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How the new daily system in Wizards Vault reduced my enjoyment of GW2 [Merged]

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IMHO all they have to do is give us back the choice out of the total 12 events (PvE,Wvw and PvP)and they are golden, as it is my wife cannot finish her daily because she has not even finished EoD and does not want to be rushed, but not giving her a choice has really Pi$$ed her off.

Edited by Lauradana.8952
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On 8/26/2023 at 3:11 AM, Frostea.7451 said:

If the weeklies take 7 hours to do as someone said here, then Im not sure they should be part of the calculation. What before could be done in 5-10 min now asks for 7+ hours? I not sure I will complete them even once. So for me new system is way less rewarding.

Well if someone said weekiles take 7+hours they are missing the point. You shouldn't do them in one day and without a couple weeks or months to gather the data on what they averagely are- i doubt they take that long. it wasn't my experience the 1st week. do 1 thing today another tomorrow , etc its ez. it gets you to play the game. their oldway was selling accounts, i remember when accounts were 5 bucks each and that's why we had login farmers. blame anet. now they changed that. it sucks but again  that's anet.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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18 hours ago, elrin.4750 said:

Everyone is talking about the rewards. One thing that this new daily killed is the social aspect of the old PVE dailies. Daily map events brings people together and have them talking on map chat, same with daily jp, mini dungeon and world boss.

I experienced a lot of social interaction over the Valdhertz daily on Saturday. People were explaining how to unlock, trying to portal people, explaining the puzzles, shouting “don’t attack until they finish the dialogue” in vain, and announcing “well, two chests opened that time” to each other.

It was like a small taste of Wayfarer’s Henge Draconis Mons camaraderie.

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The only extra I will add to the OPs post is that this game had what was once one of the best daily login and weekly reward system in the genre and I would now rank this as the single worst daily login reward system of any MMO I have played.

The old system helped to keep the game world alive by sending players all over the place with a decent variety of PvE, PvP with a standard login reward. Sure, many of the items from it were junk, which is also a genre standard but it was just that, a standard. The new system not only removed every single great aspect of the older daily/weekly that helped to keep the world alive, it turned it into a grind/job lacking in variety and fun and making it all one single payout with the daily login, making it a currency feels soul-less.

I do not think the developers understand that by placing this system into a currency reward, allowing players to "buy" what they want that it would turn into a thing many players are going to feel that they HAVE TO DO, to get enough currency to buy more...oh, and to do so by also locking the best items behind having to own the newest expansion. Terrible gimmick. What other game has a login/daily reward system with payouts locked behind expansion items? None come to mind.

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26 minutes ago, wolonggong.3469 said:

The only extra I will add to the OPs post is that this game had what was once one of the best daily login and weekly reward system in the genre and I would now rank this as the single worst daily login reward system of any MMO I have played.


Really?  "The single worst daily login reward system of any MMO..." 


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46 minutes ago, wolonggong.3469 said:

The only extra I will add to the OPs post is that this game had what was once one of the best daily login and weekly reward system in the genre and I would now rank this as the single worst daily login reward system of any MMO I have played.

The old system helped to keep the game world alive by sending players all over the place with a decent variety of PvE, PvP with a standard login reward. Sure, many of the items from it were junk, which is also a genre standard but it was just that, a standard. The new system not only removed every single great aspect of the older daily/weekly that helped to keep the world alive, it turned it into a grind/job lacking in variety and fun and making it all one single payout with the daily login, making it a currency feels soul-less.

I do not think the developers understand that by placing this system into a currency reward, allowing players to "buy" what they want that it would turn into a thing many players are going to feel that they HAVE TO DO, to get enough currency to buy more...oh, and to do so by also locking the best items behind having to own the newest expansion. Terrible gimmick. What other game has a login/daily reward system with payouts locked behind expansion items? None come to mind.

pretty sure someone can counter every point you made, i'll give it a try

as far as easiness. yes old way was better if you were just logging in a for a few mins and logging out, but...

