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Secrets of the Obscure general feedback [Merged]

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8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

--New daily system "Wizard's vault" is a downgrade in every way, functioning like a knockoff Dollar General cheap gem store . Forces players into another currency and store system instead of the passive background daily system. Decision fatigue anyone?  The old daily system allowed sPVP players to get full completion in just one game mode (complete 3 of 10 tasks to get the full 2g reward). This one gives you basically 1/3 of the reward for any single game mode, forcing you out of what you want to do and into other stuff you don't want to do. AKA trash. Not only that, but you must actively click to activate and then click again to redeem each daily. A true disaster. The Wizard Vault UI itself has terrible performance and a discordant graphic design from the rest of the game. It's truly jarring and disturbing that this product shipped.

I don't like the Wizard's Vault. The old daily system was perfect. It definitely needs some work, which I'm sure they know if they have read Reddit and these forums since the launch.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-Skywatch Archipelago - Asset reuse masterclass.

Yes, it is. It looks amazing, is fun to move around, and looks very good. The reused assets mainly come from the fact that this is a fractaled version of parts of Tyria.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-The main map meta event of Skywatch Archepelego completely bugged on most instances after 20 minutes of work has been done, everything comes to a standstill until timeout and event failure. I failed it twice then gave up.

I am sure they know this and will fix it asap. Almost all games have a few issues at launch. ArenaNet did once again have an extremely smooth launch as this is the only bug I have seen so far. No DCs, no lag, nothing else.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-Skyscale recycling: the game.

What? What is wrong with this?

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-Premier feature: click a button to find nearby trash mobs followed by a slightly stronger trash mob.

These will become harder as the rift tiers increase. What you described is pretty much every PvE content for any MMO. 

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-No new mounts, no new classes, no new weapons, didn't announce until release day that SURPRISE the new weapons are 3 months away.

They announced this a long time ago. All professions got access to weapons from their different elite specializations on all specs. Let's get that balanced before we throw 9 more weapons into the mix. Do we really need a new mount? We have covered pretty much every aspect of mounts there could be. We have far more than any other MMO could hope for.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-Impossible to navigate new maps, unnecessary and frustrating verticality and spread.

Because they are designed to be used with flying mounts and their masteries. I love this design, but I can understand that it is frustrating for others.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

-Relic system - total and unmitigated disaster. Game shipped with 4 relics that have no text whatsoever. Ruined everyone's runes--horizontal progression FAIL. Require insane conditions to be met for each relic to proc. "On elite" NO JUST STOP. "If someone has 5 confusion then you disable them, then inflict confusion on nearby foes". Ok, wake me up at the heat death of the universe when this procs. "Fear you inflict causes foes to move 50% slower" Oh great, I was so concerned about how quickly foes were moving while they were feared.

They did not "ruin" runes as everyone has access to the same content. This will shake up builds, which is a good thing. Let's see what they bring in the coming months. We need more options, and some are badly designed, but overall an okay change. You can now have a rune with the stats that you need and have a relic that gives a bonus or on-use effect that tweaks your build further.

8 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

Skyscale -> haha, the effort you put in to unlock it is now stolen, we're giving it to everyone and btw you need a new mastery to get back to full functionality.

This is wrong on every point. They changed nothing on the Skyscale for those that had it unlocked. All masteries already earnt are still there. I can now, however, upgrade my skyscale and griffon even further by giving them access to leylines and updrafts. The abilities of the skyscale can be upgraded to be even better than they were. So for us that had everything unlocked this is massive. Everyone else will have to go back and do PoF masteries and experience to upgrade their skyscale to be as good as ours.

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4 hours ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

Didn't Cameron Rich leave ArenaNet this year?  He was responsible for much of the design of GW2... He is now sorely missed...  Well, it shows just how good he was. GW2 was a marvelous game that could have gone on for years, but now with this mess, I don't know how GW2 will survive this shemozzle without a LOT of backtracking...

This is not coming from a veteran player, I haven't even played the game for a year yet. This is coming from a relatively new player that has enjoyed GW2, a lot... The way it was...  But what they have done is downgrade GW2 to be just like other tedious and boring games...   

