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My two cents on Wizard's Vault

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For the life of me I can't see a dedicated thread to the subject that's still open (and "Secrets of the Obscure feedback thread" is too broad given that I don't even own the expansion) so here goes, merge with whatever you wish.

1. I'd like to see bounties back in the PvE daily rotation

I haven't been to Elona ever since the new system came out because bounty dailies seem to have disappeared. This might be a problem because outside of rare "do the event chain" dailies, there's no real reason to go back there now and player population on Elona maps may suffer. Again, it might be suffering now but I haven't even gone there since the change went into effect.

2. Gating heavy crafting bags behind SotO feels very scummy

It's not even about the bags themselves, I don't even particularly need more of them at this point and heck, you can get a laurel from the Vault rewards and exchange it for a bag. The problem is that it looks scummy and extortionate on your part to gate NON-EXPANSION REWARDS behind the expansion. You're better than this. Add new expansion stuff and gate it behind the expansion as much as you like, it makes a lot of sense. But core game crafting bags? Really?

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Ah I see. That wasn't clear from what you wrote.

I think "scummy" and "extortionate" are highly unnecessary words to use for such a minor point, but yes I do agree they should be accessible to all in the Vault

I'd like to see bounties too. To be honest I think the Vault will evolve over time anyway. This is only iteration one

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28 minutes ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

...2. Gating heavy crafting bags behind SotO feels very scummy

It's not even about the bags themselves, I don't even particularly need more of them at this point and heck, you can get a laurel from the Vault rewards and exchange it for a bag. The problem is that it looks scummy and extortionate on your part to gate NON-EXPANSION REWARDS behind the expansion. You're better than this. Add new expansion stuff and gate it behind the expansion as much as you like, it makes a lot of sense. But core game crafting bags? Really?

rofl- You don't even need the bags anymore and this is one of the two things you fixate on out of everything involved with the Wizard's Vault? 🤣

17 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

...I think "scummy" and "extortionate" are highly unnecessary words to use for such a minor point, but yes I do agree they should be accessible to all in the Vault

I'd like to see bounties too. To be honest I think the Vault will evolve over time anyway. This is only iteration one

Sorry OP, but I gotta agree with Randulf.7614 on this one. Yes, those heavy bags should be accessible to everyone who uses the Vault. Since there are so many other ways of getting those crafting mats though, this really is a minor issue to me, a very minor one.

My two cents on the Wizard's Vault? I really, really like it. At the moment I have one main account and five alt accounts. Working on the dailies and weeklies for all those accounts has given me new goals in the game, nicely lucrative goals. And the various tasks have taken me back to maps and metas I haven't played in a while. So I thoroughly enjoy the WV. Randulf is probably also right about this being just the first iteration of the Vault. I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves and grows over time. 

"Scummy" and "extortionate"? Not in my book, not by a long shot. I'd call the Wizard's Vault bountiful and overflowing myself. 🤣

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I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice. Like I said, it's not about the bags themselves but about the fact that someone at Anet thought it was a good idea to gate them behind SotO. If you're willing to let that slide without raising any concerns, you must live a very carefree life and I am genuinely envious.

Edited by Ariurotl.3718
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26 minutes ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice. Like I said, it's not about the bags themselves but about the fact that someone at Anet thought it was a good idea to gate them behind SotO. If you're willing to let that slide without raising any concerns, you must live a very carefree life and I am genuinely envious.

I think its unjustifiable hyperbole to judge how someone leads their life based on how strong their opinion is on whether heavy bags should be core or SoTo accessible... I mean come on 😄

It's not a dangerous first step. It's not unhealthy. It's not scammy. And it's not exploitative. It's prob an oversight or a reason we can't see. Whilst I do think it should be core accessible and raising feedback for change is absolutely valid, I think we need to leave behind the silly over the top and inappropriate use of those words here. It certainly wont help the cause for change

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41 minutes ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice.

Dangerous and unhealthy? Really? Are you talking about safety equipment aboard an aircraft, or about rewards in a video game?

There's nothing about the Wizard's Vault that is, or can ever be, dangerous or unhealthy.

I think you can make a good point without hyperbole and over the top word choices.

Edited by Peregrine Falcon.5496
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3 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

1. I'd like to see bounties back in the PvE daily rotation

Okay, while I don't have a lot to add here I can comment on this.

