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New Class Weapons Previews


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This week they've releasing previews of the new class weapons, the beta test for them are Nov 28th - Dec 3rd. 

Thought I would open a wvw discussion about them, what do you guys think? gonna change the metas much?

Guardian Condition dual pistol - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/armed-with-dual-pistols-guardians-rain-down-bullets-of-justice/

Revenant Mismash scepter - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/create-otherworldly-bonds-when-revenants-brandish-scepters/

Warrior Support staff - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/staff-warriors-bring-frontline-support-to-the-heat-of-the-battle/

Engineer Support unblockable shortbow - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/set-off-chain-reactions-with-the-engineer-short-bow-proficiency/

Thief Mismash axe - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/hurl-venomous-axes-with-the-thiefs-expanded-weapon-proficiency/

Ranger Support dual maces - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/become-a-force-of-nature-with-the-dual-wielding-mace-ranger/

Elementalist Condition main hand pistol - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/pistols-grant-elementalists-the-choice-between-greater-damage-and-defense/

Mesmer Support rifle - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/rifle-mesmers-direct-allies-to-the-nearest-emergency-exit/

Necromancer Dual swords - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/sword-wielding-necromancers-are-gluttons-for-punishment/

Look like a ton of support coming...  😐

Eng/Scrapper looking like the winners here to me adding a functional support weapon for zergs. 🤔

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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Really looking only at Ele (which is currently the only one I play in WvW/PvP), I wonder why we get a 900 range condi weapon, with Scepter already existing as a 900 range condi weapon? Scepter being different for having less "projectiles" compared to Pistol, so Pistol will have more issues with reflects? Don't we lack some 1200 range single target weapon from the start?

I pretty much expect what @Dawdler.8521 posted as the first replay here on this thread.

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Ranger maces looks like total garbage. Locking long animations, uninspired reused skills stolen from nerfed core weapons like the swords rollback, an growth effect which is a reused nerfed signet of the hunt old effect without the benefit of affecting the pet which I totally expect it to be nerfed if it happens that is usable in any scenario. 

it would be great to hear what that team is thinking or even what they know about the game.
Maybe they need somebody who play with exclusively with the class in all game modes instead asking in their discord about what the elite skills do. 

At this point I’m convinced the meme of the  double shield would have been better choice than this. 

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No need to think too hard...here I'll give you ...the future:

  1. Guardian/Necro = pistol/pistol and sword/sword will be broken OP in every gamemode...will be nerfed after 1 month in PVP, slap on the wrist, hard nerf after 2-3 months. WvW..these two professions will be even more braindead broken to keep the whales happy
  2. Revenant = yet another snore fest unkillable garbage with broken dmg first 2 months then nerfed in PvP...will be broken for another 5 months in WvW, before getting nerfed further and becoming yet another 1111 revenant build
  3. Warrior=...will be warrior, a subpar revenant/guardian still annoying to fight when in the hands of good players...will be some cheese bunker, nerfed with a slap on the wrist
  4. Mesmer =...just another condi bunker cheese inc or some wvw garbage abused to hell
  5. Thief = just another cheese spec, abused garbage in wvw
  6. Elementalist = just another condi bunker to be nerfed 2 weeks after release, just annoying to fight after...pointless either way
  7. Engineer =......lol
  8. Ranger = Half decent weapon set for half decent performance with half avilablepets (other half will be hard nerfed one week after the rework next week)

Who am I?...Nostradamus

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18 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Idk I hope warrior's staff will  have some decent power-scaling so I can use a new weapon in roaming. Sure I'll make a warrior support for the laughs and giggles.

But what I hope happens at one point is for them to add missing core elites/heal skills. Since the game goes into that direction, might as well have some fun ig.

  • Vengeful Return: This trait has been reworked and renamed to Stalwart Focus. Increased  the incoming healing effectiveness and outgoing healing to allies.

It will be interesting by how much this will help the warrior, I suspect will be around 10% and IMO this is where the heal  scaling can be balanced properly that was some move I actually liked from the dev's part.

For damage I suspect will be very similar to revenant staff but still a bit with higher quoficients, in which if one play support build besides zealot or mayyyybe celestial won't make a decent punch while also providing some support.

