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Weaponmaster Training Beta Feedback: Warrior

Rubi Bayer.8493

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7 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

I respectfully disagree on quite a few points.

Torch is absolute fire for core warriors. Finally some good condi option for second weapon set. You can run sword/sword + sword/torch for raw condi dps. Also torch cleanses condies, which is very nice for an offensive offhand.

Mainhand dagger is an amazing weapon to have. Boon rip + might stacking for self and allies + fast cc to interrupt enemy + leap finisher. All that on top of very respectable power damage.

Give that to a power quickness zerker and we got a banger of a build. Even better and easier might sharing, and boonrip on top of party quickness, fury, and who knows what else (depending on your build). All this with a weapon that has solid power dps so you won't trade tons of dps for being able to rip that protection off fractal bosses.

Core is not played anywhere outside of vanilla story.

core is just bad in everything now. it's not even worth bringing up. 

mainhand dagger's boon rip AND damage comes from burst, 50% increase on no boon, bladesworn has no burst.

dagger on bladesworn = 1 less leap, no boon rip, no damage.

that's what you get when you put the entire effectiveness of a weapon on burst skill, like rest of the warrior weapons on bladesworn.

dagger mainhand on berserker is the only workable combo among all weapons and warrior elite specs.

oh and off hand pistol in pvp, it's just gonna be the better OH axe/dagger by miles in pvp.

like there's really no interesting combo, offhand dagger/pistol all play the same, torch is essentially just a condi offhand axe as well, just apply burning and that's it, specially without aura burst trait.

there's no interesting mechanics from weapon which you can combo with, like longbow on willbender, gs harb, rifle daredevil etc all seems so interesting, but this?...

the only thing that actually does something is dagger mainhand but it's cut in half due to bladesworn having no weapon burst.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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7 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

I respectfully disagree on quite a few points.

Torch is absolute fire for core warriors. Finally some good condi option for second weapon set. You can run sword/sword + sword/torch for raw condi dps. Also torch cleanses condies, which is very nice for an offensive offhand.

Mainhand dagger is an amazing weapon to have. Boon rip + might stacking for self and allies + fast cc to interrupt enemy + leap finisher. All that on top of very respectable power damage.

Give that to a power quickness zerker and we got a banger of a build. Even better and easier might sharing, and boonrip on top of party quickness, fury, and who knows what else (depending on your build). All this with a weapon that has solid power dps so you won't trade tons of dps for being able to rip that protection off fractal bosses.

Dagger does sound good for Power Quick Zerker however I'm still unconvinced sadly. Zerk just isn't well designed for instanced PvE and still has such little boon access w/out destroying your mediocre DPS even more 😕

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I just read this on the news so basically all class got access to all weapon? If that is yes isn't warrior get the short end of the stick again? I mean they proud of warrior because they can use a lot of weapon compared to other class, now if everyone can use every weapon what is the benefit of warrior anymore? 🤣

I mean sure a lot of weapon in warrior's arsenal considered useless but still..

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2 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

I just read this on the news so basically all class got access to all weapon? If that is yes isn't warrior get the short end of the stick again? I mean they proud of warrior because they can use a lot of weapon compared to other class, now if everyone can use every weapon what is the benefit of warrior anymore? 🤣

I mean sure a lot of weapon in warrior's arsenal considered useless but still..

What you read was that ANet is removing the link between e-specialization weapons and the profession. So you can play, for example, a Berserker that uses Dagger and Pistol or a Spellbreaker that uses Torch, or even a core Warrior that uses the e-spec weapons. It's similar for other professions. 

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6 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

I just read this on the news so basically all class got access to all weapon? If that is yes isn't warrior get the short end of the stick again? I mean they proud of warrior because they can use a lot of weapon compared to other class, now if everyone can use every weapon what is the benefit of warrior anymore? 🤣

I mean sure a lot of weapon in warrior's arsenal considered useless but still..

You get access to all your elite specs' weapons without needing to have the elite spec equipped. For warrior that means you can equip torch, daggers, or offhand pistol without being a Berserker, Spellbreaker, or Bladesworn respectively.

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  • Pistol is really useless on all other Warrior specs because it was intentionally designed in an overcrowded space (Warrior Offhands) and needed [Overcharged Cartridges] and [Fierce As Fire] to force it to be playable on Bladesworn over Axe.
  • Dagger is really useless on Berserker because Power Berserker is designed to spam Decapitate, only have time to swap to another weapon with good burst for 5s when it runs out of Axe cooldowns, which Dagger does not have.
  • Bladesworn is designed to barely Autoattack with their regular weapon so Dagger doesnt make a difference on it either.
  • Dagger Offhand continues to be a terrible weapon in general, I hope Anet doesn't believe meme golem benchmarks involving it because Training Golems never attack.
  • I would say Torch is useful on other Warrior specs if any of them could slap together a condi build that competes with Berserker (which they cannot because they are all melee bruisers).

Basically Warrior barely (if at all) benefits from this Weapon Master Training thing.

The weapons are too one-dimensional, competing with each other just like Warrior's especs themselves.

