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will anet add lf Q

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There's no point of a que system when people aren't motivated to que for empty contents.

In fact, they don't even need a que system to make things better.

Simply kill all the sub category menus to make all ongoing groups instantly visible for players looking for activities.

The old LFG back before 2015 is far more inviting than the new one.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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We have tried to change something so many times, never worked. Even if you try anything from the community-perspective. The hardcore players love it the way it is and see no reason to change anything, even if there are only sellers in all tabs. I've stopped making suggestions and complaining because ANet obviously does not care.

However that does not mean we are lost. On the contrary. Since the game launched back in 2012, there was always a huge motivation inside the community (not hardcore players), to improve the game behind the curtains. The current development behind those curtains has potential to make the LFG partially obsolete, at least when it comes to instanced content.

I've seen a few very well designed discord LFG systems so far, which seriously outclass the GW2 LFG in every single aspect. The only thing they cannot do is forming the parties automatically. Some of them are so good, the communities refuse to use the real LFG again. This reaches from small training groups up to T4 CM runs, strikes and even raid-groups. A huge plus of those custom LFGs is that both the sellers and the toxic jerks are by design excluded from the start. 

Currently, the system is still in the making. Mostly it is a guild-thing, maybe some bigger communities try it out as well. The chances are very low that it is going to fail, because of one major reason: Even the highly experienced players tend to ignore the GW2 LFG, once they have tried a custom one. In addition, people who 'learn' with such a system and get experienced over time also do not want to waste their time with hyper-aggressive pugs ^^. So in the long term, the hardcore-community becomes very isolated. Which is a nice side-effect.

I really hope the phenomenon spreads and we get some good LFGs on big community discord servers.

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2 hours ago, Northstarz.3145 said:

why is there not a LF q in this game. its a big part of why new players dont do the instance stuff in the game. most of the time LFG is selling stuff or they put exp. would u all hardcore people care if they added a Q for instances. 

The idea of a queueing system comes up every now and then in the forum. When the experienced/hardcore/toxic (pick your favourite) people subject it to scrutiny there always pop up a number of questions which seem to make it not a very good idea. To this day I haven't really seen anyone come up with a good answer to (more or less) any of these questions. So the idea of a queueing system seems dead in the water.

Also, my experience with the lfg is vastly different; I only ever see a few people selling so it's mostly people seeking to make groups for their runs. Granted, a lot of these groups ask for experience - but that may be since they are in the "experienced" category, either in strikes or in raids category.

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3 hours ago, Northstarz.3145 said:

why is there not a LF q in this game. its a big part of why new players dont do the instance stuff in the game. most of the time LFG is selling stuff or they put exp. would u all hardcore people care if they added a Q for instances. 

It's again that time of year...

For strikes they kinda actually did this, it's called public instance - you can just enter and wait till enough other ppl are in and go ...doesn't work very well for most stuff hence nearly noone uses that feature (cause harder content works better with an organized team and in gw2 it's not quite as easy as heal/tank/dps so they could make an automated feature out of this that works for each fight)

For the easy ones it's kinda fine so feel free to check it out, just don't expect it to be faster than joining an organized group.

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I don't know how it works in other games but in Elder Scrolls Online the queue does not help casual or inexperienced players, it's dominated by 'speed clear' groups who won't even wait for everyone to load in and will expect you to rush through the dungeon, knowing when and how to skip, where to go and that no one will die or make any mistakes. If you're not able to keep up the best you can hope for is you'll make it to the dead boss to claim the reward before they all quit and close the instance, if you're unlucky they'll kick you before you get the chance to try.

Personally I think GW2's system is much better for finding accomodating groups (or any kind of group really) and I'm looking forward to ESO finally adopting it in their next update.

I wouldn't mind a queue system being added, but I wouldn't use it because I prefer casual, less demanding (and more forgiving) groups and I like being able to tell players what to expect when they join (or know what I'm choosing if I don't start the group).

I agree that if you don't see any groups that fit you then it's best to start your own, and if it's different to all the others it will likely fill up quickly. It's important to remember the LFG only shows you groups that haven't filled up, so the ones you'll see staying there the longest are the least popular, not the most. I've had the Strike Mission (Experienced) tab open (on EU) while writing this post and I've seen a lot of groups come and go while the one selling group has just been sitting there. (It's a guild so it's possible they're re-directing people to someone else who is doing the runs, but I haven't even seen anyone join.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 hour ago, Minna.7895 said:

It's again that time of year...

For strikes they kinda actually did this, it's called public instance - you can just enter and wait till enough other ppl are in and go ...doesn't work very well for most stuff hence nearly noone uses that feature (cause harder content works better with an organized team and in gw2 it's not quite as easy as heal/tank/dps so they could make an automated feature out of this that works for each fight)

For the easy ones it's kinda fine so feel free to check it out, just don't expect it to be faster than joining an organized group.

No they didnt. Public instance is not a queue. Its a waiting room with nothing to do. Queue is what we have in spvp.

