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What do you hate about each class?


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Thief:  initiative system creates a gameplay experience of mashing one attack over and over.  

Elementalist:  Lots of skills but 75% of them are worse than your average skill.  

Warrior:  I love this class, but for the love of God please make one hundred blades castable while moving.  

Ranger:  Balance pet skills better, and make Greatsword better, the damage is pretty pathetic.  

Mesmer:  I don’t play it much.  

Guardian:  I don’t play it much.  

Engineer:  For kitten sake buff turrets, gadgets, and the less used kits.  

Rev:  Don’t play it much.  Tell me why again Vindicator dodge is 8,000 times better than Daredevil dodge?  

Necro:  Make minions great again.  Give us back old sigil of demon summoning   

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The post user made complaints about every class but then  for war complained about how anet is treating it.. War main by any chance lol?  Funny considering war has more than 4 rly strong pvp build, condi zerker, power zerker, bladesworn and hammer spb. 

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I by far not playing every class but here i my Suggestions. (Class that i do also play)



Spams hard CC and Selfhealing but pretty mutch laggs in everything else since Febr 2020 patch. (PvP) Got only 3 melee dps Specs (PvE)


relies on stealth and Dodge Spam but like warr sucks on everything else. (PvP) Only realy good spec is Specter the rest is melee and hard glassy or ranged and glassy DPS.(PvE)


Overall the better Warrior damage wise. (PvP) Best healing Spec but not many side boons. Easy rotations when it comes to Soulbeast and DPS. (PvE)

In the rest of the specs i only know how they do Work. But far away from been able to Play them realy good. So no halfbrained stuff to say about them.

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Guardian- for a paladin like class the hammer weapon is not that fun to play with.

Warrior- every elite spec I feel been limited by semantics with the theme. Also has lots of weapons but they were mostly built during the prerelease development which were a lot less creative and sluggish. 

Revenant- energy system and lack of weapons, and can't even use racials. The energy system was for nostalgia but failed big time. Developers refuse to change it. The class was rushed. It wad original made to have no weapon swap. But was changed at the last minute,  which explains why they have a small pool of weapon like other non weapon swap classes.  And the legend system limits customization.  They should have at least had some legend neutral skills to swap in and out.

Engineer- the lack of weapons is a huge problem imo. Not fun to play or Fashion Wars with.

Ranger- all I can think of is I didn't like the nerf to Druid from its early design in HoT. That was fun to play.

Thief- I hate the theme and I hate the stealth.

Mesmer- I hate the clone management and stealth and all of that. 

Necromancer- I hate the shroudless stuff. Also the minions lack of creativity.  All the minions made back in pre-release. They designed poorly from those early designs.

Elementalist- I hate the attunement system. I hate it. I hate rotation requirements.  And they get eliminated so fast in zergs. So not fun to play.


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  • 2 months later...

Guardian and felt like the skill set was just compensation to how the class is built. Glass cannon with no cannon.

Necromancer was an easy class to play but feels sluggish somehow.

Ranger and/or Warrior are more what I was hoping for with Guardian. Never thought I'd see a Ranger class make such a great healer build.

Haven't played the others yet.

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Elementalist: A fragile, melee-oriented spellcaster where you have to play piano constantly with attunements is not what I asked for.  It's high effort for often underwhelming results and none of the elites really stand out as different versus Elementalist+.

Mesmer: Skills feel janky and the specialization trees are weirdly random in terms of what they offer.  Mirage seems to have been pigeonholed as a staff support build because the developers hate axes, I guess?  They can't seem to decide what Chronomancer is for anymore either.

Necromancer: I have few complaints, really, other than them trying to jam Alacrity into Scourge and nerfing its shade durations because of it, making it feel clunky to play.  I don't like the Harbinger's "stink lines" green fog or its total reliance on elixirs either.

Engineer: So much of Engineer is out of date and practically worthless (e.g., kits, turrets) and Firearms, Explosives, and maybe Tools are the only specializations worth taking.  I'm still tired of seeing Mechanists everywhere but that's because it's so much easier to play. 

Ranger: It's annoying that Engineer has a better pet class than the core pet class itself, and there are only a few Ranger pets worth using anyway.  Untamed seems like kind of a filler elite that doesn't conceptually add anything new.