  • The premise of this new expansion had me excited, rifts opening up around the world, fighting demonic creatures, a wizards tower disappearing... all sounds good... until they messed with dailies.  
  • Less reward for more work... Who thought this was a good idea?
  • Relics are a disaster, why weren't they explained properly before the release?  

A PTR (Public Test Realm) may have helped iron out all the issues before release. Instead of releasing first and iron out all the problems later... this just makes people angry and leave.

I LOVED GW2 for being different than other games, not because it was the same as them... I don't want to be forced into content I don't want to do.

How is this better ArenaNet?

I do agree with all you've said, I do consider my self veteran player, with that said my opinion is they wanted people to come back to the game (this game had a massive exodus few years back) and Anet thought its because other games are different and have so many changes so Anet decided to do the same. BUT it wasn't that other games were better with better features, the reason why people left Gw2 is because there was no new content, no new maps!! We would receive 1 map in a year time, compared to before when you would receive 1 new map every 4 months. Gw2 has become a disaster!

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Yeah the OP is right on 3 things:

- The new dailies are kitten. You're forced to play all faces of game content to get less rewards than before.

- The relics are a joke. 100 runes effects to 40 relics. And half of them have different effects now. WTF. Plus no leg relic yet...

- The new maps are a pain to navigate without masteries. They should make the TPs free or make npcs that tp you at high elevations like the helicos in HoT.

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wvw weekly to do obsidian sanctum jp is utter trash. few others also not that fun, like defend 10 objectives - they cannot be done activelly, you can wait hours for opportunity to defend anything, depending when you play. 

i like option to choose pvp, wvw or pve focused set of daily/weekly, but wvw ones are so bad, if next week obsidian sanctum again ill need to switch daily to pve which is sad.

Dailies from different categories should be expected to be finished in around same time, rn i see pve takes around 5-10 min, pvp match or two, wvw can take hours why

Edited by Polar.8634
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How it all looks to me, so far, and not just here on the forums . . .

Anet: All aboard! We're going WEST! West, we say! WEST!

Cautiously Optimistics: (cautiously optimistic despite well-established precedent for disappointment) Yay, right? Right? But what about -- ?

The Unshakables: Shut up! It's gonna be great!

Knew It All Alongers: Here we go again.

Anet: (proceeds to go EAST)

Cautiously Optimistics: (general miasma of confusion and rising anger) Wait, what?

Knew It All Alongers: See! Kittens! Kittens everywhere!

The Unshakables: Shut up! If you go EAST long enough, you end up WEST! Stop whining and enjoy the journey!

Anet: (confused) But, why???


Have they finally done it? Have they finally laid on that one teeny tiny little straw that's gonna break the proverbial camel's back? We'll see, I guess. In the meantime, a prediction...

COMING SOON in the next EXCITING installment of SoTO: a particularly insidious Kryptis invades Tyria and forces everyone to burst into SONG! That's right, friends, it's GW2 the Musical -- A Song of Quickness and Alacrity!

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I just couldnt read past "decision fatigue" because that one phrase can serve as an umbrella for how willfully subverted people have become. Cant be bothered to make a reward choice in a video game that you're choosing to play - smh, man whats next?...Cant be bothered to press buttons?



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41 minutes ago, Crowfang.8529 said:

Yeah the OP is right on 3 things:

- The new dailies are kitten. You're forced to play all faces of game content to get less rewards than before.

- The relics are a joke. 100 runes effects to 40 relics. And half of them have different effects now. WTF. Plus no leg relic yet...

- The new maps are a pain to navigate without masteries. They should make the TPs free or make npcs that tp you at high elevations like the helicos in HoT.