They could easily implement queue for t1 and t2 fractals and dungeons. Probably also easy strikes allthough some heal support is nice there so it would need a step further. But nothing unseen in countless other games

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Firstly queue for "instanced" content is already in game. It is in sPvP as mentioned above and it works as you would expect from automatic queue system. So you can take it and adapt it for PvE. GW2 was sold as "you have no classes" so you can do anything and that is where most ppl disagree. For example you can do any strike with 2 healers + 8 dps classes and any fractal with 1 healer + 4dps. Raids are dead, but you really does not need additional 10 roles there.

You even have ppl doing strikes or fractals solo.


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The LFG tool was arguably the start of WoWs social downfall. If you want a lobby Q simulator, that's the way to go.

There is absolutely no reason we need that in GW2. 

If you want to do instanced content, be social, like an MMO requires, and find one.

Edited by Marikus.1875
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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

LFG works if people use it. I know this because I use it. 

There's some huge problems around:

1: The more important reason: many people don't create LFG, they join them. And if theres not groups open or not with the requeriments/none requeriments the user has, they will just let it be.

In other words: I want to do a dungeon! kitten, theres no groups for it. I will do it other day...

If you put it in quee, the people in that situation will just click the botton and expect a group to open.

This will help many users, specially casual players.

2: When you have problem 1 for several times, most people will start to pass from searching if theres a dungeon group and will assume theres not. 

In fact guild talk will probably lead to that also (bad mouth to mouth reputation).

3: The interface has too many categories, it isn't that friendly to navigate and that should be discouraging several people.

From a business point, a player that wants to play dungeons but doesn't do it because he assume/not find a suitable group, will just be a dissatisfaed costumer. A good LFG could add a lot, but not sure if at this point it will, the content is old and the game has shifted gears.

Edited by Lucius.2140
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22 minutes ago, Lucius.2140 said:

1: The more important reason: many people don't create LFG, they join them. And if theres not groups open or not with the requeriments/none requeriments the user has, they will just let it be.

That's a problem they're creating for themselves and very simple to solve.

I admit I've been in that situation myself, I couldn't see a group for what I wanted to do and for whatever reason I didn't feel like starting one. I knew it would be simple and it would work but I couldn't get myself to do it. But I know that's entirely my problem (possibly some weirdly specific form of social anxiety?) and not a fault with the LFG tool. Choosing not to use a tool isn't the same as the tool not working.

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That's a problem they're creating for themselves and very simple to solve.

I admit I've been in that situation myself, I couldn't see a group for what I wanted to do and for whatever reason I didn't feel like starting one. I knew it would be simple and it would work but I couldn't get myself to do it. But I know that's entirely my problem (possibly some weirdly specific form of social anxiety?) and not a fault with the LFG tool. Choosing not to use a tool isn't the same as the tool not working.

Yes and no. Yes from a personal point of view, not from a business point of view, the behavior of the customer can or cannot be changed. If not, i addapt towards it thats what make my business succesfull.

That passive way i described is common in many situations and predictable. They aren't gonna win against it, so a proper system is to take it in account, in other words a quee system is better.

In other words, what you describe as a problem of the user is Anet's problem if they want dungeons to be a succefull product towards that customer.

A quee system, that could or could not be complemented with the actual system (but please with a better UI) could help dungeons be more popular, im putting "could" because at this point im not really sure.

Also a quee with a teleport option will upgrade things by a lot.

Edited by Lucius.2140
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8 hours ago, FalanuLachance.4576 said:

Put your own group into LFG and it will fill with likeminded people.

This is true. Just make sure that you clarify that you don't know what you're doing and people will try to unify the group composition. If you lack a healer or something, people discuss it out. If you fail an attempt, people make adjustments until you succeed. It's not like they are willing to start their own party, you know? They'll even carry you to the boss kill if it means that they have a group that can make it there.

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4 hours ago, Marikus.1875 said:

The LFG tool was arguably the start of WoWs social downfall. If you want a lobby Q simulator, that's the way to go.

There is absolutely no reason we need that in GW2. 

If you want to do instanced content, be social, like an MMO requires, and find one.

I would agree for raids. Raids are this big pieces of content into which you delve with a big group of players and work together until you get to the end. Social aspect if important as you will progress and work together for hours and hours.

But for all these small 10 mins pieces of content like dungeons, fractals also strikes its completely fine and convenient. There is really not that much socialising going on in these groups beyond, "hi qdps" and "gg thanks". Even when you progress through new pieces of content its usually fast and quite straightforward with a few exceptions (HT, CMs). And these should not be on LFD/R anyway.

I was never supporter of LFR in wow. I basically quit not long after it was introduced but that was not the reason, I just got bored of wow. But LFD for heroics was nice and I used it alot. Instead of standing in a hub spamming LF2M for heroic you just queued and played the game. And when it popped you did the dungeon just as you would do it with the player made pug group. Basically rushed through. Because beyond the first few days of expansions there was no progression in dungeons, it was just chain pulling run through. Just as it is in gw2 with pretty much anything beyond raids and cms.

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8 hours ago, Lucius.2140 said:

There's some huge problems around:

1: The more important reason: many people don't create LFG, they join them. And if theres not groups open or not with the requeriments/none requeriments the user has, they will just let it be.