+ The new system also helps to keep the game world alive by sending players all over the place with a decent variety of PvE, PvP and WvW. A lot of variety and fun each day! Everyone gets different tasks (issues yes) but they all don't go to the same spot to grind. plus the rewards are arguably better(and yes people are arguing over that)

- The new system removed the options of the old(so what is every single great aspect you mention?) the options to choose that day which daily you wanted to do across the 3 game modes. now yer stuck in the modes you chose the day/week before and whatever pops up you have to do.

+ Making it all one single currency payout with the daily login, feels exactly like ESO's Endevaours allowing you to purchase expenisve things for little effort. Mount skins, legendary starter kits- worth a lot, template builds and other previous gemstore items for jut doing dailies that most were already were doing. better rewards!

+/ - I think the devs understand this entirely "that by placing this system into a currency reward, allowing players to "buy" what they want that it would turn into a thing many players are going to feel that they HAVE TO DO, to get enough currency to buy more" that seems like the exact point and it will get those account hoping players to actually play the game and be more immersed in the world or get old vets to quit playing, one of the two. 😄 (it does feel to benefit new players initially more as they don't know what came before, but some of the rewards are what i as a vet have wanted for a long time so its not too shabby for some things)

*overall it does feel slightly better then the old way. There are def issues, a bunch of issues! but over all feels better. (and if all "gods" hears here is that it's better then they aren't listening)

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 8/25/2023 at 10:17 AM, CoyrmGreybeard.1746 said:

First, this isn't a ragequit, GW2 is still worth playing, but the changes significantly reduced my enjoyment and the devs should know why. I'm a software developer with decades of experience and I know the value of well reasoned customer feedback. Here's mine to help a game I love.

First, the new system has less choice. In the old system I could log on, and have a dozen things to choose from. I might not choose WvW as often as PvE, but I regularly did, and often ended up playing for a lot longer than I'd intended. The new system I have to pre-register for my "mode", and if I include one I play less frequently it comes at the expense of choices in a mode I'm more likely to play. So you penalize your players for keeping an open mind and trying new stuff, stuff they might discover they enjoy and give them another reason to log on.

Second, I have purchased HoT, PoF, and EoD for myself and my entire family, and we play together. I also encourage friends to join, and help them to get established. In the old system we all got the same dailies and could do them together, in the new system we're getting different objectives in areas we both own and both have completed events in. I get how you wouldn't give an event in an expansion a player doesn't own, but if we own the same expansion give us both the same objective in it. If we can't do dailies together, there is less incentive to log on as a group. Research shows that today people log into games to play with people they know, why would you introduce a change that makes it harder to play with your friends?

Third but related to the second, why exclude new players from the dailies? People without a level 80 character don't have access to dailies under the new system, while the old system gave them under-80 alternatives. It was a much better design. Why lock out new players, they are exactly who you should be giving the most encouragement to!

Fourth, and also related to the second, don't give me a daily I cannot access. The old system was really good about offering things that might be difficult (i.e. many of the jumping puzzles) but at least I could get there. Yesterday I go an objective in an are you had to complete a collection to get into. I exited without doing my dailies. That's just frustrating.

Fifth, the point system is confusing. I like the flexibility to choose more than just 2 gold, and I like that I don't get nothing if I complete 2 of the 3 dailies, but the old system gave strong and immediate reinforcement and did give you smaller rewards for each step. But the new system is at best poorly explained. Even after going to the wiki and reading the article, I feel a bit unsure about the new system. Do seasons reset my points? Do points expire? Are "legacy rewards" really going to stick around? Are the prices going to stay the same of go up after the honeymoon?

Sixth, the new system feels like it rewards a lot less. The daily login gave nice stuff every week, just for logging in, and there was incentive to do more once you did log in. I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for just logging in is much less than the old rewards for just logging in every day. Again, I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for doing 3 dailies every day for a month is also a lot less. If I took my reward in gold for doing a login and 3 tasks on the list every day for 3 months, in the old system I'd have 180 gold, 60 mystic coins, 100 laurels, 6000 luck, a dozen gem store items, a dozen transmutation charges, 3 celebration boosters, 3 chests of loyalty, 6% gold find, and more. What would I have in the new one? Is it even close?

