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No reason to log in anymore. Daily log in rewards are gone.

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Just saw they killed the daily log in rewards. Way to kill off the game. I played this game because it didn't have a battle pass system. Now I find out that the daily log in rewards are cancelled in lieu of the battlepass? Gross.

On the days I didn't have time to play I could atleast log in and get a small something once a day. Now I have no reason to bother logging in because I don't get anything for it. Honestly, I do not understand this logic at all. It's like they don't want us to play the game.

Edit :: Just found out they locked battlepass objectives behind the new expansion. So those who do not own it are alienated... I'm seriously clueless on how this was greenlit.

Edited by Static.4258
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  • 2 months later...
On 8/25/2023 at 12:07 AM, Static.4258 said:

Just saw they killed the daily log in rewards. Way to kill off the game. I played this game because it didn't have a battle pass system. Now I find out that the daily log in rewards are cancelled in lieu of the battlepass? Gross.

On the days I didn't have time to play I could atleast log in and get a small something once a day. Now I have no reason to bother logging in because I don't get anything for it. Honestly, I do not understand this logic at all. It's like they don't want us to play the game.

Edit :: Just found out they locked battlepass objectives behind the new expansion. So those who do not own it are alienated... I'm seriously clueless on how this was greenlit.

Might be a bit late but to enlighten you a bit:
MMO's are essentially a BUSINESS, especially because it's f2p at core level. How do you keep that alive? With players just logging in and out and getting something of little value out of it? The playerbase NEEDS to be ACTIVE, not passive. It's the ONLY way to keep things sustainable and the game thriving, right?

The new daily reward system, compared to the old one, is WAY better in terms of getting something out of it for your time invested than ever before. Do the math yourself. Will it hurt some players? Sure. Will it help the majority of players? Also true. That's the whole logic behind it. From a business standpoint, it's absolutely understandable wanting to have more active than passive players as that is how they make money. If you're surprised by that being greenlit, you should think again how things work when it comes down to it.

And please, don't exaggerate like "way to kill off the game" and "don't want US to play the game", as there are more types of players out there than just you. If GW2 had so little value to you that a little login reward is all you care about... then Anet doesn't lose anything if you decide to quit because of that.

To sum it up: I've never been more active in the game and I'm pretty sure there are others who also enjoy having more options available and engage more with the game itself. Getting more for my quick n easy daily tasks feels way more rewarding than the quick 1 2 3 with just 2g and some login-reward.

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On 8/25/2023 at 12:07 AM, Static.4258 said:

Now I find out that the daily log in rewards are cancelled in lieu of the battlepass?

Reading the definition of battlepass on Wikipedia. No we have no battlepass.

If any system remotely comes close to that, then it was the old login system with its tiers that required you to log in every day to get to a higher tier.

Now you get 5 points (if you don't do anything but log in) and can choose your reward yourself.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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I am still unsure where people are coming of with that battlepass comparision. Wizards Vault is fairly generic token shop with tokens awarded for randomized daily/weekly tasks. There is not progress bar, rewards are not locked to some stages of said nonexistent progress bar, and there is no enforced order of obtaining those awards.

That aside, if daily login rewards are the only reason for someone to log into online game, I would say they should need to rethink why they are playing that particular game in the first place.

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I am still unsure where people are coming of with that battlepass comparision. Wizards Vault is fairly generic token shop with tokens awarded for randomized daily/weekly tasks. There is not progress bar, rewards are not locked to some stages of said nonexistent progress bar, and there is no enforced order of obtaining those awards.

That aside, if daily login rewards are the only reason for someone to log into online game, I would say they should need to rethink why they are playing that particular game in the first place.

I've seen so many terms used incorrectly here on the forum over the years. Something needs only a remote similarity. That's all they need. The terms "grind", "casual/hardcore", "P2W" are used nilly-willy whenever people don't like something, regardless of whether they actually apply. For instance, as an older gamer I can't help but laugh anytime someone mentions "grind" in GW2. Those sweet summer children have no idea what grind really is if they think this game has it. 😂

I'd say "playing" is a very generous choice of words here. If there's any play involved at all for collecting your daily login bonus it's at most like a point-and-click game. After all, there's literally nothing else to do than point/click to login, select character, open chest, accept rewards, logout. So I guess we can now say GW2 is a point-and-click game, because that's how some people "play the game". 🤨

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4 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

I am still unsure where people are coming of with that battlepass comparision. Wizards Vault is fairly generic token shop with tokens awarded for randomized daily/weekly tasks. There is not progress bar, rewards are not locked to some stages of said nonexistent progress bar, and there is no enforced order of obtaining those awards.

The "geniuses" at Anet marketing department called it like that. Probably the only marketing department in the world that would market a player friendly system under a name that many players associate it with scummy, money grabbing mechanics. 

They would probably call a vegan restaurant "Bloody burger place", "freshly killed". 

