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Literally the only reason I play GW2 is that there is no battlepass...looks like those days are over

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when I played pvp I encountered a player who said: "I'm just here for the dailies". So I hope this new system will somehow solve the problem with afk players. To me those players are clearly not for pvp there. playing the game just for the daily achievements doesn't sound healthy either.

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They shouldn't even mention the word "battle pass" because it has increasingly negative connotation in the gaming world. Rightfully so, I hate battle passes.

And based on the description this is not really a battle pass, its just a vendor with limited stock. I would say the current daily login progression (and wvw and pvp tracks) is more of a battle pass than what we are getting with vault. 

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What does "battle pass" or "seasonal pass" actually mean? I don't play any recent games. Last time I really gamed was probably 10+ years ago. Mainly playing GW2 and some indie games nowadays. From what I have seen on Steam it is usually that new games are already designed with the option to later sell a ton of DLC (if you want everyhing you have to spend hundredds of dollars or euros) and the "seasonal pass" only is a kind of prepurchase of the next few  DLC at a discounted price. (Where it still will be cheaper if you hit a "real" steam sale with huge discounts at a later date if the game is a bit older.)

For GW2 it just changes the daily login rewards + daily achievements into a system where you can get more customized/useful rewards. With the "seasonal" thing being maybe a reset on currency accumulated and not spent and a swap in the special rewards they are going to add ... I guess. (Not all details fully known yet.)

More like the expansion itself is a battle/seasonal pass lol. With it being sold diretly and then released in several steps. (Only that the later people can not buy the individual steps separately but only the full expansion as well.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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52 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

What does "battle pass" or "seasonal pass" actually mean? I don't play any recent games. Last time I really gamed was probably 10+ years ago. Mainly playing GW2 and some indie games nowadays. From what I have seen on Steam it is usually that new games are already designed with the option to later sell a ton of DLC (if you want everyhing you have to spend hundredds of dollars or euros) and the "seasonal pass" only is a kind of prepurchase of the next few  DLC at a discounted price. (Where it still will be cheaper if you hit a "real" steam sale with huge discounts at a later date if the game is a bit older.)

For GW2 it just changes the daily login rewards + daily achievements into a system where you can get more customized/useful rewards. With the "seasonal" thing being maybe a reset on currency accumulated and not spent and a swap in the special rewards they are going to add ... I guess. (Not all details fully known yet.)

More like the expansion itself is a battle/seasonal pass lol. With it being sold diretly and then released in several steps. (Only that the later people can not buy the individual steps separately but only the full expansion as well.)

A battle pass in games like Apex legends for example: 

Complete objectives to get points towards rewards, a free tier and a paid for tier. Missing some goals means you cannot cap out the pass unless you pay money to complete the pass. Also once this pass ends, that's it. You can never get whats on this pass ever again. Unless you earn it then, its gone forever. 

A Season pass in games like Destiny 2: 

Constant FOMO. Like constant. Miss something its gone forever, including content. For example the game at launch had a story and 2 DLC that new players can never experience as it has been removed from the game "Vaulted" as they put it. Voice lines you can never hear again, missions gone, entire zones/area's you could explore gone. 

This is why people fear it. A pass usually means content you have to be there to experience. 

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11 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

This is why people fear it. A pass usually means content you have to be there to experience. 

That is something we already had with living world season 1. I doubt they'd do that ever again. Rewards though could be available only during a "season". But since we already have rotating stuff elsewhere I'm pretty sure older stuff gets available again - either in that new thing with the new currency. Or with other options. Maybe a bit cheaper if you want to get it when it is available the first time.

Skins only though. That unique stuff only is skins usually.

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48 minutes ago, Luthan.5236 said:

That is something we already had with living world season 1. I doubt they'd do that ever again. Rewards though could be available only during a "season". But since we already have rotating stuff elsewhere I'm pretty sure older stuff gets available again - either in that new thing with the new currency. Or with other options. Maybe a bit cheaper if you want to get it when it is available the first time.

Skins only though. That unique stuff only is skins usually.

They've already said the unique rewards from the new system will continue to be available, just at a higher price.

I imagine that will be like the recent change to the Black Lion Statuettes where you can now get all the old Black Lion Chest exclusives but the older ones cost more.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

What does "battle pass" or "seasonal pass" actually mean? I don't play any recent games. Last time I really gamed was probably 10+ years ago. Mainly playing GW2 and some indie games nowadays. From what I have seen on Steam it is usually that new games are already designed with the option to later sell a ton of DLC (if you want everyhing you have to spend hundredds of dollars or euros) and the "seasonal pass" only is a kind of prepurchase of the next few  DLC at a discounted price. (Where it still will be cheaper if you hit a "real" steam sale with huge discounts at a later date if the game is a bit older.)

For GW2 it just changes the daily login rewards + daily achievements into a system where you can get more customized/useful rewards. With the "seasonal" thing being maybe a reset on currency accumulated and not spent and a swap in the special rewards they are going to add ... I guess. (Not all details fully known yet.)

More like the expansion itself is a battle/seasonal pass lol. With it being sold diretly and then released in several steps. (Only that the later people can not buy the individual steps separately but only the full expansion as well.)