Thief: The initiative system is clunky and annoying and you're constantly working against it.  Specter as a single target support doesn't make any sense in this game and ally targeting frequently just gets in the way.

Guardian: Like elementalist, it's too fragile for what it's meant to do, but it still does it well, most of the time.  It's hard to complain about a profession that gets so much love from the developers other than -- work on something else, guys?  Willbender still feels spastic to play.

Revenant: Like thief, the energy system is annoying and constantly working against you.  The design is strange overall, with legend specific utility skills that don't always cover all the bases and traits that feel different for different's sake.

Warrior: Suffers for being pigeonholed as a gronk melee fighter type that doesn't really add much to a group, with two elites that feel like more of the same.  Spellbreaker is just underwhelming most of the time.

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Necro - super boring to play plus there's gonna be 10k other people with the same edgy aesthetic. Or you go the opposite route and you're one of 5k bright white necros.

Ele - super boring aesthetic. Elementalism is just not an appealing theme to me, it feels basic.

Mesmer - the daggers on Virtuoso. Please let us hide them anet, they're awful.

Thief - too many builds (in pve) are just spamming one button repeatedly. Also they have the worst armour, as a medium class.

Ranger - awful pet AI and a knockback on LB4 that will make everyone mad at you when you use it in group events

Engi - Mechanist, full stop. I could write an entire post about the depth and reasoning of my hatred for this spec. They took a really cool class and gave it an incredibly boring spec with awful pet AI. Worse than ranger because it's massive and ugly. I used to be an engi main, I quit playing it when mechanist happened.

Warrior - I dunno. I don't get the appeal of being a person that just hits things really hard. I've never bothered with it 

Guard - The class that everyone wants in their squad. I don't wanna play support as FB though so I hate it

Rev - Lack of build diversity, I've no interest in my 5-0 skills being chosen for me in blocks like that

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Mine are mostly weird observations and personal hangups, tbh.

Engineer and Revenant: They both feel clunky to play, the former due to lack of polish over the years and the latter, well, due to lack of polish when it came out and mostly ever since.

Guardian: Every elite spec messes with the Virtues in a way that I find disappointing somehow. I want them all to be instant-cast non-ground-targeted skills I can just pop at any time but you have to play core for that!

Elementalist: I can't play the piano and playing the class makes me feel like an even worse player than I generally am.

Necromancer: Uhh, I don't hate much about Necro tbh. Reaper is still the slickest elite spec in the game. Harbinger feels underdone though and its shroud skills are a bit of a mess (very much a personal opinion).

Mesmer: I always forget to shatter!

Warrior: So much of its stuff just feels mundane stylistically. Mace and Shield in particular could send you to sleep while you're playing.

Thief: Largely the same problem as with the Ele. It's fragile unless played really well and I can't play it really well.

Ranger: This is the most bizarre complaint of all (and goes to show that I don't find anything much wrong with Ranger) but your starting pet is written into your character bio despite rarely ever being "always by your side" cause you tend to ditch it for a superior option. Yes, that genuinely bothers me. Latent OCD, I guess.

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Mesmer: with the exception of the Virtuoso espec, Mesmer clones die when the target they were summoned on die. They should persist until the end of combat and they did for a while during alpha and early beta tests.

Engineer: weapon kits cost them weapon swap and a lot of weapons… this would have been fine if Weapon Kits were the class mechanic instead of utility skills. Turrets have been repeatedly nerfed into the ground for no good reason. A lot of utility skills are worthless and taken only for their toolbelt skills.

Elementalist: weapon skills are bad on most weapons and attunements… Warhorn is the only viable offhand for any ranged build since Dagger is close range (and needs a buff) and Focus is just worthless…

Necromancer: death shroud has too short of a duration… the class has a lot of talents reliant on applying fear but it also has surprisingly few fear skills, despite the fact that fear is supposed to be one of its strong suits.

Thief: initiative management is a nightmare… 

Revenant: Everything… the class was just poorly designed from the start… utility skill swapping sounds nice on paper, but in reality its garbage… each legend fills a specific skill niche, so you will always be missing something important… plus the fact that Revenant Utility skills require Energy to use, making them uniquely unusable when you may need them the most. Having no ability to slot a specific utility for stunbreak or other vital Utilities is quite hampering since even if you did choose a lengend with those utilities you may need to swap legends first which wastes time.