In other words: I want to do a dungeon! kitten, theres no groups for it. I will do it other day...

If you put it in quee, the people in that situation will just click the botton and expect a group to open.

This will help many users, specially casual players.

2: When you have problem 1 for several times, most people will start to pass from searching if theres a dungeon group and will assume theres not. 

In fact guild talk will probably lead to that also (bad mouth to mouth reputation).

3: The interface has too many categories, it isn't that friendly to navigate and that should be discouraging several people.

From a business point, a player that wants to play dungeons but doesn't do it because he assume/not find a suitable group, will just be a dissatisfaed costumer. A good LFG could add a lot, but not sure if at this point it will, the content is old and the game has shifted gears.

Okay, I never said there weren't issues with LFG, but that's not what this thread is about. I'm absolutely against the LFR type of LFG because people, rightly, want some control over the groups they get. I want more casual fun groups. I don't want speedrunners in the groups I run, because I'm not one and it would end up causing greater conflict.  For dungeons and stuff, on the rare occasisons I still run them I list casual fun runs, or watching all cut scenes if that's the case.  An LFR wouldn't really have that.

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13 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

No they didnt. Public instance is not a queue. Its a waiting room with nothing to do. Queue is what we have in spvp.

They could easily implement queue for t1 and t2 fractals and dungeons. Probably also easy strikes allthough some heal support is nice there so it would need a step further. But nothing unseen in countless other games

I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making between queueing and lfging . . .

When I queue for spvp I enter the queue and when I'm matched with nine other players who are ready to play the content begins . . .

When I want to do five-player pve content I start the content, put up the lfg and the first four players to join, if any, are the ones I do the content with . . .

The only difference I see is that with spvp the content doesn't start until the queue is full, and that's bc the players themselves are the content, can't really start without them ; p

Are you saying the problem with the lfg system is that players can start before the group is full, or is there another difference I'm not understanding . . ?

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23 minutes ago, Gop.8713 said:

I'm not sure I understand the distinction you're making between queueing and lfging . . .

When I queue for spvp I enter the queue and when I'm matched with nine other players who are ready to play the content begins . . .

When I want to do five-player pve content I start the content, put up the lfg and the first four players to join, if any, are the ones I do the content with . . .

The only difference I see is that with spvp the content doesn't start until the queue is full, and that's bc the players themselves are the content, can't really start without them ; p

Are you saying the problem with the lfg system is that players can start before the group is full, or is there another difference I'm not understanding . . ?

That and you dont get automaticly janked into said content from anywere in the game were you were doing other stuff while waiting.

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I recently tried to get someone to play for first time. He quit after a month because of the dungeon system and lack of being able to just queue into one. He spammed FFXIV dungeons all the time so I can see why it'd be disappointing~ that playstyle just doesn't exist here. Nothing else seemed to hold his interest strongly enough to make up for it.

He did seem to enjoy WvW some but the linked servers changed and there was no way he could play it with me anymore. Would be cool if they like... fixed that already too. WvW Reconstruction been taking years. 

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1 hour ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I recently tried to get someone to play for first time. He quit after a month because of the dungeon system and lack of being able to just queue into one. He spammed FFXIV dungeons all the time so I can see why it'd be disappointing~ that playstyle just doesn't exist here. Nothing else seemed to hold his interest strongly enough to make up for it.

He did seem to enjoy WvW some but the linked servers changed and there was no way he could play it with me anymore. Would be cool if they like... fixed that already too. WvW Reconstruction been taking years. 

It's okay that not everyone likes every game. I don't like or appreciate that playstyle. The truth is, this game, like all games, isn't for everyone. FFXIV wasn't for me. But changing this game to make it more like other games might attract a few people from other games they're already playing and it might, just might, chase people away who like this game the way it is.

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6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

That and you dont get automaticly janked into said content from anywere in the game were you were doing other stuff while waiting.

spvp never yanks you, it's just that if you say you're not ready you get a little cooldown so other ppls don't have to wait on you next time . . .

pve never yanks you either, you have to voluntarily go to the place to do the thing . . .

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4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

It's okay that not everyone likes every game. I don't like or appreciate that playstyle. The truth is, this game, like all games, isn't for everyone. FFXIV wasn't for me. But changing this game to make it more like other games might attract a few people from other games they're already playing and it might, just might, chase people away who like this game the way it is.

You kind of missed the point. There are players which want to do only instanced content and in GW2 with current LFG tool it is really hard to do that. Imagine that I want to do any dungeon so I either need to create my own group for 1 specific dungeon or/and check all other tabs for dungeons. LFG for strikes kind of work since everyting is in one tab, I just wish they ban raid/strike sellers. LFG for fractals work for T4 since everyone is doing dailies.


Also current system of need to be at specific location to enter instanced content is terrible. I have all teleport scrolls so no big deal for me. ANET fixed it for dungeons since we have that new dungeon NPC at Lion's Arch where you can easily enter any dungeon from one place. I would love to see that for strikes.

Edited by TheNurgle.4825
Adding additional infoformation
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