With herald staff  and 2kish power damage  I do 700~1k crit(when it happens lol), and 100 to 400 damage when non criting, so if one not plan to use critical stats don't expect much damage.

I expect most if not all wvw players will use minstrels and nothing else with staff, I don't think there's good stats to play this hybrid damage/raw healing builds due the existence of minstrels  in which I believe this stats should be removed and replaced by several other combinations.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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1 hour ago, Aeolus.3615 said:
  • Vengeful Return: This trait has been reworked and renamed to Stalwart Focus. Increased  the incoming healing effectiveness and outgoing healing to allies.

It will be interesting by how much this will help the warrior, I suspect will be around 10% and IMO this is where the heal  scaling can be balanced properly that was some move I actually liked from the dev's part.

For damage I suspect will be very similar to revenant staff but still a bit with higher quoficients, in which if one play support build besides zealot or mayyyybe celestial won't make a decent punch while also providing some support.

With herald staff  and 2kish power damage  I do 700~1k crit(when it happens lol), and 100 to 400 damage when non criting, so if one not plan to use critical stats don't expect much damage.

I expect most if not all wvw players will use minstrels and nothing else with staff, I don't think there's good stats to play this hybrid damage/raw healing builds due the existence of minstrels  in which I believe this stats should be removed and replaced by several other combinations.

More like full zerk to roam with staff as a sustain weapon instead of greatsword or shield

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Live stream just wrapped up. I think we will be seeing posts about Guard P/P. But they didn't show the WvW numbers so could be wrong there. That said need grab some less used alts and get them set for some testing across the board. Seeing both pure and hybrid weapons in the mixes. War staff looked like old Staff DD. Does give the War a pull. Mez Rifle portal of 1 target......need to test that one from some walls. Necro Swords may have some interesting mixes into things.

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On 11/24/2023 at 12:44 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:


No need to think too hard...here I'll give you ...the future:

  1. Guardian/Necro = pistol/pistol and sword/sword will be broken OP in every gamemode...will be nerfed after 1 month in PVP, slap on the wrist, hard nerf after 2-3 months. WvW..these two professions will be even more braindead broken to keep the whales happy
  2. Revenant = yet another snore fest unkillable garbage with broken dmg first 2 months then nerfed in PvP...will be broken for another 5 months in WvW, before getting nerfed further and becoming yet another 1111 revenant build
  3. Warrior=...will be warrior, a subpar revenant/guardian still annoying to fight when in the hands of good players...will be some cheese bunker, nerfed with a slap on the wrist
  4. Mesmer =...just another condi bunker cheese inc or some wvw garbage abused to hell
  5. Thief = just another cheese spec, abused garbage in wvw
  6. Elementalist = just another condi bunker to be nerfed 2 weeks after release, just annoying to fight after...pointless either way
  7. Engineer =......lol
  8. Ranger = Half decent weapon set for half decent performance with half avilablepets (other half will be hard nerfed one week after the rework next week)

Who am I?...Nostradamus

Does anybody still believe I can't predict the future? The stream ended up being exactly what expected....although ele pistol is even worst than imagined..lol 

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the weapons that look ok for wvw zerging is warrior staff, ranger mace, engi shortbow, and necro dual swords. i could see mes rifle being ok if it got adjustments. these new weapons are basically a big support buff

thief axe looks absolutely broken for roaming. guard pistols look strong for roaming as well. so condi got buffed

welp our favorite things for zerging (heals) and roaming (condi) got buffed lads. time to join em cuz we can't beat em

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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On 11/27/2023 at 4:22 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Live stream just wrapped up. I think we will be seeing posts about Guard P/P. But they didn't show the WvW numbers so could be wrong there. That said need grab some less used alts and get them set for some testing across the board. Seeing both pure and hybrid weapons in the mixes. War staff looked like old Staff DD. Does give the War a pull. Mez Rifle portal of 1 target......need to test that one from some walls. Necro Swords may have some interesting mixes into things.

After testing, Guard P/P are less OP than looked in livestream while WvW testing so shouldn't be an issue.

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