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Revenant getting Main Hand Scepter in expansion 4!


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Honestly, I am pretty happy about this and hope it's a healing weapon option to go with the shield now that there will be Weaponmaster Training added. It would open up more options for a boon healing Revenant since right now, that kinda thing is not very viable and very niche.

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On 6/28/2023 at 12:22 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Hopefully Scepter skills change based on the Legend the player is using

They have this for the underwater weapon, and I love it, but I think it is a huge thing to design for, and don't really expect it.

But a near-melee (450 range) heavy-armor spellcaster with tons of PBAoEs and oppressive mobility control? That'd be kinda swell.

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I reckon that the new sceptre weapon will have similar legend-specific tweaks to it as Trident (or maybe, being optimistic, changes similar in scope to necro scepter 3 and its associated feat)

My reasoning is that all the other specs except revenant seem to be getting at least 5 weapon skills.

As evidence, I note that there are a lot of weapons granted to main + off-hand.  In the case of ele, one has to take account of attunements (not to mention weaver dual-attunes!) as well as thief dual attacks (2 off hands and one empty off-hand, so 5 skills in total there) - to me, this looks like at least 5 new skills for every other profession.

Thematically, it'd also be a fitting weapon to grant this to, IMO - being a "magical" weapon should easily allow Anet to provide a rationale for attaching the "essence" of a legend to the weapon in some way or whatever they run with.

I imagine that some players might feel a bit short-changed if they only receive 3 distinct skills from their weapons, so suspect that Anet is making efforts to ensure that each profession's devotees feel that they're receiving something meaningful

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I’m just not sure how it would feel to have a 600-900 ranged main hand with off hands that both have skills that bring us into melee. Unless it’s support/utility focused and the idea is to use a shield with it, which is pretty limited. I wish we had an off hand that also helped support that ranged playstyle… but I guess we never know, scepter could be another melee power weapon we just bonk ppl with xD

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9 hours ago, Angesombre.4630 said:

The range should be 600 to 900 max if we base it on the other scepters of the other professions, so the breaking hammer will still be the only weapon with a max range of 1200. My opinion is just a hypothetical one, but I don't know what it will come to.

I think all sceptres are now 900 on their autoattack? Elementalist hammer is the only weapon they're insisting is 'ranged' when it only goes out to 600. Guardian used to have 1200, but that was wound back with the staff rework.

9 hours ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

I will be honest, given how hard they leaned on Mai Trin and Scarlet in EoD I was sure they were going to give revs pistols. Partly glad they aren't, since rev support needs work, but still shocked.

I think ArenaNet has set a precedent of establishing that the revenant PC avoids using their own personal enemies as power sources, even when it's established that such power sources exist such as with Scarlet and Joko. I suspect this is a 'maintaining their own mental health' thing - it's one thing to have to listen to Mallyx muttering impersonal threats occasionally, it would likely be quite different to have a hostile legend where it's personal.

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