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Enthusiastic Players Stay Silent

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People find it easier to be hurtful and negative on the internet because they can be anonymous. Imagine if they behaved the same way in real life. If this makes them feel better I pity them.

I'm with the original post. I'm hyped. Proper want details? Wait for the game to be out. You don't usually go to watch a movie and find find out all the spoilers and Easter eggs before you go right? 

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I don't often comment on the forums anymore for the very reason that the forums seem to mostly be people crying about what they want from the game even when it makes zero sense to have that, comparing it or mechanics to other games and saying "but I want it that way", the "grind" (grind??) is too much, "this" or "that" is a problem for an OP alone but they want it fixed and they want it fixed naow because the game is "unplayable", whatever character it is they don't like for some unknowable reason is "trash", or the same constantly repeated threads about topics such as legendary PvE armour which always turn into the same slog arguing about whether the raid armour counts as PvE or not, or how casual the casuals are, how l33t the l33t are etc.

I'm not innocent of making some dumb comments over the years, I'll admit, but this game has been going over a decade now and I've played it pretty much the whole time. No one is innocent of making dumb comments in their lives from time to time.

Regardless of those dumb comments I have enjoyed the game that whole time, flaws included, and still find new things about it to enjoy. For instance, I refused to play an Asura for the longest time but eventually gave in and experimented with various setups, landing on an engineer. With the news of SotO I decided it was time to play the core story with this character and was happily surprised by the dialogue and Zojja's characterisation especially. Gotta say, against my younger self, I'm looking forward to more of her in this coming expack.

I don't have as much time or energy to play as I used to, certainly very little energy to get into constructive or not bickering on the forums, but I do read it daily. Nowadays that reading leans more into the lore side of things, or attempting to satiate my curiosity about what's coming next by reading through all the theorising. I have no doubt (and as is often used as an argument: no statistics on how true it is) that there are many many others like me around here.

For me, most of the promises made for SotO are exciting. I realise they are only promises at the moment, but first blush at what's been offered, even just some of the QoL content, has piqued my interest enough to pre-order. I'm happy to pay for the game to grow, and more content is more content. Content which, by my eyes, is slowly and steadily moving in the direction a great deal of players have been asking for - although for a vocal lot doesn't seem to be moving quick enough.

Edited by Incar.7358
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15 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

The GW2 community is significantly nicer than other mmo’s… It’s true…

Parts of GW2 community are very nice, I cannot deny that.
But playing multiple MMOs in the past, I'd still consider FF XIV community to be the most wholesome and welcoming to new players.

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21 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

The GW2 community is significantly nicer than other mmo’s… It’s true…

And there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of players who are really hyped for Soto. Many loved EOD as well.

But these players often stay silent because the forums, Reddit, YouTube = full of angry, mean people, who insult and bully anyone who likes the game. 

So Anet, please know a lot of us are excited!! And we love what you do!! 

That really relates to everything though

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I will get excited when the actual expac is presented in streams and videos by the devs (like Hot, Pof and to a lesser extent even EOD had). A rare blog here and there isnt doing it for me.  I miss those enthousiast devs proudly presenting new fresh content, that is what got me interesested in Gw2 (and gw 1) in the past. Theres not even a decent trailer now, even LS1 and 2 had better ones. Where are the actual faces behind the wheel? It feels detached wihout the creative drive and passion of before. I hope for a new golden age ofcourse, but remain realistic.

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8 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

People find it easier to be hurtful and negative on the internet because they can be anonymous. Imagine if they behaved the same way in real life. If this makes them feel better I pity them.

If you don't like something you say it. Telling people you're not satisfyed or dislike something is not an online anonym thing, it's a normal human interaction. Your food was messed up you tell the restaurant, DHL uses your packages as archery target, you call them to complain. 

8 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

I'm with the original post. I'm hyped. Proper want details? Wait for the game to be out. You don't usually go to watch a movie and find find out all the spoilers and Easter eggs before you go right? 

I also really don't understand being upset over Anet not showing much of Soto considering the reaction they got when EoD features were showcased. 

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21 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

The GW2 community is significantly nicer than other mmo’s… It’s true…

And there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of players who are really hyped for Soto. Many loved EOD as well.

But these players often stay silent because the forums, Reddit, YouTube = full of angry, mean people, who insult and bully anyone who likes the game. 

So Anet, please know a lot of us are excited!! And we love what you do!! 

My advice is to not use 'We'. You only represent yourself.  And not at the expense of people having another opinion. You can be positive and still respect other opinions. Being critical in a constructive way does not equal hateful people. A side that always seems to be forgotten over the last years. Its always internet army A (everything is perfect, always) against internet army B (everything is worthless), and the cycle never ends. You are actually fueling that with this post. 

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22 hours ago, Alsandar.7420 said:

The GW2 community is significantly nicer than other mmo’s… It’s true…

And there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of players who are really hyped for Soto. Many loved EOD as well.

But these players often stay silent because the forums, Reddit, YouTube = full of angry, mean people, who insult and bully anyone who likes the game. 

So Anet, please know a lot of us are excited!! And we love what you do!! 

Disagreeing with you or offering a less rosy point of view isn't "bullying", champ.  But when you start out by insulting everyone who does, expect to receive a commensurate response.  But do keep playing that victim card.  It's comedy gold.

In my opinion, ANet has earned every bit of the skepticism many people have for this upcoming "mini-expansion".  Having said that, I think overall GW2 is a great game and still worth playing.  As always, my primary criticism is that there's never enough new content because the development cadence sucks.  But what can you do with too few resources?

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23 hours ago, solzuul.6294 said:

People who quit do it silently too. 