Other classes have interesting options like having support-themed weapons suddenly available on their DPS specs, or having strong DPS weapons suddenly available on their support specs.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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Oh how much different this would have been if anet made the pistol mainhand as well for warrior. Biggest winners for weapons would be Elementalist due to the very strong combo of Sword and Warhorn for a very pokey weapon setup.

Warrior feels like its been locked into one playstyle without any options to a different style of play. Anet really missed the boat when they could have... should have made pistol mainhand for Bladesworn, as this would have opened up the doors to so many more builds and a different style of play for warrior. Yet here we are with the one dimention warrior.



As to one of the bugs noticed, the new Dagger burst skill, slicing Maelstrom does not reset on using Blood Reckoning.

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42 minutes ago, jandirrrr.5426 said:

any news on when we will have the beta with the new weapons?

This is planned for the second major release after launch (and we’re aiming to ship those major releases quarterly). We’ll have more details about the style of play associated with these weapons as we get closer to this feature shipping, and later this year we’ll have a beta for you to preview the changes.

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Core Dagger is bugged so cant say anything about it.

Zerker Dagger is basically a WvW Weapon. Question is if i even want to play Zerker in WvW.

Dagger Offhand.... maybe some roamer can make use of it.

Torch is only useful on Zerker.

Pistol is maybe kinda useful? I prefer Offhand Axe as a BIG DMG offhand.

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Tried 'em.

  • Warrior has no condi build other than Berserker so Torch stays there.
  • Axe is better than Pistol on the other specs because none of the other specs work with ammo/explosions.
  • Dagger has a nice looking burst but I'm not sure where the offhand or main hand would be better than axe or pistol on the other power specs.
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More Melee options for Warrior. HELL YEAH. With it's mediocre, redundant, melee of-hand weapons and now a STAFF I can't wait to go cancel my preorder for SoTO.

Combined with the fact that they just nuked the only fun playstyle of [Daring Dragon] on Bladesworn from orbit for no reason and the fact that we're clearly not getting Gunsabers on Berserker. Despite Cal saying "It's their actual Specialization Weapon" on stream Age of Conan looking P Good rn.

Edited by SkyRight.2370
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Dagger looks really good with additional adrenaline levels removing more boons.
There is a bug though - the description of it's burst (breeching strike) promises extra crit chance and damage if you land it.
However there is no information how much, for how long, nor any icon indicating that it's about to go off.
Also while i'm not sure about critical chance factor, I did not notice my dagger skills hitting harder after landing it, even the ones casted right after it.


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30 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

It milquetoast at best. Warrior really did not get good espec weapons to begin, so adding more trash to the garbage heap that is warrior's slew of already tepid weapons isn't a great selling point.

This would be different if MH pistol were to have been added to Bladesworn as we advised during the EoD beta though.

Off hand pistol could be serviceable if the gap closer had longer range to fill a niche that non of the off hands have, mobility. 
Other  missing options are Range damage main hand and off hand, main hand support and two handed support.

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6 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Off hand pistol could be serviceable if the gap closer had longer range to fill a niche that non of the off hands have, mobility. 
Other  missing options are Range damage main hand and off hand, main hand support and two handed support.

Yeah, but they didn't give us that now did they? I can only provide feedback on what they've given us, and it isn't good.

NOW, if Anet were to listen to feedback rather than say that they do (:classic_wink:)...

Then they would give Pistol 4 and Pistol 5 900 range...

Then they would make Dagger 4 cleave...

Then they would have given a MH pistol at 900 range...

But really, every other profession got at least 2 MH or 2H weapons from the especs, sometimes more *glares at thief, engi, and ranger*

Again, if Bladesworn had received dual pistol rather than OH or even MH pistol this wouldn't have been so aweful for warrior in comparison.

Yo, Anet. No more off hand weapons for warrior from now on alright!

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4 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:
  • Pistol is really useless on all other Warrior specs because it was intentionally designed in an overcrowded space (Warrior Offhands) and needed [Overcharged Cartridges] and [Fierce As Fire] to force it to be playable on Bladesworn over Axe.
  • Dagger is really useless on Berserker because Power Berserker is designed to spam Decapitate, only have time to swap to another weapon with good burst for 5s when it runs out of Axe cooldowns, which Dagger does not have.
  • Bladesworn is designed to barely Autoattack with their regular weapon so Dagger doesnt make a difference on it either.
  • Dagger Offhand continues to be a terrible weapon in general, I hope Anet doesn't believe meme golem benchmarks involving it because Training Golems never attack.
  • I would say Torch is useful on other Warrior specs if any of them could slap together a condi build that competes with Berserker (which they cannot because they are all melee bruisers).

Basically Warrior barely (if at all) benefits from this Weapon Master Training thing.

The weapons are too one-dimensional, competing with each other just like Warrior's especs themselves.

Other classes have interesting options like having support-themed weapons suddenly available on their DPS specs, or having strong DPS weapons suddenly available on their support specs.

Yea pretty much my point, if many people quit warrior due to uninteresting, unsatisfying elite spec/weapons, many more will do so after weaponmastery and removal of old arc divider (even when its mechanically more efficient).

Warrior is already the least played profession in modern gw2.

Easy fix is to beef up the animations, but they would never

Edited by Lighter.5631
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