Guardian: no complaints outside of the Willbender espec… the lack of passive virtues really hurts this espec. They should have just reduced the strength of the passives.

Ranger: spirits nolonger follow us… yes I’m still salty about this.

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Warrior: the profession with the widest choice of weapons is still limited to two sets. Worse, most recent e-spec even prevents you from switching in combat. Hence, when one weapon or a set takes precedence in efficiency over others, well... what's the use of such a large arsenal when you can't put it to practice?

Guardian: so much love did that one get that it never left top spots AFAIK. Still is. Big armor, big damages, big utilities; that's the easy mode! To each their own; not my thing, I'd rather produce results out of effort to feel a sense of reward.

Revenant: MY HEALER REV! Many were complaining about the orbs & crystals it used to drop, and that's precisely what I liked - when allies were running around like headless chickens, it was up to them to come grab their healing. Now it's some tasteless big heal on occasion. Glad my favorite mesmer is getting soon a healer opportunity, because I gave my rev up!

Thief: sadly over time, the class turned into a single-skill spammer for weapon use. Seen another way, hard to avoid that without CDs but I don't feel like playing it again!

Engineer: I lost track of the revisions; in the end I only enjoy the holosmith on occasion. I don't enjoy the gyros, turrets or whatever, so obviously mech is my bane for my concept of fun!

Ranger: well, somebody already mentioned the illusion of choice, which joins in the end the impression I'm also getting for the warrior's weapons. Also, like for engi, not a fan of pet-based gameplays or whatever looks like it.

Necromancer: the one I played the least, I can't exactly tell. Never got to find something satisfying with it, but it's probably me!

Elementalist: always was curious about it, but never got really around to appreciate it. And those CDs! Yeah, there's the switching of elements, but the mix of utilities on different weapon/element associations lose me easily in the middle of a fight, trying to remember what combination was I looking for. In the end I never bothered remembering all skills, switches and so on, the weaver attracts me the most but again, never really got around to remember it all!

Mesmer: my favorite, so obviously the one I find the least defaults in! I don't like the virtuoso's visuals though, and still find our weapon choices rather limited - largely condi focused, it took EoD to have a mainhand ranged power option. Let's see how it goes with weapon masteries!

Edited by Mevelios.4809
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Well I basically only play engi and ele because i kinda like the "difficult to play" aspect about these 2. I also like to create open world builds so I basically dislike all the other professions because one of these reasons:

  1. Its "too easy" to play
  2. It has no access to good defense in solo open world
  3. It has a too "slow" gameplay. What I mean with that: The weapon casting times are too long as for most hammers and maces.

These are the 3 aspects that made engi and ele survive for me because these offer a fast gameplay, have access to good self-defense and are a bit more difficult to master.

What I dont like about these tho:


  • Weaver: It has too low access to self boons, especially offensive ones like might or quickness.
  • Catalyst: Has a bit lower damage output than weaver in open world even tho having almost every boon perma.
  • Tempest: I actually dont like that one at all. The overloads take far too long and that makes it rather boring for me.


  • Engi overall: I really hate it that like 90% of condi-engis damage comes from kits. So if I want damage, i have to use kits and if i want defense i cant use kits, which makes me deal really low damage if i want to survive harder bosses while ele has it far easier with that because eles damage comes from attunement swapping and not utility skills.
  • Holo: As weaver, it has a too low access to offensive self boons.
  • Scrapper: has kinda low damage in open world. Like really low.
  • Mechanist: Feels a bit boring to me due to the mech. The mech is also kinda ugly if you ask me, mostly because of the color. I dont like it at all. I feel kinda passive while the mech feels to be the active part of the combat, I dont like that.
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On 7/14/2023 at 2:47 PM, Gendalfs.7521 said:

I dont like piano skill spamming and doest matter what class. So for me it clicked with Mechanist. But this community seems hate easy rotation classes, so seems Anet was ''forced'' to kitten it up

Wouldn't really say community hates easy rotations. 

Mech was very overpowered and a enormous amount of dps played it self with the robot. 

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22 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Wouldn't really say community hates easy rotations.

I wouldn't be so sure about that, whenever a professions take over the meta, the main argument of the community to nerf it is that "it's too easy for how effective it is".

Necromancer for example go through this stereotype regularly since 2020 despite having to rotate through exactly the same number of skill than other "more difficult" professions (which happen to be less popular).