And the proof is in the pudding. In the last few years I've missed only a couple dozen days of doing dailies, mostly because of vacations or computer problems. But I haven't finished my dailies even once since the expansion came live. I still like the game, and I still feel like logging in, but the desire to log in, and the sense that I'm missing something easy if I skip, is significantly reduced, and that can't be good for the game overall.

I'd love to see an official response to this or to some of the similar posts I've seen, in many games I play or have played the feeling is the devs (or at least the decision makers) just don't care what the players think, and I'd love to see evidence to the contrary here.

Thanks for your time!


61 heart reacts, here is another. I appreciate your post, and it looks like you're not the only one who feels this way!

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2 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Really?  "The single worst daily login reward system of any MMO..." 


Yeah I know, not everyone shares your opinion...crazy right? And yes, no one has played every single MMORPG...(don't worry, I'm one step ahead of ya!) but I imagine they're referring to every MMO they have personally played, and may have researched even MMO's they have not yet played, to look at how their game systems worked, then compared the GW2 change to those. 

I'm glad you enjoy everything Anet feeds you, but not everyone does. It's a shocker, I know! Also, where in the world is Kharmin San Diego?!

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3 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yeah I know, not everyone shares your opinion...crazy right? And yes, no one has played every single MMORPG...(don't worry, I'm one step ahead of ya!) but I imagine they're referring to every MMO they have personally played, and may have researched even MMO's they have not yet played, to look at how their game systems worked, then compared the GW2 change to those. 

I'm glad you enjoy everything Anet feeds you, but not everyone does. It's a shocker, I know! Also, where in the world is Kharmin San Diego?!

I never said that I enjoyed everything Anet provides, nor have I even hinted at that.  My point was that the post quoted seemed rather hyperbolic.

And I'm not affiliated with San Diego.  😆

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33 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I never said that I enjoyed everything Anet provides, nor have I even hinted at that.  My point was that the post quoted seemed rather hyperbolic.

And I'm not affiliated with San Diego.  😆

It might seem that way from an outside point of view, but different people have different deal breakers when it comes to GW2. For some, this change is a deal breaker, so to them it is the worst thing ever. Since neither of us can read their thoughts or perceive life from their point of view, we'd have no way of really know if it's hyperbolic from their point of view or not. 

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3 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

1. pretty sure someone can counter every point you made.

2. as far as easiness. yes old way was better.

3. The new system also helps to keep the game world alive by sending players all over the place with a decent variety of PvE, PvP and WvW. A lot of variety and fun each day! Everyone gets different tasks (issues yes) but they all don't go to the same spot to grind. plus the rewards are arguably better(and yes people are arguing over that)

4. The new system removed the options of the old(so what is every single great aspect you mention?) the options to choose that day which daily you wanted to do across the 3 game modes. now yer stuck in the modes you chose the day/week before and whatever pops up you have to do.

5. Making it all one single currency payout with the daily login, feels exactly like ESO's Endevaours allowing you to purchase expenisve things for little effort. Mount skins, legendary starter kits- worth a lot, template builds and other previous gemstore items for jut doing dailies that most were already were doing. better rewards!

6. that seems like the exact point and it will get those account hoping players to actually play the game and be more immersed in the world or get old vets to quit playing, one of the two. 😄 (it does feel to benefit new players initially more as they don't know what came before, but some of the rewards are what i as a vet have wanted for a long time so its not too shabby for some things)

7; overall it does feel slightly better then the old way. There are def issues, a bunch of issues! but over all feels better. (and if all "gods" hears here is that it's better then they aren't listening)

1. A counter does not mean proving wrong and means nothing.

2. Then why are you trying to refute?

3. Old way made those places packed which is what newer players want to see, not a trickle because people are spread out.

4. are you arguing for or against lol

5. Ahh yes, ESO the shining example of what not to do. Over 20 million copies sold and a playerbase as low as this games. Great example. Also, you can use Endevaours to buy anything listed, nothing locked behind an expansion purchase...

