provide so many stats alone that it's numerically like wearing an entire extra set of gear.

Cele has the most raw stat points and enables boon builds with the addition of concentration.

It's boons and always will be boons.  Cele itself having more raw stat points isn't inherently a problem; it's a problem when boons provide you an entire set of gear's worth of stats while escaping diminishing returns by having so much of all available stats regardless.

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22 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

But that's exactly what happened

I do remember people saying the addition of the other two weren't needed, wasn't requesting it either. I don't remember people saying they were OP after that at that time. I do remember people saying if you go with the nerf bat Feb Patch people will say tanks and sustain would be the next call outs for OP. After that we got more changes and elites that are hybrids. And then we got the calls as expected that Cele was OP again. Similar to when in the 2012-2014 time period we had people calling for nerfs to PVT armor since Berserker stats couldn't drop PVT gear in one shot. Now we are in the boon meta. Instead of addressing boon spam to address all armor sets we try and say nerf an armor set which would still leave all the other sets to have to deal with the boon spam. Myabe address the boon spam first and armor second? We are trying to chase a paper tiger if we don't address the boon spam as the main issue when you think about it in all the various levels of play and armor sets. Do you disagree there is too much boon spam at solo, havoc, warband and zerg play?

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