I will have you know that many do not, they come on here to leave long-winded letters about this and that. But since those posts are against ToS, they get locked and disappear before you manage to see most of them 😉

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On 8/2/2023 at 1:17 PM, solzuul.6294 said:

People who quit do it silently too. 


The vast majority of those dissatisfied with a product will never spend their time giving feedback as to why they stop using said product. They just leave and, usually, dont look back. They find an alternative and move on. The most they are likely to do is tell friends about the decision in an informal manner.

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Personally, I feel blessed to play. My wife and I really enjoy playing this game together. I wouldnt say we're too overly invested to not have our criticisms one way or another, but in that respect - we have enough knowledge to base our criticisms more importantly on our experience specifically - which by opinion isn't right or wrong. We love this game. Many people love this game, many people don't love this game. I highly doubt ANet is deliberately, or knowingly trying to disappoint or hurt anyone who doesnt love their game. 

At the end of day game forums, recently, seem more a repository for customer service complaints than, what they used to be, a place to talk about a game in an informative way.

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On 8/3/2023 at 2:14 AM, Alsandar.7420 said:

The GW2 community is significantly nicer than other mmo’s… It’s true…

And there are tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of players who are really hyped for Soto. Many loved EOD as well.

But these players often stay silent because the forums, Reddit, YouTube = full of angry, mean people, who insult and bully anyone who likes the game. 

So Anet, please know a lot of us are excited!! And we love what you do!! 

ROFL - Waits for WvW content. 

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On 8/3/2023 at 3:27 AM, Tiamat.8254 said:

People find it easier to be hurtful and negative on the internet because they can be anonymous. Imagine if they behaved the same way in real life. If this makes them feel better I pity them.

I'm with the original post. I'm hyped. Proper want details? Wait for the game to be out. You don't usually go to watch a movie and find find out all the spoilers and Easter eggs before you go right? 

Then again, I also skip movies when the trailers are really bad.

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On 8/3/2023 at 11:41 AM, blueberry.2504 said:

I will get excited when the actual expac is presented in streams and videos by the devs (like Hot, Pof and to a lesser extent even EOD had). A rare blog here and there isnt doing it for me.  I miss those enthousiast devs proudly presenting new fresh content, that is what got me interesested in Gw2 (and gw 1) in the past. Theres not even a decent trailer now, even LS1 and 2 had better ones. Where are the actual faces behind the wheel? It feels detached wihout the creative drive and passion of before. I hope for a new golden age ofcourse, but remain realistic.

The passion of the devs while GW2 was in development was amazing. It hooked me, and I went and played through all of GW and completed my HoM in anticipation.

I wasn’t a bit disappointed at launch.

I miss the feeling that the team really believes in what they are making.

Rubi does a nice job as a PR person, but it’s clear that’s what she is. Her job is to take the decided company line and convey it to us. Also to marvel at all the work the creators do.

Other than that, we seem to have the balance guy and a writer as the public face of the company. It no longer feels like we’re seeing a team of people who love the game they are making and are bursting to tell us about it.

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On 8/2/2023 at 9:13 PM, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

Compare all that to HoT hype during it's pre-launch and all the features that were made very clear.
We saw elite specs in their full glory, got betas in the jungle, saw new enemies in action (not just art),
saw gliding, had an EPIC announcement trailer.

Hype doesn't run on fumes. It's not us being jerks, it's how it works.

Meanwhile SE announced the xpack coming in Summer 2024 and ppl lost their minds. I was really hoping for more of a story trailer for this new xpack. I guess we have the world around the tower changing a bit, but I bet that many of the players wouldn't even notice the changes if it wasn't for ppl pointing them out in forums or reddit.
I feel no connection to this new story...
We've dealt with a threat... and we're just "oh, well... anyways" off to some new threat. I really hope the 1st story chapter is good.

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On 8/3/2023 at 1:46 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

And yet there are plenty of positive posts about the expac. There are some who are enthusiastic about the expac as a whole, some who are enthusiastic about a given element but who dislike other aspects, and so on.

There were plenty of people excited for the Gyala Delve and we all saw how that turned out.  I personally do not hold much weight to enthusiasm based on hype.  Sometimes I do wonder how many let themselves get perpetually stuck in a cycle of being hyped and then disappointed. 

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On 8/5/2023 at 8:57 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

The passion of the devs while GW2 was in development was amazing. It hooked me, and I went and played through all of GW and completed my HoM in anticipation.

I wasn’t a bit disappointed at launch.

I miss the feeling that the team really believes in what they are making.

Rubi does a nice job as a PR person, but it’s clear that’s what she is. Her job is to take the decided company line and convey it to us. Also to marvel at all the work the creators do.

Other than that, we seem to have the balance guy and a writer as the public face of the company. It no longer feels like we’re seeing a team of people who love the game they are making and are bursting to tell us about it.

its bcs Americas cancel culture. devs need be extremely careful what they talk with the easy angry internet mob.

downvote me ok but u probably new and don't know about the incident which got 2 anet workers fired over a minor argument

Edited by Balsa.3951
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2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

incident which got 2 anet workers fired over a minor argument

You mean the incident where someone was labeled as being sexist just because they had some criticisms about something someone wrote who just happened to be female?  Not to mention the additional name-calling thrown at them.  They were a representative acting in a distasteful and disrespectful way.  Please don't downplay it.

Edited by enigmatic.3576
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1 hour ago, enigmatic.3576 said:

You mean the incident where someone was labeled as being sexist just because they had some criticisms about something someone wrote who just happened to be female?  Not to mention the additional name-calling thrown at them.  They were a representative acting in a distasteful and disrespectful way.  Please don't downplay it.

Only in the USA you can get fired over such a thing on a personal page.

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