6. A login reward is a thing to be rewarded for...logging in and thus your answer is more proof the system is a failure since you say its meant to "force players to actually play the game" for what is a free item for logging in.

7. I do not care about your opinion. I posted my view of the change. If this was a thread about how a restaurants change to a pizza was made worse and people listed what they dont like are you going to come in and "counter" their tastes with your own? lol...stop. 

Edited by wolonggong.3469
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5 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

Well if someone said weekiles take 7+hours they are missing the point. You shouldn't do them in one day and without a couple weeks or months to gather the data on what they averagely are- i doubt they take that long. it wasn't my experience the 1st week. do 1 thing today another tomorrow , etc its ez. it gets you to play the game. their oldway was selling accounts, i remember when accounts were 5 bucks each and that's why we had login farmers. blame anet. now they changed that. it sucks but again  that's anet.

That was me who posted about 7 hours. Most of that was one weekly. I have close to 10,000 hours in WvW and am far more familiar with the issues with events in that game mode, defend events specifically in this case, than one would likely become with, "a few weeks gathering data." If one can get credit for only 10 events after participating in more than 70, getting multiple player kills every single time, a known issue for months, it is not a player issue.

If the design of the defend event system specifically stated that credit for completion was random, like a drop from a mob, then it would still be bad, but at least it would be working as intended. But, instead, we have a situation where someone who successfully defends an objective, where there is proof of his participation in the form of an opposing player kill, even in a stuation where the defending player was the only defender and the opposing player was the only attacker-so there is no confusion about whether or not the defender killed the correct attacker....and the defender gets no credit for saving the camp or tower.

Whether we are talking about weeklies or dailies, assigning tasks that are bugged, or otherwise do not work consistantly, is bad design.

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41 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

That was me who posted about 7 hours. Most of that was one weekly. I have close to 10,000 hours in WvW and am far more familiar with the issues with events in that game mode, defend events specifically in this case, than one would likely become with, "a few weeks gathering data." If one can get credit for only 10 events after participating in more than 70, getting multiple player kills every single time, a known issue for months, it is not a player issue.

If the design of the defend event system specifically stated that credit for completion was random, like a drop from a mob, then it would still be bad, but at least it would be working as intended. But, instead, we have a situation where someone who successfully defends an objective, where there is proof of his participation in the form of an opposing player kill, even in a stuation where the defending player was the only defender and the opposing player was the only attacker-so there is no confusion about whether or not the defender killed the correct attacker....and the defender gets no credit for saving the camp or tower.

Whether we are talking about weeklies or dailies, assigning tasks that are bugged, or otherwise do not work consistantly, is bad design.

I had one the other day where we were taking a tower literally just as the EWP was hit. So 30-40 enemies zoned in just as we took the tower. We fought them around the lord and his guards. The guards died, the lord obviously didn't. We wiped the entire group, and I got credits for 15-20 of those kills. The timer ticked down and, you guessed it, no defend credit. Some people got it, some didn't. At this point I can only think they just roll a kittening dice in the background.

I've also got bronze credit for killing a single enemy player by a tower before. Doesn't happen often, but it all adds to the mystery of how their system actually "works".

Basing dailies on this is bad enough. Basing dailies when you don't give the players any options is ridiculous. It's a certainty you are going to antagonise your players with this kind of nonsense.

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On 8/25/2023 at 1:17 PM, CoyrmGreybeard.1746 said:

First, this isn't a ragequit, GW2 is still worth playing, but the changes significantly reduced my enjoyment and the devs should know why. I'm a software developer with decades of experience and I know the value of well reasoned customer feedback. Here's mine to help a game I love.

First, the new system has less choice. In the old system I could log on, and have a dozen things to choose from. I might not choose WvW as often as PvE, but I regularly did, and often ended up playing for a lot longer than I'd intended. The new system I have to pre-register for my "mode", and if I include one I play less frequently it comes at the expense of choices in a mode I'm more likely to play. So you penalize your players for keeping an open mind and trying new stuff, stuff they might discover they enjoy and give them another reason to log on.

