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Whats everyone doing for SoO Open World Ele builds?


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Weave *hammer is so much fun.
The fluidity of weaver + the mix melee/range and cleave of hammer contrary to sword are insane for OW.

Other sets can be stronger DPS (sword/wh for example) but overall I think they lack range, cleave or sustain/cc  etc.

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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Just hope the pistol is not yet gonna be another melee weapon , like bladesworn .

Tryed cata quickness with som célestial (i don't like playing without quickness , feel too slow), switched full zerk herald , can maintain 25 might , fury and quickness with 0 effort , the energy from cata is a pain to manage and is really not necessary on a 15 sec cooldown skill ....

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Celestial works wonders on everything OW, but especially the floortank class #1!

I usually roll basic core ele staff full minion build whenever I cba to play at my "best". It's nice havin meatshields soaking up the damage that would (almost) otherwise obliterate you. 😁
Otherwise it's a staff minion catalyst for some spice of life. Or specter if you want more oomph. 

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12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Half the skills will have 600 range while most of the rest will have 300 or less. That would make it a mid-range weapon, right? Right?

As a friend said , there is no logic behind many weapons design (in a bad and in a good way) , you have rev. who can literally throw a whole hammer at 1200 range (and magically rebuild it in 1sec), pistol for warrior who is max 300 range i think , dagger for mesmer who looks more like a minigun shooting knifes , staff who is usually a caster weapon used as a pole weapon or a spear (this one is more logic , i agree) , hammer for ele who is totally hybrid sometimes melee sometimes mid range .

I wouldn't be surprised to see scepter being a melee weapon next , but it would be quite ridiculous or just funny , make your ennemy drop his weapon by savagely whipping his wrist.

Think we all know it's gonna be 600-900 range for pistol ele,  ppl are just making fun here because a lot of ele options are being melee while it is caster and in many other mmo caster are backline at long range doing damage , but in gw2 as catalyst it's more of a bruiser frontliner , not a bad design , but which for more long range dps option (way the virtuoso work), i really miss the meteor strike ... who has become "drop soft meatballs shower".

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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5 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

As a friend said , there is no logic behind many weapons design (in a bad and in a good way) , you have rev. who can literally throw a whole hammer at 1200 range (and magically rebuild it in 1sec), pistol for warrior who is max 300 range i think , dagger for mesmer who looks more like a minigun shooting knifes , staff who is usually a caster weapon used as a pole weapon or a spear (this one is more logic , i agree) , hammer for ele who is totally hybrid sometimes melee sometimes mid range .

I wouldn't be surprised to see scepter being a melee weapon next , but it would be quite ridiculous or just funny , make your ennemy drop his weapon by savagely whipping his wrist.

Think we all know it's gonna be 600-900 range for pistol ele,  ppl are just making fun here because a lot of ele options are being melee while it is caster and in many other mmo caster are backline at long range doing damage , but in gw2 as catalyst it's more of a bruiser frontliner , not a bad design , but which for more long range dps option (way the virtuoso work), i really miss the meteor strike ... who has become "drop soft meatballs shower".

Well, I was mostly poking fun at hammer being described as having 'midrange' capability with 600 range projectiles that are barely faster than a character running forward. Every pre-EoD range weapon with range 600 had the range boosted to 900 years before EoD.

Mind you, I don't think the various weapons are as strange as you think. There's a long tradition in fantasy computer games (particularly, but not exclusively, FPSes) to have swords, hammers, and other melee weapons demonstrate ranged capability through magic, whether by discharging lightning or some other energy down a blade, throwing fireballs, cloning itself and dispatching the clone as a projectile, or a number of other ways. Warrior pistol matches a period in history where pistols were so inaccurate that the effective range was within pike length, so from that perspective it's justifiable - except that Tyrian pistol technology has clearly advanced well beyond that.

Ironically, too, scepter was originally planned to be PBAoE oriented, while dagger was the ranged weapon. This was swapped early in development, but if you find sufficiently old showcases, you might see lightning arcs from daggers and suspiciously long dragon's claws.

All considered, yes, I know full well the problem. Elementalist should at least be able to be the classic mage archetype, but every elite specialisation has been pointed at close combat (you really want both you and your enemy within the sphere playing catalyst in PvE). Weaver is the least bad in that respect, since while some traits and utilities are pointed towards melee, if you use a ranged weapon you can at least set up a build where you're not losing our by staying at range. Another ranged weapon is definitely called for, especially if ArenaNet continues insisting that staff is primarily a support weapon. Pistol SHOULD be a proper ranged weapon. Mind you, hammer ranged attunements should be able to engage at a proper range, so I wouldn't put it past them.

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