If I told you to make an archive of every movie, song, game, and show series you own would you sit down and do it all at once or would you break it down into more managable pieces? When SotO launched they had a list of things to throw into the dailies and weeklies. That list was NOT comprehensive. In fact some things in it didn't even work (Looking at you, EoD Minidungeons). But that doesn't mean they were DONE. Anet is trying something new with this expansion and they're doing quarterly releases instead of one big, full expansion. So when the next part drops sometime in November, you should see a whole bunch of new Dailies and Weeklies added to the rotations.

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36 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Okay, while I don't have a lot to add here I can comment on this.

If I told you to make an archive of every movie, song, game, and show series you own would you sit down and do it all at once or would you break it down into more managable pieces? When SotO launched they had a list of things to throw into the dailies and weeklies. That list was NOT comprehensive. In fact some things in it didn't even work (Looking at you, EoD Minidungeons). But that doesn't mean they were DONE. Anet is trying something new with this expansion and they're doing quarterly releases instead of one big, full expansion. So when the next part drops sometime in November, you should see a whole bunch of new Dailies and Weeklies added to the rotations.

Well we might see new dailies/weeklies or we might not only thing that have got updates so far are the soto only tab.

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2 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice. Like I said, it's not about the bags themselves but about the fact that someone at Anet thought it was a good idea to gate them behind SotO. If you're willing to let that slide without raising any concerns, you must live a very carefree life and I am genuinely envious.

OP, if Anet locked all access to T6 mats behind SotO ownership, then the entire player base, including me, would be screaming bloody murder. That's not the case here though, far from it. Heck, there are three other ways to get those T6 mats within the Vault itself without buying the SotO expansion. The first is the one you mentioned yourself, buying Laurels and using those to buy the Heavy Crafting Bags. A more cumbersome method would be to buy the unlimited number of Large Crafting Bags available in the Vault and then using the Mystic Forge to turn their contents into T6 mats. A simpler, more direct method would be to buy the unlimited gold bags in the Vault and use that gold to buy the T6 mats directly. Then there are all the other ways of getting T6 mats that have nothing to do with the Vault. That's why the Vault's gate on those heavy bags seems so trivial to me, because there are so many other wide open gates to get those T6 mats for anyone needs them.

I do have to add though, that it would be nice if someone at Anet read your thread here and got rid of that trivial gate as well as bringing bounties back to dailies. I won't hold my breath waiting for changes like that but it would be nice if those changes were made. And if the changes were made,  we'd all have to thank you for raising those issues in the first place, hyperbole and all.


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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5 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

The problem is that it looks scummy and extortionate on your part to gate NON-EXPANSION REWARDS behind the expansion. You're better than this. Add new expansion stuff and gate it behind the expansion as much as you like, it makes a lot of sense. But core game crafting bags? Really

Eh not sure id call it scummy, sure they could have been nice. But in all honesty gw2s model is so good to players I can't say I can have a issue. 

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Generally i would prefer if expansion lock was towards item which have use only if you have that expansion. There could be a bag of crafting materials from SotA with items you can harvest there.

If you mean bounties in the desert they drop on me like 3 times, but it might be weekly.

As for Daily/Weekly task there could be something like weekly do a dungeon, or weekly kill world boss. Or weekly participate in strike or raid. if you have proper content.

Do a event but it must be in specific map.

There could be a coding if account has sub 80 character then doing some sub 80lv content could be a valid task.

I feel soe FOMO which is not nice, that with Legendary pack, should i take it now even if dont plan to legendary, or can pick it in 2 years.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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As a non SotO owner, I found the locking of heavy crafting bags behind the expansion less than ideal.  Not sure I'd use scummy, but it certainly lowered my opinion of things.

Of course one can get the materials from other sources.  But those crafting bags are one of the more efficient ways to get them - you'll get more from them than you will get from that 30 AA to 1 gold.

I can understand to some degree why Anet did it - you want better rewards, give us money.  But at the same time, because it reduced my opinion, it now makes it even less likely I might be the expansion - I think I might see what the next release drop - I was just unwilling to blindly give Anet money based on the past several years of releases, and while SotO promises a lot, most are yet to be delivered, and until they are and I see how they are implemented, I'm holding back from buying it.


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16 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

2. Gating heavy crafting bags behind SotO feels very scummy

It's not even about the bags themselves, I don't even particularly need more of them at this point and heck, you can get a laurel from the Vault rewards and exchange it for a bag. The problem is that it looks scummy and extortionate on your part to gate NON-EXPANSION REWARDS behind the expansion. You're better than this. Add new expansion stuff and gate it behind the expansion as much as you like, it makes a lot of sense. But core game crafting bags? Really?