Second, I have purchased HoT, PoF, and EoD for myself and my entire family, and we play together. I also encourage friends to join, and help them to get established. In the old system we all got the same dailies and could do them together, in the new system we're getting different objectives in areas we both own and both have completed events in. I get how you wouldn't give an event in an expansion a player doesn't own, but if we own the same expansion give us both the same objective in it. If we can't do dailies together, there is less incentive to log on as a group. Research shows that today people log into games to play with people they know, why would you introduce a change that makes it harder to play with your friends?

Third but related to the second, why exclude new players from the dailies? People without a level 80 character don't have access to dailies under the new system, while the old system gave them under-80 alternatives. It was a much better design. Why lock out new players, they are exactly who you should be giving the most encouragement to!

Fourth, and also related to the second, don't give me a daily I cannot access. The old system was really good about offering things that might be difficult (i.e. many of the jumping puzzles) but at least I could get there. Yesterday I go an objective in an are you had to complete a collection to get into. I exited without doing my dailies. That's just frustrating.

Fifth, the point system is confusing. I like the flexibility to choose more than just 2 gold, and I like that I don't get nothing if I complete 2 of the 3 dailies, but the old system gave strong and immediate reinforcement and did give you smaller rewards for each step. But the new system is at best poorly explained. Even after going to the wiki and reading the article, I feel a bit unsure about the new system. Do seasons reset my points? Do points expire? Are "legacy rewards" really going to stick around? Are the prices going to stay the same of go up after the honeymoon?

Sixth, the new system feels like it rewards a lot less. The daily login gave nice stuff every week, just for logging in, and there was incentive to do more once you did log in. I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for just logging in is much less than the old rewards for just logging in every day. Again, I haven't done the math, but it feels like the reward for doing 3 dailies every day for a month is also a lot less. If I took my reward in gold for doing a login and 3 tasks on the list every day for 3 months, in the old system I'd have 180 gold, 60 mystic coins, 100 laurels, 6000 luck, a dozen gem store items, a dozen transmutation charges, 3 celebration boosters, 3 chests of loyalty, 6% gold find, and more. What would I have in the new one? Is it even close?

And the proof is in the pudding. In the last few years I've missed only a couple dozen days of doing dailies, mostly because of vacations or computer problems. But I haven't finished my dailies even once since the expansion came live. I still like the game, and I still feel like logging in, but the desire to log in, and the sense that I'm missing something easy if I skip, is significantly reduced, and that can't be good for the game overall.

I'd love to see an official response to this or to some of the similar posts I've seen, in many games I play or have played the feeling is the devs (or at least the decision makers) just don't care what the players think, and I'd love to see evidence to the contrary here.

Thanks for your time!


Very well put. The lack of choice is a large aspect here that impacts the enjoyment of the system. The old system gave you a varied amount of options and could be a fun checklist of how many of these across various game modes can I do as I play. The more limited system, being both random from player to player also leads to groups needing to split up to do things before they can get back together, so it leads to more solo versus group play which is kind of counter intuitive. The old system would focus people in various maps but that was by intent I assumed, maybe that bad is on me, so there was more activity across various parts of the world be that in PvE, WvW or sPvP. The new system does that on paper but not if it means your group is moving in different directions. The biggest issue is the lack of choice. Would be curious if analytics weren't showing a decreased amount of people doing and completing dailies after the changeover.

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The login bonus was the best way to get me to open the game and start questing. I'd feel progress and satisfaction the moment I logged in, from there, some quick dailies for 2 gold gain, then some metas (2g + loot), and more gameplay following suit after. Since expansion dropped, it's not felt the same, I look at the daillies and go: meh its less fun to do and not worth it (Having to do clicks for claims + some take too long). The 2 gold now feels more chore to get, not fun.

Without the login bonus, i already know, i'm gonna play this game way less. 

I hate the fact that weekly wizards vault rewards get reset, you miss out on so much if you don't login every week, it is too upsetting when missing out.

