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why isnt willbender nerfed in wvw? ​​


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17 minutes ago, Morvran.8265 said:

iirc they've had their reasons for the Lightning Flash change. At launch all ele cantrips were stun break skills and they wanted to spread them out between different utility types so they took them off of half the cantrip skills, Lightning Flash was one of them.

that's probably the dumbest decision ever then...

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49 minutes ago, WastedYears.8934 said:

Come on Anet, are we gonna start banning those players who use macro scripts to run their skill combo  or not?  


Alternatively just legitimize macro usages for ALL players like other games do. Smarter that way tbh rather then setting rules which most players dont abide by. 

Most players are abiding by the rules.

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So I theory crafted a DH build for some guildmates after they complained about Willies, they set it up and after they said oh. That was on one class and one build. If you need more info on Willy build it and play it. If you find a lot of them, switch to your anti-Willy build and enjoy the WxP. It's like Teefs of old, find too many, switch to an anti-teef build and farm away. 

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Wb is a buffed thief, i see more wb's in camps than thieves!
Do you remember when tempest was ''immortal'' with cele build what anet did, they insta nerfed tempest!
Still wb is not nerfed in wvw!
As i've said many times wb is an EoD class and since people want to play lets say an ''immortal'' class, yes wb is not immortal but new players this is what they see, they will buy EoD, more money inc for anet!
This is how i see it and you can add your confused emote now i don't care!

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2 hours ago, alteriel valie.4751 said:

Wb is a buffed thief, i see more wb's in camps than thieves!
Do you remember when tempest was ''immortal'' with cele build what anet did, they insta nerfed tempest!
Still wb is not nerfed in wvw!
As i've said many times wb is an EoD class and since people want to play lets say an ''immortal'' class, yes wb is not immortal but new players this is what they see, they will buy EoD, more money inc for anet!
This is how i see it and you can add your confused emote now i don't care!

And soon they will have thief pistols but with improved projectile speed, piercing as base, and RICOCHET.  Coz anet love being fair.

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On 9/27/2023 at 3:26 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

If they nerfed Unnatural Traversal like six months ago because it was instant, I have no idea why JI hasn't been touched.

Because skills aren’t buffed and balanced in a vacuum. Similar skills between two entirely different professions are not meant to be identical.

Skills and traits are balanced using the big picture, what does the whole profession and all specs have access to.

Players like you can’t understand the big picture, you play poor builds badly, you don’t try and learn about your opponents and improve, you whine and complain and spend more time on the forum than in game practicing.
People like you and Burnfall.

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5 hours ago, Ezrael.6859 said:

Because skills aren’t buffed and balanced in a vacuum. Similar skills between two entirely different professions are not meant to be identical.

Skills and traits are balanced using the big picture, what does the whole profession and all specs have access to.

Players like you can’t understand the big picture, you play poor builds badly, you don’t try and learn about your opponents and improve, you whine and complain and spend more time on the forum than in game practicing.
People like you and Burnfall.

What are you even talking about? 

Go YT me or find me in game if you want to discern skill levels--otherwise you're just talking out your kitten.

There's no difference between JI and UT in terms of how burst is setup--and JI not having a reaction window is a lot of the reason people believe willbender is super oppressive (that and cele gear in WvW).

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So I theory crafted a DH build for some guildmates after they complained about Willies, they set it up and after they said oh. That was on one class and one build. If you need more info on Willy build it and play it. If you find a lot of them, switch to your anti-Willy build and enjoy the WxP. It's like Teefs of old, find too many, switch to an anti-teef build and farm away. 

I would suggest not bothering with DH at all if WB is available. DH has been nerfed over and over again because people don't listen to Admiral Ackbar. With trapper runes removed and all guardian specs being able to use longbow, DH offers literally nothing that isn't horrifically outclassed by WB, FB, or even core really. Well ok, except pulling scrubs off walls, but other classes can do that better.  Even in zergs where the damage is comparable, WB offers more utility.

The only time DH has the advantage is if you both are on  a narrow part like the top of the wall or in a tunnel where you can hit them with all your traps and circles but it's not like they are obliged to.

But basically the longbows I have are collecting dust until I buy SotO. Not exactly rushing to it...

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 9/29/2023 at 4:23 AM, WastedYears.8934 said:

Come on Anet, are we gonna start banning those players who use macro scripts to run their skill combo  or not?  


Alternatively just legitimize macro usages for ALL players like other games do. Smarter that way tbh rather then setting rules which most players dont abide by. 

Anet doesnt even ban players with perma boons that class dont gain ...  and yes boons can be cheated learned that recently.

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I just stepped into WvW...Bad Design Willbender leaping at long distance and one shotting 2-4 players at the same time, non-stop.

Anet, “The choices you make now, have the potential to affect the life and death of Guild Wars 2 future, including players retention and potential players from playing the game, forever.”


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 7/22/2023 at 12:29 AM, Loke.1429 said:

I mean they may have had some nerfs in the past but all i see is zoom zoom zoom invuln invuln block with high damage. its far more busted than harbinger or any other spec tbh.

@Josh Davis.7865 please play more and/or listen more, and be more clear about future intent. I.e. here "Yes, we know that willbender is too tanky with too high mobility for wvw, and we will adjust this in the next balance patch, ##/##/2023".

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11 hours ago, Loke.1429 said:

@Josh Davis.7865 please play more and/or listen more, and be more clear about future intent. I.e. here "Yes, we know that willbender is too tanky with too high mobility for wvw, and we will adjust this in the next balance patch, ##/##/2023".

Loke, mind providing the actual quote where this came from? I am not familiar with it off the top of my head. 

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4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Pretty sure that is wishful thinking.

lol, come on my friend, how often do I go half empty? While virtual I try and go more hopeful, while IRL I agree paranoia is your friend since they are out to get you. As anyone that has been gotten knows, yes expect trouble. But I like to keep a balance so here I will try and be hopeful. If anything it grants my friends points to poke me on and I can tell them they will rue the day.

Now if we can figure out what that means that would help. 😉 

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11 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Guardian class with another busted spec, after Firebrand we get the willbender which will never get tonned down.

Nothing new under the sun.

"History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new."

"Those who do not learn history are condem to repeat it.......endlessly."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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I'm asking genuinely here -- is it still really that busted? I think I'm viewing it from a biased angle because I've played primarily D/P DD,  Bladesworn,  Power mirage, which can fight well into it. I know it is an S++ roamer with its exceptional mobility and burst potential, but is it at a truly unhealthy level? In my own minimal, humble experience, it's the cele harbs, cele renegades, and soulbeasts/untamed, and of course thieves that can be just antifun to share the map with. 

Edited by Mhina.1827
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28 minutes ago, Mhina.1827 said:

I'm asking genuinely here -- is it still really that busted? I think I'm viewing it from a biased angle because I've played primarily D/P DD,  Bladesworn,  Power mirage, which can fight well into it. I know it is an S++ roamer with its exceptional mobility and burst potential, but is it at a truly unhealthy level? In my own minimal, humble experience, it's the cele harbs, cele renegades, and soulbeasts/untamed, and of course thieves that can be just antifun to share the map with. 


Yes, Bad Design Willbender including other Bad Design Professions, continues to laugh at every "Balance" patches  at out loud

'the circus is still in town'

nothing new to see here......

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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