13 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

I fixate on them because it's a dangerous first step towards a very unhealthy practice. Like I said, it's not about the bags themselves but about the fact that someone at Anet thought it was a good idea to gate them behind SotO. If you're willing to let that slide without raising any concerns, you must live a very carefree life and I am genuinely envious.

Would it reassure you to know this is no where near the first time this has happened? Heart of Thorns has vendors in each map who sell core game crafting materials, including all the ones in the heavy crafting bag. Those vendors are only in HoT maps and use HoT-exclusive currencies so they're only available to players who bought the expansion. HoT came out in 2015 - 8 years ago - so the "dangerous first step" you're concerned about has existed for most of the lifetime of the game and if it's only now that it's become a concern for you and then only because of where you imagine it might lead in future I'd say you've got nothing to worry about.

That's not the only example either. Seasons 3 and 4 introduce the Unbound and Volatile Magic currencies which can be used to buy things like Magic-Warped Bundles and Trophy Shipments which give core crafting materials, including all the same ones which are in the heavy crafting bag. PoF does the same with Trade Contracts, Season 5 with War Supplies (Drizzlewood is still considered one of the best material farming maps) and Tyrian Defense Seals) and EoD does it with Canach Coins and Jade Slivers.

The important thing about all this is at no point have those materials been gated behind an expansion or LW season because they've always been available by other methods as well which are open to everyone.

I suspect the way Anet see it is 'core game item' means 'universal'. Just like you can get equipment in expansion maps with core stats, and the gathering nodes there drop the same materials as ones in core Tyria maps (as well as a small number of new ones) the bags of random crafting materials will give the same materials as ones from anywhere else.

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Maybe the problem is with ap pricing difference. bag from SotA is dscounted, but bag for rest is not, in fact it is really bad deal, you could better pick repetable gold.

If there was limited bag III or IV with materials ppl care about then ok, it is something for players without end game content.

Generally bag V is bad?

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I would even say that adding expansion specific PvE task to Wizard's vault is not that good. I would like to see more tasks from core game so you get ppl there. Adding more PvE tasks to Wizard's vault also mean that you split playerbase and when it become too thin, then you have big issue and ppl will start complain about not being able to do something.

Heavy crafting bags are T6 mats and you can get them from so many other sources that you see issue where is no issue. You can get T6 mats as drop from killing stuff and from boxes, bags and so on. It is over 100 sources to get T6 mats by just playing game https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ancient_Bone. That is ignoring mat promotion where you convert T5 mats to T6 in mystic forge.

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11 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Would it reassure you to know this is no where near the first time this has happened? Heart of Thorns has vendors in each map who sell core game crafting materials, including all the ones in the heavy crafting bag. Those vendors are only in HoT maps and use HoT-exclusive currencies so they're only available to players who bought the expansion. HoT came out in 2015 - 8 years ago - so the "dangerous first step" you're concerned about has existed for most of the lifetime of the game and if it's only now that it's become a concern for you and then only because of where you imagine it might lead in future I'd say you've got nothing to worry about.

That's not the only example either. Seasons 3 and 4 introduce the Unbound and Volatile Magic currencies which can be used to buy things like Magic-Warped Bundles and Trophy Shipments which give core crafting materials, including all the same ones which are in the heavy crafting bag. PoF does the same with Trade Contracts, Season 5 with War Supplies (Drizzlewood is still considered one of the best material farming maps) and Tyrian Defense Seals) and EoD does it with Canach Coins and Jade Slivers.

The important thing about all this is at no point have those materials been gated behind an expansion or LW season because they've always been available by other methods as well which are open to everyone.

I suspect the way Anet see it is 'core game item' means 'universal'. Just like you can get equipment in expansion maps with core stats, and the gathering nodes there drop the same materials as ones in core Tyria maps (as well as a small number of new ones) the bags of random crafting materials will give the same materials as ones from anywhere else.

The difference is that in this situation, they took out the entire Daily System as it existed for all who owned any variety of expansions and condensed it into one, and then limited a lot of items if you didn't own the very last expansion.  Under the old system, people were able to get a variety of crafting material tiers in their daily login rewards, and now the highest tier is limited to only those who own SoTO...it is definitely a step backwards in that respect.

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