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Wtf can I do now?


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Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

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5 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

1. Unlock all elite specs across 9 characters.

2. Spend a little time reading the PvP and Profession forums to find which builds people are screaming to be nerfed.

3. Switch to an alt.

4. ???

5. Profit

Edited by Gibson.4036
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17 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

hmm there is a ranger build which one shot everything now...

judging by my downvotes this is the pve area afterall

Edited by Balsa.3951
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1 hour ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches?

I mean, how can i put this nicely: Don't blame other people for your shortcomings;  learn to overcome your failing; find another build you're confident in, and ENJOY playing, this isn't a job, it's a videogame.

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These changes are part of the game and in the T&Cs so only two options is to adapt/get new build(s) or ultimately just not play anymore. Something may get changed/reverted depending on how it performs but that could be months or even years. It's not uncommon for builds to be ruined or destroyed with balance changes, its best to try not to get too upset and move along.

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57 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Open spvp tab go down to the last tab game browser.

Join a Glory farm complete daily only or up 2 track out of 8 every day until your track fills up.

Since costum arenas is locked 2 a day.

That would only get you the pre-precursors. Precursor requires ascended shards of glory which requires doing ranked matches.

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This is one of the reasons I don't play meta builds, to avoid this disappointment and dissatisfaction. Honestly if I where you I'd stick to the same build, maybe change around a couple things that were made totally useless and just do my best with that. 

I never played PvP with a meta build and I still have just barely over 50% win rate, I'm sure you can do it too. 

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Just... hang in there, that's the best advice I can give to you. Just so you know you got the job done. Maybe take a break and go at it again. I've been through something kinda similar. Let me share my story.

So, I'm a PvE player. Almost all of my time spent in this game was me running daily fractals, different metas, some raids from time to time. Have played some WvW just for the gifts of battle. At some point, I decided I finally need a set of legendary armor. But which one? Most of my time I've played heavy armor classes, but decided I want to try something different and went for light armor. Ok, which light armor leggy do I want? Didn't like how the raid and WvW armors looked, but the PvP one caught my interest. Not the basic armor, no, no... Mistforged variant. Requirements? Precursor, level 100, kitten ton of ascended shards of glory. Kitten ton of games. How hard could it be?

So, went in with my guardian. Played core dps variants for some time, had some fun, got to high gold. Then started to get destroyed every game. Switched to other builds, other specs, just to get mid plat and not have the same amount of fun. Said, ok, if I lose enough games, at some point I will start having a 50% winrate and win/lose and have some fun. Have played my dps guard, demoted and stayed high gold for some time. After hundreds of games I've started to get bored and feel like everything was just a grind. Burnout. Every single day, same build, against same builds, sometimes even against same people. At this point, I've got 30% of the armor done. Decided to switch classes and specs. Tried 9 different builds on 6 classes. I was decent and had fun on just 2 of them (shocker even, light armor classes). For some other hundreds of games I've played mesmer and necro in PvP, learning combos, maps, rotation, w/e. Was pretty fun. Even bought the precursors (just the skins, so I don't pay extra for the mistforged). 

But, here I go again, burnout. With kitten ton of games played and precursors bought, 80% of the requirements for the armor done, I was feeling like I can't do it anymore. Every single game I had to muteblock everybody cause if I saw anything written in the chat, I would have gotten really mad. Didn't feel like playing anymore and still, there I was. With a ton of progress made, I wanted to quit. At this point I would have gotten the materials needed for the basic armor, but I've got the SKIN precursors, cause for a while I was sure I was going for the mistforged. So no possibility to go back now to get the basic leggy. Was a make it or leave it scenario.

Took a 2 weeks break, came back, alternated playing mesmer, necro, guard and in the end, I've got the kitten armor. And I can say that it's worth it. The visuals are really beautiful and the quality of life of having legendary equipment is something else. Some days I just log in to just watch the kitten armor on my characters. Ah, and as irony of life usually goes, I'm maining an elementalist right now xD.

So, just hang in there. You can do it. Little by little everyday, if you feel like you can't play more. At some point in the future, the job will get done.

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5 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

Your ascended is untradable?  I find that hard to believe.  I mean, I just put my Thiefs gear on my Ranger.

To address the problem, There are plenty of low skill builds that are extremely effective.

Core Shout Guardian

Decap +1 Thief (This one is a Classic)

Condi-Thrower Engineer

 Since you said Druid, I am Assuming you play Ranger.  So, try Power Melee Stancebeast.


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6 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

Try running this....

I use demolisher here for getting your feet wet, but you'll want to go to zerker eventually.   It's quick to learn... takes a while to master.  You won't lose every match.  Let me know how it goes.  Essentially a 4 gyro build that I can play in plat level to success (against certain comps).  The mortar kit gives you permanent swiftness by just switching into it.


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23 hours ago, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

First time playing a competitive game?

Meta changes and evolves, sometimes by a natural way (adapting for counter builds or for adapting mechanics) and sometimes it does on an artificial way, patches, and the only thing that u can do is adapt too and learn to play the new meta (or resign, cry and leave because u don't want to).


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On 8/17/2023 at 1:41 PM, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

Instead of throwing a fit because "hurr durr they changed my one build", maybe think about why it's called legendary. It's supposed to be hard to get. The only one responsible for your plan of getting legedaries failing is you my dude. You are not supposed to get the best, most coveted stuff in this game for being able to play one build at semi-decent level.
Either start being social(I know, being social in an MMO so cringe) and get a raidgroup, or start practicing and get good at PvP. Even if you have some condition that limits hand-eye coordination/reaction time etc... if there was one build you could play with, there will be another.

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:41 AM, Radnor.4185 said:

Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate

First time?

Make another build. This experience is not particular to you, some people have been getting their builds rolled every other patch for years, and some people have had that experience on entire classes. Adapt.

This attitude is also probably why you have difficulty finding raid groups, or if it isn't it will immediately become a problem should you begin. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 8/17/2023 at 2:41 PM, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

You should've realised quite early into the game that it's Alt Wars 2. But yeah, it is frustrating when your build gets destroyed by anet. Due to this type of balancing "style" it's not really a game where u can pick 1 class and play with it all the time.

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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one thing to be careful of if you just returned: its normal to drop below 50% winrate on a new build, or even from just being rusty.  its not going to hurt anything and you can climb back up while learning the build until you master it.


i know its easy to feel ashamed of dropping down tiers and winrrate but it doesn't mater, at all.


i used to be scared of losing rating because i didn't want to go back to pve with anything less than a platinum badge. when i fell to gold due to burnout i felt bad, and would hide my badge, but eventually i realised that 99% of players don't even have the courage to pvp at all. now i walk around with a silver badge because i've spent alot of time just playing around with new classes and builds and i don't care anymore.


just throw yourself on anything and everything. you'll progress your legendary armor rewards even if you lose all your games.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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