Just look at it as the current pvp or wvw reward tracks. You progress the track as you play and get rewards when you reach certain tiers. Only many games have premium passes that you pay for with real money and have game breaking stuff in the premium pass (straight up best items or item upgrading stuff, rare skins or rare materials). These premium battle passes actually turn into an optional subsciption model but without that subscription you are subpar. Oh and often once the time for completing the track passes, the rewards are gone or much harder to obtain.

And then you have Destiny 2 kind of a scam (yeah not technically) where you combine all of the above but if you pay 100$ you get all the rewards immediately. I liked that game but just quit because it became too much.

This system is not a battle pass.

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14 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

I won't do anything that I personally do not find fun. I wish arenanet focused on making new fun content rather than scummy mechanics designed to essentially bribe players into logging in to do things they actually do not have fun doing. But hey, that's just me I guess. 

The system before this incentivised you to make 20 alt accounts to farm gold with daily login rewards. Does that sound like fun? 

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14 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

The system before this incentivised you to make 20 alt accounts to farm gold with daily login rewards. Does that sound like fun? 

20? Yikes. No, that doesn't sound like fun to me. I have one alt account, which goes all the way back to the original GW, which 'incentivized' me because I wanted more characters, and at the time that was the only way to get them. I don't use it to farm dailies, but I used to keep it updated/current, until EoD (and the skyscale, and the turtle, to a certain extent) cured me of that. So far, what I'm seeing from SoTO isn't likely to cause a relapse. I don't know about this battle pass stuff. If I've ever played a game that had it, I guess I ignored it. Likely will here, too. If it's all about jumping through hoops (see also: hokey pokey) to get to the, ya know, fun stuff. /e shrug /e summon :classic_blink:

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15 hours ago, Mypinkbunny.4513 said:

So this is just a redo of the daily system and adding back weeklies which where taken out over 8 years ago. Anet has said you can not do anything with gems or gold to effect the new system. You will get astral acclaim by logging in and doing dailys, weekly, or special activies. Its basically pointing out things for you to do.

they want people to PVE, PvP etc.. Sorry I only do WVW!  I will not Grind to Anet's command. 

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i speculating that rewards will be stuff u need usually play the game mode as well.

for example u finish monthly and u don't like wvw u can buy wvw rewards or currency with it and vice versa?

I have no negative or positive view on it. thats very much a must see with own eyes thing.

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OP did not read before getting panties in a wad. Not battle pass at all. This reads like a revitalized Dailies program to me.

  • Reward longevity: The rewards in the Wizard’s Vault rotate every few months, but any cosmetic rewards introduced through the Wizard’s Vault will remain available. When they’re no longer part of the most recently updated offerings, those rewards will go into a legacy tab of the reward shop, where they’ll remain available for purchase for astral acclaim (although at a higher price). Our goal in doing this is to alleviate player anxiety about timed rewards—if something comes into the vault when it’s not a good time for you to be playing much, it’ll still be there for you later.
  • Rewards for gameplay: We do not have a premium tier of the Wizard’s Vault that has additional rewards, and players cannot buy astral acclaim with gems or real money.
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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's not a bad idea to have a more stable active playerbase in an mmorpg. That is, until they decide to slap some "buy AA/AA boosters" in gemstore, then it's a dumb idea.

If that ever happens, players should call them out for going back on their promise:


Rewards for gameplay: We do not have a premium tier of the Wizard’s Vault that has additional rewards, and players cannot buy astral acclaim with gems or real money.

Edited by Batel.9206
Grammar. I can English good.
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Yeah the battle pass isn't as bad as in other games but OP has a point, namely, what exactly is this for a paid... something... expansion? I don't even see this as a mini expansion to be honest. I have no idea what this "patch" is gonna be about really... Something of Obscure. What is clear though is that it feels much too underwhelming - these blog posts and trailers keep showing two relatively small sky-island maps full of HoT leylines and saying "come get your skyscale" - wait, what "Skyscale"? the one I got in Dragonfall, when was it again... 4 years ago? I've seen a lot of rehashed models and props in these previews, so all in all in terms of actual content we're getting a new weapon per profession and some story - and seeing how the stories from the actual expansions prior always wound up feeling a little short, I'm almost certain this one will be much too short. Plus all the things that "will come soon(TM) after release"... man, no.

Bottom-line: it isn't about how friendly the new daily system is or will be, but that it isn't content. I'm not counting on all the new skins and armor sets either, I have plenty of gen 1 and 2 legendaries still to play for if I want cool skins, so no, skins as mere rewards (unlike some of the leg. questlines) are not content. Speaking of "friendly" and "content," I think this Wizard's Vault thing just helped me decide to invest my time in Baldur's Gate 3 for now, a game with a crapton of actual content that I can play without even going online - how's that for "friendly" or "alleviating my anxiety"?

Best of luck to the team though and I hope I turn out to be wrong but after EoD I personally feel this type of release model is the last thing this game needed, but what do I know. And before you bring up "quarterly results" as an argument, please understand those results are only the consequence of a lackluster expansion. Have fun, guys.

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35 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

If that ever happens, players should call them out for going back on their promise:

Well that quote says that you cannot buy AA for gems or real money. I can imagine someone arguing that a booster is not directly buying AA and so is not technically covered. Not advocating for this mind you, just so many sleazy business practices in the gaming industry right now.

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