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[Feedback] Legendary Obsidian Armor

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8 hours ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I have a hard time believing that Anet finds it acceptable to have players do thousands of the exact same rift with absolutely no variety.

There are new kinds of legendary rifts coming. But for people like me who already have everything legendary it’s good that these rifts are needed for the legendary armor. Now at least we don’t miss anything fun. It would be unfair if they implemented collections like the ones for Aurora and Vision. Look at WvW and PvP armor acquisition, why should open world be so much different 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

There are new kinds of legendary rifts coming. But for people like me who already have everything legendary it’s good that these rifts are needed for the legendary armor. Now at least we don’t miss anything fun. It would be unfair if they implemented collections like the ones for Aurora and Vision. Look at WvW and PvP armor acquisition, why should open world be so much different 

So, you're saying, it's fine they are so bad, because you, personally, will not be doing them?

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27 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, you're saying, it's fine they are so bad, because you, personally, will not be doing them?

I don’t think they are that bad, I have done rift events for achievement points. They are perfect for open world players in term of difficulty.

I am saying that it’s good that it’s not like Aurora and Vision, that would be unfair to players who already have everything legendary, especially WvW and PvP players that don’t even have a unique skin. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

I don’t think they are that bad, I have done rift events for achievement points. They are perfect for open world players in term of difficulty.

I am saying that it’s good that it’s not like Aurora and Vision, that would be unfair to players who already have everything legendary, especially WvW and PvP players that don’t even have a unique skin. 

Doesn't it occur to you that there are plenty of PvP and WvW players who already have legendary armor, but also play PvE and might have wanted to obtain the new skins?

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5 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Doesn't it occur to you that there are plenty of PvP and WvW players who already have legendary armor, but also play PvE and might have wanted to obtain the new skins?

And they can get the new skin. But this has nothing to do with what I wrote. There also are plenty of raiders, PvP and WvW players that are not going to get the new legendary armor. 
If you don’t like doing rifts that’s fine, you still have three other options to get legendary armor. 

Edited by vares.8457
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3 minutes ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Doesn't it occur to you that there are plenty of PvP and WvW players who already have legendary armor, but also play PvE and might have wanted to obtain the new skins?

This is me. The vast majority of my time in this game has been WvW. That’s why I’m doing the grind slowly. Again, more than on track to have a full set the day it releases. It’s not that bad a grind. As alluded to by others, I’m more concerned with the gift of research and ecto aspect than I am the essence aspect

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

I don’t think they are that bad, I have done rift events for achievement points. They are perfect for open world players in term of difficulty.

I am saying that it’s good that it’s not like Aurora and Vision, that would be unfair to players who already have everything legendary, especially WvW and PvP players that don’t even have a unique skin. 

Why exactly would that be unfair? Because other players might be able to obtain legendary gear while having fun doing that too? Or are only Raiders, WvWers and SPvPers allowed to have fun when getting their armor set?

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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Why exactly would that be unfair? Because other players might be able to obtain legendary gear while having fun doing that too? Or are only Raiders, WvWers and SPvPers allowed to have fun when getting their armor set?

No. And I am sure there players that think rifts are fun. Your definition of fun isn’t the only one that’s valid. It would be unfair if there would be a collection like for Aurora and Vision with a lot of achievement points and a lot of work gone into it. WvW and PvP don’t have that for the legendary armor. They don’t even have collections or a unique skin.
Again, if you don’t like doing rifts then don’t do them, there are three other ways to get legendary armor. No one is forced to do rifts. But this is what you have to do to get the open world legendary armor, you can cry as much as you want. 
This is why I always said that open world legendary armor is a bad thing that hurts the game. No matter how Anet implemented it the few people who wanted it will cry and complain nevertheless.

Edited by vares.8457
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4 hours ago, Manasa Devi.7958 said:

Doesn't it occur to you that there are plenty of PvP and WvW players who already have legendary armor, but also play PvE and might have wanted to obtain the new skins?

So get it. I might get at least one set for the skin at one point (but first lets see how they'll look ingame). Someone posted on reddit that they already have the needed essence ~2,5 weeks after the update, so the task isn't as huge as some people here make it out to be. I won't be rushing it though, I don't know why some people -again- only try operating in absolutes, perfect completion times and some total non-stop grinds. You want variacy between rifts? Then do whatever you want between rifts. Or stick to weeklies for bonus chests.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You want variaty between rifts? Then do whatever you want between rifts. Or stick to weeklies for bonus chests.

This is pretty much where I'm at. I did rifts for the first several days and decided they were too boring to do full time. So now, between other tasks I'll jump to a map and do my 5 rifts there (there's always a group doing them anyways) and then go on about what I more enjoy doing in game. I'll see wherever I end up essence-wise when the armor finally comes out.

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12 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

This is pretty much where I'm at. I did rifts for the first several days and decided they were too boring to do full time. So now, between other tasks I'll jump to a map and do my 5 rifts there (there's always a group doing them anyways) and then go on about what I more enjoy doing in game. I'll see wherever I end up essence-wise when the armor finally comes out.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea. If someone wants to just grind out rewards asap, they can. But if someone cares about doing other stuff inbetween then there's absolutely nothing standing in their way to do so and weeky 5 x 5 rifts rewarding additional chests just add value over time for them.

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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, I think that's a good idea. If someone wants to just grind out rewards asap, they can. But if someone cares about doing other stuff inbetween then there's absolutely nothing standing in their way to do so and weeky 5 x 5 rifts rewarding additional chests just add value over time for them.