Edited by Cuks.8241
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It is not that bad. In fact it is easy to get cool stuff. Especially if you can do weekly, but daily... not always. Like getting 90 gold first week and buying Dragonfall speisode feels good and fast. Or spending second week weeklies objectivies on all lauren trinkets. Fast and easy.

The main problems are 10min activity in the objectives, or double puzzles in weeklies. Shout out to teleport mesmers, they are pillars of community.

But overall it is easy to get good stuff from the system.

This could feel bad that legendary are locked behind SotO, so there is some division if you dont have all expansions. However legendaries are just skins, and there is enought cool skins elsewhere, and i havent even finished main story, so i dont feel limited.

To some degree present system requires some interaction, like doing bounties or hearths is very specific. Puzzles i still dislike, but they are demanding to play the game.

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15 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Why did they do this? 

Why fix what is not broken? 

Because dailies could not be monetised? 

To improve log in and daily retention and improve the associated rewards.

I was sceptical and very critical at first and I’m still not convinced it was necessary to commit such resources to it given the dominant and distracting focus and the fact that it’s prob hurt cross play for different modes. However, I do find myself and many others more committed to logging in, invested in the tasks and hanging around the game more. I’d say it’s been a net positive for what they intended.

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The new system certainly gives more rewards for Astral Acclaim for those that purchase SotO (as a non owner, legendary starter kit is not available as well as heavy crafting bag).  So the new system certainly adds some more reasons to buy SotO for better daily login rewards.  In the old system, everyone got the same rewards, regardless of what expansions they own - they just got different dailies to do based on what they own (which is also true for the new system).

So I can certainly believe some of these changes was to try and get more sales for SotO - it certainly adds more value to it than if the above mentioned rewards were available to everyone.


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On 11/10/2023 at 4:55 PM, Raven Enjoyer.3204 said:

...To sum it up: I've never been more active in the game and I'm pretty sure there are others who also enjoy having more options available and engage more with the game itself. Getting more for my quick n easy daily tasks feels way more rewarding than the quick 1 2 3 with just 2g and some login-reward.

Thank you, Raven Enjoyer. I agree with everything you said but most especially with this last paragraph of yours. The Wizard's Vault and the new daily/weekly system really has increased my engagement with and enjoyment of the game. So I'm very glad Anet introduced this new system.

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5 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Why did they do this? 

Why fix what is not broken? 

Because dailies could not be monetised? 

The theory I've heard is that it is to stop the massive gold inflow from alt accounts.  Though there's always the side theory that the alt account market has dried up, which is why they've decided to change the system.  

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I think I play a little less now, but I'm not sure.
I def. play way less pve/open world since I have only wvw active now because I didn't like the pve tasks of the new system when I mixed wvw+pve (like in the old daily system which resulted in me playing more open world).

On the other hand I got myself a new account. That has needed a lot of time investment to set up for a decent and convenient play style and is still not done. The new system animated me to play my other accounts more to finish the weeklies but that has lessened now to almost the level of before. Or even less. Had some days I couldn't be arsed to do the dailys because there was no reward anymore that motivated me.

6 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Because dailies could not be monetised? 

What are you talking about?


Edited by Lucy.3728
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The new daily system is infinitely better and healthier for player retention. It really discourages having multiple accounts unless you regularly play them. The gold and mystic coins can still be traded and can get you even more in the long run than simply just logging in. The only real loss is the overall number of Mystic Clovers and Essence of Luck per quarter.

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I prefer the new system, it's more engaging for active players but OP kind of has a point.

Old login rewards kept many inactive players around to at least log back once a day. It kept GW2 in their daily routine, giving them a chance to see some news on the launcher, notice new store items, maybe reconnect with a returning friend who gets them to play again. It had its benefits for the health of the game.

Ofc the most vocal people will be the daily farmers with many alts, but there might be a lot of people who suddenly stopped engaging with GW2 as a result, going from semi quitting to full quitting.

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I really like the new rewards system that lets me pick and choose which rewards I am interested in actually getting and ignoring less useful ones (i.e. transmutation charges). I agree with others that the new system encourages more active play compared to many of the old ones.

The main drawbacks to the new system I see are 1) Lack of variety in the dailies so they quickly become boring (Daily Activity + a Cantha minidungeon seem to pop up at least once or twice a week) and 2) Loss of motivation for PvE players to even touch WvW. For #2, I used to go to WvW occasionally to do the PvE-like dailies and then ended up joining a zerg or group to do WvW stuff. Now, since the PvE-like WvW objectives have been removed and replaced by very time-consuming (and oftentimes bugged/inconsistent objectives like Daily Defender), I barely go to WvW anymore. It would be really nice if there were more choices for how many objectives are given to players, so they can choose WvW ones and PvE ones without the worry of getting "bad" ones and missing out on the daily.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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