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37 minutes ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Necromancer for example go through this stereotype regularly since 2020 despite having to rotate through exactly the same number of skill than other "more difficult" professions (which happen to be less popular

Well condi weaver defintly uses more abilities then scourge or reaper. 

Scourge didn't even use a shroud or weapon swap in its optimal rotations lol 

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Elementalist: Conjures and Glyphs feeling lack luster.

Mesmer: Virtuoso.

Necromancer: Slow pace.


Thief: Too stealth reliant in PvP

Engineer: Core mechanics being ripped away instead of enhanced (looking at you elite toolbelt skills).

Ranger: Honestly? Not much, very flexible- scarily flexible.


Warrior: Wacky unreliable to land skills from range

Guardian: Scepter.


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Mesmer: everything in the game hates you, including the devs, they want you deleted.   People are okay with it in pve for portal to jp.   Number one enemy in pvp forums from large amounts of copium.   Gets nerfed very often.   Having to change build every single patch on very questionable balancing. 
only class I play so can’t speak for anything else.

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Every class has too much something that i don't like, so i don't have main.

Elementalist: Low Hp, Sometimes hard to stay alive.

Mesmer: Purple color.

Necromancer: Slow. Harbinger fix this but lose survivability, blight effect lowers HP. 

Thief:  Low HP, Daredevil is forgotten, Slow specter shroud auto attack.

Engineer: Color of that golem.

Ranger:  Some pets i like are not good.

Warrior: Somewhat boring.  

Guardian: Low HP, Radiance trait line. It's too good so you always take it, seems to be always condi class because burning.

Revenant: Utilities are legend locked

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I can tell by how many confused faces are in this thread that people literally get butt hurt over anything in this game.   Like It’s a thread about bias opinions and doom.   I can’t with you people anymore.   Go touch grass or something.   That or I have a secret admirer that stalks my post, Aww.

Edited by dead.7638
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It feels like I'm writing some sort of yearbook quote. What do I hate in every class? Let me preface this by saying it's my personal subjective opinion and it may and will differ from yours. Please don't be offended if you main this or that class (except Thiefs, you are awesome, guys 🥰).

So... let's start from the most primitive to favorites:

- Elementalist and Warrior: too primitive in class styling. The typical mage and warrior, I ignore them in any game and nothing will ever make me play these trashy classes, so I don't even want to delve into their mechanics (thankfully, I don't need to do this since I'm not a PvP'er).
- Necromancer: I just hate this class with every fiber of my being. Its styling, color scheme, skills, abilities, specs, absolutely everything. The only class from playing which I literally start to feel nauseous (and now that's quite literal) and I feel a strong discomfort. Perhaps it's really related to the class's effects color palette.
- Ranger: I can't even figure out what this class is and what the developers wanted to make of it. And the most controversial specs.
- Guardian: seems like a typical wOrrior of light, but absolutely doesn't captivate me, from styling to elite specs. And also, the fact that it has become a meta (hFB) that is required everywhere.
- Engineer: I don't like that the developers don't care about it. That's in the first place. And I also don't like the turret/bomb visual/skins, as well as the Scrapper spec. And toolbelt bug (anniversary soon 😁)
- Mesmer: I understand that the clones are supposedly an illusion for one enemy, as if all this is happening in his head, but this mechanic gets overly tiresome with constant resummoning. I hope the heal spec will revive my love for this class.
- Revenant: it has everything and nothing at the same time. And also bugs. Lots of bugs. Praise the 49/51 (which anniversary has this bug celebrated already?).
- Thief: I can only comment on the bugs and artificial limitations of the class, like Kneel and such. And again, bugs. Lots of bugs. However, I'm confident there are just as many bugs as with other classes, but they don’t interest me enough to delve into them. Other than that - brothers and sisters, let's praise the shadows and bathe in the tears of stealth haters crybabies! 😘

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- Being forced to have the pet.
- Lack for physical ranged weapons versus melee weapons.
- Class starts to feel more like a Druid rather than 'the physical ranged class' from the original Guild Wars.

-Minions feel often unsatisfactory compared to original Guild Wars.

-Greatsword feels clunky.
-Rifle feels outdated.
-No tanking or support builds while being the class with highest health and best armour.

