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You guys made everything easier. Disrespect for old players.

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I've been playing the game for 11 years and a big part of the reason I started playing at all and stuck with it because it doesn't require you to make it your main/only hobby or second job to get anything done. I always liked the idea of MMOs but playing most others meant accepting I'd never really achieve anything. Sooner or later I'd get bored with mucking around with the few things I could do and stop playing because it was boring and never going to get less boring since it wasn't designed to accomodate players like me.

I honestly don't care if other players are able to do things more quickly or easily than me. Sometimes I choose to make things harder for myself because I want to, for example I made the precursor for The Bifrost even though it was cheaper to buy it because I wanted to do the collections, then I made a second Dreamer I didn't need at all (I sold it) because I wanted to do those collections as well even though I already had the weapon. If I was purely looking at time/gold invested vs reward both of those were bad choices, but I had fun doing it so for me it was worth it.

But at other times I like that there's easier way to do things because I might want that option. I thought the original skyscale collection was fine, the most important thing for me is you didn't lose any progress for doing it too slowly so I could do a bit at a time as and when I felt like it and eventually I had it all done. (The way some games do things you'd have to feed your skyscale every day without missing one or things like that, otherwise it would reset.) But I don't mind at all that newer players now have an easier way of doing it (although that is certainly not 'given away for free' there's still a multi-step collection to complete).

If you want it to be hard to get any interesting rewards or new abilities and to always stay just as hard (or even get harder) then this isn't the game you expected it to be, and it never has been. You're going to have to look elsewhere for games which make those kinds of demands of their players.

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Having played since Guild Wars 1, I am completely fine with easier acquisition of everything. This is not my full time job. It is my escape. I crafted legendaries when they were hard. I'm really excited to do some more on easy mode. Manipulating the trading post for profit was never this game's intended mode of play. So for those of you complaining about devaluing crafting components... I couldn't care less. That is a non issue. Those of you speaking for long time players.... please speak only for yourself. We are all different and will speak up if we want to be heard.

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Just now, ZombieHoser.3629 said:

Maybe OP needs to find a new game? Dude is playing the most casual MMO out there and complaining about them catering to casuals lol.

I haven't looked to see what other MMOs are currently out there, but I have certainly played ones that are far more casual.

I about fell out of my chair the first time I encountered an MMO that would auto-path my character to the next available quest area. The same MMO had a "training" mechanic where you would log out auto-attacking a dummy in the main city, and next time you'd log on you'd have gained a level.

That doesn't diminish your point, though. Apart from PvP/WvW, GW2 has largely been an MMO that caters to casual players.

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When I saw the title I thought you were going to complain about the difficulty of new strikes and meta events. Which are a bit too easy in my opinion.

But you are complaining about time consuming grinds. There is nothing hard about mindless grinds and there never was. Its just time consuming.

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I'm not sure why some people feel that making material more accessible is a negative thing. Yes, you may have had to pay more or do more work to access it, but you have or may have profited from it since 2019. There's a reason why Elder Scrolls Online gives away earlier expansions when newer ones are released for free with the latest expansion. If you don't, your newer players will fall behind since they won't be able to move about like everyone else, and they'll lose interest in the game.

Yes, as time passes, goods become less expensive or easier to obtain. Exotics are substantially cheaper than when the game initially started, costing less than a glob of ectoplasm in 2012.

Nerfs will constantly be added to content in order to increase the value of newer content. The benefits can never be enough since, without the creation of new farming materials, they will only serve to drive down the price of existing materials. They do not want you to spend the entire day farming on a single map.

Why would you think that just because someone doesn't have mounts, they shouldn't be in New Kaineng? Because the map was constructed with this in mind, you can travel it without utilizing mounts. That is why possessing a skyscale has benefited you. If you have the Skyscale since its release, you could easily break a number of jumping puzzles before fixes (some of which may still be broken), as well as easily complete maps due to flying not being taken into account when they were developed.

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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Back in my day, it cost a quarter every time you died. Kids these days!