I know there's a ridiculous amount needed overall, but I was surprised to see just how much of the T3 essences I have sitting around without having put in any work into getting them. So that's somewhat reassuring.
I had really hoped rifts would be more engaging/fun. They're not though, and so it's just something we have to deal with and decide if they're worth the time.

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I find it funny people think they have to rush to complete all the material requirements when the armor isn’t even out yet. You are burning out on the low tier content that isn’t supposed to be the funnest content. The higher tier stuff more than likely have more rewards making it easier to finish the required materials later on, and maybe have more fun mechanics than the previous. I intend to make all the armors, merely for completionist. I’m just doing whatever I want with no intention on grinding rifts. I do the weeklies and some here or there for story. Just don’t burn out on them! They are not meant to replace the entire game lol.

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On 9/12/2023 at 9:14 PM, Warscythes.9307 said:

I feel you read only half of my post. There's essentially 2 problems with what you want.

1) Do you really think the a non-insignificant portion of the people that asked for open world armor will be ok with doing explorable dungeons? Or difficult jumping puzzles especially if ports are banned? If we include dungeons, then why not fractals? If we include fractals, is strikes really that out of reach at least something like IBS5? The line for what people are ok varies greatly per person and I am willing to bet anything more than the basic go to X and kill boss or do story will once again annoy the people asking for open world armor.

2) This is the line you missed, I am fairly certain they lack the resource. I know what you are asking for, an adventure through the entire world doing small and niche things and essentially every facet of the game for this. I am going to say they simply can't do it. Have you looked at their past releases? Do you REALLY think EoD is a content filled expansion? Or if "Living story 4" is up to your expectations? SoTo is basically their way of saying you have to pay for LS because charging nothing for them is doing them no favors. To me, is very obvious open world armor is something akin to "if on fire, break glass" sort of thing. They needed to do this as a hook to get people buy the expansion, but they don't have the money to create a scenario that ask for all the list of things. If they are doing well and generating record profit, then I would hold it against them, but they are not. They have tried to swapping content release schedule and method for what feels to be the 4 or 5th time by now. Therefore the compromise they reached is rifts. You are forced to travel throughout the world and perform the bare minimal to hit a bunch of mobs and leave, until convergence and depending on how that goes at least. Therefore everyone is at least ok on a bare minimal requirement. Anything beyond that is very likely just out of their capacity. 

1) Fractals (and ofc strikes etc) would be a lot for open world only casual minded players. Plus we get a legendary back from fractals. Dungeons would be the smallest scale organised group play I would expect of that player base.

2) I don't think they lack the know how or the resources to organise something like this. They did it between IBS and EoD with the legendary amulet collection. It will be the more or less analogous Return to the Open World meta collection. They did it once, did they forget how they did it?

PS: I think it is very late to implement that now. They could have started with a grind portion from the new expansion maps and content (rifts) and then reveal the meta collection. But the amount of rift related mats required is freaking insane.

I wanted to complete legendary armors with light armor from raids, heavy armor from PvP and medium from open world, but I kitten assure you, I will never go through that entirely mindless ping pong around 5 spawn points, kill 15-20 mobs and a boss, rinse a repeat for thousands of times gameplay. This will boomerang around and hit Anet in the face, mark my words.

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I believe this is going to be a bit similar to Prismaticite in IBS, remember when that came out and people freaked out because it would take months and a lot of gold just to get all those weapon skins? Then as new updates came out, Anet improved the Dragon Slayer masteries, and getting Prismaticite is easy as heck.

The new updates will give high tier rifts, but maybe they will also give new tiers to the Rift mastery and all Rifts will give more essences, of course it won't be as easy as Prismaticite, since we're talking about Legendary Armor versus some Exotic and Ascended weapons, but from what i have seen, this armor is the grindiest in the game, even more than WvW since it takes only 5 months for a full set now, so i believe it should sit between Raid and WvW armor time wise (yeah i still think Raid armor should be the fastest since it requires more effort to get).

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33 minutes ago, Brandon Uzumaki.1524 said:

I believe this is going to be a bit similar to Prismaticite in IBS, remember when that came out and people freaked out because it would take months and a lot of gold just to get all those weapon skins? Then as new updates came out, Anet improved the Dragon Slayer masteries, and getting Prismaticite is easy as heck.

And yet getting all those skins is still extremely costly, because all that cost was always outside of Prismaticite.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I don't know what you mean. I have tons of ecto from salvaging rare armor. This game is drowning you in globs of ectoplasm.

I'm currently sitting on about 1500. But from what I see, that looks like less than half of what's needed for one set of Obsidian armor?

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I have a ton of it as well. And once i actually start crafting anything recently it tends to disappear at an accelerated rate.

If you're going for the full 3 sets like I hope to do, you're going to need 129,600 ectos JUST for the 18 gifts of expertise, or 155,520 ecto if you plan to buy them from Liar instead of crafting.

That's also how many of the rare essences you need.

Edited by Zera.9435
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31 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

If you're going for the full 3 sets like I hope to do, you're going to need 129,600 ectos JUST for the 18 gifts of expertise, or 155,520 ecto if you plan to buy them from Liar instead of crafting.

That's also how many of the rare essences you need.

Oof... did you do the math right? 😉 I think it is only 3,600 Globs of Ectoplasm per set, 4,320 if you buy them from Lyhr.

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