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Double mace now?...Can we have some goddamn defense on this class for a change?


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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It's a mace on a ranger, there really isn't much more that needs to be said here.  The only way they get worse is a rifle or a pistol on the ranger because it clashes so hard thematically it isn't even funny.

EDIT: And yes, I realize that park rangers shoot people who start forest fires and Walker Texas Ranger also uses guns, but GW2 rangers are not park rangers nor throw roundhouse kicks, they are essentially shaman who don't use firearms.

The sane options were scepter and shield, that's not hard.  Possibly focus but that's a little too magical IMO. 

They really, really shouldn't be aiming to put every weapon on every spec as some choices are just outlandishly stupid.   Greatsword on ranger has always been sus, and Hammer on untamed was even iffy but at least had some shadow of 'bunny thumper' meme to sell it---but mace? 

It is funny, that if you want to give 5 weapon skill to the ranger, you have 3 options: mace, pistol or rifle. 

I prefer a scepter + shield combo too, but 2 different weapons is not likely (making a class specific weapon skin -> 1 type of weapon only). If getting only 1 of them, then we get less skills (give us pets and we are happy 😛). We could get them in 2 expansion, so give us a shield now, scepter later instead of mace.

focus still the only weapon not giving to any elite specialization. 

And we have no other weapon option at the moment. 

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I remember proposing maces if we had not got hammer. MH mace on guard and warrior are actually defensive and each of them have a block.

You also know that one of the main mechanic of ranger is daze or disabling in general to create damage openings and from that point of view maces make sense. It also makes sense if we take warrior for example as mh sword pairs with oh mace and vice versa. It also make sense if we take WoW shaman as an inspiration having some elements enhancing weapons.

But i understand your disappointment as scepter, focus shield, oh sword  might have been a good choice of a weapon but first i don't see ranger getting a lot of magical weapons beside staff and two i don't see it getting firearms either.

Edited by Acyk.9671
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19 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Just brilliant...next weapon set is supposed to be double mace...no defence, another crap PvE melee weapon...it's like "go play GS/LB and kitten, if not go and uninstall"....thank you got the message loud and clear

No defense? Both Guard and Warrior mace have defensive skills. Why do you assume mace will have no defense?

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1 hour ago, JDub.1530 said:

No defense? Both Guard and Warrior mace have defensive skills. Why do you assume mace will have no defense?

Because.....ranger. It sounds silly but yeah I fully expect tomorrow to go and find  a pepega with 2x melee weapons and zero defense.....also slow cast animation. Let's bet 10 gold for tomorrow 

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51 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Because.....ranger. It sounds silly but yeah I fully expect tomorrow to go and find  a pepega with 2x melee weapons and zero defense.....also slow cast animation. Let's bet 10 gold for tomorrow 

I don't believe we're going to see the new weapons tomorrow. The Beta is just lifting the Elite Spec limitations of existing weapons.

The new weapons aren't slated for the SOTO launch, so they're unlikely to be in this beta.

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I just do not get it, why can't they give scepter... what is the point of having Decalibrated Feline Holoscepter if you can not use it to make your kitty pets go rawrrr

At least finally a bow for another class! Time to start playing engineer... sadly they will obviously never give it to Elementalist... literally the most intuitive theme... Elemental Archer... like come on... its missed gold mine for a spec...

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Actually a rifle may fit ranger theme quite well.

Since each profession has it's own take on the weapon (classic rifle for warr, more gadget-y for Engi) Ranger can take his own spin on it.

By that i mean tranqualizer gun that would serve as condi/control weapon with long range. If shortbow is for dishing big condi damage with bit of mobility and control, this would be the one for long range control with some condies on top.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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7 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Actually a rifle may fit ranger theme quite well.

Since each profession has it's own take on the weapon (classic rifle for warr, more gadget-y for Engi) Ranger can take his own spin on it.

By that i mean tranqualizer gun that would serve as condi/control weapon with long range. If shortbow is for dishing big condi damage with bit of mobility and control, this would be the one for long range control with some condies on top.

If we take skins into account, Ebonhawk crossbows might fit the bill for a rifle that works differently...

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  • 1 month later...

Im in complete disbelief and really disappointed! Rangers should have gotten rifles with the EOD expac, but no. Now this? A ranger with a Rifle just makes perfect sense. Mace? we have enough close range weapons. Do the devs hate rangers and purposefully give them these weapons to perpetuate the anti-ranger hate pervasive in the game, especially wvw? Thanks 😞

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On 6/27/2023 at 3:22 PM, Bealis.6023 said:

Ive been waiting for a focus for too long (or at least a rifle) - one skill could be defensive and other ranged. Mace is right at the very bottom of what I would like for my ranger, since I dont even have any skins for a mace I like...:(

Well there's your reason to farm some skins! Offhand mace could have a ranged attack too. Maybe like a throw Bola thing. 

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On 6/27/2023 at 2:57 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Can we have some goddamn defense on this class for a change?

Maces tend to be defensive counterattacks or a strong CC option for the classes that can use them. They're pretty defensive weapons. They'll compliment rangers more aggressive main-hands if that pans out. But who can say how rangers iteration will turn out?

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On 8/16/2023 at 4:34 AM, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

Well there's your reason to farm some skins! Offhand mace could have a ranged attack too. Maybe like a throw Bola thing. 


Truee, eventually I will get into it...actually, throwing maces into ppls faces for CC/soft CC/condi in tandem with your pet sounds like fun😄. Lets hope the intention for it is something like this.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/27/2023 at 2:22 PM, Bealis.6023 said:

Ive been waiting for a focus for too long (or at least a rifle) - one skill could be defensive and other ranged. Mace is right at the very bottom of what I would like for my ranger, since I dont even have any skins for a mace I like...:(

Maaaace is uglyyyyyy 

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12 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

I agree 100%, off hand shield woulda made far more sense, he'll a off hand sword with a block woulda made sense as well, but dual wield mace? So stupid but guess wait and see what anet does with em, sure they'll be just a set of unused weapons soon after release.

Explain to me, what's the difference between sword and mace, that allows it to block?

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