Word!  Heck, even looking at one of the earliest MMOs that I played, Everquest, I remember camping a certain room for hours on end waiting for a certain mob to spawn so that I could finally get my own fighting baton for my monk, but of course every good monk had to have 2 of them.  At least I could sit in that room for a few hours at a time until RNG was finally in my favor, but I never touched raids in EQ, as they often took 6-8 hours to complete.  It got tiresome, for sure, and sometimes I'd be up past midnight dozing in my chair just waiting for a spawn.  After EQ, every game since has been easier, not like the good ol' days!

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4 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Word!  Heck, even looking at one of the earliest MMOs that I played, Everquest, I remember camping a certain room for hours on end waiting for a certain mob to spawn so that I could finally get my own fighting baton for my monk, but of course every good monk had to have 2 of them.  At least I could sit in that room for a few hours at a time until RNG was finally in my favor, but I never touched raids in EQ, as they often took 6-8 hours to complete.  It got tiresome, for sure, and sometimes I'd be up past midnight dozing in my chair just waiting for a spawn.  After EQ, every game since has been easier, not like the good ol' days!

Pft I remember camping mobs in old mmos, waiting hours with others and the 25% chance loot which lasted about ten levels before needing replacing, went to the one with the best dps. And if you died, your inventory could be looted!

The good ol’ days



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1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Pft I remember camping mobs in old mmos, waiting hours with others and the 25% chance loot which lasted about ten levels before needing replacing, went to the one with the best dps. And if you died, your inventory could be looted!

The good ol’ days



I blocked that from my memory! Thanks for bringing back lootable inventory trauma 🤣😫😉

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3 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Pft I remember camping mobs in old mmos, waiting hours with others and the 25% chance loot which lasted about ten levels before needing replacing, went to the one with the best dps. And if you died, your inventory could be looted!

The good ol’ days



Sudden flashbacks of waiting for the Sundancer rune or trying to get elite armor drops in Shadowbane...

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10 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

Can you express your opinion without disparaging other players? Your opinion that you don't like the changes is perfectly fine and legitimate. But other opinions are just as legitimate. It has nothing to do with right or wrong.

P.S. I am an old/vet player, too.

its not desparaging, people who have an opinion on a game after playing it for 20 years hold more weight, than players who dont play a game for 20 years and will most likely quit within a couple of years/months.  YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE I ARGUED WITH YEARS AGO ABOUT ISSUES.  THEY ALL DIED ON A HILL WITH THEIR OPINIONS AND NONE OF THEM PLAY IN A MORE. NONE OF THEM! and all the issues they argued with me about, they were wrong in hindsight and either anet addressed it and implemented what i suggested or the problem still persists to this day.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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This is the most Boomer of Boomer mentalities, wow.

jUsT bEcAuSe I sUfFeRrEd yOu HaVe To SuFfEr ToO

I've been playing MMOs since 2005 (I was 14 and had just barely gotten internet strong enough to MMO with, and it was still a struggle). I've seen WoW/pre-WoW style MMO gameplay, played KMMO grindfrests (just spent 2 hours grinding 1% XP? Oops, you died, you just lost 0.75% XP), camped spawns for days/weeks and then had to fight other players for that spawn, RNGesus literally ruled whether your game experience would be playable or not, and more. I played GW2 betas and launch and then off and on over the last 11 years (mostly because I was already invested in another MMO + school + work, and taking a break in GW2 didn't put me millennia behind everyone else; I currently have 7300 hours in the game). Making older content easier to get through is a GOOD thing when everyone and the game are years ahead of that content. Hell, WoW/FFXIV/etc "nerf" older content. It doesn't take nearly as long to get certain older shiny items than it did when they came out.

Are there some changes I'd like to see made in GW2? Absolutely, but the "nerfing" of ancient grinds when there are new things to grind for (the preliminary costs of OW legendary armor are looking...interesting) isn't a bad thing. So, yeah, don't speak for me.