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I don't understand why no one writes about the music in the game, the new songs literally put me to sleep instead of engaging in an epic fight. Also grinding rifts for story progression, god what is it supposed to be, I survived it on map 1 now I have to do it on map 3 if the hub in the middle can be even considered a map, this expanion is a misunderstanding

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15 hours ago, gkoogz.3089 said:

--New daily system "Wizard's vault" is a downgrade in every way, functioning like a knockoff Dollar General cheap gem store . Forces players into another currency and store system instead of the passive background daily system. Decision fatigue anyone?  The old daily system allowed sPVP players to get full completion in just one game mode (complete 3 of 10 tasks to get the full 2g reward). This one gives you basically 1/3 of the reward for any single game mode, forcing you out of what you want to do and into other stuff you don't want to do. AKA trash. Not only that, but you must actively click to activate and then click again to redeem each daily. A true disaster. The Wizard Vault UI itself has terrible performance and a discordant graphic design from the rest of the game. It's truly jarring and disturbing that this product shipped.

-Skywatch Archipelago - Asset reuse masterclass.

-Amnytas - Copy paste cube land, I will add that it is also clearly plagiarized from recent WoW Shadowlands Bastion / Oribos / Zereth Mortis both aesthetically and thematically.

-The main map meta event of Skywatch Archepelego completely bugged on most instances after 20 minutes of work has been done, everything comes to a standstill until timeout and event failure. I failed it twice then gave up.

-Skyscale recycling: the game. 

-Premier feature: click a button to find nearby trash mobs followed by a slightly stronger trash mob.

-No new mounts, no new classes, no new weapons, didn't announce until release day that SURPRISE the new weapons are 3 months away.

-Impossible to navigate new maps, unnecessary and frustrating verticality and spread.

-Relic system - total and unmitigated disaster. Game shipped with 4 relics that have no text whatsoever. Ruined everyone's runes--horizontal progression FAIL. Require insane conditions to be met for each relic to proc. "On elite" NO JUST STOP. "If someone has 5 confusion then you disable them, then inflict confusion on nearby foes". Ok, wake me up at the heat death of the universe when this procs. "Fear you inflict causes foes to move 50% slower" Oh great, I was so concerned about how quickly foes were moving while they were feared.

- ALL the new features are actually things we already had but now TAKEN AWAY and we have to work to get them back. Daily system -> taken away, you will now work 3x harder because you can't get full completion with 3/10 tasks, you now need to do all of them to get max reward. Relics -> haha we stole your rune, work harder to get them back. Skyscale -> haha, the effort you put in to unlock it is now stolen, we're giving it to everyone and btw you need a new mastery to get back to full functionality.

Overall, an mitigated, untested, unpolished disaster, a step back in every way that spits in the face of the work players have done in the past. Shameful and disgraceful.

Has anyone told you yet the new dailies are selectable by game mode? You may have missed it like many,. many , many others did.

Go to the top left gear icon and select which game modes you want to do. The default setting is all 3 so you'll get dailies from all 3. If you just select pvp, you'll only get dailies from pvp. You're welcome!

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i actually like the veriticality of the maps and map design over all - it will get better once you've unlocked all the masteries- rate it then not now.

spread out maybe... but I wish it there was more discoverable things high up or spread out that aren't required for map exploration, just fun acheevos to unlock. wish there were griffy courses here. didn't see any in  the 1st day. lol maybe there are?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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  • Rubi Bayer.8493 changed the title to Secrets of the Obscure general feedback
1 hour ago, Drium.3814 said:

I don't understand why no one writes about the music in the game, the new songs literally put me to sleep instead of engaging in an epic fight.

That's my one big beef with it is that so much of the music is recycled from GW1.  But that's been true for the game, itself.

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This content update was developed by a very small team.  The majority of the studio is working on something completely different.  This is just the way it is going to be going forward, they need to get another revenue generator while maintaining GW2.  This is effectively maintenance mode for GW2, but with as much consideration as they can spare.  

I don't have a problem with this patch, it seems to offer a few things to entertain us.  I was one that kind of lost out with the change to login rewards (many accounts), but I don't mind the new system all that much.  The #1 thing they need to change in my opinion though, is make the daily selection larger so that friends/family can play together again.  

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5 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

Go to the top left gear icon and select which game modes you want to do. The default setting is all 3 so you'll get dailies from all 3. If you just select pvp, you'll only get dailies from pvp. You're welcome!

That's exactly what I did... and guess what?  I have to do all game modes to get my daily. I DID NOT choose all game modes, I chose only one. I presume that tomorrow I will have only one game mode to do, but why did ArenaNet decide that you choose today what you do tomorrow?   Why not choose TODAY what you are going to do TODAY?