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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

That was me who posted about 7 hours. Most of that was one weekly. I have close to 10,000 hours in WvW and am far more familiar with the issues with events in that game mode, defend events specifically in this case, than one would likely become with, "a few weeks gathering data." If one can get credit for only 10 events after participating in more than 70, getting multiple player kills every single time, a known issue for months, it is not a player issue.

If the design of the defend event system specifically stated that credit for completion was random, like a drop from a mob, then it would still be bad, but at least it would be working as intended. But, instead, we have a situation where someone who successfully defends an objective, where there is proof of his participation in the form of an opposing player kill, even in a stuation where the defending player was the only defender and the opposing player was the only attacker-so there is no confusion about whether or not the defender killed the correct attacker....and the defender gets no credit for saving the camp or tower.

Whether we are talking about weeklies or dailies, assigning tasks that are bugged, or otherwise do not work consistantly, is bad design.

So you weren't saying weeklies in general you were talking about something specific that's broken. ok .

What i read from another commenter  was that on average it took 7 hours, (but yea this problem is 1 reason i don't do wvw for dailies/weeklies).  much like you you wouldn't know what the drop rate is from opening 100 bags -- you need more data, i was just saying once we see the variety of tasks, then you could better tell on avg the length of time it would take. but if stuff is broken- obviously it will take longer or not complete at all, but that' s not really fair to then say it takes a long time. More so its broken the way it is and needs fixing.

also for wvw i would wager some of this is catered towards zergs. losing the option to see all the dailies i think hurts big time when things like these defender tasks pop up.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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I agree with many of the earlier points against WV, but one thing that I don't see many people talking about is that this new system appears designed to significantly increase FOMO.  The prior system rewarded materials which were easily enough replaced by grinding (with the limited, and largely gimmicky, gold find bonus as an exception).  The new system introduces a currency which is sharply limited by real-time, with a marketplace that consistently increases its available items.  It seems obvious to me that the marketplace has more available than possible to buy, and this difference will therefore continue to increase, making the loss of _any_ Favour a permanent debt on the account.  

I am not okay with this style of predatory game design, and this is my biggest complaint with the change.

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3 hours ago, Uldeim.4682 said:

I agree with many of the earlier points against WV, but one thing that I don't see many people talking about is that this new system appears designed to significantly increase FOMO.  The prior system rewarded materials which were easily enough replaced by grinding (with the limited, and largely gimmicky, gold find bonus as an exception).  The new system introduces a currency which is sharply limited by real-time, with a marketplace that consistently increases its available items.  It seems obvious to me that the marketplace has more available than possible to buy, and this difference will therefore continue to increase, making the loss of _any_ Favour a permanent debt on the account.  

I am not okay with this style of predatory game design, and this is my biggest complaint with the change.

Just do your weeklies and you will have more than enough currency for exclusives plus a lot of mats every season. Dailies are just the extra gravy and any FOMO you feel is exclusively self-inflicted. You don't need to do a single daily at all, this is what most people don't seem to realise about this new system.

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2 hours ago, Emberheart.8426 said:

You don't need to do a single daily at all, this is what most people don't seem to realise about this new system.

It would be nice if someone did the old vs new rewardmath where you do the absolute minimum effort on the new, like doing 2/4 dailies and 3/6 weeklies for a 30 day cycle, not even completing them daily/weekly.

I mean if someone can even manage to do that low effort. I played WvW for 1 hour yesterday and finished 3/6 weekly before I had finished 4/4 daily, lol.

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14 hours ago, Swooz.7596 said:

The login bonus was the best way to get me to open the game and start questing. I'd feel progress and satisfaction the moment I logged in, from there, some quick dailies for 2 gold gain, then some metas (2g + loot), and more gameplay following suit after. Since expansion dropped, it's not felt the same, I look at the daillies and go: meh its less fun to do and not worth it (Having to do clicks for claims + some take too long). The 2 gold now feels more chore to get, not fun.

Without the login bonus, i already know, i'm gonna play this game way less. 

I hate the fact that weekly wizards vault rewards get reset, you miss out on so much if you don't login every week, it is too upsetting when missing out.

Good news is that you can literall still do the exact same things in game without losing any rewards.

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