(And the Aurene legendaries COST about the same to make as the gen1s did at the time because <the antique summoning stones> were/are timegated if you didn't shell out for the exorbitant TP prices + do Dragon's End every day, plus succeed at DE if you needed the lantern. Now Aurene legendaries are ~1200g and so to craft vs ~1000-1100g for certain gen1s --obviously excluding Twilight/Sunrise. The major grind with the Aurene legendaries are the elder dragon skins, which I think are 300g+ each + require completing a collection each time, so it's not like there isn't a grind for a "prestige" item there.)

Edited by QueenKeriti.5176
Used the shorthand for antique stones and it got changed to kitten lol
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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I haven't looked to see what other MMOs are currently out there, but I have certainly played ones that are far more casual.

I about fell out of my chair the first time I encountered an MMO that would auto-path my character to the next available quest area. The same MMO had a "training" mechanic where you would log out auto-attacking a dummy in the main city, and next time you'd log on you'd have gained a level.

That doesn't diminish your point, though. Apart from PvP/WvW, GW2 has largely been an MMO that caters to casual players.

Umm , what ?

I am pretty sure TESO or FF14 or SWTOR is not any more "hardcore" than GW2.

As for OP"s points - I wouldn't care if new players were given skyscale instead of raptor at lvl 10.  It's pretty much a necessity now.

Legendary box ? You still need to throw world completion , gift of battle and 600g worth of stuff into it.  And it's a weapon - the worst legendary type. So who cares ?

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TLDR; "I suffered, so everyone else must suffer!"

I was irked about the skyscale change, but I'm over it. I like the bonuses I got from previously completing the quest. If a simpler path to the skyscale increases player retention/reduces player frustration, it's a net positive for the game and its continued existence.

Legendary kits do not just 'give away' a legendary. You still have to do a considerable amount of farming and spend a significant (for most normal players) amount of gold. You still have to do map comp and earn a GoB. And if you think Prismatic Regalia was a 'giveaway', you had to do an insane number of achieves for each Return To X in order to earn that. That is no small feat when you consider that it encompasses all of LS2, 3, 4, and IBS.


PS: About the guy who wanted a turtle ride to New Kaineng without mounts... you do realize you unlock both the raptor and the springer in New Kaineng (if you didn't get the raptor for free from leveling), right? Gonna go out on a limb and assume it was an old account/returning player who was going to try and unlock them, he just needed a ride.

Edited by Caitmonster.9036
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Just opened my 11th birthday gift on the head-start anniversary.

Everything about these changes is good, I look forward to using the leggo kit to craft meteorlogicus, my third gen 1 legendary and fourth legendary overall. I'm glad people get to have a Skyscale for this expac without having to grind the old stuff for it. 

The OP's mentality is toxic and bad for the game long term. I really dislike when a person decides they get to speak for "who has been playing the longest".


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Wow, the selfish entitlement of some folks shows no bounds.    As a vet from the start of gw1, I absolutely love that my newer guildies can get stuff to make their enjoyment of the game easier without having to grind themselves to death ( which in my experience is something that pushing folks to leave the game.)   So you dont speak for me at all here.   And YOU should really give your ego a kitten shake... cause you are coming across as a royal clown atm     

Edited by neighto.7386
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2 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I blocked that from my memory! Thanks for bringing back lootable inventory trauma 🤣😫😉

Same...or how about the horde of mobs that were chain aggro'd and chased you until you ran clear across the zone to the exit?  When you heard people yelling "train to zone!", you made a quick exit yourself to avoid getting insta-killed, and you actually lost some experience by dying, more if you couldn't get back to where you died to loot your corpse.

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13 hours ago, Squee Squashington.5189 said:

Funnily enough, I almost wrote WoW and FFXIV are 2 of the most (if not the most) successful MMORPG's on the market. And their target audience IS the casual player. Development teams have *tried* catering to the sweaty grind-loving "hardcore" players, and games like that, Wildstar, Rift, etc. end up shooting themselves in the foot.

Blade and soul comes to mind; an ncsoft grind to hell failure. Grind is good and keeps people around for sure, but not the kind that's bone-crushing and almost like a second real life job.

Edited by Ghastly.3914
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