Tomorrow I may feel like doing something else...

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Bit of feedback for the design team:

There is this mechanic where an orange circle appears on your feet and starts to fill up, a warning that you need to be ready to dodge in time.

This looks way too similar to the circle that appears on Sandstorm Shroud on Healscourge, pretty much same color and same animation. This must have missed quality control?

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My problem with the new daily system is that it shouldn't have replaced the old one but just add to it. The way I see it, it either pushes you to get items you might not be interested in or it won't allow free-to-play players to even do dailies, as they are mainly for maps from expansions and living world. Doing dailies in Tyria was fun because you could complete maps as you did dailies, help new players in starting maps and do World bosses if they happened to be in that map. Getting 2 gold after was just a bonus. It just feels they are trying to push people to buy the paid content by not offering any incentives to play for free which will only lead to players leaving, especially new players. I own all the paid content but I still feel having the old and new daily system would be the best for new and veteran players.

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I wanted to share a slightly updated opinion after having played a little bit last night.

Yes the first map has a lot of reused assets as we could see from the trailer, but this is not the first time a map has reused assets and it's just a smart way to design.

Gyala Delve used a lot of Orr assets as it was literally a frozen sea, Jahai back in Season 4 used a lot of assets as parts of the Mists were pouring into the region. Now we have something similar happening and that's what Fractals always were as well.

They've done a nice job being creative with the area we start out in and it is also nice to finally hang around Wizard's Folly for any old school GW players.

Relics are as of right now as there are just 40 of them and a lot of them operate with very, very specfic procs is still pretty cheeks. That's not to say that it cannot become something great later as more are added, but it is quite bad right now.

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1 hour ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

That's exactly what I did... and guess what?  I have to do all game modes to get my daily. I DID NOT choose all game modes, I chose only one. I presume that tomorrow I will have only one game mode to do, but why did ArenaNet decide that you choose today what you do tomorrow?   Why not choose TODAY what you are going to do TODAY?

Tomorrow I may feel like doing something else...

i agree. its a worse system then before. i just realized i do wvw on certain days so if i want to get daileis done easier - its just easy doing them with a wvw zerg, but i now have to remember a day before to change it, which is just an extra headache that is a totally unecessasary change.

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19 hours ago, Aizenath.8310 said:

My problem with the new daily system is that it shouldn't have replaced the old one but just add to it. The way I see it, it either pushes you to get items you might not be interested in or it won't allow free-to-play players to even do dailies, as they are mainly for maps from expansions and living world. Doing dailies in Tyria was fun because you could complete maps as you did dailies, help new players in starting maps and do World bosses if they happened to be in that map. Getting 2 gold after was just a bonus. It just feels they are trying to push people to buy the paid content by not offering any incentives to play for free which will only lead to players leaving, especially new players. I own all the paid content but I still feel having the old and new daily system would be the best for new and veteran players.

I think they should have left the old system just removed the unwanted things, true. I don't know why we have to click on the daily after we complete it. Why don't we just get it automatically? Is that anet intentionally keeping us from getting rewards because we forgot to click? as far as f2p and other things just remove that from the old system. the design still works better imo.



Now  not only is it another thing to remember (like you do the dailies but forget to click... really?) but you also lose the option of doing other content without planning on it ahead of time. Meaning before you could lok and see what the dailies were in all 3 game smodes then pick which 3 were easiest to (cough) i mean) the ones you wanted to do. Now you are stuck with what ever you selected the day before.  So if you are a regular pve'r (or w/e) but occasionally do wvw, you have to plan a day ahead what you  are going to do the next day.  😠

Edited by Kelly.7019
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So far I like the new map.  Certainly a wide variety of terrain etc.  I'm so-so on the new rewards system, would REALLY like more choices to pick from for dailies though.

And silly me, I thought by "improved rewards" that it at least meant in part that we'd stop getting trash loot.  Actual trash.  Nope, still getting broken lockpicks, porous bones, blah blah blah.  Tell me true, does anyone enjoy getting literal GARBAGE as so-called loot?

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