-Weapon variety feels rather small.
-Not being able to choose different utility skills.
-Ventari Tablet moving.
-Allied Stance's Viktor's skills, especially the elite, need to be made more overall functional.

-Initiative system feels like worse version of Revenant's upkeep.
-Initiative makes builds focus on spamming 1 skill only.

-Willbender feels like it got forgotten after being made.

-The whole robot and mecha steampunk aesthetic.

-Idea of having to cycle through all of the elements, rather than optimally being able to camp on 1 or 2 only.

-Very little functional access to swiftness or superspeed.


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  • Spellbreaker bubble is mostly useless
  • No countermeasures to rebalance damage lost from CC powers in competitive enviroments (mostly affects warrior hammer)

Elementalist: (mostly support perspective)

  • overall design is fine IMO
  • what I hate most about is that it gets both outcleansed and outhealed by a good(!) druid and not by a small margin

Scrapper: (support)

  • healing and cleanse is still fine when played and traited right
  • but it suffers from lack of reliable boon access or some comparable reliable features when doing above. Examples:
    • druid and ele both offer alacrity very reliably
    • druid also offers resistance and fury
    • ele offers auras, which cannot be stripped

Firebrand: (support)

  • after all this time is STILL the only spec offering reliable access to stability, it is STILL the ONLY PRIMARY support
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On 11/9/2023 at 9:05 PM, Puck.3697 said:

Well condi weaver defintly uses more abilities then scourge or reaper. 

Scourge didn't even use a shroud or weapon swap in its optimal rotations lol 

Unless, you were using a suboptimal rotation, your statement on scourge is simply not true. And if you think that using weaver using a single additional key/skill in it's whole rotation compared to reaper or scourge is a significant difference... Excuse me to say but that feel like a big joke... For those 3 condi builds optimal rotations the number of skills/key used is 16 to 17.

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Ele- i have a ton of skills but none of them feel super impactful. For the "mage" class it doesn't really feel magey with how underwhelming staff is. I wish staff air was more damage focused so i could lightning bolt people.

Engi- mechanist bot


Guardian- I just dont really like it much outside of dragonhunter where i love the longbow and ranged play style, but it still feels less effective than just hitting 2 on the greatsword. Scepter really needs cooler looking and faster projectiles.

Mesmer- I really wanted to like virtuoso as the ranged damage high dps mesmer, but its survivability is horrible without clones and the piddly healing condi healing doesn't do enough for hard solo content. Also everything is projectiles.

Necro- just never vibed with it much in how it plays.

Ranger- not a fan of pets, and i wish it had a rifle. Longbow is pretty meh to camp and it kinda defeats the theme of the class for me as the bow using ranger.

Revenant- only one good ranged weapon option which i really like shortbow, but hammer needs to be better, and we can use another hybrid or condi one in general. Also bombardment costs too much energy.

Thief- Why does only rifle 2 pierce in pve? I can understand in pvp, but in pve I hate having to use my sword most of the time to cleave stuff down as the sniper spec.

Warrior- Just seems bland, also rifle kinda sucks and it was the only weapon i was interested in.

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Elementalist - Piano gameplay. My least played class. I hate everything about it.

Thief - Squishy (I am well aware, that this is most likely a skill issue.)

Warrior - Boring. Only has one OK elite spec, and even then it's not really that interesting.

Revenant - At least more interesting than Warrior. The swoosh sound when swinging weapons is really annoying.

Necromancer - Staff auto attacks has awful sound effects. Minion master not as cool as I thought.

Engineer - You can't use numbers, caps or dash in your mechs name. Most Kits are boring/useless. Flamethrower is sadly not as strong as I wanted it to be. All Grenade skills are ground targeted.

Mesmer - So. Much. Pink.

Guardian - Despite the name, it feels the most under qualified for that title, or maybe I am just playing it wrong.

Ranger - As this is my main and I do love the class, it also have plenty of things I hate. Two of the longbow and greatsword skills are useless. Hammer skills are unimaginative, does not feel impactful. Soulbeast is boring and its got that kitten permanent fart cloud. Can't use rifle or pistols, I know the ranger is not synonymous with ranged, but I am still miffed about this. Pets have a really long leash, Fido why the heck are you all the way over there? Most pets are useless. Untamed being the most unimaginative elite spec, I still play it as Male Sylvari has the most menacing skill voice lines ever.

Edited by VeronicanPlay.1945
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